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3DViper's miscellaneous Star Trek projects



  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited July 2020 #332
    Thanks again guys :) I have some more stuff to share :grin: I have a couple of concepts that I'm not sure will ever see the light of day. These were developed while I was trying to make that cargo ship work. I just have so many projects right now. Anyway, the first one is this heavy cruiser type ship.

    The second is this long range, recon, rapid response vessel. I actually like this one quite a bit and might bring it to completion at some point.

    And fresh of the oven, I just spent an hour or so bringing the Saladin up to snuff with my other ships.
    Post edited by Viper on
    Rekkertlewisnivenevil_genius_180LeoBerlinashleytingerkadenFreakBrandenbergLizzy777scifiericand 4 others.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    I really like that heavy cruiser. It looks like a cool blend of Enterprise refit and Excelsior.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    I would like to second the lke on the heavy. It's a neat looking design. And the Saladin looks amazing
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Yeah, that render of the Saladin is gorgeous. I'm a fan of that design.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Loving the Akula and that Lighting.

    The Akria keep getting better with each update.

    The long range, recon, rapid response vessel, reminds me of one of the early concepts for Excelsior class. I think there are a couple of very basic models made which appear in the background of the space dock and the battle of Worf 359. Or was it the concept for the replacement for the Enterprise before they made TMP. I can't remember.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    Your work is always inspiring. :+1:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Freak wrote: »
    I think there are a couple of very basic models made which appear in the background of the space dock and the battle of Worf 359. Or was it the concept for the replacement for the Enterprise before they made TMP. I can't remember.

    Yeah, the study models from Planet of the Titans (the RMQ concept ships) and Excelsior Study models have made it into canon Trek. One of the RMQ ships is in Spacedock in TSFS, and the other is in the Qualor II Surplus Depot in "Unification." The Excelsior study models also made it to Qualor II and to the Wolf 359 "graveyard" scene. It's always interesting to see how even abandoned concepts can be useful.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    I really like that heavy cruiser. It looks like a cool blend of Enterprise refit and Excelsior.

    Yeah, that was sort of the idea, although being honest, I found inspiration from a kitbash somewhere on the internet. I just made a shape more palatable to me, let's say. There's also a hint of Ambassador there with the neck.

    The only reason I'm not so keen on it, is that it sort of occupies the same space as the Constitution. So it would be a bit redundant. I'm sure I'll eventually open the file and try to do some more on it though.
    Freak wrote: »
    Loving the Akula and that Lighting.

    The Akria keep getting better with each update.

    The long range, recon, rapid response vessel, reminds me of one of the early concepts for Excelsior class. I think there are a couple of very basic models made which appear in the background of the space dock and the battle of Worf 359. Or was it the concept for the replacement for the Enterprise before they made TMP. I can't remember.

    That was totally on accident, heh. I didn't even remember those designs existed, although could always have been on my sub conscious. I have some ideas on where to take this, time allowing I'll work on it soon.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    I really like that heavy cruiser. It looks like a cool blend of Enterprise refit and Excelsior.
    Yeah, that render of the Saladin is gorgeous. I'm a fan of that design.
    Viper wrote: »
    And fresh of the oven, I just spent an hour or so bringing the Saladin up to snuff with my other ships.
    Holy cow! That is absolutely beautiful! It certainly looks like a physical model!

  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Love that Akira class one! How do you unwrap your saucer? That's always the worst part for me, is it a flat square panel pattern and you have to unwrap the saucer "slices" to squares or a planar map of the whole saucer?
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    japetus wrote: »
    Love that Akira class one! How do you unwrap your saucer? That's always the worst part for me, is it a flat square panel pattern and you have to unwrap the saucer "slices" to squares or a planar map of the whole saucer?

    When I started on this journey I had planned to unwrap it so everything was straight. But the way I build these ships, it's not possible to do that, so now I just do a simple planar map and do the textures in a circle.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Viper wrote: »
    japetus wrote: »
    Love that Akira class one! How do you unwrap your saucer? That's always the worst part for me, is it a flat square panel pattern and you have to unwrap the saucer "slices" to squares or a planar map of the whole saucer?

    When I started on this journey I had planned to unwrap it so everything was straight. But the way I build these ships, it's not possible to do that, so now I just do a simple planar map and do the textures in a circle.

    Thanks for the insight...I might PM you with some more questions regarding it...right now i'm transforming my flat panel texture with polar coordinates after patterning it 3 times in hopes I get the correct dimensions wont warp too badly near the edges
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    japetus wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight...I might PM you with some more questions regarding it...right now i'm transforming my flat panel texture with polar coordinates after patterning it 3 times in hopes I get the correct dimensions wont warp too badly near the edges

    Yeah, absolutely. I have two tricks here. The first is that the aztec is actually modeled first on top of the actual saucer and then I render a black and white mask. This ensures I'll get a 100% match to my grid lines. I then bring everything into Substance Designer for the final texture creation and there I can leverage the procedural nodes to do the sub paneling. Designer has a great cartesian to polar conversion. The final product is pixel perfect to the UV map.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    I agree the interiors are looking great.... And those renders are looking awesome.. love the hot spots on the saucers...
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Viper wrote: »
    japetus wrote: »
    Thanks for the insight...I might PM you with some more questions regarding it...right now i'm transforming my flat panel texture with polar coordinates after patterning it 3 times in hopes I get the correct dimensions wont warp too badly near the edges

    Yeah, absolutely. I have two tricks here. The first is that the aztec is actually modeled first on top of the actual saucer and then I render a black and white mask. This ensures I'll get a 100% match to my grid lines. I then bring everything into Substance Designer for the final texture creation and there I can leverage the procedural nodes to do the sub paneling. Designer has a great cartesian to polar conversion. The final product is pixel perfect to the UV map.

    Oh man, great! I love Substance Designer, but I didn't think to use it fort that part. The mask pass is a great idea, makes total sense. Thanks a ton!
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Good work all around Diogo!
    Akula is one of my favorites since a long time!
    I loved your TMP akira too! Well... I liked of everything in fact. Keep doing the good work! :)
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    The rapid response vessel is great-slimmer than the cargo vessel...that is the way to go after all.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    I started this yesterday while working on the animation. Close to done, only a few details to go and then texturing:
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Always loved this shuttle design. Nice work!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    I personally feel it's the best shuttle design they ever had for Star Trek, both in the STV configuration and in the TNG configuration. It does a great job of blending the curvier TNG aesthetic with the blocky TOS aesthetic. And, of course, your modeling is top notch.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Very nice.
    I need to model this for my Enterprise refit.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    So, can't believe I'm starting another thing, but I need all this for a shot I want to do. Following on Madkoifish's foot steps, I'm working on those Utopia Planitia stations as well. I'm going to try and finish the shuttle model tonight, but yesterday I was super tired, so wanted to work on something light.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Nice start on the station. Starting a project with the goal of doing a specific shot is probably something most of us can relate to. It's also a nice motivator, since you know you'll immediately have a use for it when it's done.
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    So, might as well give an update here. Been a while. As always, still chugging along on my projects, just had a lot happen with my life the past 4 months. First it was possibility of being out of a job, then knowing I would have a job but would be for a new client, and then I got a new offer, so had to scramble to finish everything on the old job so I could go to the new one with a clear conscience. It has been a long journey.

    Inspired by @lewisniven, I decided to finish off the TOS Connie. Pretty close to done, just a few details left. Most of it is textured already.


    And here's a fancy shot:
    scifiericashleytingerBolianAdmiralMcCMadKoiFishLoopholeFreakLizzy777lewisnivenraztovand 4 others.
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Oh man, that is VERY pretty!

    Congratulations on the new job!
  • ChiefBrexChiefBrex256 North CarolinaPosts: 110Member
    These models are amazing @Viper!!!!! Your work always impressed me! I wish I had learned more from you back in the day :(
    How did you get that grilling on the pylons?
  • ViperViper1697 Posts: 717Administrator
    edited February 2021 #358
    scifieric wrote: »
    Oh man, that is VERY pretty!

    Congratulations on the new job!

    ChiefBrex wrote: »
    These models are amazing @Viper!!!!! Your work always impressed me! I wish I had learned more from you back in the day :(
    How did you get that grilling on the pylons?

    Thanks man. Well, there's always time :) As for the grills, it's just a plane that I add a lot of segments to then select the appropriate faces, delete and subdivide once. Very simple to do really.

    Ok, been quite busy this week but I squeezed a few details in:


    Post edited by Viper on
    LoopholelewisnivenWarp Propulsion LaboratoryChiefBrexMadKoiFishMcCJESLizzy777Freakwibbleand 2 others.
  • ChiefBrexChiefBrex256 North CarolinaPosts: 110Member
    Viper wrote: »

    Thanks man. Well, there's always time :) As for the grills, it's just a plane that I add a lot of segments to then select the appropriate faces, delete and subdivide once. Very simple to do really.

    Anyway you could show me? I understand what it is you're explaining, but it's hard for me to picture. That would help me understand, because I'm doing a DSC/TOS Connie, and would like to be able to make that plate appearance!

  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Gorgeous as always!
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    ^^ I'm just going to be repeating what @Japetus said.... :D The rendering is beautiful...
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