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Local TutorialHow to build the Starship Enterprise in TrueSpace 3



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    Damn. I can't tell you how many times I've just cut some rectangles out and called it a day. Your tutorial is very nicely done and shows me how wrong that is. Not that I'm going to go back and change mine, it's just nice to know. :D

    So, you don't have the triangles done yet? :devil:

    Of course, for those of you watching at home, if you plan to booleans subtract other things like windows, you might want to wait to booleans the rectangles until you get the windows in place and cut everything as one object. Otherwise, you might go back, look at your rectangles, and see you have mesh errors that weren't there before. That's the problem of booleans in tS. The more you use it, the more likely you are to have errors.
  • chronochrono0 Posts: 1Member
    Also if you have problems using the boolean, then in the area that's recieving the boolean operation select the faces and Quad-divide them to increase the amount of vertexs in that area for TS to use. And in addition after you've booleaned and have other booleans left it's smart to connect the vertexs to another opposite edge to form a face via an edge. This way there isn't any mess geometry that TS has to deal with. ;)
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Jedilaw wrote:
    Keep 'em coming, man! Just so you know: we're all expecting a concise explanation of how to make a perfect set of Bussard Collectors, with exactly the right glow and everything.

    So, no pressure or anything. :devil:
    Uh oh! :o

    :lol: I'll keep 'em coming but no guarantees! :p I'll have to see if I can translate my Bussard Collector effect to TrueSpace 3. I think it will work since it's mainly multiple textures and transparency effects.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Damn. I can't tell you how many times I've just cut some rectangles out and called it a day. Your tutorial is very nicely done and shows me how wrong that is. Not that I'm going to go back and change mine, it's just nice to know. :D

    So, you don't have the triangles done yet? :devil:
    LOL! eg180, mine isn't the only way and just because it's my way doesn't make it the right way. :lol: I really appreciate the kind words though!

    I ran into tons of problems actually. It reminded me how much of a problem TrueSpace 3 had performing booleans on complex objects. The only way was to glue them all together and subtract at once, otherwise it wasn't working.

    Triangles are next!

    I was also trying to install a new drive in my PC with Windows Vista to test some things at work and of course I wound up wiping out a ton of research material on the Enterprise. I had most of it either backed up or still available on the Net but the loss of the data means that the images I had from are all gone. ARGH!
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    chrono wrote:
    Also if you have problems using the boolean, then in the area that's recieving the boolean operation select the faces and Quad-divide them to increase the amount of vertexs in that area for TS to use. And in addition after you've booleaned and have other booleans left it's smart to connect the vertexs to another opposite edge to form a face via an edge. This way there isn't any mess geometry that TS has to deal with. ;)
    I think you can only do that with later versions of TrueSpace. With version 3 you couldn't select a face to divide, it would only work on the entire object.

    I used to get around it by modeling sections of the object or performing a cut-out of one section and quad dividing that section before performing a union when I was done. Sometimes the difference was so large that I had to simply glue the result in place.

    Excellent tip for higher versions of TS though! Thanks!
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    It's moving along Eric... slowly:devil: .

    I do like watching this progress. Can't wait for you to tackle the bussard collectors *rubs hands together gleefully*.

    To JediLaw, I've made a few TMP Enterprises in my time. When I finish with my TOS, I might be able to run out a tut for Max... Maybe.

    Anyway, Eric keep going. Bussards, Hanger Bay, want to see them all.:D
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    LOL! Okay, okay! lol!
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    *cracks whip against floor*

    Don't make me use this...:devil:

    @Roliba: interesting that you would tackle the TOS after the TMP version. Most would consider the TMP the harder of the two, and would start with the TOS to learn their way around.

    By all means, anything you want to share on modeling this beastie would be appreciated.
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Jedilaw wrote:
    *cracks whip against floor*

    Don't make me use this...:devil:

    @Roliba: interesting that you would tackle the TOS after the TMP version. Most would consider the TMP the harder of the two, and would start with the TOS to learn their way around.

    By all means, anything you want to share on modeling this beastie would be appreciated.

    Actually, I did start with the TOS loh those many years ago, but lost it due to a HD crash. Since then i've built a few TMP versians (lost them to HD crashes too.) You can actually see them at my personal website here (Don't really advertise the site because I haven't updated it in about three years, and everything was made on 3d studio.)
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, and I forgot on my otherpost...

    Eric, get to work. Want bussards.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Did the triangles under the saucer today. Still got the bumps to do but I've go to hit the hay. I'll see if I can post 'em tomorrow. And bussards, right, all in good time! ;) :evil eric:
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    @ Roliba: your version of the TMP Enterprise looks pretty good, dude! You definitely figured out the two areas that are driving me nuts (nacelles and fantail/main shuttle hangar). Of course, those are really the only two areas I've started working on, so what does that say for my level of success? I figured that if I could get those two sections down, the rest of the model would be relatively straightforward. Could take two years to get there, but still...

    @Scifieric: My work on the fantail would be a lot easier, man, if you'd get your rear in gear and write your tut on the engineering hull!:rolleyes:. Enough of that saucer stuff, I need the fantail! Pronto!

    Just messin' with ya...
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the compliment Jedi, espesially coming from a sensei. The thing is, I did that one years ago on 3D studio R4 for Dos. Now that I'm on Max, with it's better modeling tools, I know I can Make a much better one.

    I think am going to try out a tut on building the ship soon, and for you, I'll start with the nacclles and fantail.
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Oh and again I forgot - Bussards.

    *runs away, laughing like a maniac*
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    Roliba wrote:
    Oh and again I forgot - Bussards.

    *runs away, laughing like a maniac*

    Obsess much? :devil:

    And what do you mean "like a maniac?" Aen't you throwing that "like" around a little loosely? I figured you were the maniac, not like a maniac. :shiner:


  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Obsess much? :devil:

    No (bussards), not really (bussards).

    And what do you mean "like a maniac?" Aen't you throwing that "like" around a little loosely? I figured you were the maniac, not like a maniac. :shiner:



    I resemble that remark:p .
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    Roliba wrote:
    Thanks for the compliment Jedi, espesially coming from a sensei. The thing is, I did that one years ago on 3D studio R4 for Dos. Now that I'm on Max, with it's better modeling tools, I know I can Make a much better one.

    I think am going to try out a tut on building the ship soon, and for you, I'll start with the nacclles and fantail.

    I'd love to see it.

    As for me being a Sensei, my emphasis is more on detailing and greebling (see my greeble packs in the "scifi bits and pieces" section of the meshes page). Doing this kind of large-scale modeling with smoothly flowing contiguous surfaces is really new to me. For a true Sensei of Trek, talk to Al3d or Deks (which isn't to say the others aren't also fluent with Trek, Howard Day has done some cool stuff, I don't know about the others). Me, I'm just Some Greeble Guy(tm).
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    Tell you what Jedi, I'll whip together an engine tut for you and post it in a new thread. It may take me a day or two to put it together, and it will be for Max.
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    :D :D Great! :D :D

    Just goes to show what begging will get you in this world.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    You guys crack me up! I'm LMAO over here! :D
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    We are here to entertain you! (Bussards)
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    I fail to see what's so (bussards) funny...
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804743 Posts: 11,267Member
    So, what's (bussards) going on here? What happened (bussards) to the rest of the tutorial? Am I (bussards) the only one who is taking (bussards) this thread seriously?? C'mon, people, (bussards) let's get this thread back on track!!
  • TallguyTallguy351 Posts: 468Member
    Boy are you guys bloodthirsty. You're like a bunch of (bussards) circling for meat. :D
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • JedilawJedilaw0 Posts: 0Member
    Now that's possibly the worst Trek-related pun ever. Congratulations! :D
  • TallguyTallguy351 Posts: 468Member
    Jedilaw wrote:
    Now that's possibly the worst Trek-related pun ever. Congratulations! :D
    It's what I do. It's what I live for.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member

    But seriously, I haven't forgotten about the tutorial.
    Users of TrueSpace 3D can rest easy.
    Some more of the tutorial will be posted on
    Are the warp domes next or Engineering?
    Read more this weekend to find out!
    Don't give up!
    Starships await those who prevail!
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    scifieric wrote:

    But seriously, I haven't forgotten about the tutorial.
    Users of TrueSpace 3D can rest easy.
    Some more of the tutorial will be posted on
    Are the warp domes next or Engineering?
    Read more this weekend to find out!
    Don't give up!
    Starships await those who prevail!

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL. (I can't stop laughing!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

    But seriously: Bussards.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    I aim's to please. Let's hope it's not a catching thing, like (bussards) hiccups or anything!
  • RolibaRoliba331 Posts: 0Member
    scifieric wrote:
    I aim's to please. Let's hope it's not a catching thing, like (bussards) hiccups or anything!

    Come to the Dark Side (Bussards) Eric (Bussards). Oh, and I'm your Uncle (Bussards)
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