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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    No only in the UK......amd possibly Canada(but i'm not sure about Canada)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member

    Bar wrote: »
    That's an interesting point, but i don't think it wil happen in the show.
    Well, one can hope. I can only respond with this:
    We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. - Robert H. Goddard

    Even if the Asgard don't come back completely, I think it would be a nice, nay fitting, if we did something to give birth to a new Asgard race. If could be a good plot to one of those SG-1 movies, and a way to intoduce a new set of problems that would give reason for future movies.

    IE: Jack orders SG-1 to go back in time 5 years and deliver the Asgard computer core to them so they won't make those mistakes. Along the way they encounter a new foe they have to fight and/or dodge. In the end though, they fail to save the Asgard but end up with Asgard DNA getting mixed in on a primordial world, where in several thousands of years later, a new Asgard race will evolve and rise again. not what they intended, but will have a happy outcome anyways, just will take a little longer.

    I am just very suspicious as to why and how the Asgard died so quickly. It's only a gut feeling, but I don't think we've seen the last of Thor and the Asgard. Could this all be what the DVD movie "Continuum" is about? Going back in time to fix something that was epic in it's sense of loss? Afterall, noone is ever truly dead in SciFi, remember?
    tadz wrote: »
    do not read if dont want to know what happened in the episode "unending"

    nar then asgard are gone and probly because they cloned them selfs to much and then got the desiese and then blew them selfs to hell
    yeah but we didn't actually see them blow up. We saw the planet blow up, but not if they were all still there. They do have stealth technology afterall. As far as anyone knows, the Asgard are dead. Maybe that's what they want us to think. To buy them some time, and some sort of protection.
    NIKIN wrote: »
    goodpoint freekzilla, I thought they may bring them back somehow, but this concept interests me. However I'm not sure if the asgard really want to decieve us like that, they destroyed everything they had.

    I think at most they will show a last, lost colony left in the pegasus galaxy, afterall there are no more SG1 episodes
    I wouldn't think it would be a lost colony or something like that. But instead it would be more along the lines that a key to their salvation is found there in the Pegasus galaxy. I actually wrote a script outline a while ago that could do exactly that. We haven't done enough to be called the 5th great race IMHO. Destroying ones enemies or having great technology is NOT a sign of greatness. We still have much to prove in my book. Giving rebirth to life is deserving of that title.
    tadz wrote: »
    i just found this and i love it and it has the credit to the person and the name of there website on the pic
    I like it. It's not quite the Prometheus, but instead more like a modified version of it.
    Dallidas wrote: »
    what happened to the asgard? you guys act like they are completely gone, unless i missed something
    I take it you haven't seen the last half of SG-1 then, right?
    scorpius wrote: »
    More "unending" discussion

    I must admit I thought about this after I watched the episode. I had thought perhaps the Asgard had stored a lot of their minds in the core they gave to us in unending. Probably not all of them but maybe enough for us to restore should we ever come up with a way for them to be able to reproduce without the need for cloning. Not saying that's exactly what I think will happen buy something that could happen
    Again, I still think there is far more to the story than anyone knows. It's, in my opinion, kind of like Luke Skywalker not really being a Jedi until he faced his father Darth Vader that one last time. He had all the skills of a Jedi, but wasn't one until that last test. Know what I mean?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I am just very suspicious as to why and how the Asgard died so quickly. It's only a gut feeling, but I don't think we've seen the last of Thor and the Asgard. Could this all be what the DVD movie "Continuum" is about? Going back in time to fix something that was epic in it's sense of loss? Afterall, noone is ever truly dead in SciFi, remember?

    continuum is about Baal changing history, not the asgard. Baal goes back to gain power
    We haven't done enough to be called the 5th great race IMHO. Destroying ones enemies or having great technology is NOT a sign of greatness
    but we also showed them we care and would do whatever is necessary to help allies. You do have a point though, the tauri of the SGC have done a lot to become the 5th race, but humanity as a whole hasn't
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    you wouldn't have thought we really could take our place as the 5th race until all of us know about everything else, the Stargate etc
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    we wont become the 5th great race, until that exactly happens. we become one race, not a bunch of seperate peoples.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I felt that the engines were a bit basic, so i remade them. They aren't finished but i remaking them i felt that the area around them could have been done better.

    So i did this....

    I'll be redoing the other engines to mirror the main two at a later date....

    ^^I'll also be greebling the inverted section as well.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Will it have much cargo/302 carrying capability?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    For the fic i wrote based around this i had it transport, and launch, two F-302s from the cargo bay.

    Not sure yet on amount of cargo.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    For the fic i wrote based around this i had it transport, and launch, two F-302s from the cargo bay.

    Not sure yet on amount of cargo.

    I suppose it would be handy if it had a cargo capacity for the Pegasus run.
    I am thinking of making a Cargo module for the Ares class. Essentially, a large dockable cargo container that the Ares could tow to Atlantis. It would have room for crew, manufacturing facilities, supplies, etc. And when delivered to the new Atlantis homeworld, it would be left in orbit, and use transporters to get people and supplies up and down from the planet.
    It's just an idea at this stage.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I felt that the engines were a bit basic, so i remade them. They aren't finished but i remaking them i felt that the area around them could have been done better.

    So i did this....

    I'll be redoing the other engines to mirror the main two at a later date....

    ^^I'll also be greebling the inverted section as well.

    looks good DR.
    my opinion i think the engines look abit too small
    Bar wrote: »
    I suppose it would be handy if it had a cargo capacity for the Pegasus run.
    I am thinking of making a Cargo module for the Ares class. Essentially, a large dockable cargo container that the Ares could tow to Atlantis. It would have room for crew, manufacturing facilities, supplies, etc. And when delivered to the new Atlantis homeworld, it would be left in orbit, and use transporters to get people and supplies up and down from the planet.
    It's just an idea at this stage.

    That is a good idea Bar... and very practical
    hope to see it when you get it done

    Regards Jesh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I like the idea bar, I was thinking about a similar idea of a detachable hanger section on the top of my large ship for such a purpose but in the end I left it out.

    I think it would be good, perhaps similar to the one with the alkesh in Bounty, but hyperspace capable.

    it would also be a sensible idea if they had the ability to build 302s and other things on lantia or M12-578 or wherever they are going
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    And the more i think about it, the more i realise a large towable "container" would be a great idea, and that it could be so much more than that.
    It could even be outfitted as a large satellite, for its stay in orbit.
    And with that in mind, it could be the start of Tauri "starbases"
    Think of it: A small outpost, built in Earth-orbit, hyperspace-towed to a world, and containing supplies and quarters(And an Asgard sensor-cloak). It would not even need to have a gate: They could just beam down and use the gate on the planet.
    I am pencilling in some ideas right now, but if anyone has a cool design direction, i am open to suggestions...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I guess there would be no harm in harvesting a stargate in case of emergencies.

    I guess it would have small thrusters on the surface in order to manouver and stay in a good orbit and in theory it could have hyperspsce engines of its pwn, but probably not.

    as for design, I always thought perhaps a combination of aspects from both the design of the midway station and the hangar design of the 304. For the towable container I was initially thinking of a slightly changed version of the hangar.

    Perhaps also missile bays for defence and an asgard cloaking device after unending.

    Anyway I'm just babbling random stuff. Back to work on my carrier ship

    I have come up with a basic backstory.

    It will be the DSC-305, the first of which is modified from one of the 304s still under construction. It is designed to be a more powerful and slightly larger ship than the 304 with greater cargo capacity for runs to pegasus and a larger compliment of fighters.

    There will initially be two ships of this class, the USS Antigone and its sister ship, the USS Oedipus (based entirely on the fact I am studying these plays at school and they were the forst names that came to my head lol)

    It also has a larger missile compliment, with 24 missile bays on the top of the ship. The 305 will carry a large compliment of mark VIII tactical warheads as well as a smaller number od mark IX tacticals which can be launched from either the missile bays or from the lower bomb bay in Horizon carriers.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I felt that the engines were a bit basic, so i remade them. They aren't finished but i remaking them i felt that the area around them could have been done better.

    So i did this....

    I'll be redoing the other engines to mirror the main two at a later date....

    ^^I'll also be greebling the inverted section as well.

    imho I would make the engines MUCH bigger. If this is a cargo freighter of sorts it should have big engines for pushing all that cargo around.
    Secondly, i`d do something with the rear of the ship, possibly use a few bevels and extrusions to lengthen it a bit beyond the back of the ship and gradually decrease the size of it so the ending isn't quite so sudden!

    There is an example of what I mean on these boards somewhere, will post a link when I find it.

    EDIT: Got it, it is RJB's fantastic Excalibur model. It demonstrates very nicely how to taper off the rear of the ship for a more natural looking end. Orthos here
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    hermiod wrote: »
    EDIT: Got it, it is RJB's fantastic Excalibur model. It demonstrates very nicely how to taper off the rear of the ship for a more natural looking end. Orthos here
    Updated views of the USAF Excalibur is here.
    ImageShack - Hosting :: excaliburorthoec6.jpg
    ImageShack - Hosting :: excaliburortho2hf8.jpg
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    How about htis?
    I'm considering extending the Drive pods back and down a bit.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Updates on my daedalus. Worked on the nose and some of the top today and modifyed the texture added a bit of a reflection Also layed around with low settings on the lights to bring out the true feel of the ship.



    Comments welcome.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    looks very nice! it could use some more specularity on the panels though
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Yes. I second that. It looks great.
    I have been doing more on my Daedalus.




    Sweet Model Bar wish I had the skills to do that.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    damn bro, do you have kids? If you do they must love you!
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    No kids...
    But i do have many friends who love models...
    It all comes in very handy whena new starship is seen on a show, and people desperately want copies...
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Two questions for you Bar
    1. How do oyu have the pactiance to do that!?!
    2. when will your deadalus be done (the biger one)

    Regards Jesh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    :o you asked the one question you shouldn't ask, "when it will be done"!!! lol

    and as for patience, for me anyway, I don't know about bar, I don't see it as any different to sitting building a virtual model on a computer except for the greater risk of cutting yourself
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    Two questions for you Bar
    1. How do you have the pactiance to do that!?!
    2. when will your deadalus be done (the biger one)

    Regards Jesh

    1) I don't see it as a matter of patience. I see it as a matter of time to spnd on it. I am struggling to find the time to work on these...

    2) If you mean the 1/1000 one, i will get it finished as soon as the little one is done. I am trying to find a source for larger scale printing than my PC is capable of(If i could print the pans out full scale, it would be childs-play to get the build done with 1/1 drawing scale, rather than scaling up the dimensions of smaller plans).
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Ooops my bad

    heres a better question then. do you have any completed models of SG ships?

    Regards Jesh
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    Ooops my bad

    heres a better question then. do you have any completed models of SG ships?

    Regards Jesh

    Not really...
    All my stuff is either a WIP, or off for casting.
    I have made a 1/24 F-302, a 1/144 F-302, 1/350 scale F-302/Puddle-Jumpers/Stargate, The Daedalus(Now renamed the Hermes, because it was built using faulty reference), the Ares, the "new" Daedalus in 1/2500, the Big Daedalus in 1/1000 and the Prometheus in 1/2500.
    I am also working on a 1/24 PuddleJumper, and a 1/24 Stargate, but the work is slow-going.
    Here are images:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    those little 1/350 ones are cool

    i love all your work
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    mate I don't envy you doing the stargate, do you have to do all the individual details around the edge one by one? ie the little arch type details
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Kind of. I am trying to find someone who can get me a mesh or part of a mesh, with the details which are raised(Like the shoulder parts, or the glyphs), and a friend of mine will laser cut the details from vinyl, and all i'll need to do is attach them...
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