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Looking for: ReferencePhotoshop or DAZ Tutorial - Emulating 70s/80s film stock

ashleytingerashleytinger2114 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
I'm looking to emulate the film look of the late 70s/early 80s either through Photoshop or my render settings in DAZ Studio (I use iray) but most of the tutorials are all about making the image look old which isn't what I'm going for. I want to emulate that look and feel of the films I watched growing up, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dark Crystal, Tron, etc. One of the films I was looking at used 35mm Kodak film with 100 ASA Kodak 5257 (at least that's what the few sites I found said they used) and I'm trying to find something to emulate that look but not look retro with cuts, grains, dirt, etc, but instead have those color and balance qualities.


  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    I have LUTs for Kodak 5217, 5245 and 5246 that I got in a pack I bought. The space renders of the Enterprise are using the 5246 LUT actually. Anyway, I think finding a LUT file for that film will be the easiest route. Alternatively, you'd have to find what the color shifts are needed to get the same look and then apply that to your image. One way to do this is get an image that you know uses that film and use the curves color balance tools in Photoshop to correct it to a neutral state. Once there you can reverse engineer the adjustments to apply it to other images.

    Another way is to do color matching between the two images. That's a bit more involved process, but it entails getting a sample of colors from the original image and also getting the black, mid and white points and matching all that in your image. I can find a tutorial later on this if you want. This is actually a bit easier to do but the result isn't as consistent. That's the process I did to modify my chase scene on my star wars thread to look like episode IV.

    Both methods will have the issue that it's not only the film that is being used here. All these movies had further processing done. A professionally done LUT is probably the best bet.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2114 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Thank you for the info! I'll keep an eye out for something along those lines. I was hoping it was going to be something I could incorporate easily, but it's looking a bit more complicated.

    I did find a few free LUTs out there but nothing that matches those specifically, most emulating photography film rather than motion picture film.

    I'm thinking I might have to go the color matching route.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    Yeah, unfortunately there's no really easy route when it comes to post processing. A lot of trial and error. Here's a tutorial on color matching that is easy to follow though:
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