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  • Condor class redesign

    I thing I'm close to done. Just a matter of putting up navigation lights. Also: Condor as a name is... flawed. I could only find two species in that genus so it might be a better idea to name it after something else entirely...


  • Baton Rouge - Mycelial drive prototype

    Did some work on... well, everything. Except for the bridge and engineering. Those'll have to wait...


    The paneling is coming along quite nicely. I'm in doubt if I want to have windows on the outer ring. Perhaps a few, but I want to paint a very clear picture that the outer ring isn't meant for habitation.


    The secondary hull does have windows! Also very clear: the new warp coil covers! The nacelles still need intercoolers at the aft though...


    Peek into the shuttlebay! It's coming along quite fine...
  • Condor class redesign

    Yup, I'm done.



    On a aside note, the model is now also updated in the 3DWarehouse. I'm also busy with a version that is made specifically for printing. So yeah, take that lazy seller people stealing other people's stuff! *launches space cow in their general direction*
  • Baton Rouge - Mycelial drive prototype

    So, I've opted to change the name to Subutai; Genghis Kahn's (and arguably world's) best general. I wanted to go for Kublai Kahn but that's a bit too much Kahn... There's more coming up, but I just wanted to show you guys the close-to-final model.


    I already decided that the secondary mycelial vents right next to the navigation lights are going the way of the dodo; they're blinding out the navlights. Don't have much use for navlights if you can't see them, right?

  • Baton Rouge - Mycelial drive prototype

    So, imagine you're me, and mess up the backstories of two ships. On the one hand we have the Baton Rouge: a ship with a minor story behind it, mainly from some pictures wherein the nacelle is seen drifting in space next to it. Oh. That was supposed to be a repair thing? Right. Oopsy #1. Then there's the Bonaventure; this one should be more familiar to Trek fans. This ship was seen in TAS: The Time Trap, where it was trapped in a pocket dimension. Now with Discovery, we know that the mycelial drive isn't as safe a technology as you'd expect from Starfleet. But hey, they were at war, mistakes were made; can't say I blame them. But now let's mash those two stories together, apply some DSC cream into it, and we get... The Baton Rouge!

    This ship is an illegal attempt by Section 31 to take Stamets' research and apply it themselves. My original idea was that Control was already gaining sentience and appropriated the tech, but failed to grasp the finer details. So, yeah sure, holes in the saucer!.. but no revelving saucersection. Because I still don't quite understand why those thing revolve. But hey, whatever. Looks kinda cool! Then, during testruns, the ship vanished with all hands on board... into the pocket dimension! Just waiting for the Enterprise to show up and... not really helping them. Poor souls...eepu45ka2biq.png
  • Condor class redesign

    I'm doing a slight redesign of my Condor. I'm kind of getting fed up that people are selling my models, so I guess I'm going to start a Thingiverse collection of my own soon. If you can't beat 'm, join 'm...


    I'm bringing her more in line with the ship that I based it on. While rebuilding I noticed that yes, even back in the day I based certain curves already on the Danube. Older me thanks younger me for it hardcore, because it meant that transplanting certain things (now that I have a Danube of my own) went really easy. I'm having some chamfering troubles with the more complex faces though... Also: I rebuilt the nacelles (they were butchered from a Warehouse Intrepid originally), rebuilt the pylons and am planning on redesigning the aft of the spine. Might become a micro torpedo launcher, while the impulse engines originally there will be moved to the upper or lower part of the aft hull. Might keep the segregated door. Maybe not.


    Any other people here who've seen their models pop up on the various 3D print sites?
  • Suboptimal Results

    From the luxurious observation deck of the T'Karath, the higher echelons of Starfleet Command bear witness to the epic failure that was the USS Subutai. In the time it takes for a Vulcan heart to beat a single time, the status of the Subutai went from "all systems go" to "all systems gone", prompting Command to reconsider their hubris in trying to develop a mycelial core without the help of a certain astromycologist...

  • Baton Rouge - Mycelial drive prototype

    Also working on: Engineering, the shuttlebay (to follow) and the bridge (to follow).

  • TOS_Vengeance by Borgman

    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    That's such a nice looking model, thanks for the better lit pics. It looks much better than what was in the movie, in my opinion.

    I agree. I too wasn't a fan of the shop from the film. Trekki's version is much better IMO.

    If you wanna, you can play around with it yourself! I might need to update it with some interiors though...
  • Sedna-Class Starship

    Yes, digging it. Would make for a fine model... Initial sketch produced the attached file. I think this flows a bit better; that angular 'secondary' hull gives it a clunky feeling that doesn't really fit the Galaxy family. IMHO, ofcourse...