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3DMy Starlost Reboot concept

JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2016 in Work in Progress #1
Taking inspiration from Starrigger's project, I thought I'd embark on a design exercise of my own, re-imagining what a large generation ship; space ark would look like in a re-booted version of the series in a way I think makes sense.

I was fascinated by this series as a kid, and the production story behind it is very interesting, have a read: CanadaA’s Tomorrow That Never Was

So, my take on this series features an ark which is a spherical assembly of habitat domes, possibly one of many arks sent to distant star systems in the hopes of preserving the human race.

This ark features a central core that has a captive singularity which provides power and gravity to the ship.

The habitat domes may be 5 - 10 miles in diameter, still working out the scale... once the ark reaches it's destination, the domes are designed to descend to the surface of a planet - a spectacular and very dangerous operation, but effective in transporting large populations from space to the ground.

The habitat domes have weather; precipitation, and display an illuminated sky with a sun that rises and sets during the "day", then is clear for "night"; a form of LCD projection.

Like the original series, the central core control has been damaged for generations, and inhabitants are now unaware they are on a space ship, the ship is in danger, etc...

Anyway, I've begun with roughed-out basic shapes, it's hard to avoid similarity to the American Airlines Space Freighters from Silent Running, of course... have a look:







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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann696 Posts: 1,339Member
    I like that! I like it far better than my weak sauce interpretation. It's simple and elegant in the "modern" way and you still get a sense of scale to it.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, man!

    Post a link to yours, I don't think I've seen it.

    Quick update, the habitat 'floor' or ground also has curvature, I hope it's apparent in these pics, I may have to exaggerate it more:




  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann696 Posts: 1,339Member
    It's starting to look like old typewriter keys... I don't know if that's intentional, but maybe that will inspire something.
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 702Member
    Looking good, I'm looking forward to you fleshing it out.
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, man... once again I'm paralyzed by too many options and directions to go in.... organic? Geometric?

    I really should sketch these things out and plan better. I guess I'll see how it goes, so far, so good.

    Got structural girders in place, and lander rockets roughed in:




  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Some more work, a few more details:





  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    A few more deets:







  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Main drive system, also used to decelerate the ark:






  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    A few more details, hopefully the analogy of this ark design is pretty apparent:




  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    all the thrusters seem to be pointing towards the middle - while you could manuever the craft with them would place unessesary strain on the craft and use far more fuel/power than required - unless they are landing thrusters and the disk detach so they can land on a planet
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    The habitats are landers, the main core drive shown in its active state is just for interstellar space; initial acceleration with gravity assist from solar system planets. During the voyage, only for course correction, this ship will not turn on a dime...

    The main drive is also used to decelerate the ship as it approaches it's destination star system and final burns to insert it into the target planet's orbit for landing operations.

    The habitat landers use traditional chemical rockets, which are very large and are only meant to get the habs on the ground.
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 702Member
    This is coming along very nicely! :thumb:
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    I like the general design, with a singularity at the core providing equal gravity to the habs. That is a nice touch. The main engines are cool, but how much thrust are we talking here? Anything more then .1G and you'll see some nasty effects on all the domes and inhabitants. Perhaps if you were to somehow articulate the domes during acceleration and deceleration, but I digress.

    Nice design, if this show is rebooted I would love to see them do something similar. Heck watching the heroes deal with the higher gravity of the core would be crazy fun.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys,

    About the gravity... the singularity at the core is about the mass of one Earth, and is barely visible, other than gravity refraction bending light around it... the gravitational gradient is fairly diffused so less than 1g in the habs and about a full g in the core, I suppose.

    The core forward will feature a large interstellar gas ramscoop to boost matter reserves for fuel and life support, etc...

    The hab struts are heavily reinforced against torsional stress forces, the ark will achieve a fairly relativistic velocity, but it's acceleration is fairly low; a 2-3 century flight to the Centauri or Barnard star systems. The story I believe begins at the near end of the journey where it is discovered the automatic braking sequences will fail to engage due to damage the ark sustained, which may have destroyed one of the habs as well.

    I'll leave it up to writers to make a suspenseful scenario... something along the lines of 'The 100' which I think is a great series.

    I imagine the first season is the rescue of the ark's automated control system, ending with orbital insertion and the big finale: the landing of the habs in various locations on the planet...

    Second season would be how the survivors cope with colonizing their new world.

    I may re-scale this ark to include more habs at some point.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,177Member
    You're doing your usual fantastic work on this one, Jeffery. It looks amazing so far.

    I've never heard of The Starlost. It doesn't sound like it went very far, but it had the potential to be amazing.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks man, the Starlost was a spectacular failure, it was a great, ambitiouos concept and a textbook example of too many cooks in the kitchen... a real production disaster.

    It was meant to be the new Star Trek, check out the series pitch:
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    Good design, I remember this from the 70s....low budget show that could have been better with more money.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, it might be fun to see the concept done with modern production resources.

    Update on the support pylons, have a look:








  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann696 Posts: 1,339Member
    Hmm... those legs look rather... busy. All those supports. Perhaps you might put some lights on there at regular intervals or something... find a way to break things up so it doesn't look all cluttered.
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Cluttered and busy is what I'm going for, a few more renders with global illum for the hell of it... I gotta figure out how to get rid of that pronounced film grain look:




  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,177Member
    It's looking fantastic. What software are you using that is giving you all the grain?
  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, man. I'm just using the default renderer for Cinema 4D, whatever that is...

    Quick update, structural bolt-downs... keeps it all together!


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,177Member
    Ah, C4D. I know nothing about it. I was just curious.

    The ship is looking great.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Starlost: another reason for Harlan Ellison to be (rightfully) angry.

    She looks great. I like the taper and the structural layering on the support columns. Will there be supports, or some kind of assembly pattern, for the dome 'glass'?
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Hi Jeffrey,

    First, awesome design and renders.

    Second, I use C4D and have given up on GI for my renders. I do however, use ambient occlusion. I cut the settings down by about half to help speed up the renders.

  • JWWrightJWWright171 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, guys!

    Yeah, I use Ambient Occlusion and Object Glow, maybe someday I'll get the hang of rendering... but I doubt it!

    I use Global Illum to get some of the materials I use to cast light from their glow and luminance channels, but turn it off for quick renders.

    The domes may have some structural framing... but they might be very slender, almost un-noticeable... but for now, just solid and clear.

    Hopefully I'll have more to show, soon, thanks again!
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