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3DSTIII Merchantman



  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Small update while reference and donor hunt continues. Time to watch The Pickard Show.

  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited April 2023 #33
    Still not comfortable moving some bits outward, though the med-lat proportions are off and things don't quite land where they should... grr etc ;-)

    Post edited by vfxart on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    You're doing a beautiful job. The underside is so difficult. So much to model.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    You're doing a beautiful job. The underside is so difficult. So much to model.

    Thank you. I've got three or four plates spinning right now and not updating much as it's small steps across those projects and not focusing on one (a bit like a painter or sculptor, energy dips with one and you put the other on the easel or stand) Thanks again, should have a more recent render of what I've been up to in a few days. Still in the reference hunt on her too.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Alas, dead in the water it seems. There is not enough on the ship pre-butchering and I need to be completing work for portfolio to get a damn job, and not thumb-twiddling over ref that I do not have and losing days to fruitless searches. A favorite, may get back to her one day, but for now...

  • SCE2AuxSCE2Aux1038 Posts: 202Member
    She's looking good, hopefully you can get back to this project soon - and all the best on your job hunt!
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    SCE2Aux wrote: »
    She's looking good, hopefully you can get back to this project soon - and all the best on your job hunt!

    Thanks- I'm not giving up on working out who the current owner is and trying to wrangle some imagery, but yeah, the portfolio and a lot of work has to take precedence over one asset. I was rather close to a spot on a dream project at the end of last year, but things did not work out (no input on why) and it became, it seems, a one and done, which is a shame as it's a great group and amazing project. Onward!
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Oh wow looks so good!
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Oh wow looks so good!

    Thanks--- such a way to go yet, but ref has dried up, and I'm not much into guesswork to fill in the volumes etc. I can see a few bits that I forgot to tack on that are built, so maybe a couple of hours on it early next week. Then she's to bed til better ref or I track down the owner.

  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    vfxart wrote: »
    I just caught a rerun of TNG's "The Outrageous Okana" which showed a great underside of this ship at around 23 minutes in. Seeing it move could be useful in determining shape & proportion. Not sure how much they butchered it at this point though.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited July 9 #42
    Though I can't say a ton about it, I've been back on this ship a short while. Sadly, the job hunt is still a hot mess! What can I say? ~10700 individuals let go in '23 alone, and though they don't all do what I do... it's crazy hearing that bits you apply for get over 1000 applications. Maybe a few dozen are qualified, but that's still a number to contend with.

    With only a couple of replies (both excellent and from good, very good, places) but with no work to offer, and one has off-shored this sort of thing. If you know of anyone looking...? Still wish things had worked out with the RA folks. Sigh, etc. ;-)

    But onward! Started almost from scratch again. Chuck out old assumptions and relationships, proportions etc. I've got about 140 of 150 pieces IDed, so progress has been good if slow; being able to afford kits, get them in, do the drafting on the parts, build, adjust, bring it all together, etc. I'm down to (knock on titanium) 2 or 3 kit parts to model, one's definitely being held for last! :-) and one large structural segment. Areas get refined as alignments get checked etc, so it's a bit of popping the clutch at times. I expect the model to be wrapped soon, then onto materials. Pretty sweet.

    Also, I'm helping a certain now retired model builder with a couple of real Trek builds, so add that into the mix. More on those when they're ready for prime time. (dancing eyebrows)

    A shot of an area that was wrapped up this week; a few bits to tweak at final assembly but the modeling is done. Lots of 'regions' of the ship to bring together---


    Post edited by vfxart on
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    I'm thrilled to see this back on the forum.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Alphabetti spaghetti. Last two donors that I have been able to ID get in this weekend. Model phase should wrap in a week. Carapace and then adjusting for curvature starts tomorrow, following on with sorting the ripple effect over the rest of the ship. And then the fun begins. No guessing on this one...

  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    I was hoping you would come back and show us more. Fabulous to see this.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Able to put my attention on the bridge and bridge forward detail starting today. Right where I hoped to be, so I'm pretty pumped at that. A lot of major and minor work to do to bring everything together. If you have any experience in building filming model replicas, I can tell you a bit about how wildly different this is. I'll be building a replica in the near future as hey, I've got the kits and bits!

    This week will be down to my success of tying the upper and lower sections together; the alignment for all else is in place, and then I'll finish building (real world build, as ref) the top spine of the ship to check heights again. There are five 'sections' that I'm defining as distinct areas to focus on and refine. Out of about 12 regions to the ship. Learned a ton, working with the orig builder has been great for momentum (though he's on to other now), and I've been giving him a lot of info, don't think that isn't screwy. ;-)

    There's a good bit of skew and material flex in some parts. Ref so far is about 26 kits, and about $800 in Plastruct (ok yes that is for building the practical not just for the digital, heh)

    Yojne. More soon,


  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    It's so relieving to see the underside of one of these with some clarity. Man that's a lot of work. Superb.
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