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3DIvarix Class Romulan Warbird



  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice! Beats the he** out the usual ST 'frisbie' design.

    I've made room om my HD (just in case). :cool:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    cool work, I lvoe it all.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    throwing a bit of a monkey wrench in the works!!

    Total redesign of the weapons pods this time, and asking if ya'll like the new ones here, or the old ones or if ya'll have any sudgestions on the new ones on what i could do with them.. be much appreciated!!

    front and rear torpedo launcher, and the top thingy is the pulse disruptor.. do ya;ll like the positioning of it, or maybe put it under the torpedo launcher??

    Thanks all!!
  • EBOLIIEBOLII205 Posts: 362Member
    Actually that looks better in my opinion more menacing like the new raptor type bird
  • floodcasso2floodcasso2259 Posts: 124Member
    This is one seriously sweet ship! It looks awesome!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, I'm liking this one a bit more.. more smooth, less blocky/liner :)

    Also added a lower pulse disruptor, with the added thing of it being able to swivel in a 360 degree arc, to be rear facing, and everything in between.. for rear coverage, and 4 pulse disruptor forward barage :)

    been spending WAY to much time figureing the weapns pods out.. :p

    so.. more latter :)
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    The new pod is definitely good looking. What if the rear portion is made from the original rear portion of the pod, does that look good? Also, with the weapons so widely spaced, maybe they need a mechanism to fire off bore?
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, bit of a mash between the 2, the only thing that i'm unsure of is the upper pulse disruptor outside the pod,, if it looks okay there.. or do i need to put it back in the pod in the same opening of the torpedo launcher??

    ... so... i'll move on to windows SOON!!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member

    moving on from the weapons pods.. ( about freaking time!) detailing up the neck, and the shuttle bay ( bottom neck, front of the main wing body) and adding.. hmm.. WINDOWS!! HA HA!!

    took a que from someone i've seen adding trianglar windows for there Romulan ship... looked good to me!! so here ya go!!

    I've set out most of the windows for the head section, just some more for the neck I belive given the size of this thing.. ( i think i set it around 700 meters.. just over half the size of the D'derdix.. ) so not an INSANE amount of windows :)

    Thanks all!!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    I dig what look to be weapon emplacements on the outriggers. The actual warp drives are in-board of course, but those outriggers might look nice as warp nacelles on REL's Klingon model...
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    Maybe the second from last pod unmodified, but held in the last and third from last style, right up against the wing.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks all!!

    Thanks Major, but to me the weapons pods are complete to me atm.. but will keep your sudgestions in mind if i go back :)

    so.. been installing the windows.. (regular carpenter I am....!) finished up the head, and neck, and started on the main wing boddy, and a question of .. do I need windows on the main wing?? On the left side i've started laying out windows for the rest of the main wing, the question is.. do i need them there? or do I have enough on the neck and head?? I don't know. but will keep the base mesh sans windows just incase i don't like them!!

    next is some detailing on the neck and the warp nacelles, and then Texture time!! YAY!!!

    Again, Thanks all!
  • EBOLIIEBOLII205 Posts: 362Member
    Booooo.....not a fan of the new weapon design. I thought the design from post#67 had a menacing Romulan feel to it......It's okay though your mesh your design
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Okay.. ditched the wing windows, but kept some of of the windows on the main wing body.. not to many..

    Finaly found a greeble script for maya, and greebled up the sensor pits.. the sensor pits on the D'Deridix is just some multitude of squares.. so wen't with that here

    Almost done modeling. .then the fun of textureing!!
  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    There are still a lot of windows... perhaps remove the ones from the neck and black part at the bridge section? I do like how you worked out the wings though they look quite fitting in this design.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Wow, amazing wirk. With the rows of windows, it gives a great impression of size. Lovely.
  • commandersozocommandersozo505 Posts: 631Member
    rally great work. i like all the small details you've created, e.g. the triangled windows...
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    thanks all!

    few more details added.. and some high quality renders.. others were a bit fuzzy..

    some ribs around the windows navigational deflector in the head etc..

    thinking of redoing the warp engines.. make them more like talons.. we'll see :)

    Thanks again!!
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    I like it but the nacelles just don't look right to me but that is the only thing I don't like the rest is great.
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I think the two smaller sensor arrays in the image below should either be removed, or the windows on the same deck should be removed. They probably don't penetrate too much, but they probably have equipment backing them that does penetrate a bit.

    I think sensor panels in the rear, facing backwards, would be good. Also, sideways facing panels. The arrays could also use a few custom greebles so they are more than random cubes. Maybe a dish, and some random shapes. They could be the prominent bits in the arrays, maybe one per array, so you don't have to do much to add them.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    okay, done something new with the warp engines, giving them a grill instead of a glowy bits.. i like it.. keeps in line with the era ( excellsior contemporary)

    and also took out some windows in the (rear) head, made it a radiator section instead.. there's plenty of room for a BIG hallway on the side of the sensor pits.. so no problems there.. :)

    going off details on the D'deridix .. just a bunch of cubes, which looks good to me Thanks thou!!

    should be knee deep in to texturing her tomorow, so on the final stretch on her!!

  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I can honestly say I like this ship unequivocally. It would be wonderful if it were added to the fan game Star Trek: Excalibur.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks for the kind words Major!!

    well starting on texturing ( and no.. not stealing Koi's purple people eater color... planed for a green and purple color scheme LONG ago... )

    now.. what to do with the feathers? what kind of design for it?? still up in the air with it ( I REALLY should have doodled this darn thing first!! )

    well.. UVng done, texturing started.. see where it goes!!
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