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2DBattlestar Galactica Vipers



  • B.J.B.J.1 Posts: 0Member

    Nice work, Talos! I've always had a soft spot for aircraft concepts that never made it to production. If you don't mind, what's the other board that you were doing those for?
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, BJ! I'm the exact same way about aircraft that never made it into service like that.

    I think he meant that I hadn't done any VX-4 Evaluators for my updated VF-4 Lighting yet. I will, since I have two ready already, I just want to do one more and make a squadron profile of it.

    Oh, the board. It's for this one, What If? Modelers. There's a profile section there too, where I usually post. What if
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    This is one I've been wanting to do for a long time and I finally got to the point, skills-wise, to do it proper justice.
    Talos wrote: »
    This is one I've been wanting to do for a long time and I finally got to the point, skills-wise, to do it proper justice.

    Black Widow?

  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Black Widow?


    Of sorts, the P-61E day fighter!

    Very similar to the F-15A Reporter here, but with a different nose.
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member

  • B.J.B.J.1 Posts: 0Member
    Talos wrote: »
    Oh, the board. It's for this one, What If? Modelers. There's a profile section there too, where I usually post. What if
    I thought that might be the one! I've lurked around there a bit, and on the Secret Projects forum. Good places for ideas!
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, those are both good sites. I post actively on What If and lurk on Secret Projects.

    Finally finished a pair of squadrons I've been working on, plus a preview of a couple more. Besides the Bounty Hunters' skull, all the markings are drawn from scratch by me. I think the Black Lions' tail insignia is the most complicated one I've done so far.

  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    I haven't done much with the P-61E recently, so I thought I'd knock out some work on it today. The center fuselage is complete, the nacelles are getting there, and I haven't done anything with the props or wing yet.


    Also started late last week on this.

    AH-56 Cheyenne. Nice. :thumb:
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, CO!

    And here's proof I'm doing the F-15A Eag....err, Reporter, too...

  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Had an odd day at work, crazy meeting schedule and all, but I did get a lot of work on the upgraded F3H at least. Still need to finish the wing and nozzle at least before it's close to being completed.


    I also completed the F-15 and P-61E as well.
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Since I finished the P-61E/F-15 and got a lot of work on the F4H-G/H done, I decided to start a project I've wanted to do for awhile, particularly since I have some of the info and resources I needed. I have a couple other ones in the works, but this is what I got ready to preview now.
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Talos wrote: »
    Since I finished the P-61E/F-15 and got a lot of work on the F4H-G/H done, I decided to start a project I've wanted to do for awhile, particularly since I have some of the info and resources I needed. I have a couple other ones in the works, but this is what I got ready to preview now.

    Yeah, that thread in the Secret Projects board really delivered some neat goodies as far as drawings were concerned. And of the actual proposed F-23, not the YF-23 to boot!

    Looking forward to seeing what you'll make of it.
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, it really did. I'd been looking for a good-quality representation of the shape of the airframe (even if it's not exactly what the 100% final production version would be), so when I saw that this morning I couldn't help but get some started.
  • B.J.B.J.1 Posts: 0Member
    I must have missed that! Got a link to the thread, or preferably, the specific post?
  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    While working on finishing the profiles of several VF-19s, I got in the mood to do more markings, so we have two squadrons of VF-4s tonight, SVF-302 Stallions, a reserve squadron, and the CAG, CO, XO, and line birds of SVF-213 Black Lions.

  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Catching up on the B-51s that Logan and I were working on over the past month and I never posted here. Backstories available at the other forum, but I can post them here if anyone wants a specific one.

  • TalosTalos0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, haven't posted here in quite some time. Admittedly part of that was a general burn-out on Scifi, as well as the realization I had been doing just about only aircraft for awhile, so I stopped posting anything here. Anyway, I'll post more of what I've been working on in the meantime later, but for now I'll stick with this.

    I've been working on doing a high-detail representation of the VF-19A Excalibur from Macross. I worked some more today on it, primarily in the cockpit area. I based it on the Hasegawa interior and then started adding more and more details from the b/w work in the Macross Mecha Manual's YF-19 page. Still needs lots of tweaking just in the cockpit alone, but it's getting there.

    I've been working on shading it as well, on the side, just to practice and learn how to shade in a different manner then I have before. I think the results so far are pretty good (ignore the canopy glass, that's just a placeholder shading right now).

    One last one for tonight. I've been doing a 757 up, but I keep getting distracted from the shading by markings and painting, so it's still not done! Here's the latest example of a paint scheme I'm fiddling with, as well as three other custom markings I drew for later use (I already have a TWA one started).
  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    Great start and so far, your shading on the fighter is indeed shaping up quite well. Also nice work on the China Eastern paintscheme
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Talos wrote: »
    Catching up on the B-51s that Logan and I were working on over the past month and I never posted here. Backstories available at the other forum, but I can post them here if anyone wants a specific one.


    Great work.
  • JuanskiJuanski331 Posts: 30Member
    Hey Guys, I know that this is a reallllly old thread and most of you guys have probably moved on, but I was looking for an image I remember seeing in this thread. Someone had illustrated a Viper Mk II with external fuel pods and rockets, very much like the Macross - Robotech VF-1 Fast pack. Something like this -->

    Does anyone remember that? Was it all just a fevered dream?
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