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3DGrandeur Bridge v2.0



  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    concerning the toilet a question. how does this work for klingons, bolians, benzites, pahkwa-thanh, chobliks or any other alien crewmates...?
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    concerning the toilet a question. how does this work for klingons, bolians, benzites, pahkwa-thanh, chobliks or any other alien crewmates...?
    With Klingons, I'd imagine a lot of Lysol!:lol:
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    sojourner wrote: »
    You're right. I could easily go to Lowes 100 years ago and get any of the toilets shown in the link I provided.:rolleyes:

    the general style of the throne hasnt changed still a prociline bowl u park your rear end on you cant really change somthing that works u can add dodads and flashing lights thats about it and a modern japanesse style toilet is pretty much as far as you go....

    either that or or toilets are elimated entirly and they have implated wasted disposal units transplated right in to there rear end that turns the waste in to vitimins that ur body needs lol
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    the general style of the throne hasnt changed still a prociline bowl u park your rear end on you cant really change somthing that works u can add dodads and flashing lights thats about it and a modern japanesse style toilet is pretty much as far as you go....

    either that or or toilets are elimated entirly and they have implated wasted disposal units transplated right in to there rear end that turns the waste in to vitimins that ur body needs lol

    sorry, this ops officer has an exit only policy.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    concerning the toilet a question. how does this work for klingons, bolians, benzites, pahkwa-thanh, chobliks or any other alien crewmates...?

    maybe the bathroom has several dif styles of toilets and when an alien come sin he pushes an lcar corispondign with his race and it removes the currnet toilet sitting there and replicates one that is functionable for his/her race
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    maybe the bathroom has several dif styles of toilets and when an alien come sin he pushes an lcar corispondign with his race and it removes the currnet toilet sitting there and replicates one that is functionable for his/her race

    FYI, This bathroom is attached to the breakroom which is off the Bridge and is only used for personnel that are tending the bridge or are about too etc. I can assure you they are all human or human-like, so no problem there. At some point maybe, we will address the personnel quarters and then have similar bathrooms in there with the addition of a sonic shower and so on.

    Guest quarters for very different strange races that would have those needs differently, will just have to be left up to everybody's imagination I guess. :)
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    maybe the bathroom has several dif styles of toilets and when an alien come sin he pushes an lcar corispondign with his race and it removes the currnet toilet sitting there and replicates one that is functionable for his/her race
    That would impractical. I've never heard so much discussion about a toilet on a starship before. It's kind of funny.
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    the general style of the throne hasnt changed still a prociline bowl u park your rear end on you cant really change somthing that works u can add dodads and flashing lights thats about it and a modern japanesse style toilet is pretty much as far as you go....

    either that or or toilets are elimated entirly and they have implated wasted disposal units transplated right in to there rear end that turns the waste in to vitimins that ur body needs lol

    Damn, your right. And all airplanes have wings too, but not many of them look like the Wright Flyer today. You should really stop coloring your image of the future based on today's technology.

    I always find it funny when someone on a forum about science fiction declares a design from current day the pinnacle of design.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    sojourner wrote: »
    Damn, your right. And all airplanes have wings too, but not many of them look like the Wright Flyer today. You should really stop coloring your image of the future based on today's technology.

    I always find it funny when someone on a forum about science fiction declares a design from current day the pinnacle of design.
    Why are you getting so angry about a toilet? We of the Granduer are happy with it.
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    I'm angry?
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    You sound like it. It's just a toilet.
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    I sound like it?
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    It can always be difficult to tell someone's intended tone through text. What Lonewriter is saying is that he perceives that Sojourner is using many of the same textual cues that are often used when one is irritated.

    Or at least, that is what I perceive Lonewriter to be saying. He, of course, may be saying something completely different.

    Getting back to Grandeur... I like the color scheme, but I still feel the toilet is jarring. Not that I'm upset by that; I just feel like the old Sesame Street ditty... one of these things is not like the others....
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Jenny wrote: »
    It can always be difficult to tell someone's intended tone through text. What Lonewriter is saying is that he perceives that Sojourner is using many of the same textual cues that are often used when one is irritated.

    Or at least, that is what I perceive Lonewriter to be saying. He, of course, may be saying something completely different.

    Getting back to Grandeur... I like the color scheme, but I still feel the toilet is jarring. Not that I'm upset by that; I just feel like the old Sesame Street ditty... one of these things is not like the others....
    Exactly and we do need to move back to the topic at hand (or another part of the body since its a
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    are yo guys planning to model the jeferietube stoo?
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    are yo guys planning to model the jeferietube stoo?

    Well that is a good question colbmista, I would like to say yes, but it really falls under the Commander to make that assumption and of course to others that may be tackling that in the future. The biggest interior work right now is Decks one and two and everything that in details besides the Bridge as that is done as far as all the stations are concerned.

    We will for sure at some point be doing other main rooms up like Engineering and the Medical Bay and there is talk of working on other ideals for the inside of our Shuttlebay. So there is a lot to do, hang tight, you just never know what might be happening next.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    I can hardly wait to see sojourner's version of a 'modern crapper'.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Ugh, and now the conversation starts to circle the drain once more....

    *buh-dum tssh*
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    Elowan wrote: »
    I can hardly wait to see sojourner's version of a 'modern crapper'.
    I could make a joke involving a mirror, but that would be mean spirited. There is no "Sojourner's Version", though I did provide a link to images that might inspire a design that fit the 400 years in the future aesthetic better.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Starscream wrote: »
    Ugh, and now the conversation starts to circle the drain once more....

    *buh-dum tssh*

    Might have to double flush.

    But - yeah - we need to get back to the original thread topic.

  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, here's something more on the crew head... as if I needed to add anything myself to this discussion. :)


  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Okay, see, that works for me... a deliberate nod at antiquity. You might even do one of the "Hey, look, we're antique!" types, by mounting the tank high and having a brass pipe down.
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow if this bathroom gets any more fancy I may not want to leave...oh wait, forgot, I have my own head in my Ready Room.
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    Wow if this bathroom gets any more fancy I may not want to leave...oh wait, forgot, I have my own head in my Ready Room.

    Yea and he won't share it with us:)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Grandeur truly by name and status... Amazing work.
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Grandeur truly by name and status... Amazing work.

    Thanks Aresius
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Well, it's been a few since the last post, but I do have a nice Helm shot from Tobias...

  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    u guys need to make a walk thru video
  • CaptainRoopCaptainRoop0 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    u guys need to make a walk thru video

    See all you have to do is ask, we try to accommodate when we can. That was the first one, we have a bit more of a surprise when we get around to showcasing the next one.
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