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2DSymbols, logos, and other graphics design shenaniganry


Greetings! I'm just a humble graphics designer who really, really likes working on stuff like logos, sigils, symbols and other such shenaniganry. I make a whole boatload of various things but this here is what is the closest to being my bread and butter.

So, no further ado, here's some of the stuff I am particularly proud of. Besides the stuff in the header image, at the very least.
These three images have been designed for an in-progress story (as in, stuck in the form of a bunch of disparaged notes for several years >>), the first of which was mostly done in a wave of Inspiration. Cyberiad, I call it. You can clearly see some religious tones, alongside the more robotic style, as well as the attempt to mimic an audio visualizer inside the halo.
The next one was done soon after, Mikoyan. More aimed and actually related to something in the story, as well as utilizing some tricks I learned since the previous image. You can clearly see the inspiration and similarities between the two, heh.
And then there was this. A book, of sorts, designed to mirror the halo of Mikoyan, but fitting as something that could appear on an actual book.
While I've generally drifted away from Doctor Who somewhere around the Matt Smith era, it still holds a certain place in my heart. And so do the various fanmade versions of Gallifreyan that float on the internet. Hell, they were arguably the reason why I went into graphics stuff like this in the first place. So, well, these are artworks that were based on Sherman's Circular Gallifreyan. Also make for very good avatars when you favor abstract instead of anything more physical, heh. They are a little bit scuffed in their actual writing, but I still love the designs I've ended up with for them.

This is the result of a commission for a certain individual, one that is relatively simple but also rather interesting in the combination of things that they asked of me. The smooth and circular moon motifs, combined with the hard edges of a circuit board ended up producing something rather interesting, I might say.

I make... a helluvalot more, but this is the stuff I am generally most proud of, along with being the stuff that fits the best with the themes of this forum.
Lizzy777commandersozoStarCruiserWarp Propulsion Laboratoryevil_genius_180scifieric


  • commandersozocommandersozo578 Posts: 651Member
    these graphics looks great! like it.
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    edited November 2022 #3
    Oh yeah, dug out this stuff.

    I actually have a constructed script of my own. And this stuff was me recreating logos of several big services with iconic logos while using that script, down to mimicking the typographic style of those logos.

    I would make one for scifi-meshes but one: it doesn't have a consistent font, and two: I can't access the friggin' rocket image lmao. Might make ones for a few other Forums I frequent, though. Original credits to Google, Reddit and Twitter.
    Post edited by SystemSearcher on
    Lizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratoryevil_genius_180StarCruiserscifieric
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    edited November 2022 #4

    Or you could just Google image search for a rocket. I'm pretty sure it'll be on the first page. :p
    (We should really get a new rocket)

    Pretty much all our logos are based on scifi shows, movies and games. There's about 30 of them I think.
    Post edited by Guerrilla on
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    edited November 2022 #5
    Guerrilla wrote: »

    Or you could just Google image search for a rocket. I'm pretty sure it'll be on the first page. :p
    (We should really get a new rocket)

    Pretty much all our logos are based on scifi shows, movies and games. There's about 30 of them I think.

    Excellent, thank you. I'll see if I can figure out something clever with it. Perhaps mimic a few show logos, there are quite a few that would be a good challenge to do.
    Post edited by SystemSearcher on
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    edited November 2022 #6
    Made a few more

    And also a few Scifi Meshes-themed ones

    Post edited by SystemSearcher on
    Lizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratorycommandersozoevil_genius_180StarCruiserscifieric
  • commandersozocommandersozo578 Posts: 651Member
    nice ideas. good work
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Always nice to see some good symbol/logo work, and this definitely qualifies. :)
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    On that note, finished a Commission. It's more anime than sci-fi but still fits the vibe, I'd say.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Nice animation work.
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    A cyberpunk-ish megacorp-ish logo thing. Based off the word "Amaranth", for those curious.
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member

    Another one in that series of those halo-y designs, this one creatively called "Cyberiad Dos".
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    Wanted to mess around with lighting a bit via shoving this into Blender. Ended up with something... honestly quite impressive.
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member

    Got commissioned a day before New Year's, and ended up producing this lil' beaut of a logo.
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    DS9 needed you.

    There was a part of me that wondered if the derelict Juggernaut from ALIEN/PROMETHEUS was a ship designed to look like the glyph meaning “death” in the Engineer language.

    3D printed digital sundials like this:

    —make me wonder if a different font could hold a whole library with light..different builds for different patterns.

    Or a 3D font that looks one way in the front—but another from the side..
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    I was tired and also randomly inspired, and couldn't go to sleep unless I've made something so I've made this.
  • SystemSearcherSystemSearcher68 Posts: 15Member
    Been trying to come up with an emblem for my solo Warframe clan, ended up with this.


    And then, in a burst of inspiration, I've also made a Star Trek Online fleet emblem too.

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