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Westworld [Spoilers]



  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Well, one episode left. Yakuzalores didn't have a whole lot to do in the end. Think they'll do something with their pearl? Halores turning against the others make a degree of sense, since you know Hale and Dolores can both be pretty ruthless, but you'd think her beef is mainly with Serac, so tipping off team Maeve is a little weird. Clementine and Hanaryo kicked ass though. Not sure why pick Hanaryo over Armistice, but anyway :p

    So, if there is indeed one Dolores still unaccounted for, she's the one in Berlin, right? The other encrypted devices mentioned a couple of episodes ago were in Jakarta (Yakuzalores), San Francisco (Halores), LA (Connels and Dolores), and Berlin.

    I hope Bernard and Stubbs have more to do than random exposition dumps. I'm also kinda hoping that William turns out not to be the protagonist of this story he thinks he is, but things don't seem to be heading that way. Injecting a protein/virus/thingy into Willian to hack into the facility's database to get Caleb's records was some pretty clever writing though. Would be a neat twist if that turned out to be William's only purpose in the season.

    Maeve vs Dolores was pretty fun, even if their little and big drone helpers were a little inconsistent with their deadliness for the sake of the plot. Wonder if an EMP kills hosts or just shuts them down. I'm guessing Solomon is gone, but what happened to all the frozen people in the basement? Are they all dead now?

    The parallels between the maintenance robots and the drone hosts wandering the premises, cold storage and the outliers in coffins and the interviews between hosts and personnel and Caleb and the shrink were maybe a little heavyhanded, but still kinda neat. Like both the organic and the digital sides of the argument actually have quite a lot in common. I don't think anyone was really surprised by the whole Rehoboam running Rico app (and crime in general) as a method to control troublesome outliers.

    So, how's Caleb going to destroy the world? Or did he actually generate a plan to kill Serac? Think all of this will get sorted in one episode, or are we looking at a major cliffhanger? Season 4 has been confirmed, but people are speculating it will be the final one.

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  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member

    Frankly it was vastly better then I expected. I'm so glad my Delores being the hero theory played true and I was half right about Serac. Evan Rachel Wood is just too damn hot to be a bad guy. Super glad she's signed on for Season 4.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    I was plenty entertained through the whole thing, but looking at it just a little more carefully reveals that the whole thing isn't terribly deep or well thought out. Like the whole setting people free from their loops is pretty much what went on in season 1 in the park. Serac's creation had outgrown him much like Ford's, Caleb was confused about who he is kinda like Bernard and so on. I'm a little confused by Dolores's big plan. Like what was the actual thing that was supposed to happen, if all went as planned? Caleb plugs in the futuristic USB stick deletes Rehoboam and triggers the mass extinction event anyway? But it's to set humanity free? Also, Dolores's big sacrifice is a little less impressive, since there's one perfectly good Lawlores running around with a bunch of explosives. I was sort of half expecting a piano cover of Where is my Mind in the end instead of Brain Damage but I guess Mr Robot already did that. :p

    Like I'm mostly ok with Dolores changing her mind about humanity, I just think her reasons could've used a little more set up. Also, she did plenty of murdering in the episode, so the hopeful humanity's ok end note feels a little dissonant. Was cool to see her in (on?) an old school robot body from before they made the hosts squishy.

    Bernard had stuff to do (you know, insted attending Stubb's pretty significant looking medical emergency :p) but it feels like they only included him for the big reveal that he has the key in his head. It's a pretty good twist though, and I did enjoy their little side quests, and would've like to see more.

    Serac's twist was pretty good, if not completely surprising, but they didn't really have time to do too much with it. Wonder if he'll be back. For a minute I thought Maeve was communicating directly with Rehoboam, which would've been pretty neat.

    The real interesting bits happened after the credits. William got more or less what he deserved, and now we have a proper Gunslinger antagonist just like the movie :D I'm glad he didn't get to save the world, or be a protagonist in this story. Think Halores is going for a replace all humans play, like Futureworld? Would make sense, she's very familiar with that playbook. Why did she bother tipping off Bernard and Stubbs about William though? Apart from shooting Stubbs, and giving the viewers a little exposition, it's not like he did anything particularly useful to Halores. She could've just as well marched into the institution and killed him there, but I admit that probably wouldn't have been as fun for the audience.

    Bernard's scene implies a time jump. Think we're in MadMaxworld now? :p
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  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    edited May 2020 #35
    A time jump yes, but how long of one? Any surface in a non maintained building would only take months to accumulate that much dust and dirt. Especially in Southern California with all the wind storms and fires. Let's not forget Bernard is the new type of host with biological skin that bleeds. If this was too long of a period, well, he would have rotted! And just because that building wasn't maintained doesn't necessarily imply a total Mad Max styled existence. It just means no one bothered to go in that room.

    Could be decades, or just a year or two. We won't know until probably 2022 because of Coronavirus sadly. Just about every show will be delayed several months now. We'll all be in "show hole" repeat city for the most part until the end of 2021 I suspect.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Westworld seasons always take 2 years, so we might be looking at longer than that. On the other hand it's nice to have some time to catch up on all the shows.

    Terminatorworld is also an option... :p

    Wonder if they're going to do anything with space. Maybe they showed those rockets earlier in the season for a reason?
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  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    edited May 2020 #37
    There's a couple scifi franchises out there where humans are spacefaring but we never see it on screen other than small hints letting us know its there.

    The Blade Runner Franchise is the example I'd like to see. We know by the events of 2049 most humans had left Earth. There's talk of a 3rd installment so perhaps we'll see it eventually. It is in the books. Dekard winds up on Mars and RHs character Roy Batty established that interstellar travel through some kind of "jump gate" system is in the Blade Runner universe is canon..."Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate"

    Also the film "Soldier", though not widely known, was actually taking place in the Blade Runner verse so technically, we have actually seen it.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Also the film "Soldier", though not widely known, was actually taking place in the Blade Runner verse so technically, we have actually seen it.

    The Kurt Russell flick? I remember the trailer had a good song in it, but don't remember what it was now. I did actually see it, but never made any connection to Blade Runner.
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  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    Also the film "Soldier", though not widely known, was actually taking place in the Blade Runner verse so technically, we have actually seen it.

    The Kurt Russell flick? I remember the trailer had a good song in it, but don't remember what it was now. I did actually see it, but never made any connection to Blade Runner.

    Yep, that's the one.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    finally saw the late episode, it was okay but not great, I was expecting more than what we got.

    I hate what they did to William though. I am curious to know if Hale was able to get around the problem of human mind clasping in a Host and it is actually a copy of his Mind from the park? If not then that raises the question of who is it?

    As for Mev's back up, what happened to them? we only saw them in one episode and that was it. Where did they go?

    Soldier is a fun, film though you can see it was made on the cheap. I forgot it is an unofficial sequel/ Prequel to Blade Runner.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Well, two episodes in and I'm pretty intrigued. I enjoy the more straightforward opening instead of a new mystery box that's confusing for half a season before starting to make sense. :p
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  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    edited July 2022 #43
    Are you sure it's straightforward?

    Hey, I'm repeating myself. I seem to be caught in a loop. Hmmm.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Well, episode 3 did mess with the timeline and get a little loopier. I did enjoy the Golden Age just rehashing old Westworld loops with bonus metagaming Massacre content, even if it seems a little unlikely, since both Ford and Sizemore have been dead for years now. Still, works thematically.

    I theorize that Christina is actually in a virtual world the hosts escaped into, and that its hosted at the cartel's datacenter in Hoover Dam. I guess the new park is to infect people that aren’t getting straight up copied or something. Still, odd choice for Halores, since her whole thing is humans hunting hosts for sport in the parks…
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Oh dear. The timeline went all Westworld on us... :#

    There goes my theory... So, New York isn't in virtual, it's 30 (7 + 23) years later in the real world and the escaped hosts William got from the Hoover datacenter in the beginning of the season are there too. Bernard sat on his ass for 30 years and Stubbs waited around. C is Frankie grown up I guess.
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  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    That was pretty daring. Villain wins. Hero dies. Humanity is enslaved.

    While I'm confused about more than a few things (typical for Westworld) I am really puzzled about the new Delores and Teddy. What are they doing, and how do they connect to the rest of it?

    Does the island the mind control tower sits on kinda looks like it's laid out like the maze puzzle, or is it just me?
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    So, it's Futureworld after all. They moved things along pretty quickly after the fake-out and timejump. A little heavy on exposition and monologues but at least we have a pretty good idea what the Game is now.

    Wonder if all hosts can mind control the humans or if that's limited to the bigger named ones. Halores was clearly using the noise makers for her little dance, but William messing with the couple in the beginning didn't make weird noises. Then again he had to use his phone to order some mind control noises to control the crowd outside the outlier's building. Christina doesn't seem to need noise makers and Maeve can probably hack everyone once she's back in the game... :#

    Either way, I'm looking forward to where this goes
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Fidelity was a little predictable and struggles a little with the whole you should care about these people now issue big shows with big casts like Westworld (also, you know, time jumps) tend to have, but I'm hoping most of the set up is now done. Also, yay Maeve is back. Hope Clementine gets more things to do in late season too.

    This Caleb #279 (I think it was) is the final build? What does Hale plan on doing with him? I guess hosts end up in loops even if they aren't programmed to do so. I called using the previous Caleb to break the fall, but did not guess he was alive, so that spooked me. :p Also called Jay being the replacement, since no one else got a flashback. Thompson seems to be having a lot of fun at least.

    Also, note to faceless killer hosts: If you have someone by the neck, don't throw them at things. Just keep squeezing until they stop moving. :p
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  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    I am at a loss. I have no idea - again - where this is going.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing ended up as a simulation, with Ford waking Delores from a reverie from the first season.

    Have they ever said anything about all the hosts seem to have mental/emotional problems? I guess it makes sense, since they're all based on Delores, and she spent who knows how long being repeatedly raped, tortured, murdered, etc.

    It's kind of sad that humans build this amazing intelligences, and they're saddled with the same problems we have.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Yeah, or Maybe Caleb actually died on that beach and everything after that is a simulation?

    I think all the hosts are based on Halores now, and she was acting pretty self destructive in the last season, so I guess the question is if the issues are in the code or if it's the hosts rejecting the perfect world she built.
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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Well, the Man Who Sold the World in the end there was a little on the nose, but it's not like Westworld is very subtle most of the time. Wonder what role that gun Bernard hid in the Hoover datacenter will play? Also, maybe Stubbs will live, and Bernard just lied to him about it, since he knew he wasn't going to make it and Stubbs is programmed to keep him safe...

    I feel like the whole Caleb is a host now situation maybe needs a little more than Hey! It's me! to resolve with Frankie... especially, since he'll probably, you know, die shortly.

    I doubt we've seen the last of Halores and Maeve (what was the point of bringing her back?) but wouldn't it be something, if that's how they got written out of the show

    Also apparently Christina (and Ted, since he's in the Sublime?) isn't real? I kind of called it a few posts ago. :p
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