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3DIvarix Class Romulan Warbird

VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
edited August 2011 in Work in Progress #1
So here we have an early 24th century Romulan Warbird!!

Serves 2 purposes..

('1. as a Romulan Warbird for the battle of Narendra III with the Enterprise C (possible wallpaper!)

('2. Latter in life ( who knows maybe next) going to make and Enterprise B.. and need a Romulan Warbird for the Tomed Indecent.. (2311) and is where i got the class name..

In the book Serpent amoung Ruin (great Book!) describes the Tomed incedent in detail, and as in the book, this ship is the romulan flagship, and just built.. as strong as an excellsior (refit) class.. so to me, when the Enterprise C is being ambushed, they need 4 Warbirds ( class would be 30 - 40 years old by then) to compete with the ambassador class... .. and who says that the Ent C didn't shoot down a couple of them before being destroyed!

doing a hybrid of the K'tinga, D'Derdex, and Valdore classes of romulan ship to see a progression..

so hopefully I don't give up on this, and see it through!! have a good drive to finish her!

on the model
i have the warp engines inboard (something like Talons on a bird) i like them there, but i could put them on the wing tips.. don't know... nothings in stone right now.. so comment away!!

anyways.. more latter..!!
Post edited by VALKYRIE013 on


  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Interesting concept. I like the look, though I'd expect in that era a ship that looks more like a hybrid between the TOS Bird-of-Prey and the TNG D'Deridex. Or at least something close to the D'Deridex.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Interesting concept. I like the look, though I'd expect in that era a ship that looks more like a hybrid between the TOS Bird-of-Prey and the TNG D'Deridex. Or at least something close to the D'Deridex.

    That's exactly what I see in the design so far...aside from the location of the nacelles. ;) I think you're striking an excellent balance in that respect, Valk.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I quite like it, but still I'd probably remove quite a bit of the Valdore influence, and concentrate purely on doing a meld of the K'tinga / TOS BoP / D'deridex designs instead.

    To start with, I'd return the nacelles to a the outboard position ala all three of the above, and try to do a more "primitive" version of the D'deridex's wraparound hulls. I always figured they were designed that way to assist with the warp drive (ala the Vulcan annular warp rings)... I'm a bit biased though, as I once saw a more primitive design in (I think) a DC comic years ago, which featured two K'tinga hulls, one inverted, cobbled together as a rough precursor to the D'deridex. :D

    Otherwise, maybe look at the TNG scoutship for design clues? It looks to be from a relatively older stage in the design evolution.

    Actually, nevermind any of the above - I'm waiting for you to finish the Ent-C first! :P
  • Kalic-VadekKalic-Vadek0 Posts: 0Member
    Romulan Warbird!!

    Nuff Said.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks guys/girls!

    @ starscream... Still working on it!!!

    im still working on how to mount the warp engines in board... still could move them outboard latter to see what happens

    I've seen the single hull d'derdix concepts out there... never been to impressed by them.. so trying this angle... :)

    Andrew said that he cutout the middle of the d'derdix becasue he thought that the warp engines had to see each other, that they work in pairs and have to have line of sight to work... obviously not.. but was what he had in mind :)
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Looks like she will be a cool bird!
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Andrew said that he cutout the middle of the d'derdix becasue he thought that the warp engines had to see each other, that they work in pairs and have to have line of sight to work... obviously not.. but was what he had in mind :)

    Interesting, I'd never heard that before. Certainly makes sense though! :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    some work today Yay!

    worked out the mountings for the inboard warp engines ( there staying there... ) and add the wing tip weapons pods.. each pod can fire torpedos and distruptor (pulse fire) fore AND aft so the armament is a heafty loadout 4 torpedo tubes ( 2 fore, 2 aft) fore and aft pulse distruptors, and all around coverage distruptor banks, and Finally, the nose mounted plasma torpedo..

    now this ship is round about 700 meters across (width) and around 560 meters long, 15 decks or so (need to check but round about) so about 1 1/2 times the size of an excelsior class, in keeping with the D'derdix of being bigger than a galaxy..

    finally added some D'derdix details to the top of the wing ( emitter and radiators for cloaking system.. just a guess)

    so getting some progress..

    so Pictures!
  • EBOLIIEBOLII205 Posts: 362Member
    starting to shape up very nice.....watching this develop with great interest
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well to me it looks like the Ent Era bird of prey with extending wings and a head.. so a mix of the BoP and and D'derdix.. look at the overhead shot to see what i mean.. with some valdore in there somewhere.. so yeah, maybe the Valdore is like the Akira class, in that it looks like the older NX class.. so this one may be an ancestor..

    so couple more good renders, i'll probably work on her more tonight added some teal/green temp textures as well
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    great work valk can't wait to see more
  • RaenRaen0 Posts: 0Member
    I like it, like the Valdore, it looks like something that would elegantly soar across a battlefield, then suddenly pick a target and swoop in for its prey, delivering a quick and deadly strike, then swoop out again and resume soaring.
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    THe added details are making this birdie shape up. Always nice to see folks modelling Romulan ships.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    And some Ivarix love before i go home!

    worked on the Warp engines a bit.. got the shape down and added some details.. not done yet in that regard..
    also tried some lighting with clear parts.. looks okay, but Bogs down the render time by 5x!!

    so.. there you have it!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well bit of work on the Ivarix today... slow day...

    Reworked the wings abit, (as it totally) and lengthened the root of the wing abit to extend past the impulse deck.. and squished the tail abit ( was wondering what to do with it!) and added the Impulse engines, also added some detail on the warp pylons, and added a reactor bump ( just there atm.. haven't thought out the details yet.. kind of a nod to the K'tinga/D7 reactor bump.. to show some lineage..)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay.. WINGS!! let me know if you like these better than the other ones i just posted.. trying to to OVER detail it.. then it'll look like its After tng instead of before...
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    I personally like the later set the best. The suit the ole girl nicely.
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    That's a really good Valdore precursor. It's also far better than other attempts I've seen of similar designs. That goes for detailing and over all design. The Romulan designs normally don't have impulse engines so I like seeing them on this, a ship I imagine is supposed to be maneuverable. Besides, the Valdore had what was probably impulse engines, too.

    The only thing that stands out as possibly needing adjustment are the weapons. For one thing, there need to be more of them, since there is zero bottom coverage. The other thing is, there may be no lateral coverage, unless I'm not getting the right impression. I can't tell if the turrets are already following a chord, or if they're more traditional and not mobile balls with fixed guns, but half spheres with mobile guns. If the emitters are flat with the base of the turret when down, the emitter could be raised to follow a chord, that way the emitter can lay flat with the hull and point down as well as up and backwards, while still being a sphere. Personally, though, I just consider them non-mechanical emitters, no different than single point phaser arrays, like a hand phaser, but with far superior off-bore firing.

    That being said, I'm very glad to see you're considering the weapons so seriously. It seems like a trend here.

    What about a deflector and hefty torpedo tubes? The near final D'Deridex concept had a huge tube in the forehead, and the spot where all the weapon fire comes from in the show was actually modeled physically as a deflector dish. Even the TOS D7 has a deflectordish in that spot. Just something to consider if everything isn't worked out yet.

    I think the feather style wings are the right direction, but I don't quite like them as much as the smooth wings. They're better than the feathered edge, though.
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm curious about the placement of the weapon pods and the warp nacelles. The D'deridex class had the warp nacelles placed where you currently have the weapons pods, but your weapon pods have a very similar design to the nacelles. Would it not seem like you need to differentiate that the pods are NOT nacelles, since they look so similar? If I were designing this bird, I would most certainly make those weapon pods as nacelles, since the designs that came after this had that characteristic. It would seem more in line with Trek lineage . . .
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    I take it this is yet another Bleeding edge ship that can't be manufactured in mass because the Romulan economy just can't muster up the materials, so they only made a few to "flex the ego" in the face of the federation.

  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    The latest set of wings are perfect. :thumb:
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks all!

    The placement of the Nacelles and Weapons pods are a personal decision because... well I wanted to see one that way :) as for the shape of weapons pods... ... curently a direct rip off of the valdore weapons pods ( details will change.. haven't gotten to them yet) :)

    as for coverage.. same, haven't finished up the weapons placements yet.. still smooting out the main design abit.. Thanks for the interest in it, and it is on my mind :) Keep i mind though there's goin to be distruptors and torpedos on the weapons pods as well, but will add a couple more ball turrents on the underside for coverage.. as for lateral?? i'll look at the firing angle and coverage to see i f i need to add more or not :)

    and on the nose of the head, is a plasma torpedo launcher.. for heavy work :)

    to me this is a new ship in 2311, and and old ship in 2345 so trying to base details on the era.. so basically it is a contemporary of the excelsior class, matching or beating her, in firepower as well in size.. so I want it detailed, just not Post-tng detail level of the Valdore... so yes a bleeding edge ship at first, then an older design latter, why it took 4 of these to overcome the Ambassador class Enterprise :)

    Thanks for all the interest guys and gals.. appreciate it, and keep it coming :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, some detail work for the top area, In my mind this has something to do with the cloaking device.. so I add some glows and added the center spine thingy.. let me know what you think, or what to get rid of.. or go back to the original detail but add the glows... Don't know.. just throwing things against the wall... :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Stick with the glows and everything you have in the current setup. :thumb:
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    Well, we never got an answer to what those things on the back of the D'deridex were, so part of the cloaking tech is as good as any explanation I can come up with. Love those glows and the attention to detail with those spots! Keep it coming . . .
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I like the loos, though I'm not sure the reflection's necessary.
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    The new wings, glows and etc, all looks excellent for me. :) Go ahead!
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I didn't understand that the outer pods are weapon pods and not more warp nacelles. I like the idea, and I was actually going to suggest the placement of two more turrets on the outermost pods, but thought it wrong since I thought them to be warp engines. But, the outer pods of the Valdore, while weapons pods are smaller than than the warp nacelles just in from them. I take it your intention is to have big, less advanced pods?

    On the matter of the spinal detail, I'm going to mention an I idea I tell everyone; missile silo doors.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well, throwing some more agasint the wall to see what sticks! added some new things to the top, added some clocking stuff to the bottom and wing root, and started work on the reactor buldge.. Let me know what you think of them, and i'll take any suggestions .. kind of just trying things at this point...
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    The reactor doesn't actually need a bulge. In everything but the oldest Trek, the reactor is a room size device, not counting columns coming off it. Also, we've seen cloaking devices used on ships not made for them, so they don't actually need external details, they just work through the shield system. No reason to change those details, though. What about port and starboard tankage bulges?

    What about greebled sensor arrays, transporter arrays, cargo doors, shuttle bays, rear heavy weapons, or even turreted heavy weapons, a different armor texture for the bridge or bow or neck, and bump mapped feather pattern? Also, a uniform shield emitter greeble to be placed about the hull, a subdued hawk painting across the ship's belly or back, tractor beam emitters, a navigational sensor and separate but notable nav deflector. A color other than green, and RCS thrusters, but of a sort closer to nBSG? Umbilical connection points for fuel, power, waste, and water when docked to stations, and tenders, all in one point? Docking collars and escape pod hatches arranged at the hull edge so they're parallel to the deck rather than at weird angles? Another unique hull skin and texture around th engineering area? Physically gimbaled impulse engine nozzles? Forward facing impulse engine nozzles? RCS thrusters that are impulse nozzles?

    Awesome! I finally see the resemblance between the outer pods and the Valdore's outer pods. Nice point of scale. :) And, of course they can fire backwards, so that's your rear heavy weapon right there. Since you're going for mechanical turrets, you may want some sort of mechanical knife edge for the pods so they can mechanically aim. Unless, you're going for emitter tips that can fire off axis.
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