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PracticalMy 1/8 Scale BTTF Delorean (WIP)

NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
I've Started this build at the beginning of July, it is a subscription build where you only receive a few issues per month. 4 issues each time. There are 130 issues in all for the entire build. Because of the cost of the entire model, building it little by little is a lot more cost effective, at least for me. It is a very easy and enjoyable build as all of the pieces are pre-painted. There is no gluing or cementing required. Everything is fastened together with screws. Right now I've completed issues 1 - 22 and here is the current update for the build:

Sorry about the delay in the update. The weather and work have been nearly impossible this whole last month. A quick update for my website, though: For those visitors who check for updates on their cell phones and tablets, I was able to get the issue of viewing the pictures on my website resolved. I have received several complaints about visitors not being able to view the pictures on my site. It seems there was a software issue that has now been updated, so you should be able to visit my site without any further issues. I've tried it on my own phone and now I don't have any problems seeing any of the pics. Thanks to all for letting me know about this issue! Hopefully everything is fixed.

My only update for Nov/Dec is for the DeLorean Build. I have over 50 new pics on the 1/8 BTTF DeLorean page. Check out Slides 57 - 110 on the 1/8 BTTF DeLorean page. The assembly goes very fast with each of the Issues received. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes per issue so I can do a few things every few days if I need to. This is a really enjoyable build. Currently I'm working on the building of the Engine. The details are just phenomenal. Please check out the pics. Drop a few comments if you can.
As many of you know, those who have followed my builds over the years, December is a very low model building month for me so I will probably not be able to get much of anything done until early next year. The drydock has been on hold now for a while jus because of my job. But hopefully things will taper down by the 1st week of January and I can get back into the swing of things. Please be safe during this time of the year and I will see you in 2019.
Thanks everyone!

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  • The_meshmasterThe_meshmaster1 Posts: 0Member
    Wow...I never have seen this type of sets before...I have to say, they look Awesome...keep it up bro.
  • D-JotaD-Jota390 Posts: 47Member
    I love Back to the Future and so naturally I'm a fanboy for the DeLorean time machine. I've been aware of the Eaglemoss issue of the 1:8 DeLorean for quite some time; If I had the physical space to display one in my playroom I could probably, maybe, almost convince myself to take a crack at it... but I haven't. A blessing in disguise probably! :D

    About three years ago I tackled the build your own 1:8 scale Lamborghini Aventador by Pocher as a sort of Christmas present to myself, which was similar to the DeLorean in that it was largely assembled with the use of a screwdriver and modelling glue. It cost me about ?500, around 100 hours of effort to build over a two weeks stretch; half of that time kinda stressed me out as I was paranoid that I'd either screw it up or damage it as I had never attempted anything like that before. Then there was the backache caused by my sitting on the floor for all that time. - It looks bloody good though (if I do say so...) and though it was satisfying to cross the finish line with it, the experience has pretty much put me off from attempting the same again.

    Anyway, well done for taking on the challenge. I'll be interested to see how you get on.
  • The_meshmasterThe_meshmaster1 Posts: 0Member
    What's the price of the full set in American dollars?
  • D-JotaD-Jota390 Posts: 47Member
    Are you addressing NemVia regarding the DeLorean or me regarding the Lambo? :D
  • The_meshmasterThe_meshmaster1 Posts: 0Member
    D-Jota wrote: »
    Are you addressing NemVia regarding the DeLorean or me regarding the Lambo? :D

    Oh sorry, I mean for NemVia..
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    What's the price of the full set in American dollars?

    Well, each Issue is $12.85 including shipping x 130 issues it comes out to $1670.50. It's actually a little less than that because the 1st 2 issues are $1.95 together as an incentive offer to start the build. That's about it. Is it worth the cost? Could be. I've always wanted to build this model as a kid, but I do like the larger scale. So to me it's worth the cost and the wait to build it.

  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771391 PNWPosts: 761Member
    You built a time machine...out of a Delorean?
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2078 Central OhioPosts: 1,266Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    You built a time machine...out of a Delorean?

    If you're going to build a time machine, why not do it with some style?
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    WOW! Already the beginning of a new year. December flew by and I'm glad it did. It's good to get back to work on something I would really rather be doing anyway.
    I received issues 23 - 26 for the DeLorean build. For the most part it is finishing up the engine assembly and getting it mounted onto the car frame. It looks real good assembled. I just have to dirt the engine up a little, by adding some weathering and usage stains to the manifolds, oil pan and transmission areas. The engine looks awesome, but it's a little to pristine! Anyway, I've posted 25 new pics on the 1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean page. Just click on the page and look at new updates starting at pic 111 - 136. Hope you enjoy the pics.

    Looking forward to next month's updates. Everyone have a good month! See you then,

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2078 Central OhioPosts: 1,266Member
    I would be murdered if I spent that much on a model kit.

    That being said, I am envious of you on this because it's coming out looking amazing!
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    I would be murdered if I spent that much on a model kit.

    That being said, I am envious of you on this because it's coming out looking amazing!
    Thank you, my friend.

    I guess I'm at an age where I'm able to put aside some cash each month for this. I have a strict budget so I do have to keep to it. Besides, if it becomes too much of a burden, I can pause the subscription until I can get back to it. That was one of the things that caught my eye about doing this build, so it won't overburden me if that should happen. Eaglemoss has worked with me even on some parts that were missing or were broken. They are very easy to work with. Thanks for your comments. I should have another updates at the beginning of February for issues 27 - 30.

  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member

    Hi everyone, this is the DeLorean Build update for February. I've received issues 27 - 30 and they are incredibly simple to assemble, just minimum work to do. The main focus was on the Chassis plate and the radiator and water pipe assemblies. Adding the plate to the car has really increased the total weight of the model, as the plate is made from metal. It now weighs in at 5.3lbs or 2392g. I could almost do some body building with this kit. Anyway, everything is fitting together nicely. I did have to make an adjustment to the two water pipes or hoses that connect to the engine. They are black radiator hoses the are made from a very stiff plastic, so there was very little give in them to make then fit properly. I wound up sanding down the side of the hose that faces the engine. When I did get it to fit you don't even notice it was filed down. I don't have pics yet of the weathering of the engine parts because I wanted to wait until all of this was assembled before I did anything. Hopefully, this will add a touch of the "used" look to the overall time machine. There are 20 new progress pics on the "1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean" starting on page 3 of the photo album, pics 137 - 157. Let me know what you think! The next 4 Issues are already being processed, so I'm looking forward to that as well. See you next month, happy modeling.

    In other update news I've just became a GRANDFATHER for the 9th time. So happy days for that! Take care and we'll talk with you soon! 
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    edited March 2019 #14
    MARCH UPDATES - 2019
    Greetings Fellow Modelers.
    Just got back from 2 weeks vacation in a place that was nice and warm. Had to take a break from this awful cold weather in the Midwest. So, now after some recharging of the batteries from a good rest, I can deal with life again for a little while.
    This month's update is a bonus update. Before I went on VACA, I received Issues 31 - 34 and assembled them, photographed them and then all I needed to do was edit them when I came back from our trip. At the beginning of the month, or on March 6th, I received Issues 35 - 38. So you can see the updates for 8 of the Issues this month. Also, the box I received for my shipment was unusually large this time and I couldn't really figure out why at first. But, then I checked my billing manifest and found that the 3rd and final "FREE" gift was included with this delivery which I forgot about. Eaglemoss sent me the Display Base for the DeLorean. It looks pretty sharp. Measures 27" x 14" x 1.5" and has a mirrored surface to display the underneath of the car and a BACK TO THE FUTURE display plate on the front. Issue 38 came with 4 mounting brackets for the car to sit on, but they don't hold the car high enough for hover mode. Maybe they're will be 4 more coming in the future that are a little higher up. Whish I had a Flux Capacitor so I could find out..... Hah... Anyway, I was also surprised that the front and rear wheel wells were metal pieces instead of plastic. The only Issue I had with these concerned the rear wheel wells. I found that in order to get them screwed in place I needed to first screw in the front part of the wells to the Chassis, then put the 2nd and 3rd screws in until they were flush with the Chassis. The "suspension" parts kind of hold the wheel wheels up and away from the frame. IF you try to put the screws in from back to front it's a little more difficult. Just letting anyone whose building this kit know how to get these parts in place. With these 8 Issues, some of the wiring has arrived along with the Battery Box and lid which are cleverly and appropriately hidden in the "fuel" tank. It looks like in the next Issue (39) some more wiring items will be arriving. I'm looking forward to it. There are 43 "New" pics in the "1/8 Scale BTTF DeLorean" page, starting on page 3 and slide number 158. For a view of the Display base, go to the bottom of page 3. As always, comments are welcome. See you next Month.
    Post edited by NemVia on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2078 Central OhioPosts: 1,266Member
    The mirror display is a nice touch
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    The mirror display is a nice touch

    Thanks! I like it too. When I finish the build I will be ordering the Dust cover for it as well. Keep everything nice and shiny…..
  • ViperViper1696 Posts: 717Administrator
    This looks very nice. Eager to see more :) It seems to match the real thing pretty well.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    APRIL UPDATES - 2019

    Just to let everyone know, our website URL has been changed to and the website is now simply known as NemVia. Without realizing it I let the .net expire. It was just easier to move everything to .org.

    As for the DeLorean build, I've added 22 new pics to the "1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean" page. A lot of the build this month focused on the time circuit display and adding some more wiring for the lighting effects such as the brake lights, front and rear tail lights and turn signal blinkers. The brake pedal actually moves and has a spring to pull the pedal back in place. The center console also the gear shift handle which also moves and comes with a rubber shroud similar to a real shift shroud. The climate control details are very awesome, although I really doubt you'll be able to see them when the time circuits are all in place. The keypad is now in place as well as the stereo with cassette player details and controls as well as the compass. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming issues. Issue 43 looks to have more of the time circuit wiring along with the start of the beginnings of the Flux Capacitor assembly. Pretty "Heavy" Stuff. Once again, the details are just awesome on this build. She's starting to look more and more like a car. Can't wait.

    The top link will take you to the 1st update pic for this month. The second is for the website home page.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    MAY UPDATES - 2019
    Hey Everyone, sorry about the delay in the updates. I've had the pics loaded onto my website, I just haven't got around to adding the titles and captions until today. Well, most of the Issues concentrated on the dashboard assembly which includes the driver's side gages you speedometer, tach, fuel, etc. Also the passenger side indicators along with the lighting LED boards and their wiring components. Even the 88 mph speed gage is included. I can't wait to see all of this stuff lit up and working. Another part of this month's assembly includes the time circuit assembly, with power box and also the 6 push buttons that are on the passenger side of the center console. The detailing is pretty nice looking. Although I haven't secured these items onto the chassis, I was able to do a test fitting and take some pretty nice pics of what I have assembled so far. Check 'em out. there are 23 new pics starting with issue 43 which is slide no. 224 on the 4th page of the "1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean" page. Hope you enjoy them. I just received word that my next 4 issues have been mailed out, so I'm looking forward to starting on those. Issue 47 deals with the steering assembly. That's it for this month's update. Check back here in June. The link below should bring you to Issue 43

  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    MAY UPDATES -2019 (part ll)

    I know this is a rare occasion, but I was able to receive my next 4 issues of the DeLorean build within' the same month. I really liked these issues, especially Issue 48. Issue 48 had a little bit more work to do on it and it dealt mainly with the dashboard component wiring. All of these cables are of the GNDN variety and used for aesthetics purposes only. But, to adjust them and get them into their proper places was what took up most of the time. (well, that and I misread the instructions for the wire separator piece and threaded them through it upside down.....DOH) Oh, we'll anyway it was fun doing this part of the build. All of the cables needed to be threaded through the bottom of the dash into the trunk space area only to be secured there permanently later on. I've actually found a couple things that I do not like with this part of the build, though. One is that the cable ties or zip ties are way out of scale with the care. I do however plan to replace them with some smaller ones that are used for stereo electronics which are much smaller and a little more accurate. Also, I was very disappointed in the function of the steering wheel and steering column. I had hoped they would turn the front wheels a little farther than they do. Now I understand why they give you the mounting blocks for the display stand so that the wheels will turn a bit more with less effort. But, I don't think it's going to be too big of an issue since the car will mostly be displayed in a case. Anyway, I was also able to build one of the cars seats, driver's side to be exact. I like how the material feels, almost like real leather, and they give you foam to place underneath the seat cushions to make the seat covers feel soft just like you could sit on them for real. I think I will be weathering the seats a bit. Just looking at how much stuff was added to the car by "Doc Brown" would suggest a lot of wear on just about everything on the inside of the car. That's why I'm leaving any scuffs and scratches that I might make on the car for that lived in feel. So far I've built issues 1 - 50 for this kit and the car now weighs in at 7.5 lbs (3.4 kg) I didn't know it was going to be this heavy. I can't imagine what it will weigh when finished. So, there's 31 New pics to check out. Check out the link below, that will get you to the first pic. Well, that's it for now. Keep checking for the next update.
    Thanks, Mark
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Wow ...
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2078 Central OhioPosts: 1,266Member
    So it wasn't my imagination, you think the zip ties are too big too.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    So it wasn't my imagination, you think the zip ties are too big too.

    Yes, definitely. I have zip ties on some cables in my work truck and they are just a little bit larger than the ones in this build. I have seen very small ones used in electronic gear that I'm going to scrounge for and that should fix this inaccuracy. Thanks for your comment.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    JUNE UPDATES - 2019 Hey everyone. I just received my next four issues (51-54) on Friday. Very quick and easy issues to do. I've been able to install the passenger seat as well as more GNDN wiring. And finally the rear bulkhead plate that goes in behind the seats. Also I've added the left and right side door sills that kind of make the seating area look more like it belongs in a real car. Nothing overly spectacular for this update, but the interior is getting closer to being finished. Looking at the test fitting of the interior with the car frame, I can see that even though this is a pretty big model car at 1/8 scale, the real life one looks extremely cramped even without all the time circuit details. I've never seen one in person, but this certainly tells me I don't think I'd ever really want one. Unless of course some generous individual gave me one as a gift.... (NOT) Anyway, there are 22 new pics in the "!/8 Scale BTTF DeLorean" page. The link will take you there:
    Next month I will have a 1 year review of this build to date to see how far I've gotten over a twelve month span on this one model. In about 3 month I will be at the half-way point of this build. Hope this is still holding everyone's interest. Well, That's it for now. More coming soon. See you then.

  • I14R10I14R1070 Posts: 140Member
    I love it. I've wanted a DeLorean scale model for a long time, I'm still looking for a good reason to validate buying it :)
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    JULY UPDATES - 2019
    Hey Everyone! Thanks for stopping buy for the latest updates on the DeLorean build. I have 30 new pics for you to check out. This month the components were very easy to add to the interior section of the car. There are a few things in this car that I never knew where in there including a couple of speakers that fit behind the seats. Unfortunately, they don't function, otherwise I'd be cranking a cassette tape of Edward Van Halen music whilst doing this project. There are a few more "Live wires" that are now in this build and I've also added the main circuit board to the passenger side bulkhead piece. This assembly was very quick. The wires are all pre-numbered and they all plug into corresponding numbers on the circuit board. I was also able to plug into the board some of the components from the dash board. If they really work, I don't know as of yet. At least not until I can power this baby up. But it's starting to come together little by little. Best of all the Flux Capacitor box assembly was included with issue 58.So, as of July 25 it will be 1 year since I began posting this build on my site. The time has seemed to fly by very fast. I wish that darned capacitor would work so I can move into the future to see this thing done though. Oh, well. I can't afford the Plutonium or a real Mr. Fusion anyway. I'll just have to wait. To kind of celebrate all that's been accomplished with this build I've posted the article below with the 14 progress pics, including this months pic and a small review of the build and it's components over the last year. Hope you enjoy seeing everything come together. Keep checking for updates and we'll see you in the "FUTURE"! Mark

    1/8 Back To The Future DeLorean Build - The First Year - Issues 1 - 58 Build Review

    To review, The Back To The Future DeLorean is a car that has always intrigued me and I recall the smaller all plastic model with instant hover mode which was availible with the sliding of a lever located underneath the car's chassis. A good friend of mine began building this version of the car but never kept up with it, so he passed it on to me. However, the model fell into oblivion at some point never to be seen again. Just last year, I received an advertisement to build this car again in 1/8 scale on a subscription bases. I've never tried building anything like this before, but a highly detailed version of the car was irresistible to me so I began the subscription. At first what I received with Issues 1 - 6 did not seem very impressive, but I began what will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.5 years to build this awesome vehicle with working lighting effects and many other details that make this build a wonderful experience. On July 25, 2018 I posted my first pictures of my Back to the future DeLorean Build. This is a review of all of the 13 Overall Progress Pictures which are viewable on my "Home Page" link below so you can see what was entailed in this thrilling model.

    Issues 1 - 6. All that was received was the driver's side front fender panel which was made out of metal, one of the wheel assemblies, the front end suspension assemblies the top and bottom rear bumper assemblies, the "Plutonium" Chamber and the Mr. Fusion assemblies. These Issues were extremely easy to assemble

    Issues 7 - 10 where also very easy to put together. The chassis frame was made from metal which gives the model quite a bit of strength. I also received the second front wheel assembly and the anti-roll assembly as well as the steering mechanisms. What I've really enjoyed about this build is that everything is pre-painted to the appropriate color. All you have to do is assembly each issue as instructed. Some minor issues are that most of the metal parts are not pre threaded and the screws don't appear to be self threading. When putting this kit together you do need a solid Phillips screwdriver that can torque the mounting screws all the way in, otherwise there will be some wiggle with some of the assembled parts.

    Issues 11- 14 include the engine support brackets some base panels and connecting rods as well as the two rear disc brake assemblies the left rear wheel assembly with springs and shock absorbers, left and right radius arms and the two track rods. Very easy assemblies for these 4 Issues. This pic shows the wheels in hover mode.

    Issues 15- 18 Include the right rear wheel assembly. It also includes the beginnings of the transmission as well as the pieces for the bottom of the engine assembly which includes the transmission case housing the engine bottom with sump pan and the starter assembly, the left and right sides of the engine, engine backing, manifolds oil and fuel filters. The engine block is made entirely of metal except for some of the add-ons. This assembly does require that you torque down on some of the screws otherwise the pieces will rattle a bit. Another thing to add into the seams is some hot glue or some other form of caulking to block out any holes that might be visible.

    Issues 19 - 22 include the engine top water pump and hoses, The air intake and manifolds, The cylinder head covers a/c compressor assembly and mounting brackets, Oil filler cap, a/c compressor connector, intake manifolds, fuel injectors throttle control assembly and injector hoses. These four Issues have a lot of tiny detailing work to be done. For most of this assembly I used some locking tweezers to hold some of the pieces steady while adding them onto the engine. The hoses for the injectors were a bit of trouble, but once I got them on they were okay. A small bead of hot glue can help out a lot, too.

    Issues 23- 26 include the distributor assembly, the oil dipstick, which you should cement in place. It has the tendency to pop off if you accidently bump the engine assembly. Also you get the pulleys for the alternator, water pump and A/C compressor as well as the drive belts for each of them. You also get some mounting brackets and two of the exhaust pipes, the muffler or silencer, other connectors and 2 rubber boots for the track rods. Most of these pieces are very easy to assemble. After these assemblies are complete the engine is mounted onto the frame and then you are pretty much finished with the engine assembly from this point forward. At one point I was going to weather the engine up a bit, but this kind of fell by the wayside as I realized that most of the engine won't be seen after everything is finished. I might do some light weathering to it later on after I get farther along on the build. At least to dull the engine down a bit. But, I thing the engine looks pretty sharp the way it is.

    Issues 27 - 30 have parts for the radiator backing with fan blades mounting brackets and horn, the radiator grill, front and back with mounting frame which is a very quick assembly. Then you finally get to add the bottom chassis plate which will hold the floor of the interior. You also get all of the water pipes that run from the radiator assembly back to the engine. Some of these pieces are bent in such a way that it takes a bit of fishing them through the engine framework to get them into place. These run mainly underneath the chassis so you can't see them in this update picture.

    Issues 31 - 34 start the process of sealing the chassis in from the outside you get the rear chassis plates the fuel tank which holds the batteries to power the future electronics that will go into the car. You also get the fuel tank cover which holds the batter cover in place as well. The last and largest piece of these issues is the upper front chassis cover and the reservoir for the washer fluid. Very quick assembly time because the parts a very large and easy to work with.

    Issues 35 - 38 have some very easy things to add onto the car as well. You get the front wheel wells, the right and left pontoons with mounting brackets, the rear wheel wells and finally some of the first bits of wiring for the electronic effects for the car. They also give you some brackets to allow the car to rest on while in hover mode. I don't know if I'll use them, because I think they are a little too short. I might make some of my own to hold the car up a little higher to make it appear to be floating above the display stand.

    Issues 39 - 42 finally allow you to start working on the interior of the car. You get the floorboard along with some more wiring for the electronics which assembles together in no time at all. You also get the firewall with gas pedal, clutch and working brake with a lighting switch for the brake lights. The other two pedals are static and don't move. Then you get to work on the center console which includes highly detailed A/C heat and fan dials, gear stick with rubber shroud which allows the shift to move around a bit and also the beginnings of the time display box. This includes the time circuit keypad, stereo, heat sink and compass which when assembled looks pretty amazing.There are also some electronics to install for the lighting effects of the time circuit display. The wiring runs underneath the center console.

    Issues 43 - 46 include more wiring for the switch button board, the time circuit activator with Y-handle as well as a power supply box and various other buttons. This wiring is also fed under the center of the console. Next is the dashboard and shelves for the odometer display and other dials seen on the passenger side of the dashboard. You also get the LED lighting panels for each of the dashboard displays. Very quick assembly on these issues as well.

    Issues 47 - 50 Start you off with the steering console, with steering column and levers for turn signals and wipers that actually move. The steering wheel itself Is made from metal. Next comes the most time consuming Issue of the kit thus far. You are supplied with a lot of GNDN or dummy wires which make the DeLorean look like its just packed with electronics and power cables. The hard part is straightening all of these wires out and to make them bend where you want them to go. It can be done but you need a lot of TLC for this to happen. I even split one of the wires by accident when trying to contour it to the dashboard. Fortunately where it split was in an area that will not bee seen. You have to feed some of these wires into relay boxes and power units and then secure them to the dash. The only thing I really didn't like about this part is the zip-ties are way out of scale. I'm currently looking for smaller ones, which I have seen inside some electrical units like stereos and dvd players. These are micro ties that are way more accurate in scale. As soon as I can get a hold of them, I'll cut the old ones off and put those on instead. You also get some heavy duty power cables and the connector part of the seat-belts and finally the driver's side seat which is made of a soft, leather-like material. It contains a metal framework along with padding for cushions. I think I was able to put this together in less than 5 minutes. It even can lean and pull forward to get to whatever electronics and wiring are behind the seat. Very cool feature.

    Issues 51 - 54 start off with the passenger side seat assembly and again was put together in less than five minutes. In fact, I don't even think I used the assembly instructions. It's that easy. But, with the rest of the issues you get the left and right door sills as well as the hand brake and more cabling and zip ties. There is also a huge pipe that runs from the dash on the passenger side to the soon to be added rear bulkhead panel. This will also contain some short piping elbows as well as what looks to be like a compression cylinder will be added to this bulkhead piece which fits behind the driver and passenger seats. There is also a small junction box for more wires So there's more bending to do, but not quite so tedious as the dash wiring. And finally

    Issues 55 - 58. There are two, what look to be like 12" audio speaker that go behind the two seats. There is also a bulkhead hatch which is behind the passenger side seat which holds what seems to be the main circuit board for all of the lighting effects on the entire car. Most of the wiring that was fed from the dash through the center console is connected to this board. After this is in place, the upper bulkhead and it's details can be assembled which include the light board and other panels, some socket boards for the larger cable connections as well the Flux capacitor box and LED wiring and also some piping that will connect to the Flux capacitor box. So, this a year and a half's worth of work putting together 58 Issues to this point. At Issue 65 I will be at the half-way point of this build so there is a lot more to come. There are over 870 pieces assembled together so far and this includes all of the fastening screws for the components. I really enjoy this build and I do think it's worth the expense for all of the issues. I've had very little problems with any of the components and the ones I did have trouble with Eaglemoss promptly replaced the missing or defective parts. So here's to another year and a half or so of building this awesome car and I hope that everyone will continue to visit my website to see the 72 Issues that I will be adding to this amazing replica of the Back To The Future DeLorean Time Machine. See you in the future and thanks for visiting. Mark
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1948 CaliforniaPosts: 2,104Member
    That is just plain spectacular. Really nice effort. Loved the movie too.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    Well, alright now! I have a very nice update for this month. I finally received some beefy issues with some worthwhile parts to add to the DeLorean. The assembly for these four issues was extremely easy to do. The parts are mainly for the upper framework of the car. There are plenty pre drilled screw holes in the frame indicating there will be a lot more items to add to the car later on. It was actually very nice to get some of the bigger items this time around. I'll say this for Eaglemoss, at least with these parts, that everything has aligned very well. The framework slid on very nicely to the lower chassis and all of the mounting holes are perfectly aligned. So, this month's update was very easy to complete. It looks like in the upcoming issue #63 that I will be receiving the hood assembly. Finally some exterior parts to add on! I have added 29 new pics to the "1/8 Scale BTTF DeLorean" page. So check 'em out, leave some feedback if you'd like and I'll be posting more in the up-coming weeks. See ya

  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    New exterior car body pieces arriving, finally! It's nice to work on some of the small details for this build, but every now and then it's great to see the larger parts arrive in the mail as well. This month I received Issues 63 - 66 and these included the Hood and framework for the trunk, the trunk interior and some more switches to operate the dome light when the doors are opened. All 4 of these issues are relatively quick to put together. The hood is made from metal as well as the air-pistons that are used to hold the trunk open. The pistons did have an issue, though. When opening the hood the mounting bracket pieces that are in the pistons would pull out from the metal tubes. I used some Maxi-cure to re-cement them into the tubes. This seems to work. But the reason they probably pulled out in the first place is that the piston tubes are very hard to pull open and slide closed. So I opened the hood as far as it would go, got some WD-40 and sprayed it on a tissue, then rubbed it onto the smaller part of the piston that slides into the larger tube. After a few open and closings, the pistons operated a lot smoother and I don't have to worry about the brackets being pulled out again. (I hope) For some of the smaller details in ISSUE 66 there are some more springs and door catches to assemble as well as the door locks which contains some micro switches, these also had some tiny springs to add in. Not very fond of those. I did have one fly away from me in an earlier issue, but fortunately I found it. Sometimes you need to work on these tine parts with over a white floor just in case something like this happens. (Wish I had a white floor) So, with these Issues, the piece-count for the build so far is about 1,079 pieces, including screws and wiring, etc. I haven't done this in a while, but the car now weighs in at 13.1 lbs (5.94kg). As a young Marty would say: "That's heavy, Doc". The weight includes the front left fender and the bumper assembly. I'll have to use a different scale next time because the one I'm using is for small measuring, up to 13 lbs. (5.89 kg)
    Anyway, there are 23 new pics on the "1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean" page, so check 'em out and let me know what you think!
    In the next issue (67) I will be receiving the driver's side door assembly. I'm really looking forward to that. Thanks for checking the sight! More to come next month!
    Attached Thumbnails
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1948 CaliforniaPosts: 2,104Member
    Loving it. That's quite a model kit and you are doing it justice and then some.
  • NemViaNemVia192 Posts: 71Member
    Loving it. That's quite a model kit and you are doing it justice and then some.

    Thanks Brandenberg…. I'm doing my best!

    SEPTEMBER UPDATEs - 2019 - (Supplemental)
    Again, it's rare that I can get 2 updates in during a one month span, but when I saw the Driver's side door in Issues 67 - 70 I wanted to get moving o this. The door assembly is very easy to put together. It comes with hinges and support piston as well as lighting around the lower frame of the door and the two window pieces are now in place. There is a gear mechanism that will allow the smaller window to go up and down, via a thumb gear located in the bottom of the door. There is some very minor wiring that needed to be done, but that was relatively east to install. There is an issue with the door staying open though. The screws that are provided for the hydraulic arm bracket strip very easily. They will not thread properly into the frame. I will be doing a "fix" for that hopefully by the next update. I've added 24 new pics to the "1/8 scale BTTF DeLorean" page. If you get a chance to check them out, let me know what you think. Hopefully the passenger side door will arrive in the next bundle. Thanks for checking the update. I should have another one shortly.

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