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3DBattle Carrier Redesign



  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    So I decided to get rid of the temporary placeholders for the shuttle bays and finally build the actual bays. I will start adding detail to them tomorrow. Much better than the holes in the hull for the first version of the carrier. :)

    New Hull 24.jpg
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Just about finished laying down the basic shape of the new flight deck though it is hard to see since I haven't added any detail to it yet. No more trench full of windows through the center of the flight deck like on the first battle carrier. Still messing around with the shape at the back. Thinking I'm going to have to do a little redesign on the engine area and main landing bay.

    New Hull 25.jpg

    New Hull 26.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    The underside of the ship looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the top.
  • Fantastic work on the underside.
    It reminds me a little bit at the old scifi-series Robotech. I really like this ship. :)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks guys!
    I have a lot more detail to add to the bottom section yet and then on to the textures.
    I don't seem to have the patience for working on this today.
    I started to add detail to the new flight deck - cutting in panel lines and adding the beginnings of a cargo bay / shuttle pod bay.
    Just a little bit of work and I've had enough.
    Maybe because I'm getting close to going on vacation next week? :)

    New Hull 28.jpg
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    This has come a long way since your first iteration. Great job. :thumb:
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks Schimpfy!

    So yesterday I was working away cloning the RCS thrusters everywhere around the flight deck when I noticed that MAX was reacting verrrrrrrry slowly. I saved the file and noticed the file size had suddenly shot up to almost 300 MB where it was only 170 MB before. So today after wasting a bunch of time experimenting with collapsing geometry (which surprisingly almost always makes the file size bigger - exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do) I ended up removing some of the detail from the RCS thrusters and lowering the quality of the pieces. The file size is now back down to 175 MB and I can work again. What a pain in the @ss. :)

    Finished the small cargo / shuttle pod bays and placed the RCS thrusters around the flight deck.

    New Hull 30.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Yep, sounds like a pain all right. It's looking good, though.
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks evil_genius_180!

    Just for fun I dropped the original superstructure on the new hull to see what it would look like.

    New Hull 31.jpg

    New Hull 32.jpg

    New Hull 33.jpg
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    a design consideration if your going for realism - placing the RCS thrusters evenly spaced along the hull is inefficient - they are better concentrated at the bow and stern to maximise their ability to pitch/yaw the vessel quickly and would still work just as well for lateral movements - the closer the thruster is to the center of mass the less effective it would be in turning the ship so your really just wasting fuel

    otherwise looking great though the panel gaps look quite big for a vessel of this size - or is there a sci fi reason for it? i tend try and avoid gaps as they look like weak points in the armour but somehow i cant make the ships look real without doing it :(


    on thinking about it you could have some at the ships widest point to help with roll speed
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    I've been in the USA on holidays for the last three weeks so haven't been doing any work on this thing. I spent the first week packing up my wife's house in St. Louis. We got married in January and she is finally moving up to be with me in Edmonton after 7 years of a long distance relationship. We then flew to LA and have been visiting her family in Malibu for close to 2 weeks. We're flying home to Edmonton on Wednesday so I'll get back to work on this thing on Thursday.

    My theory with the RCS thrusters is that it's a really big ship so it needs more thrusters for precise movements for docking etc. As for the panel gaps there is going to be some tech in them - shield emitters and such - you'll see soon. And yes you're right about making the gaps bigger otherwise you can't see the lines at all when you render a pic showing the whole ship.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Wow, that's quite the long distance relationship. It's great that it's working out and that you're able to finally live together, though. :)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks evil_genius_180! Yeah she is pretty incredible in every way and we are both so happy that we are FINALLY together. I have 2 daughters from my first marriage and they just love her to death. Hell my whole family loves her. :thumb:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    That's great, man. I'm glad things are working out for you. :thumb:
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Okay so I'm determined to get this thing done and get my book cover updated this month. I started adding a bunch of detail this morning including the first shield emitter ribbon near the top of the hull near the bow. Kind of a PITA to line that piece up in the slots properly that's for sure. Worth it though, I think it looks pretty cool. Should really stand out when I get the other one done lower down on the hull. I also added a series of AA gun turrets in the small pockets on the side of the hull.

    New Hull 36.jpg

    New Hull 37.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    Looking good, dude. :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    You might consider toning down the shield emitter when you consider that (at least it looks like) they'll be all over the ship. It has the potential to be too much unless you're going for the Tron look. :)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks evil_genius_180!

    Schimpfy - when finished there will only be one more shield emitter ribbon on the hull which will follow the main horizontal line a third of the way up from the bottom so I'm hoping it won't be too much. There will be another one that runs around the outside of the flight deck as well. I still have to design the final material for the emitters and I might thin it down a bit. I used a spline and set the render thickness so it's really easy to change. :)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Just finished the shield emitter ribbons on the hull. As I stated I will be adjusting the size a bit and the colour / texture once the modeling is finished.

    New Hull 38.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    That's looking really cool. Is the color scheme going to more or less stay the same? I like the white with touches of blue.
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Thanks dude! Yes it's going to stay white and blue, but I am going to do my best to make it look more real by adding some grime and subtle panels with textures. I'm not the best at texturing so we'll see how it goes. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    I can certainly understand wanting to add weathering and whatnot, but I'd almost prefer that clean look. But, that's just me. ;)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    I hear ya and I'm probably going to make the grime more subtle, not in your face blatant. :)
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Don't you hate it when you spend a few hours building something then when you're finished you render it and don't really like it? I changed my where the landing bays are located and I like the design other than the landing platforms. Now that the landing bays are part of the flight deck (as will the launch bays be soon) I have more room for the engines and the engine detail.

    New Hull 40.jpg

    New Hull 41.jpg
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Okay so another idea I had was to make a larger version of the cargo bays for the landing bays and maybe even the launch bays. I added one to my second last model file to see how it would look. I like it better than the bays in my previous post so I might go with these. Only thing is for the outboard bays the fighters may have to land at an angle instead of coming in straight from behind the carrier.

    New Hull 42.jpg

    New Hull 43.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
    SeanP wrote: »
    Don't you hate it when you spend a few hours building something then when you're finished you render it and don't really like it?

    Yes, that always sucks.
    SeanP wrote: »
    Okay so another idea I had was to make a larger version of the cargo bays for the landing bays and maybe even the launch bays. I added one to my second last model file to see how it would look. I like it better than the bays in my previous post so I might go with these. Only thing is for the outboard bays the fighters may have to land at an angle instead of coming in straight from behind the carrier.

    New Hull 42.jpg

    New Hull 43.jpg

    I like this idea better.
  • Coota0Coota0331 Posts: 66Member
    Are the turrets on the port side of the island supposed to fire across the deck?
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Okay, I finished the landing bays. Next are the launch bays, the new engine section and then on to redesigning the superstructure and the island.

    New Hull 44.jpg
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Coota0 wrote: »
    Are the turrets on the port side of the island supposed to fire across the deck?

    Yes why?
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    just curious but now that you have hangers all around the ship why does the ship need the flight deck? on a space ship doesn't seem entirely necessary
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