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Can anyone help?!

Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
In 3DsMax... is there a way that i can add a map to a selection of faces (after i have added the Edit mesh mod and selected the faces, i know how to do that bit)?!

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  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    Moving to 3d Q&A.

    You can just fire up material editor and drag & drop the material on the selected faces.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Theres also a little button in the material editor that will fill the selected opject (or faces) with the current material.

    You might need to add a UV map for your obect to render properly though
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    Thank you... This will help...
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    I have just posted the first (compleat) draft of my ship, but the Stardrive hull is... well pointy! and i want curves...

    that is the link so ya know what i mean, can someone tell me how to 'fillet' (is that right) so that the points become curves?
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    You could go in poly mode and fillet the wires, but probably the easiest thing you could do to affect the whole saucer at once is use a meshsmooth modifier on it, or turbosmooth.
  • Robert HarrisonRobert Harrison1 Posts: 16Member
    Thank you, didn't think of a simple thing like that... forgot there was a sub-menu...

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Dont forget to look at your smoothing groups in editable poly or use edge loops. (should be a few tuts on google) I think max has a tut on using smoothing groups for turbosmooth or meshsmooth. The smoothing groups will allow you to define how things are smoothed off so you can retain hard edges. Without a wire I cannot suggest other methods.
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