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3DIvarix Class Romulan Warbird



  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks Major! appreciate it, some ideas won't work, but ill look at the all! ... The textures are temp.. and the final Is going to be green... and other colors... have an idea for a nice pattern.. though not there yet.. still adding details.. :)

    as for a bird pattern, or image.. maybe, haven't decided yet.. might go the subtle D'derdex way.. don't want to get Overly detailed.. and look out of era :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well.. took alot of the glow off the bottom... yeah i went glow happy..

    and started on the weapons pods.. torpedo launcher for and aft, and pulse disruptors.. 2 forward, 1 aft ( per pod) plus the turented ones give her full coverage, and some impressive firepower.. now just need to figure out how to do a plasma torpedo launcher for the nose

    Thanks all!

    maintenance note.. almost at the attachment limit, so i'll be cleaning up images, as always past projects are available at my picasa page
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    Only two aft, awwwwwwwwwwwww. :(
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    i'll look in to adding another 2 aft... hehe

    well it already has 4 torpedo launchers ( 2 for, 2 aft) 7 disruptor turrets (for area coverage), (currently) 6 large bore pulse disruptor cannons ( 4 for, 2 aft) and a plasma torpedo launcher in the nose... trying not to make an Uber ship like a Scimitar....( stupidest uber ship ever created) just something on par or slightly ahead of a 2310 era excelsior class..., but Not beating an ambassador class...
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    [spiel]But the only way it will be equal to the Ambassador class is if it is half the volume. Think about how the Galaxy class battle section is supposed to be more powerful than the whole, even though it's a third the volume, or how a Vor'chas is equal to the Galaxy (actually, I'm not sure anything shows that), yet in one pass with six shots, a D'Deridex in "Tin Man" dropped the Enterprise-D's shields by 60%. The D'Deridex is six times the volume of the Galaxy class and seems to fit strength wise.

    The Galaxy is packed with civilian quarters, entertainment facilities, and science gear, all packed in the saucer, with probably some in the battle section, too. Any ship dedicated purely to combat is going to afford greater density of firepower, giving equal power at a lower volume, or greater power at equal volume. If the ship isn't already smaller than the Ambassador it might need to be a multirole ship. The latter is possible, if it acts as a kind of scout, then it would be loaded with science gear and facilities in addition to the weapons.[/spiel]
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well to me, its the power supply and the continuing evolution of the photon torpedo's..

    the Ambassador's M/A reactor is more powerful and efficient than the excelsior class , so there for more powerful Phasers, then there's the colaminated arrays ( phaser strips instead of turrets) that give greater coverage and more efficient blasts

    then there's the torpedo's , and the ability to safely contain greater amounts of anti matter( im guessing) (basically upgrading weapons technology)

    so, just like a F-4 against an F-15... both have guns, and and missiles, but the F-15 is faster, more agile, and has a bigger gun, and improved missiles

    and with a more powerful reactor, comes better shields.. so more firepower needed to get through the shields... so kind of why Miranda were exploding like so many red shirts during the dominion war, while the excelsior, and galaxy class's fared better!
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I can't really argue with that, the size = power thing is really just a rule of thumb, although, I think it does work out. On the other hand, I think the MSD's we see are unrealistic, because they don't show huge amounts of water tankage filling most of every ship. Everyone seems to assume the ships are a relatively small fuel tank, with even smaller engines, then a huge shell full of housing. I prefer the concept of the ships being a thin shell of housing around large tanks. But, I've never done the math to see if it works out.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    yeah.. the msd's and what is needed on a starship.. doesn't sync.. 10% crew quarters, labs the rest be tankage for fuel, air, water, and engineering bits like the engines and generators.. even in Tng timeframe, we see no tankage for Replicator mass... go figure.. :)

    someone had a question on pod size and torpedo storage.. So!

    done a quick render to show size... the yellow block is man sized.. the others are topedoes ( slightly oversized to show racks, equipment etc. for storage) and there are... .... 640 of them ( 8 across 10 long, 9 down with 4 across on top and bottom)... ... and the block fits with plenty of room to spare... so lets just low ball it at 500 torpedos per pod.. to make room for disruptor equipment, maintence bays, etc.. If i remember .. Voyager had.. 40?? torpedeos total on her??

    The ship is Big.. (700 meters wide) but still a baby compared to the D'Derdix..
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, had an idea on the leading edge of the main part, put a Radiator there!! just not sure on the size, shape that would work best.. so this is my first attempt, let me know if ya'll have any ideas on the matter!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    The nacelles there on the underbelly really do seem to suggest a birds legs retracted for flight, with the weapons pods drawing fire from an enemy thinking they are hitting nacelles
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, working out the cinks here abit.. .. have the radiators up front ( which will change size/shape abit, but will stay radiators) then some cutout on the bottom of the main wing for the radiators (pass through i guess) then started on some paneling, ignore the crudeness.. will cut out and extrude the panels when i'm done laying them out.. and the cutouts on top are sensor pits ( or something. there on the D'derdix)

    thinking of going for raised panel lines instead of sunken, when you look at the D'Derdix, its this way, raised panel lines in a bird feather pattern, going to do the same here.. with some other raised paneling.. just not Klingon overboard..

    more latter!!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Wow, nice work.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    change of pace/spot..

    worked on the head and neck today, got some cutouts and "navigational deflector" cuts, and changed the plasma torpedo launcher location and style abit.. looks better to me...

    more latter!!
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking better and better. It is such a pleasure watching these Romulan creations come to life. Nothing against all of the fine Federation ships that get modelled her, but as the Romulan ships as few and far between it is quite the joy.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    Better and better
    Nice avatar you have too, by the way
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    some work on her today!!

    New Feather design for the wings! tried to work in a double feather design.. think it turned out okay.. went back to the valdore for insperation on the feather layout ( that and the Copious amounts of romullan computer game designs, and Atolms sketches (darn he's good!) seen a few while surfing for refs that i would like to make after this ( other romulan ships looks like most are post Movie era, pre Tng timeframe as well!) so might make up a fleet! ( maybe)

    so coming along nicely now.. need to detail the head and warp naccelles a bit more, and look at the weapons pods to spiff them up then not to much left.. and the WONDERFUL job of texturing!! .. Joy!

    Thanks All!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work.
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    great work on this ship valk can't wait to see her finished a very intresting design
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    I think the double feather design looks great and work well on your ship. I will certainly be keeping an eye on your work as you explore making Roman ships and or a fleet of ships. While I have yet to dabble into the detailed models you guys do, I can certainly say I have learned a lot from watching you bring this ship to life. I am hopeful it will help me with my low poly modeling for the star trek gaming community. And yes, Atolm has some great designs.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member

    trying a new feather pattern.. Let me know which one you like!!!

    Thanks all!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I'd actually do a mix. THe new one has benefits, but the double-overlay from the previous one was also quite nice.
  • peppermanpepperman0 Posts: 0Member
    IMHO the double feather design looks better and is more pleasing to the eye.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    alright... FINAL WING FEATHERS!!! HA HA HA HA.. cough cough....:argh:

    alright.... took a bird wing photo and did my best.. third ( or 5th) times a charm... so going with this version unless its poo poo'ed to much...

    getting mixed feeling on the previous ones.. some liked the first, but was to random.. some liked the second but looks like sun rays!!! so.. this time no random.. and a decent pattern... owell..

    ... Moving on!!!

    next one.... I'm Drawing out first!!!!!:argh:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work.
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    I have to say valk that this time around the patterns are a whole lot better this is great work and believe me I like all three sets but this one takes the ship to perfection great work buddy
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    a quick ortho.. for those of you into that!!:thumb:
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    sweet on the ortho can't wait to see her finished jejejeje
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Cool work indeed.
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Very nice Romulan design. What great curves, from every view. The feathered hull is really clean. Awesome work here...
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, back to work on the Ivarix!!

    going to finish her up, texture etc. before moving on to the next thing...

    okay, worked on her this weekend.. mainly fleshing out the weapons pods and the front plasma torpedo launcher.. still not entirely sold on the pods.. might try a different setup.. ..

    top thingy in the pod is the pulse distruptor, and the bottom thingy is the torpedo launcher.. mirror copy in the back cutout..

    well. back at it, and thanks all!!

    had to clear out my storage here, mostly luna pics, but avalable here!
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