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3DLewis' Galaxy Class



  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    After some back and forth on Discord I re-rendered out the ship with a more matt hull, as well as some revised lighting, just to lose that metallic sheen off the ship;

  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Perfection... this reminds me of a render you did a while back where I was saying that I really liked it because you'd matched the model lighting perfectly.. I must say I know others will prefer a more metallic sheen on the hull.. but this one wins for me hands down.
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Looks excellent :)
  • JeffrySGJeffrySG321 Posts: 477Member
    lewisniven wrote: »
    After some back and forth on Discord I re-rendered out the ship with a more matt hull, as well as some revised lighting, just to lose that metallic sheen off the ship;


    Seriously, looks so beautiful! :)
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Very nice rendering!
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    Finally got around to cutting the last of the transporter emitters on the underside of the saucer. All that's left to do now is go round and add the 'grilling' to them.


    I also gave her the 1701-D Registration. The main reason for not doing this earlier is that the 'D' on the dorsal side of the saucer has to be modified to have those little serifs as they're not standard on the font (The ventral D is standard, go figure) so it was easier to just label as Challenger before, ah well.


    Also, some renders I've done over the last few days;



    I did this one to start practicing some more interesting shots with other ships but I don't think the composition really works so gave up, here it is anyway;


    rojrenashleytingerMcCBolianAdmiraldarkthunderMadKoiFishRekkertBillynom8Lizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratoryand 3 others.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Gorgeous as either the Enterprise or the Challenger.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    really good stuff :)
  • johnl2112johnl211248 Posts: 54Member
    lewisniven wrote: »
    Finally got around to cutting the last of the transporter emitters on the underside of the saucer. All that's left to do now is go round and add the 'grilling' to them.


    I also gave her the 1701-D Registration. The main reason for not doing this earlier is that the 'D' on the dorsal side of the saucer has to be modified to have those little serifs as they're not standard on the font (The ventral D is standard, go figure) so it was easier to just label as Challenger before, ah well.


    Also, some renders I've done over the last few days;



    I did this one to start practicing some more interesting shots with other ships but I don't think the composition really works so gave up, here it is anyway;


    I think the issue is that the Jem Hadar ships are used at all sorts of weird scales. Based on the density of windows, and being slightly out of focus due to the motion blur, the ship being fired upon looks like its *behind* the enterprise. It could probably be fixed by having the enterprise slightly out of focus, a little less motion blur, and some depth queueing on the phaser (make it slightly..only slightly.. wider at impact point)

    The rest is lighting, but that comes down to sticking with TNG/Generations lighting or going realistic. Realistically, the phaser and the explosion should be much bright than anything except the reflection of the star against the hull (and maybe even that). But switching to HDR color space is another whole ball of wax
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    @johnl2112 I agree that its not clear that the fighter is at the front of the screen, and also the scale issue. They're scaled as per the memory alpha given size but the windows are far far too small and I think this will be helping to throw it off. The motion blur was there to try and convey that the fighters are moving much faster than the large 'battleship like' galaxy class.

    I'm rendering out in linear colour space and working in 16-bit in photoshop which allows lots of control but eventually it gets baked down to an image anyway. I'm not trying to recreate proper TNG lighting as that generally has way too much fill for my taste, and I think going for full photo realism is a fools errand with this kind of thing in some way, so more of a 'stylised realism' is what I'd call what I'm shooting for I'll try some other compositions.
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    Looks incredible! Huh, I never noticed the different 'D's on the hull font. :sweat_smile:
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Looks incredible! Huh, I never noticed the different 'D's on the hull font. :sweat_smile:

    It's there just to make life difficult! :s

    Been working on something different for a change...

    RekkertdarkthunderBolianAdmiralLizzy777McCFreakWarp Propulsion LaboratorywibbleStarCruiser
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    The 1701 D is just breathtaking. I'm horribly jealous. :)
  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    I'm sure the little serifs on the D were to help prevent it being mis-read as an O - what with the squared off font.
  • Zhor2395Zhor2395344 MN, USAPosts: 92Member
    no matter how much I adore the other designs, the galaxy-class has a special place in my heart. yours is gorgeous!
    "It's just like bumper cars...where everyone dies." ~Penny Robinson
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    Dusted this one off as I'm working on an animation. Using photoshop I generated some panel line maps from my aztec textures, using the Find Edges filter


    After running that through a Bump node:

    ashleytingerLizzy777LeoBerlinWarp Propulsion LaboratoryMcCseanrFreakBrandenbergwibbleStarCruiser
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Very nice, you keep working on the object 👍
  • JRXTINJRXTIN161 Posts: 77Member
    Certainly some very gorgeous work. I wish this ship would get used again.
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    More material refinements, always coming back to this one to tweak.


    mishasiegfriedBillynom8ashleytingerProviFXLizzy777McCRekkertFreakBrandenbergraztovand 8 others.
  • AcemanAceman337 Posts: 269Member
    That is a very clean model. Love the lines and attention to detail.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    Looking perfect.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    I would love it if this was the model in the Blue-Ray remake of the series. It's just so beautiful.
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    edited December 2021 #444


    Materials completely rebuilt in Substance Designer, as opposed to Photoshop as before. I brought the greyscale masks in to Substance and then built the albedo and roughness maps from that, and nailed in a much more realistic look in my opinion. Also some hull markings and other small details added.
    Post edited by lewisniven on
    ashleytingerBolianAdmiralrojrenraztovWarp Propulsion LaboratorywibbleLizzy777McCseanrBrandenbergand 5 others.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    *Magneto voice* Perfection
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    Absolutely beautiful!
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Very cool!👍
  • Hunter GHunter G1927 Posts: 544Member
    lewisniven wrote: »
    Dusted this one off as I'm working on an animation. Using photoshop I generated some panel line maps from my aztec textures, using the Find Edges filter
    That's brilliant, I'm going to use that! And it looks great
  • adjunct37betaadjunct37beta348 Seattle, WAPosts: 60Member
    This is seriously stunning work. Wow!
  • Scifigeek1991Scifigeek19914 UKPosts: 3Member
    This is absolutely amazing.

    I don't suppose you take commissions at all?
  • lewisnivenlewisniven2553 UKPosts: 464Member
    This is absolutely amazing.

    I don't suppose you take commissions at all?

    Hi, depends what you're after really, vest thing is to email be at [email protected]
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