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3DChallenger - Phase II/TMP era sets

ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
edited December 2021 in Work in Progress #1

Decided on a new thread for these as I can keep it pretty specific.


Built by the Andor Shipyards and completed in 2269, the Challenger incorporated many of the advancements that would end up in the Constitution Refit while still be built over an original Constitution frame. At the time, Andor prided itself on building unique starships over churning out ship after ship like the shipyards at the heart of the Federation. This ended up with a one of a kind variant of the Constitution class.


The Challenger sets are going to incorporate many of the TMP/Refit elements but I'm angling it to have Phase II elements as well. Everything you see here is modeled except for the viewscreen. Technically that was modeled too but it's just an image file. Yes, I modeled every panel and display here. Yes I am also a bit crazy :P These are mostly based off the Flight Control Manual or the Command Operations Manual. Basically whichever was closer to screen accurate. These are still varied from the actual controls on screen but not necessarily much.

This is the result of me learning Blender over the last year or so. It will look slightly different when I get it into DAZ to put the characters into it. While I love building in Blender, the goal has been to use what I build in DAZ as sets for the characters. I've built it in sections so I can hide stations to get different shots. I'm also going to be able to move the turbolifts over to other sets like my corridors. While I did start with the Final Frontier set parts by Sean Robertson (I am actually working up a full blown Excelsior bridge using those eventually) I've since rebuilt every part I've used and then some but I used his pieces as a base, so credit where it's due.


A breakdown of the stations visible here:

Top: Environmental, Damage Control, Science
Bottom: Communications, Engineering, SecWeaps (Security and Weapons combined)

The XO has their own station behind the Captain's chair which combines elements from several stations, and of course the helm is in the center.


Inspired by the Phase II concept art, I tried to emulate the red alert lighting a bit with the bridge. I love the submarine feel the red alert lighting has too. Definitely too much Hunt For Red October when I was younger ;)


Original set pieces based off of the Final Frontier bridge set pieces by Sean Robertson @seanr
Built and Rendered in Blender For Artists 2
Post edited by ashleytinger on
RekkertMadKoiFishRory1707Lizzy777BolianAdmiralmishasiegfriedMustang13Camaro68wibbleWarp Propulsion Laboratorycaveat_imperatorand 2 others.


  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Love this! The displays being closer to the TOS style look a lot better than the TMP displays ever did IMO. I also like the use of color all around, and the astrogator looks very cool with its curved shape.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    This very nice. Love the style and colors. Great job! 🖖🏾
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    I absolutely love this! My only suggestion might be to move the blinky light strip on the viewscreen to just below the screen. As it is now, it looks kinda stuck-on as if an afterthought, and the screen is narrow enough where there’s a lot of bare wall below it.
  • mishasiegfriedmishasiegfried215 Posts: 75Member
    This is so killer! I love it and it looks great!
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    @Rekkert Thanks! Yeah I thought I'd try and mix in a few more colors since it's a transitional bridge and ship. That and I've always thought the TMP astrogator was too square with all the rounded surfaces on the refit so I played lol

    @Rory1707 Thank you!

    @BolianAdmiral Thanks! Yeah it was kind of an add-on. I thought the screen looked too plain and then I realized that I hadn't put the sensor blinkies on there (the refit bridge didn't have them) and tried something I could live with for now. I might play with it a bit later. I think the light squares are a bit too large either way.

    @mishasiegfried Thanks so much!
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Imported the set from Blender into DAZ Studio and have been populating it with the Alpha Shift bridge crew.

    Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.15 with iRay
    Uniform pattern by JBogguess
    Original TFF bridge base by Sean Robertson
    Set constructed in Blender For Artists 2


    On the bridge of the Challenger, Captain Thelev zh'Ramai leaned back into the the center seat, letting the buzzing of activity on the bridge settle into her Andorian antenna. Commander M'yrna, the Teuful First Officer approaches from her station at the aft of the bridge.

    "Looks like the deflectors are holding," she says quietly to the Captain.

    "As if there was any doubt, Commander?" she responds with a smirk.

    "Well, the master of the Andor shipyards did seem to have his doubts," M'yrna said with a twitch of her tail.

    "He had his doubts, but they weren't about the construction of this ship."

    "Pulsar readings are coming in through solidly, Captain," announced Lieutenant Lisbeth Fisher from the science station. "Recommend we alter course along heading 331 mark 2 to properly map its activity"

    "Chief?" asked the Captain.

    Chief Onin Kumas was already working on a new course to match the Science officer's request. "I've got a safe run around the pulsar laid into the computer, Captain."

    "Engineering reports ready and my board is green," came the preemptive response from Lieutenant Aemilia Faryna from the Helm.

    "Well then, Commander," said the Andorian Captain gesturing for M'yrna to issue the orders.

    M'yrna sighed and looked toward the viewscreen, "Execute."


    "All stations reporting in," announced Liuetenant Ano. "Maintenance crews are compensating for the increased radiation from the pulsar and the crew in the computer core is detecting no adverse affects to the duotronic systems."

    "Thank you, Lieutenant," replied the First Officer. "Engineering?"

    Lieutenant Stellyck leaned around his Alpha shift relief, "There was a 7.35 percent abnormal radiation build up in the inter-coolers but it has been flushed. Warp engines will be available at the Helm's discretion."

    "Thank you, Engineering. SecWeaps?" asked Commander M'yrna.

    "No contacts. Currently running two drills, and the shields are running within norms," sighed Arcelyn Soras.

    "Thank you, Lieutenant. Sorry to bore you."

    "Not at all. I find pulsars fascinating. I'm just disappointed in phaser crew two's response time."

    "Let me know if we need to run the drill again, Lieutenant Soras," smirked M'yrna.

    "Don't I always?"


    "Nice of you to join us," came the growling Tellarite voice of Ensign Voth as Ensign Tartou headed to her station. "Missing that Risian Sunrise your people are so famous for?"

    Tartou shook her head as she activated her station. "Some of us have important meetings about the goings on in our departments instead of just randomly sending repair crews around the ship, Tillam."

    "That's just it, Tartou. You can attend all the meetings you like, but you're running Environmental up here. You're all gas."

    "And that attitude and your smell are why you're still an ensign, Voth," countered Tartou.

    "I do not smell."

    Tartou looked at him unconvincingly. Tillam shifted his eyes around and then leaned over a bit so that only Tartou could hear.

    "It's a natural musk."

    Lizzy777BolianAdmiralwibbleWarp Propulsion LaboratoryMustang13Camaro68Rory1707caveat_imperatorAdmiral156
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Very nice. In addition to the set, I like the uniforms, too… a nice blend of TOS and TMP elements.
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    I like that you have a Trill at the Nav station. Its nice to imagine that a species introduced in TNG was around in the TOS/movie era as well.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    Great character work. Amazing how life-like their expressions are, even though they don't look overly naturalistic. And also they blend in pretty well with the environment.

    I have never heard of the Teuful species before. Did they made a canon appearance or do they originate in an expanded universe story that I just don't know?
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    wibble wrote: »
    Great character work. Amazing how life-like their expressions are, even though they don't look overly naturalistic. And also they blend in pretty well with the environment.

    I have never heard of the Teuful species before. Did they made a canon appearance or do they originate in an expanded universe story that I just don't know?

    Thanks! Yeah I'm going for a Pseudo-Pixar vibe with the characters. The Teuful species is an un-named species from the DC run that started in '89. She was a love interest for Sulu along with another character in a love triangle but then was dropped after they switched writers. Originally she was supposed to be M'ress from the Animated Series but the Paramount guys told the DC guys no, so they had to draw a character with a tail over the top of M'ress and the Tiefling crossover began. I just really loved the species so I came up with a name for them.
    I like that you have a Trill at the Nav station. Its nice to imagine that a species introduced in TNG was around in the TOS/movie era as well.

    I went with the idea that Kurzon was kicking around at the time of TOS and even beyond that Dax was very familiar with the tech of the time when they went back in time in that DS9 episode, so they were around at the time, just maybe not necessarily part of the Federation yet, but a species doesn't have to be in the Federation for someone to join up.
    Very nice. In addition to the set, I like the uniforms, too… a nice blend of TOS and TMP elements.

    Can't take all the credit but thank you! Got a lot of inspiration from the fan artists tackling their versions of Phase II.
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    edited December 2021 #12
    Yeah I'm going for a Pseudo-Pixar vibe with the characters.

    You don't happen to have a Twi'lek character that I could use in Bender don't you? :)

    Post edited by wibble on
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    I love your bridge, and the addition of the Challenger crew is awesome! Great work all around! 🖖🏾
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    wibble wrote: »
    Yeah I'm going for a Pseudo-Pixar vibe with the characters.

    You don't happen to have a Twi'lek character that I could use in Bender don't you? :)

    I do have a Twi'lek but I haven't played around with the Daz-Belnder bridge at all yet so I don't know how well that'll work.
    Rory1707 wrote: »
    I love your bridge, and the addition of the Challenger crew is awesome! Great work all around! 🖖🏾

    Thank you!
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    O.K. never mind. I didn't seriously meant it as a request anyway. But hey if you ever figure this DAZ-Blender bridge out and would like to see your Twi'lek in the Cockpit of a redesigned Ebon Hawk ... you know where to find me.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    wibble wrote: »
    O.K. never mind. I didn't seriously meant it as a request anyway. But hey if you ever figure this DAZ-Blender bridge out and would like to see your Twi'lek in the Cockpit of a redesigned Ebon Hawk ... you know where to find me.

    Oh I'm willing to give it a try! Just no promises ;)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    edited January 2022 #17

    Challenger Construction Supervisor Log, Stardate 5786.03. Engineer Kith ch'Ramai reporting.

    After her test run on the engines and weapons systems, Challenger has again been berthed at Dock 329 here at the Andor Shipyards. Everything has checked out, and while the yard administrator hasn't told me who the Captain will be just yet, I know that the selection has been made and they are on their way. While the main systems are in, we're going to spend the next 7 months loading the ship out with proper decks, rooms, proper wall plating, the auxiliary systems, and all the creature comforts currently available for a crew who's going to be out in the edge of Federation space for 8 years.

    While she carries the name of an Earth vessel, one of their original exploration ships from almost 300 years ago, Challenger represents the best of current technology throughout the Federation. Those fools at the fleet don't know what they're passing up with this version of the Constitution class. Granted, having gotten a look at the refit options for the existing ships that Sector 001 is churning out, I see what they're thinking. But that pretty design has one problem, not enough Andorians involved with their potential construction.

    Supervisor Kith out.


    Drydock by MADMANMIKE
    TOS Travel Pod by Kenny Mitchell
    Regula Station by Rick "Hobbes" Snider
    Rendered in Blender for Artists 2

    The only model I really modified in this beyond coloring is the DEFIANT Refit. I won't list all the changes but the bones are definitely still the original mesh.

    I know it's not an interior set, but this is where the interior sets are going to reside, plus all the miniature interiors I modeled for it are going to end up as full blown interiors at some point ;)
    Post edited by ashleytinger on
    scifiericRory1707Soul ScreamLizzy777wibble
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    That is a BEAUTIFUL image!
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    Awesome my friend! Love the supervisor log! 🖖🏾
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