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3DRapier-class Ship (Trek)

SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
edited November 2015 in Work in Progress #1

This will now be a continuation of my thread over in the 2D section. I'm to the point where I enjoy 3D modeling more than 2D drawing so I think I'll be pressing on with this project in 3D aside from the occasional update to deck plans and what not.
Post edited by Schimpfy on


  • PixelMagicPixelMagic473 Posts: 663Member
    Very smooth blending on the primary hull, very nice. You got any wireframes?
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Not any that I wanna show. :p

    I'll try to get some more up later when I get a chance.
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    What's it's purpose? A re-imagined Defiant Pathfinder-Class? A science ship? A transport? A Freighter?
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Well, it's not a re-imagined anything. Think very modular PT boat. By modular I mean: "Hey the impulse deck needs to be removed for maintenance," then, "Okay...time for an engine swap." Thirty minutes later a new impulse deck is installed, inspected and ops checked. Ship is 100% FMC.
  • mladen225mladen225171 Posts: 0Member
    It's a good idea, a bit too small, but a good start. Since it's such a small ship it seams to me that it doesn't make sense to copy the style of much bigger ships. I would suggest something similar like the previous post: to go with modular.
    I that spirit I'd like to suggest to you to look a lite at the USS Diligent, there is also a smaller variant of it, but I forgot it's name.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Thats a good start.

    Very small indeed. About 3 habitable decks I'd day?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    It looks a little bit like the Nova-class at the size of the Oberth. Small ship, but nice idea.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    The idea behind the layout is to see how small I could get a ship and still maintain the classic saucer/engineering hull/nacelles design. That being said, the main hull is staying as is. I'm determined to make this work and come hell or high water I will one way or another. :)

    Bmused, you're spot on about this thing having three habitable decks. Deck 1 will have the bridge/command deck and probably a mess hall/observation lounge behind it. Deck 2 will have crew quarters, recreation area(s), sickbay and engineering among most major systems. Deck 3 will be the deflector/long range sensor hardware and the cargo bay. An interesting thing to note is my idea for the warp core.
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    Looking forward to seeing what you have planned.
    I may just make an MSD for it, if I realy like it.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Cool, I may take you up on that. :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Need some advice for continued development so any help is appreciated. Since this is such a small ship I'm having to design the whole thing to make sure everything jives. Today I was contemplating crew size. Here's what I've got so far:

    Shift A
    -CO (Officer, duh), Conn/Ops (1 Officer, 1 Enlisted), Security x3 (1 Officer, 2 Enlisted), Engineer x4 (1 Officer, 3 Enlisted), CMO (Officer) and Science (Enlisted) = 12

    Shift B
    -XO (Officer), Conn/Ops x2 (1 Officer, 1 Enlisted), Security x3 (1 Officer, 2 Enlisted), Engineer x4 (1 Officer, 3 Enlisted), Nurse (Enlisted) and Science (Officer) = 12

    All for a grand total of 24 (10 Officers and 14 Enlisted). This sounds reasonable to me and it allows for the major positions to be filled if someone falls out. Some of you may be asking why only two shifts? Well, it's a tiny ship with limited space and not enough provisions to handle more than 24-30 personnel. As a matter of fact, with the exception of the CO and XO there will be 4 people per set of quarters. This ship will only be on missions of very short duration, possible a week to two months at the outside so that's another reason for only two shifts and crowded quarters. I've also got to make room for the sickbay and a small holodeck on the main deck. Another question? Sure, let's hear it. WTF reason is there to put a holodeck on a ship this size? Simple; it can be used as a training aid, gym, etc. Why waste space when you can consolidate?

    Does this setup sound reasonable?

    Sorry about the rambling, btw. :)
  • Bmused55Bmused55177 Posts: 487Member
    I like the idea about using a holodeck to consolidate several rooms into one. But I think its power needs and computer power requirements may outweigh any benefit in space saving.
    For a 2 to 3 week max duration, I think the crew can do without refresher training and "keep fit" sessions. Besides, a small 4 person gym would be a far smaller option.
  • citizencitizen171 Posts: 0Member
    Juvat wrote: »
    All for a grand total of 24 (10 Officers and 14 Enlisted). This sounds reasonable to me and it allows for the major positions to be filled if someone falls out. Some of you may be asking why only two shifts? Well, it's a tiny ship with limited space and not enough provisions to handle more than 24-30 personnel. As a matter of fact, with the exception of the CO and XO there will be 4 people per set of quarters. This ship will only be on missions of very short duration, possible a week to two months at the outside so that's another reason for only two shifts and crowded quarters.
    Maybe another option would be to have two skeleton shifts, and a main shift. The main shift has 12 personnel, and the two skeleton shifts have 6 each. I don't think you need someone in sickbay all the time, if you're using holodecks already you can use an EMH for grunt work, and have a doctor and nurse on standby maybe?

    You could maybe go for something even more drastic, have all shifts as skeleton shifts, and only use a full complement in emergencies or for specific jobs.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Since my baby decided to come two weeks early I haven't had much time to work on this thing, but here's an update. I've decided that since it's such a small ship that it might be a good idea to work on the interior layout so I know where windows and whatnot will need to be. This update is where I'm at on deck 2. The areas without labels are still kind of up in the air, but I'm thinking one of the rooms forward of engineering will house a stairwell down to deck 3. The stairs on this ship are also not like normal steps, but more akin to ladder-steps so they take up less of a footprint. Let me know what y'all think. Smiley
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice, looks intersting.

    Congrats on the babies. :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Thanks. :)

    Any other input? Should I add something or take anything away?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Congratulations on the baby!

    I love small ships like this, and you did a good job so far :)

    The deck plan looks solid, nothing to complain about ;)
    I'm guessing the gap between rooms and hull that you labelled sensor equipment is to account for the angle of the hull there?
    And the black something is going to be a viewscreen/window, or an auxiliary deflector?

    Looking forward to more, when you have the time.

    Lastly, where is that contest going on? I love small ships, and I could use some inspiration :D
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Thanks, Melak. :)

    The competition is on the Subspace-Comms Network. The rules are to design a small Federation ship that's 200m or less. That black area you're wondering about is the bridge viewport. You're right about the sensor equipment area, but planning on throwing some sensor pallets on there and this just gives me a good reason to.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Sorry this had turned into more of a 2D WIP, but once I get everything straight I promise I'll get back to the 3D stuff. :)

    I've been working a lot on this and I think I've got most everything figured out for this deck. I've narrowed down the crew to a total of ten and reworked the accommodations to reflect that. Right now there are a total of four crew quarters with two bunks each that share a bathroom between them. The CO and XO have there own rooms that share a bathroom with their individual offices. Where the head was is now an armory and a holo-suite. I'm making such an energy hog of a system more efficient for a ship of this size by using a transformer to bump up the power output quite a bit. You can see I've got the transporter room and sickbay in there and the beginnings of the engineering section. The large room right in the middle that looks like it might be engineering is actually the computer core and control room. The steps in the back go down to deck three which will house the deflector and sensor systems along with a cargo bay and part of the landing system. The empty area up front will still be for the torpedo launcher along with storage for the torpedo magazines. I'm thinking a complement of 20~ torpedoes. There will also be the machinery for the forward RCS in that area. The small area that's on the port side right now behind the airlock is where the aft RCS will be. Lastly, the hatched area is deuterium tankage. There will probably be more elsewhere that won't be seen on the deck plans.

    C&C most welcome. :)
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Nice progress!
    20 torpedoes sounds good, considering Voyager supposedly had 30 or so and those lasted 7 years :D

    If you were to model these interiors, what style would they be?
    I have always quite liked the Voyager sets myself.

    I like the entrances to the quarters, reminds me of the double door arrangement of voyager's captain's mess hall, before Neelix "refitted" it.

    Is that a ramp in the far end?
    Looking forward to more :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Thanks! :)

    If I get around to actually modeling the interior I think I want to go with a cross between Defiant and Voyager. I like the colors of Voyager, but the detail of Defiant. We'll see what happens. ;) It took me quite a while to find an arrangement I liked for the quarters so I'm glad you like it. As far as the rear of the ship, that's where the impulse engines are located. It will be two units stacked vertically and the four circles are the reactors. The warp core will run horizontal right in the middle of that large room in the rear and eject out the top of the ship. There will be a ramp, but it will be on the next deck down.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    2D update!

    Deck 2 is complete! Well, almost. I haven't quite worked out the arrangement of the torpedo launcher (targeting sensors, reactant injectors, etc.). I'll get to that if I ever model the interior. As far as new additions: the engine room is complete along with the RCS machinery and the impulse engines. I've tossed the idea of having sensor equipment along the sides of the saucer and added more deuterium tankage. I figure that the most this ship will need for sensors will be included in the same area as the deflector machinery. The other little bits (isolated rectangles and squares throughout) are just random equipment like SIF and IDF generators and other miscellaneous stuff. I think I've got most everything I would need for this deck. Next up is deck 1 with the bridge and some other equipment and maybe a small observation lounge. Last will be deck 3 with the deflector/sensors, cargo bay and antimatter pods.

    C&C most welcome.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Got the nacelles laid out roughly today. Most of the major structural stuff is final aside from details. The pylons are placeholders for now. I still need to add a raised area on the spine to accomodate the captain's quarters and some other minor stuff.

    Crits most welcome. :)

  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice little ship you have there, I look forward to seeing more.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member

    I'm thrilled how the nacelles are turning out and I hope the rest of the ship follows suit. :)
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    For some reason the shape and size of those pylons (in relation to the nacelles and secondary hull) makes it look almost cartoonish. Perhaps thinning them up a little, or changing the angle would do you some good?
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    I've been messing around with different configurations for the pylons and I haven't settled on anything yet. As far as how thick they are that's something I won't have much leeway with as they're only 1.5m thick. I like to apply a certain amount of "realism" to my designs and feel that anything much thinner would compromise too much structural strength. Your other suggestions are on the table, though. :)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    I've come up with something I like. :) I moved the nacelles up 1m and tweaked the pylons to use a fixture on the bottom of the nacelle for attachment. Also in this update I cut the area where the torpedo launcher is gonna be and added the spine so the captain's quarters will have a little bit of ceiling height. There are other details to be added later on.

  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    It's good to see that you're still working on this ship! I really like it's overall design, and I especially like the interior floorplans you created for it. Gives it that much more realism.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good tough the Trop luncher is a bit to far back, I would bring it forward a little.
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