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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Nikin, glad you like it. I must admit, the underside is probably my favourite view of the ship as well. Should look even better once I start detailing it.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Hmmm, talking about browsers. Well, I use all three browsers. Just for different purposes. I have Netscape 08.1.3 so I can use both the IE and FF rendering engines, and I can tailor it for each website if I wanted to. Some I have set to use the IE engine, others, most, use the FF engine. So, I get the best of both worlds. And, the windows update works with Netscape if you use the IE engine. Or, the last time I did it it worked.

    And that Yakami model, very nice! I like it. It's different from the bigger ships out there. Actually, I think it is exactly the type of thing the SGC should have been pursuing since the hyperdrive failure on the X-302. Instead, they went from X/F-302 straight to the X-303, and that's quite a jump in size and complexity.
    What's your next step with it? And exactly how big is it? You mention the Al'Kesh, so is it going to be in that size catagory?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    good point, normally it goes, experimental fighter, then cruiser then battleship, not fighter with broken hyperdrive, massive warship, even bigger warship.

    In many battles like at atlantis an alkesh size ship would be very useful instead of one big ship that takes all the pounding
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, yes, normally, but writters are not normal people at all...
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Update time-

    Decided to give th ship a 304 style setup with the captains chair between the pilots and the Comms. Not sure about the edge under the front screen though.....

    Also i've added a raised walkway down the left hand side of the Cargo bay. The ladder at the front of the bay give access to the crew rest area that i'll add in later.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Well, yes, normally, but writters are not normal people at all...
    Ain't that the truth.
    NIKIN wrote: »
    good point, normally it goes, experimental fighter, then cruiser then battleship, not fighter with broken hyperdrive, massive warship, even bigger warship.

    In many battles like at atlantis an alkesh size ship would be very useful instead of one big ship that takes all the pounding
    It would have helped the storylines too instead of having the big boy Daedalus coming to the rescue all the time with all of it's capabilities.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Update time-

    Decided to give th ship a 304 style setup with the captains chair between the pilots and the Comms. Not sure about the edge under the front screen though.....

    Also i've added a raised walkway down the left hand side of the Cargo bay. The ladder at the front of the bay give access to the crew rest area that i'll add in later.

    I'd make that lower edge come up a little higher on the sides in the front of the bridge. I just think there is a little too much glass area. Also any chance for a textured version? I included a pic of what I mean about reducing the glass area. The red is what I added.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I've not found a texture that works for me so far (And i'm not that good as Texturing)

    I like your suggestion Freek and i'll certainly try it out.

    I'll go ad do some renders with my knowledge of Texturing then get post them maybe in the morning.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Hmmm, talking about browsers. Well, I use all three browsers. Just for different purposes. I have Netscape 08.1.3 so I can use both the IE and FF rendering engines, and I can tailor it for each website if I wanted to. Some I have set to use the IE engine, others, most, use the FF engine. So, I get the best of both worlds. And, the windows update works with Netscape if you use the IE engine. Or, the last time I did it it worked.

    And that Yakami model, very nice! I like it. It's different from the bigger ships out there. Actually, I think it is exactly the type of thing the SGC should have been pursuing since the hyperdrive failure on the X-302. Instead, they went from X/F-302 straight to the X-303, and that's quite a jump in size and complexity.
    What's your next step with it? And exactly how big is it? You mention the Al'Kesh, so is it going to be in that size catagory?

    I only use Firefox but I use the IE Tab addon which embeds the IE engine inside a tab in firefox so i dont need to open up IE at all! Always a bonus.

    Glad you like the model Freek. I wanted to keep in mind one of your goals for this thread which was to make different looking ships not just Prommie/Daedalus clones so I wanted to move further away from them yet still making it so people recognise it as a Tau'ri ship.

    You make a good point about them jumping straight from the failed X-301 to the 302 then right up to the 303/304, but course we dont know how long before we first saw the prommie in the show they'd actually been designing and building it. I would imagine they knew having a fleet of space worthy fighters just wasnt going to cut it against the Goa'uld so they were probably thinking about the 303 at the same time as the 302 or maybe even the 303.

    As far as size goes, I think it's meant to be the same size as the Prommie, give or take. That much is up to Raynor, my personal choice would probably put it somewhere between an Al'kesh and the prommie I think. For the next step it's probably down to detailing then adding any other random bits I think fit as I go along (that will include adding bomb bay doors underneath the ship and missile tubes on the sides). The only major modelling to be done will be for my own version, so the Lantean panelling, the various platforms for the top. Not sure yet whether I'll add any kind of Asgard fins, I'll add some and see whether they fit at all.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Ain't that the truth.
    I have my own ugly opinion for last two or three years of Stargate, and I'm not alone ;-) But I guess this doesn't belong here.
    my personal choice would probably put it somewhere between an Al'kesh and the prommie I think.
    I agree, Yakami should be capable of Ak-kesh maneuverability with a weapon scale and shields of Prometheus size ship.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I do find it a bit frustrating when every week the writers come up with an amazingly good problem but then realise the only way to get the out of it is to hjave the daedalus beam them aboard, and yet in SG1 the oddysey is never there when t would be handy even though they are only an hour away from earth by ship all because they want to be more original.

    I could understanf if there was a smaller ship stationed at atlantis constantly that would logically always be there.

    then there are the stories where the daedalus would really help but they don't even mention it, or imply it was at earth or too far away

    It's always amusing that the people who watch the show know more than the people who supposedly know about it all and make the show. I think it would be better if the writers pitched the story to fans and the fans filled in the detail with their knowledge of the stargate 'verse

    anyway enough ranting, that's looking good freekzilla, can;t wait for the final thing. I should get back to work on my models too
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    I have my own ugly opinion for last two or three years of Stargate, and I'm not alone ;-) But I guess this doesn't belong here.

    I agree, Yakami should be capable of Ak-kesh maneuverability with a weapon scale and shields of Prometheus size ship.

    I think the show missed RDA quite a lot in the last few seasons. I know he was in season 8 but you saw him less and less in that one. But I still think all 10 seasons were of a very high standard, not perfect, but then what show is? And I think the Ori wer/are a very worthy opponent and a great enemy for the show.

    And I'm glad we agree on the ship size, that means I won't have to modify anything on it for my own version when I make them. I think this might turn out to be a model I'll eventually try out some interiors for. As the windows will be a lot bigger on here so I might give it a go. I'll post some new renders in the morning. I have added fins, I don't think they look too bad but I'll see what you guys think on that one. I've shrunk the size of the roll bar and it actually raises up from the top part of the ship now rather than coming from the sides. The whole ship is a flatter now as well which I think looks better. Actually sod it I'll post some now before I go to bed.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    been using Firefox for a few years now, cant recommend it enough, superior to IE in pretty much every way imaginable. The only annoying thing about it is, as a web designer, I wish everybody used it to make my life easier not having to make sites work in both browsers!
    i know my marquee on my site does not work with Firefox it sucks. if you know how i can fix it please send me a pm and all my align is stuffed too i will have to redo it but aye
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I love this little ship, the fins look pretty cool and make it seem less plain at the side. I much prefer the shape of the ship with them there
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    NIKIN wrote: »
    I love this little ship, the fins look pretty cool and make it seem less plain at the side. I much prefer the shape of the ship with them there

    I agree.

    as for the rest that posted ship updates/ship unvailings, good job to you:thumb: nice work cant wait to see more!

    Regards Jesh

    oh and here is a zoomed out veiw of de Hammond for ya. it is also my first clay did I do with it?
  • DukeDuke0 Posts: 0Member
    right on scoots i love the look man just looking at it u can tell its a command ship
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    that's great, I don't think it's what you ahve in mind but it almost looks like a carrier ship that can dump the hangars if it gets into big combat or just to leave the 302s somewhere
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    NIKIN wrote: »
    I love this little ship, the fins look pretty cool and make it seem less plain at the side. I much prefer the shape of the ship with them there

    Glad you like it. I think I prefer it with the fins as well. Not sure whether Raynor will want them on the STO version though.

    And scootes, the Hammond's looking better with each update, real nice work
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    I agree.

    as for the rest that posted ship updates/ship unvailings, good job to you:thumb: nice work cant wait to see more!

    Regards Jesh

    oh and here is a zoomed out veiw of de Hammond for ya. it is also my first clay did I do with it?

    Scootes, coming alone very well. Got a suggestion for ya. The landing bays should have a "lip" around the outter walls of the front. IE: The first say 2 feet all around the entire outter section is the lip, and everything more than 2 feet from the endge is ressed say 5 feet. This will add a little detail to the front. I took a minute to throw something together to illustrate what I mean. I only have my laptop with me so I couldn't get too into it, the touchpad isn't good enough to model with, I need a regular mouse for that. But it should give you the general idea.

    Anyways, gotta go, gotta board da plane home.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Not sure whether Raynor will want them on the STO version though.

    what is he using it for? do you mean star trek online or something else?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    sorry, was very tired when I put that lol, was meant to be SGO, Stargate Odyssey. It's a fan made SG spin-off, in the same mould as Stargate Horizon etc. I don't know too much about it myself so you'll have to wait and see when it's released.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Yeah, a little problem is that SGO is being written in Czech and translation is just messy job.

    That fins.. it looks interesting and I said that some influence by Asgard design could be good, so I think you could keep them in SGO version. However Yakami should still be far away from Argo and other Asgard-Ancient-Earth design.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    NIKIN wrote: »
    that's great, I don't think it's what you ahve in mind but it almost looks like a carrier ship that can dump the hangars if it gets into big combat or just to leave the 302s somewhere

    thats a good idea I like it:thumb:. will render a pic like that next time I am at home.
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Scootes, coming alone very well. Got a suggestion for ya. The landing bays should have a "lip" around the outter walls of the front. IE: The first say 2 feet all around the entire outter section is the lip, and everything more than 2 feet from the endge is ressed say 5 feet. This will add a little detail to the front. I took a minute to throw something together to illustrate what I mean. I only have my laptop with me so I couldn't get too into it, the touchpad isn't good enough to model with, I need a regular mouse for that. But it should give you the general idea.

    Anyways, gotta go, gotta board da plane home.

    the bays I am working on are goin to have somthin sialar to that. just I am not gonna show them untill I get them almost done.

    I agree with Raynor. translation from Czech is a P.I.T.A.

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    That fins.. it looks interesting and I said that some influence by Asgard design could be good, so I think you could keep them in SGO version. However Yakami should still be far away from Argo and other Asgard-Ancient-Earth design.

    Ok I'll leave the fins then. I wasn't planning on adding any of my other Ancient design aspects from my other models until I've finished the SGO version, so it won't look any more like the Argo or Asgard classes than it does now
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    well I love the ship and oddysey sounds interesting, although I guess being a bit awkward to translate we won't be seeing it soon :( well I never got into horizon mainly because I never had time to read it

    I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment, I worked out that the scale of my daedalus orthos the size I printed them was 1:5000 (1:5102 to be more precise) at about 9.5 cm long according to my scalecalc I use. From this I think a prometheus would be about 5cm long (4.74 or something) but I can't get the orthos I'm using to that size, do any of you know a program that I can tell tomake the images a certain size (in cm or inches etc) because when I do it in photoshop they always end up an incorrect size which is fairly annoying. I doubt I will make one in the end (small and fidly with unusual shapes) but it would also be useful for any other ships I make
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    NIKIN wrote: »
    well I love the ship and oddysey sounds interesting, although I guess being a bit awkward to translate we won't be seeing it soon :( well I never got into horizon mainly because I never had time to read it

    I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment, I worked out that the scale of my daedalus orthos the size I printed them was 1:5000 (1:5102 to be more precise) at about 9.5 cm long according to my scalecalc I use. From this I think a prometheus would be about 5cm long (4.74 or something) but I can't get the orthos I'm using to that size, do any of you know a program that I can tell tomake the images a certain size (in cm or inches etc) because when I do it in photoshop they always end up an incorrect size which is fairly annoying. I doubt I will make one in the end (small and fidly with unusual shapes) but it would also be useful for any other ships I make

    It can be done in Photoshop. It's just a matter of setting the program up right so that printouts are exactly a match to the screen version.

    First thing I'd do, make sure your printers print margins are set to .25 incheswith NO FOOTER or HEADERS (set to zero), or the appropriate cm if you choose, then, make the document or "canvas" size of the orthos 8.2 inches by 10.45 inches. That way the screen image will occupy 100% of the printable space and should print the proper size.

    From what you have said, and I am just guessing, you have your printer settings set to "scale to fit" or "shrink to fit". You can do it the way I suggested or you can disable all of the scaling options when you go to print.

    Now, if the problem is when you are resizing within Photoshop and the proportions are getting screwed up, you might want to check in the "Image"-> "Image Size" pallete to see if the constrain proportions box is checked. If you don't, and you change the image size, the proportions can get fubar-ed and your image will be pooched.

    Try those two things to see if they work.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    good work guys
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    It can be done in Photoshop. It's just a matter of setting the program up right so that printouts are exactly a match to the screen version.

    First thing I'd do, make sure your printers print margins are set to .25 incheswith NO FOOTER or HEADERS (set to zero), or the appropriate cm if you choose, then, make the document or "canvas" size of the orthos 8.2 inches by 10.45 inches. That way the screen image will occupy 100% of the printable space and should print the proper size.

    From what you have said, and I am just guessing, you have your printer settings set to "scale to fit" or "shrink to fit". You can do it the way I suggested or you can disable all of the scaling options when you go to print.

    Now, if the problem is when you are resizing within Photoshop and the proportions are getting screwed up, you might want to check in the "Image"-> "Image Size" pallete to see if the constrain proportions box is checked. If you don't, and you change the image size, the proportions can get fubar-ed and your image will be pooched.

    Try those two things to see if they work.

    Thanks for the info, I'll try it out later although I think one of the problems could be that the laptop with photoshop on doesn't have access to the printer so I have to transfer the image to another program, photostudio, on another computer, which could be what's messing it up

    I've done a bit more work on the Antigone, alhtough as it's just greebling I am doing it when I have nothing else to do and while I'm watching TV in the background etc and for my main recreation I'm doing a bit of work that I started a long time ago, miniature figures (I have three on the go right now, Teal'c, O'Neill (nearly done) and Mal Reynolds (the one I'm focusing on at the moment))

    anyway, here are some pics

    my current WIPs

    detail of the greebling

    the overall ship

    It isn't particularly neat because I was being a bit lazy at the time
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Is the Firefly 1:1 to Deadalus?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    lol no, 1:1 it would be tiny, although it would be nice to have them at the same scale. I haven't worked out the scale yet as I don't know the length of a firefly
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    WIKI says that Serenity is 82 metres leght.
This discussion has been closed.