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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Did the bridge area today.

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    darn nice work all of you!!!

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    damn nice work casper

    and good news everybody Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis Screencaps is back online yay
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's great news Tadz... :D

    Casper that is one fine looking -304. Will you be doing a 302? or Goa'uld ships in the future? ..... Also is it top the same scale as the Prommie you've shown on here?

    As you all noted the butt of my ship was a bit blunt... So i've done this

    I also beefed up the two main engines a bit.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I would try to build some sort of encasing around the engines so they dont look like they come out of no where
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I was thinking that as i looked at my post.

    *Puts engine casing on to-do-list*
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    great work Dr.

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i agree damn nice work dr lee it's turned out to be a really nice ship
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Finished the engine casings and i've beefed up the Drive Pod engines as well.

    Also i've been working on the inside of the Bridge....

    The compartment the camera is in (In the last picture) will be the Sleeping Quarters, the next one along will be the living area with the main bridge section at the front.

    I've also done a bit of work to the interior of the cargo bay
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I've done a little bit of greebling on my model now, only basic stuff but it's my first try so nevermind


  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    very nice Nikin keep up the good work!!

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i want it lol
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    tadz wrote: »
    i want it lol

    you want any 304 don't you lol

    I think one of the best (most detailed one around at the moment) is here with pics of the finished thing on this page

    by chief 400
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    cool and yer i do want a model of any thing that is a stargate design btw i designed a new ship last night very small heavy support ship but is also extremly monuvable and lives in the severus's right hanger i will get the picz up asap when i go to my friends house to scan it
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    sounds cool. I was thinking about a new fighter design, but I'm not sure exactly what it would be yet, and my drawing skills aren't that good. I'm also nit sre if it would be an F-306 or F-302-a or something as I don't know how the naming system works for USAF on similar designs but different
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    If it goes anything like I think it would an A could likely be an upgraded version of the original, so it would depend how close to an F302 it is to be a new design or not.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry guys if I've been missing in action lately. I have two things going on right now.

    1.) I was in a low stakes poker tournament and won around $35,490 in 2 days. And yes I am going back for more later on.

    2.) I am currently sick as a dog. don't ask, you don't even want to know. Let's just say this is the worst I've felt, outside of my car accident, in the last 10 years and I'd rather be dealing with a weekend binge drinking hangover than being THIS sick. Give me about a week to get back to normal. Whatever normal is for me. :D Don't even think about what you thought about saying, cause I already know what you were thinking. I am normal darnit! :flippy:
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    1.) I was in a low stakes poker tournament and won around $35,490 in 2 days. And yes I am going back for more later on.

    I need to learn poker!:D
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I thought i knew then someone showed me that all my thoughts on poker were F'ed up.

    Hope you feel better soon Freek.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    1.) I was in a low stakes poker tournament and won around $35,490 in 2 days. And yes I am going back for more later on.

    doesn't sound like low stakes
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I thought i knew then someone showed me that all my thoughts on poker were F'ed up.

    Hope you feel better soon Freek.

    Thanks. I can use every bit of help getting better I can get. I just feel horrible.
    NIKIN wrote: »
    doesn't sound like low stakes

    Well it was low stakes. The blinds were only $5 and 10$. It was just a no limit tourney and I played about 16 hours straight each day. It just all adds up fast. Hey, I'm $35K richer, high stakes low stakes, I'm not complaining.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    well sounds like some one is actually good at poker... or have you been cheating Freekzilla?:lol: I hope oyu get better thou.

    hey all the Hammond got a nose job today and wants to show it off to yall so here it is... the latest Hammond update!! All C&C welcome!

    Regards Jesh

    also I am currently workin on some new bays (yet again) sorry I aint gonna show you guys yet.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    well i would love to have that money and good work jesh
  • cjabatescjabates0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you guys about this- been kinda busy with RL stuff.
    freekzilla wrote:
    Congrats on your first model. With doing models for mods, can't you do a higher poly version and "compress" it down later for use in a mod? I'm not familiar with doing models for mods, so I don't know. Just wondering because it would be nice to be able to build a sweet model in high poly for outside the game and then be able to just reduce the polys or "compress" it for mod use.

    I started out low-poly because I knew that Freelancer didn't really like doing a lot of high-poly stuff on-screen at once. I didn't know about things like mesh reduction or optimization when I started, so I couldn't start with a high-poly mesh and still get it to where I thought it needed to be. Like I said, it's my first (and so far, only) model, so things are going to be a bit off and clunky. I did this model on (talk about ancient technology :D) an AMD K6-2 400 w/128MB and a Diamond Stealth 550 32MB agp vid card. It's actually the 3rd version of the model. The first one had the wings backwards, and since I was way off, I figured it'd be easier to just start over than try to fix it, since I was still very unfamiliar with Milkshape at the time.
    Choo1701 wrote:
    cjabates: thats one mighty, mighty, MIGHTY fine model. Looks dead cool, of a bit low poly. Seriously, bump up the poly's and make it detailed and all. I just love the cool shape and engines. Such an amazing design you've got there. Very unique. Keep at it.

    Thanks for the compliment. I may go back and re-do this at some point, now that I've got some much more serious horsepower than what I did while making it (Athlon 64x2 3800+ 1GB, ATI x600 pro 256MB PCIe). If I could get decent reference shots, I think I could do much better now. I was working with screencaps from the DVD, and that thing is never really shown too well.

    As for uniqueness, I was kinda forced into that, considering I needed one and nobody had made one (at least that was fessing up to it). Now I see it popping up in a few mods for other games and I'm not being credited for its use. :mad: Not that I mind it being used, I just want to be recognized for my hard work.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    well sounds like some one is actually good at poker... or have you been cheating Freekzilla?:lol: I hope oyu get better thou.

    hey all the Hammond got a nose job today and wants to show it off to yall so here it is... the latest Hammond update!! All C&C welcome!

    Regards Jesh

    also I am currently workin on some new bays (yet again) sorry I aint gonna show you guys yet.

    Nice work scootes, the design is really coming along now.

    I've been a bit absent from the 3d work over the past weeks, had lots of actual work to do (don't you just hate when real life takes over?). This is my latest creation. It is in fact version 2 (yes I love my versions, almost as much as my brackets!) of my original Yakami model. I've only just shown Raynor this design so I don't know whether he likes it yet or not but I think it's a lot better than my old Yakami design. My intention is to modify it and "Lan'tau'gard" it up to fit in with my own fleet and this will become my Al'kesh type ship. I thought what I might do is have different rollbar designs for the ship to serve different purposes, a bit like the Nebula class from Star Trek.

    I've taken inspiration from various sources, the rollbar type structure on the top mainly from the Star Trek Reliant class ship, some aspects of the ship (mainly the underside) are from a Captain Scarlet design (I can't find any images of it but it's called the DT19 from the episode "Winged Assassin" if anybody knows/remembers it) and also a bit of the Star Trek Defiant class as well. Anyway, I talk too much so I'll shut up now...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, I did reply you. Just a note, that Yakami was to be fire support, like Star Trek's Akira, just an artilery, not bomber like kesh.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    yeah it's ok I hadn't forgotten. I just meant I was going to use this design for my bomber once I've finished this version. I know this is more like the steamrunner was in Star Trek Armada, powerful main weapons firing from further away, not always right in the middle of the action
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    hello i just downloaded Mozilla Firefox i highly recommend this program. atm i am making mistakes in my spelling and it is fixing it for me so i shouldn't have as much spelling mistakes it is also easier to navigate and quicker and i can also change the theme atm i have windows vista theme and my Mozilla Firefox looks like a windows vista internet browser just thought i would but it out there because it is going to help me a lot download site Download FirefoxAR with Google Toolbar
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    been using Firefox for a few years now, cant recommend it enough, superior to IE in pretty much every way imaginable. The only annoying thing about it is, as a web designer, I wish everybody used it to make my life easier not having to make sites work in both browsers!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    yep, much better in my opinion than IE. I like the last IE edition but always used firefox at school (my dad wouldn't let me use it). I then got a laptop and constantly use FF now, it's much more user friendly than IE 7

    btw scorpius I like the design of that ship, not sure exactly what I like about it but it just looks cool, especially the shape of the underside
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