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3DBlender wip

stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
edited December 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Hi guys,
it's been a while since my last posts so i decided to start a new one.
Just a small BSG-styled mesh i'm working on at the moment. Scylla is her name and i guess we've seen her before.
Have fun.
Post edited by stephan_ska on


  • arisdgarisdg0 Posts: 0Member
    I like.

  • rawrecruitrawrecruit0 Posts: 0Member
  • HundredHundred268 Posts: 1,021Member
    Very nice stephan_ska. :thumb:
  • TinukedayaTinukedaya182 Posts: 271Member
    Nice one!
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
    Cruiser - SFS Suricata --- Freighter - SFS "Crate"
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Really liking this design...
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for comments guys !

    Have had some problems with my old pc the last days but before i've been able to do my very first particle test in blender. The goal is to get something like an engine-glow / afterburner etc.. so i found some tutorials and tried my best, but ..hum..
    I'm on it but at least not really satisfied with the result.

  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    That's not a bad start at all.
    I've never used Blender, so I'm not a lot of help with specifics. But I think it needs to be a longer trail (so it doesn't angle in as sharply), have a softer edge (so it's less "cone-y", maybe larger, softer particles?), and maybe a more gradual falloff from orange to blue, and from blue to transparent. You also need to add the hot glow inside the burner to give that overexposed hot firey look, which will help sell the particles too.
    But you've got a great start there. Definitely keep at it.

    Particles are always tricky. They're always dependent on scale, and situation, so they always take a lot of tweaking before you get them right, even from a tutorial.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey folks,

    a few days ago i started a new blender project. Also its my first Star Trek model ever, so please be kind.
    Anyway, that's the progress so far. Have fun !


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  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    nice engines/nacelles and engine lighting. you need some texture on the rest of the hull. the overall shape is quite nice.
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,982Member
    I do like of this version. Keep posting updates. :thumb:
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for your replys guys.
    I like the overall shape too and yes, there will be some textures applied - once i finished modeling.
    Todays update shows just a little progress. I added some small details, after i had the hatch done - wich took me hours to do ^^. Some windows are cut too as you can see. Not very much new to show, just a little bit.
    Have fun.

    Cheers, S.
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    Nice work so far! :thumb:

    Rendering in Cycles or Blender Internal?
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    McC wrote: »
    Nice work so far! :thumb:

    Rendering in Cycles or Blender Internal?

    Thanks mate.
    It's rendered with the internal renderer, just added some compositing nodes.... glow etc.
    Cheers, S.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Ok guys, not much done since last post here.
    I have rebuilt the upper hull, tried some texturing, added some new windows, added the rcs too and rebuilt the hullplating ....
    After all i'm going to work at the hangar and i think the fuse-pylons should be worked over too. we will see.
    the warpnacelles-endcaps will be changed soon ... much to do


    Cheers, S.
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Puny Modeller! Morbo demands you post explanation of how you did the light effects on this ship or he will destroy you!!!:)

    Seriously, I love the lighting effects on the nacelles, could you give some details on how you did it? Compositor or not?
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for comments guys !

    Have had some problems with my old pc the last days but before i've been able to do my very first particle test in blender. The goal is to get something like an engine-glow / afterburner etc.. so i found some tutorials and tried my best, but ..hum..
    I'm on it but at least not really satisfied with the result.


    what tutorials helped you do those afterburner effects? I'd like to see them.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey folks i'm alive ^^
    I found some time to work on a small project i m interested in for a while.
    There is still some progress to be done but i m on it.

    Cheers, S.
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  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    nice, seems more bulky than the standard viper but just as cool.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    I'm trying to figure out how I've not seen this thread before. I'm loving the work on the NX refit, that's looking great. The Viper is looking great so far too. :)
  • YIIMMYIIMM179 Posts: 96Member
    Mark III?
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    yaa. i love the angular look of this beast. thank you.

    thanks for your kind words because oh the NX . it means a lot by a guy off your skills.

    I guess it's a Mark III but i m not sure . Pierre Drollet (?) signed it as Mark IIB, so...

  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey guys,

    showing of my current piece of wor i'm doodling arround at the moment.
    It's a re-modeled version of an old design. It's renamed to a so called S.A.C. "SmallAttackCraft". Obviously it's sattled in Star Wars' universe ... so there could be some similarities with other designs.
    Work is still in progress so there is more to come soon .... i guess ;)

    Have fun.
    Cheers, S.

    ps: the one you could see as my avatar ... it's the old one ^^
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, does look more like a miniature Corellian Freighter than an attack ship, but I guess it'll look more aggressive when you throw the weapons on there. Though I like the idea of a smaller Corellian cargo ship, like a light fast courier or something.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Very cool fraighter
  • jedi44jedi440 Posts: 0Member
    Love the small attack craft.
    Cannot wait to see it complete.Well done.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    I like that a lot. It's a nice blend of Millennium Falcon and a fighter. :)
  • Hunter GHunter G1924 Posts: 544Member
    Nice detailing! Also nice to see another Blender user. :thumb:
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    the idea that this model could be a courier ship is awesome. especially since I see some problems ahead thinking of weapons to be added ^^. but i will give it a tray anyway. so the idea of being a " FCC - Fast Corellian Courier " makes sense to me. Tahnk you for that :)

    the mixture between millenium falcon and a fighter and is absolutely desirable. at least because the concept of the falcon has been tested and found to be useful. so why don't use it for other purposes ?! thank you.

    first i've thought of a typo ^^ but otherwise ... thank you, man. ;)

    thanks for the kind words. last days i've been very bussy but i will do my best to make some more progress.

    Hunter G
    thanks, and yessss: blender, i'm loving it !

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    the idea that this model could be a courier ship is awesome. especially since I see some problems ahead thinking of weapons to be added ^^. but i will give it a tray anyway. so the idea of being a " FCC - Fast Corellian Courier " makes sense to me. Tahnk you for that :)

    Heh, well glad you like the idea. You can have that one for free. I was designing a concept along similar lines for a Star Wars mod I was working on when looking for a Rebel answer to the Imperial Lambda Shuttle for a fast air/space troop transport, only my concept was based around creating a smaller version of the Republic Cruiser that we saw at the beginning of Ep.I.

    I look forward to seeing how this design develops, looks very interesting so far. You should check out the Haynes Manual for the Millennium Falcon, lots of modifications to the YT1300 class in there which might give you inspiration for detailing, but going from what you've done so far you might not need it.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    long time no post here ^^
    So here's the new ship i'm working on a bit. Not much to show just a small WIP-"snapshot" to get you involved.
    C&C are welcome any suggestions too. Have fun.
    014.jpg 340.6K
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