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3DST 32nd Century Ships Project

Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
edited September 2022 in Work in Progress #1
ST 32nd Century Ships Project
Greetings fellow members and modellers, let me introduce myself, i'm Ael's, i'm 22yo and soon to be 23yo, i've been doing 3D since November 2019.
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My Project
Recently — mainly since ST Discovery Season 4 started — I've been thinking of how would look some TOS and more conventional ships in Starfleet 32nd Century. I'll admit that i went a bit overboard from the known 32nd century style. I also wanted to keep the Discovery A's nacelle look since I had fallen in love with it.
To make everything clearer I'm gonna summarise the basic ideas i had into a list.

Idea and General Direction
  • TOS Ship Configuration (Modularity)
  • Discovery A Refit Nacelle
  • 32nd Century Style

Note that all of this is quite crude since it's my first real original project in the Star Trek universe, first in the sense that i've actually put a lot of thought in it and not simply shipped two design to make a baby (those who know me would remember the Aurora class that was supposed to be a child of the Sovy and Ody).
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Current State
So far beside shape and design exploration not much has been done, my main ship is the Saladin Class — yes, you already know that name which is why I'm going to refer to it as "32nd C' Saladin" — which some references to its TOS ancestor, such as two almost identically placed shuttle bays, one nacelle. The main differences would be two Pylons instead of one, negative space where the shuttle bays have been integrated, 32nd C' Constitution Class (Kirk Class for STO) like Exotic Saucer, Upper Saucer would receive the Bridge and the Lower saucer would be the main crew, engineering, "everything" area.

Beside the 32nd C' Saladin Class (32SC), I've worked on two other ships in accordance to "TOS Ship Configuration (Modularity)", respectively known as the "Unknown Class A" (UCA) and the "Unknown Class B" (UCB) — yes, I know it's quite Original for names — let's describe them before seeing some pictures.
  1. The first one being basically a Saucer (for now all three saucers are on the same basis) with an Integrated Nacelle, so far the idea was to a more compact version of the TOS sister class — of the Saladin Class — the Hermes Class, a scout based mission is something i want to explore.
  2. The second one is born from a similar idea than the UCA, which is Integrated Nacelles, later described by a fellow fan as a "Equivalent of the Mayflower Type from ST '09" which surprised me since I didn't knew about until then. When learning about the Mayflower i already had a solid idea design wise, having received suggestions from friends on several server discords, including my own, I had already made some progress on the UCB. Composed of a Saucer, two slightly angled Integrated Nacelles placed on their own middle of saucer halfs and a back facing Shuttle Bay.

Before going to pictures and more precisely comments note that if you have suggestions you're free to send them but note that i might not know all the Technical Terms so please excuse any possible confusion.
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Now it's time for some pictures — because yes pictures are useful — note that some changes might have been done since. Also note that i used my TOS Class F shuttle for illustration.
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Lizzy777raztovWarp Propulsion LaboratoryLeoBerlin


  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #2
    32nd C' Saladin Class
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #3
    Unknown Class A
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #4
    Unknown Class B
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  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Discovery series likes to use detached nacelles for 32nd century Federation ships. The Discovery NCC 1031-A, the USS Nog, and the Voyager-J are the three that come to mind that reflects this design ideal. The USS Le Guin is...well, it's an odd duck, isn't it? An arrowhead saucer and two exotic-looking engines that float below it. Then there's the USS Maathai which is a giant flying donut that contains an entire rainforest biosphere.

    Also, those vessels seem to be incredibly large when compared to anything that came before. I wonder if the Eisenberg-class will be the size of a small moon when it's available in Star Trek Online at this season's event's end.

    What you have is an excellent start. And since there's no hard rule on how big the ships are supposed to be, there is one suggestion that I have if you're interested. It might be a good idea to detach the warp engine to match what's been established so far in the series. Other than that you've got a good start!
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #6
    Greetings, first thanks for your post, it gave me a smile to see my first comment.
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    The USS Le Guin is...well, it's an odd duck, isn't it?
    He he, indeed. The Mars Class is uh, interesting. But i like to think that like the Saturn Class (USS Annan) it has a logic in the name, the Saturn referring to the Saturn's Ring by its shape I see the Mars Class (USS Le Guin) having it's two floating section as Mars' Moons, imagine being called in the comms and being asked to go to the Deimos or Phobos section of the ship.
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Also, those vessels seem to be incredibly large when compared to anything that came before.
    I have seen some pictures of the Eaglemoss magazines showing the size of the 32nd C' and yeah but strangely some like the Mars Class (415.4m), 32nd C' Intrepid Class (452.95m) and especially the USS Tikhov (51.3m) are really small.
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    It might be a good idea to detach the warp engine to match what's been established so far in the series.
    That's something that some friends suggested to me but I haven't yet thought of how, for the UCA and UCB I was thinking of a dent in the saucer where the Nacelles would dock when attached and have them float not far away when detached.

    Post edited by Ael's on
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  • new_purplenew_purple112 Posts: 62Member
    I love that you've starting building a whole design family here, with some interesting ideas. It's great that Discovery is attracting and inspiring a new generation of fans

    That said, I'm really not a fan of the 32-Century designs...especially the detached nacelles. Absolutely hate that concept...i just doesn't make sense to me that an engine would float along beside a ship.

    I do like the Discovery design...although a departure from what we'd seen before, it really grew on me. And you're right, it does have a cool nacelle design.

    I'd say keep up with what you're doing, and if you'd rather have the nacelles attached, please do! :lol:
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    new_purple wrote: »
    I love that you've starting building a whole design family here, with some interesting ideas. It's great that Discovery is attracting and inspiring a new generation of fans

    That said, I'm really not a fan of the 32-Century designs...especially the detached nacelles. Absolutely hate that concept...i just doesn't make sense to me that an engine would float along beside a ship.

    I do like the Discovery design...although a departure from what we'd seen before, it really grew on me. And you're right, it does have a cool nacelle design.

    I'd say keep up with what you're doing, and if you'd rather have the nacelles attached, please do! :lol:

    Greetings, i am aware of the opinions on the 32nd Century ships and even share them on some ships (yes i'm looking at you USS Tikhov !).
    Ael's wrote: »
    That's something that some friends suggested to me but I haven't yet thought of how, for the UCA and UCB I was thinking of a dent in the saucer where the Nacelles would dock when attached and have them float not far away when detached.
    As said in the above message i might do something that might please both opinions, but i've to admit that i'm still quite undecided about the Detached Nacelles tech, and as I said I mainly used Discovery style because like you i really like it.
    new_purple wrote: »
    I'd say keep up with what you're doing, and if you'd rather have the nacelles attached, please do! :lol:
    Can't promise anything ! :tongue:
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  • new_purplenew_purple112 Posts: 62Member
    To be clear, I like the design ideas you've shown. Sorry, I probably should have led with that...
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #10
    new_purple wrote: »
    To be clear, I like the design ideas you've shown. Sorry, I probably should have led with that...
    Don't worry it was quite clear, no need for apologies :wink:
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #11
    Ael's wrote: »
    That's something that some friends suggested to me but I haven't yet thought of how, for the UCA and UCB I was thinking of a dent in the saucer where the Nacelles would dock when attached and have them float not far away when detached.
    In accordance to what was said in the above quote, and in particular the highlighted parts, I've worked on the UCB to realise my vision of the Nacelle Docking.
    Having heavily inspired my design on the Galaxy Class Saucer Separation docking from TNG I'll admit that it doesn't really look 32nd Century but i felt that it was lacking such thing.

    So without further ado, here's some pictures (In the spoiler due to a size issue).
    Unknown Class B - Attached & Detached Nacelles
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  • mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried198 Posts: 73Member
    These are great! I love the angular look of your hulls.
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    These are great! I love the angular look of your hulls.
    Thanks, trying my best to make it look good.
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  • Warp Propulsion LaboratoryWarp Propulsion Laboratory915 BrooklynPosts: 324Member
    Nice modeling. Welcome to the forums!
    Please visit my YouTube channel!

    Formerly furswift
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Nice modeling. Welcome to the forums!
    Thx !
    Happy to be here, I hope to honor all the other members.

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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited December 2021 #16
    Ael's wrote: »
    Now it's time for some pictures — because yes pictures are useful — note that some changes might have been done since. Also note that i used my TOS Class F shuttle for illustration.
    As previously stated — in the above quote — shared Screenshots aren't always the latest version mainly because — as some might have understood — I work on three different ships at the same time and ideas haven't settled yet.

    For example the recent update on the UCB and some previous screenshots showcased two totally different Upper Saucers (or Bridge Section) mainly due to my idea of doing a new Bridge Section. Bridge Section which is clearly WIP because it isn't even connected, hasn't proper Decks and still doesn't match my vision.

    As for being swarmed-on by ideas, just recently — after watching DIS S4E6 and precisely how shaped the Discovery's Saucer is — I couldn't resist thinking about revisiting my current Saucer (which hasn't been re-worked on yet).
    That's all for now, i wish you a Merry Trekmas !
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  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    I love the cut-outs…maybe on a secondary hull too?
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited January 2022 #18
    Happy New Year guys, it feels like I have been here for a year. ^^

    It's been a while — few days — since I've made a post. Work has been done since, for example a major rework of the Lower Saucer part to Upper Saucer part ramps, those ramps, which i will refer to as Saucer Ramps, have been remade following 32nd C' Constitution Class (Kirk Class for STO).

    I also changed a little bit, the Nacelle Docking Area, the entire custom section of the saucer has for example been lowered and some lighting has been included in the extra meter of thickness.
    But as per usual, some pictures will be more clear.
    Unknown Class B - Saucer Ramps Model A
    Unknown Class B - Saucer Ramps Model B
    Unknown Class B - Nacelle Docking Area
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  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Ael's wrote: »

    When Star Trek meets TRON.

    I like it! 👍
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    When Star Trek meets TRON.

    I like it! 👍
    He he indeed, thx.

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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Here I am with another update. I will lie if I say that it wasn't challenging, especially the interior part.

    In the following spoiler part, you will be able to see a concept I wanted to experiment with, I name the Sliding Bridge Section, it basically slides inside the Upper Saucer Part to be protected during heavy fights. This procedure would be used as preventive measure but also as emergency measure, meaning that it doesn't require 20 minutes to be initialized.
    If you have suggestions concerning this experimentation don't hesitate.

    Concerning the Bridge Interior, it's still quite WIP so please pardon any weird elements. Take into account that the Turbolifts were placed but not yet deeply thought. Note that the Starfleet Officer in my screenshot are 1.8m tall.
    Placement wise you will obviously have the Bridge and a Turbolifts (to go bellow for now) in the Upper Level, for the Lower Level (according to screenshot) in the Center you will have two Rest Rooms for Senior Officers, Captain's Office on the Right, Meeting Room on the Left, a Turbolift in the far back. There's a Turbolift in the middle of the Lower Level but it goes nowhere, it will be taken out due to the shape of the Upper Saucer Part.
    Unknown Class B - Upper Saucer Part
    Unknown Class B - Bridge Section Interior
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited January 2022 #22
    Greetings everyone ! Today is Update Day apparently.

    You would have understood, 3D isn't every X day, it's random. So between few sessions of SWTOR with friends and a little Fallout 4 game I thought of how I could do UCA's Nacelle Docking Area, considering how far the nacelle goes inside the saucer and how centered it is and the fact I didn't wanted to have an angled nacelle — pointing up or down if seen from the side — I went with a horizontally aligned dent in the saucer similar to how I did it with the UCB.

    Experienced 3D modelers or/and fans having the tendency to look at details will notice the "massive" difference of the Nacelles Dock Area on both, yes UCB has full length light strips including navigation lights unlike the UCA which has corner stripes, it's something I wanted to try — commonly described as "variation for ideas" — if you wish to share your opinion on this don't hesitate, just know that it isn't locked.

    Nacelle Docking and "Bluetooth" Tech ?
    On this matter i decided to use the same setup in the sense that they precisely move of 30m from their docks, no matter on which ship they are or nacelle orientation.
    Unknown Class A
    UCB and UCA
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  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Ael's wrote: »


    Reminds me of a stingray.

    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited January 2022 #24
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Reminds me of a stingray.
    Now that you mention it I can't not see it, thx !
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited January 2022 #25
    Greetings everyone !

    I'm here today not to update on the previously shown ships but to introduce a new one, this one was originally a joke idea than I tested just to see how it would end up, and to be honest I'm fairly happy with it.

    I present you the UTA wait no, this ship has a name — thanks to Adm. Banner a good person and well experimented modeler — so let's retry.. I present you the USS Salinon of Arbelos Class. Being 87.5m long, 44.2m wide and 10.8m tall this small ship could easily used as Quick Scout or Courier.

    Built with a Discovery Refit style Nacelle which has been modified, it basically was shortened and received a different coil setup (blue lights not following the same path). Directly connected to the Engineering this nacelle has two EPS conduits as input, one primary and a secondary, secondary that could be used to potentially overload the Nacelle to achieve higher Warp Speed.
    Suited with a Sensor Setup hidden behind a Foggy Glass "Dome" made of Transparent Aluminum — i know that it might have been replaced with a better equivalent in the 32nd Century but as a good fan of TMP I can't help but use it — it gives to the ship a minimum of look and possibly a better aerodynamism for atmospheric flight.
    This ship has a physical entrance for crew and cargo located behind the bridge, a floating Elevator lowers to ground level and can be loaded. Note that landing gears haven't yet modeled nor thought.

    Also note that the Impulse and Nacelle's Warp Grills and Bussard are behind a Foggy Glass just like the Sensor Dome.

    Time for pictures !
    Exterior Shots
    Access Elevator
    Interior Shots
    Access Elevator, Right Door for Bridge
    Back Left Door for Bridge, Left Door for Captain's Bedroom / Office, Right Door for Engineering
    Captain's Bedroom / Office
    Full Interior

    EDIT 26/01 : Changed UCC to UTA (Small Ships or Shuttles like the Aberlos Class will be refered as Unknown Type # / UT#)
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    srspicercaveat_imperatorHunter GLizzy777
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited February 2022 #26
    Hi all !
    It's been few days and I thought that despite having a real update for you all I could ask you a question and do a listing of the current ships.
    A Question..
    Would you guys be interested into a Kobayashi Maru type ship with my interpretation of the 32nd Century Style ? Would become UCC, the Nacelles-Cargo Pods configuration would be nearly untouched, Saucer might get a Major Change tho.
    List of the Ships / Prototypes
    • 32nd C' Saladin Class - Two Nacelles with Pylons and In-Saucer Shuttles Bays
    • UCA - One Integrated Nacelle
    • UCB - Two Integrated Nacelles and Shuttle Bay
    Shuttles / Small Ships
    • UTA - Aberlos Class (USS Salinon)
    A little update
    All of that being said here's a little teaser on the UCA !
    Have been working on the Interior Rooms, really rough to just have an idea where to put windows. So far it's just "Proof Of Concept" so most likely to be tweaked.
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    edited February 2022 #27
    Greetings everyone !

    I'm here today to update on the previously shown ships. All received a name and registry but no additional class name yet.
    Let me also introduce you to a new ship, UCC also known as the U.S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald NCC-75000-K which was named by Adm. Banner (April on the Scifi-Meshes Discord Server). This ship was built as a Kobayashi Maru, on the following pictures the cargo pods aren't yet developed but you get the general idea.

    At the same time i will take opportunity to share you some progress on the "Typical" Bridge of those UC# ships.

    Take into account that in the previous post I teased on the Saucer Windows on the UCA but those weren't ready so weren't included.
    Something you might have noticed on the previous post is that colors changed a little bit, no i didn't change the materials, I just changed to a custom Color Management in Blender, RED IPP2 to be precise.

    As usual pictures will be more clear, that said if you have questions don't hesitate.
    "Typical" Bridge
    32nd Century Saladin Class - USS Saladin NCC-500-M
    UCA - USS Anubis NCC-5000-M
    UCB - USS Waclawski NCC-5200-N
    UCC - USS Edmund Fitzgerald NCC-75000-K
    UTA - USS Salinon NCC-83988-H
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Hello again !

    Little update for a quick change, as it has been pointed out to me, the current Saladin Class looks more like a Nelson Class — from FASA — so I decided to rename it and make a true Saladin Class.
    So I'm here to present you the new USS Saladin NCC-500-M which is quite close to the newly renamed USS Nelson NCC-7350-L, structure wise they're nearly identical for now aside from the "Pylon-to-Nacelle" area.
    Nelson Class / Saladin Class
    USS Nelson NCC-7350-L / USS Saladin NCC-500-M
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  • Ael'sAel's87 FrancePosts: 69Member
    Would you guys be interested into crazier and more WIP models ? I've a good stock of test ships from the same line.
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  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771405 PNWPosts: 763Member
    Ael's wrote: »
    Would you guys be interested into crazier and more WIP models ? I've a good stock of test ships from the same line.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    Images won't open.
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