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3DSimple Scout Ship

IGTurtleIGTurtle0 Posts: 0Member
edited April 2014 in Work in Progress #1
New to site (So Hello all) - First post - First attempt at getting my Ship designs of the paper onto 3D
Be kind or ruthless :)

vrayrender.32.jpg vrayrender.35.jpg vrayrender.33.jpg

Debating to add some extra plating to get some nice cut lines from the different panels and adding a landing gear, and various other things
Post edited by IGTurtle on


  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    interesting design with clear potential but i think the very small panels distract from the overall shape and make it perhaps more angular than it should be. i rather like what you've done here and it is similar to the shapes i have used as elements in some of my own designs but i really think the texture should be changed. strongly advise adding panel lines, you would not believe how much they bring a design to life, and landing gear(of whatever form is most appropriate for your visual style) is also a good thing to add. a tip for panel lines is to make sure they flow with the same sort of shapes as the geometry around them, so they emphasize rather than go against the overall shape. but as a quick tip i think you should soften out the angles and get rid of the current texture. worst of all is where those tiny panels go over the edge of the foreplane, the panel edges on either side of the edge do not match. if you say which software you are using people can give more specific advice.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Welcome to the site. :)

    Nice start. It's definitely best to "get your feet wet" in 3D CGI with something simple. The material you have on the hull reminds me of the Chig ships from Space: Above and Beyond.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Nice start. It's definitely best to "get your feet wet" in 3D CGI with something simple. The material you have on the hull reminds me of the Chig ships from Space: Above and Beyond.

    Quite the comparison yes. Not bad for a first try :) Welcome aboard!
  • IGTurtleIGTurtle0 Posts: 0Member
    Ahh Good point in noting the software, Im Using 3Ds Max , and for those renders i was just playing about in Keyshot 4 , which is were the material is from.

    And thank you very much Space ! took what you said into consideration, took away the panels and the random things which were on the side, to be honest i have no idea why i put them there.


    I admit, Not as glamorous as the keyshot renders haha

    Also Thanks Evil :) , I'm primarily a 3D creature character designer ha, but I'm definitely getting my feet wet in ship design !:) also i don't believe I've seen Space: Above and Beyond
    001.jpg 275.9K
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    IGTurtle wrote: »
    Also Thanks Evil :) , I'm primarily a 3D creature character designer ha, but I'm definitely getting my feet wet in ship design !:) also i don't believe I've seen Space: Above and Beyond

    Space: Above and Beyond was a short-lived space Sci-Fi series from the 1995-1996 TV season. Unfortunately, that was all they did, one season, and then it was cancelled. It was about a squadron of Space Marines who flew fighters and did ground missions. It's a great show, it's a shame it was cancelled. Along with Babylon 5, it was one of the earlier shows to go 100% CGI with its effects. (Emmy nominated for its effects) The main enemy was an insectiod race that the humans called "Chigs" and their ships had a lot of textures similar to what you had on your ship.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Which reminds me that I was planning on making a Hammerhead Mk2 and accompanying carrier...
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    Speaking of B5, the first thing I thought when I saw the ship was that someone was doing a Narn ship.

    I suppose that might also be because I'm currently re-watching the series.

    Other than that, it looks good.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    the latest picture looks a bit smoother which is good. creature design is something i've never tried because with the programs i use organic shapes are very hard to do(they are quite hard with most programs anyway). would suggest upping the detail level a bit, blank spaces rarely look good on a model.
    and maxxrush, i get what you mean about a narn ship, i'm surprised i didn't notice that. babylon 5, or atleast the best episodes, is something i often rewatch.
  • IGTurtleIGTurtle0 Posts: 0Member
    creature design is something i've never tried because with the programs i use organic shapes are very hard to do(they are quite hard with most programs anyway). would suggest upping the detail level a bit, blank spaces rarely look good on a model.

    Ahh i use Zbrush for doing my creatures/ characters , so much love for that program ! , was thinking of adding some vents along the top, but how would i get around that , since the wings are 2 polys, could i make a separate object and place that on the top ? , its the one thing about moddeling in max ive never fully understood how to do(add something over another poly which has huge surface area)

    Inset the poly and play about with the edges to the correct size maybe ?
    Also, played around in Keyshot aagain to try and figure out how i want it to be colored later on
    This is what im currently liking
    (For a "possible end" nothing solid right now)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    vents would certainly look good but in your software they might be quite hard to model. i model with sketchup where they would be really easy to model just by drawing out line on the large face then "push-pulling" it up and stretching parts of the vent a little, i don't think max does that so you either need some heavy subdivision or just model it as a separate object then combine the vent object(s) with the main hull object, some sort of intersection or boolean tool could be used but might not be needed. you will find that if some of the faces in your geometry have certain shapes you will get weird shading effects, which seems to have already happened on that latest image of yours, so not intersecting and leaving the vent as an object which is not actually connected to, but is part of the same object as, your hull may be the best option. one way or another some sort of subdivision will be needed on your 2 poly wings before your model can smooth and render well, but depending on exact circumstances this could be tackled later. if the vent objects just stick up from the hull they would be easy to model as separate objects, if they recess into it then some sort of intersecting procedure is needed. red and black looks rather cool but maybe make the black into a dark grey instead.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Lol i love how you compare sketchup to a high end game development software such as 3ds max spacefighter. ..........
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Well Colb, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Sketchucation has loads upon loads of impressive models. It's one of the main reasons I'm sticking with SketchUp: it's all I need right now ;)

    I'm digging that glossy black paintjob. It looks damn sexy!
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    BorgMan wrote: »
    I'm digging that glossy black paintjob. It looks damn sexy!

    I heartily agree.
  • IGTurtleIGTurtle0 Posts: 0Member
    Sketch up is actually a really good tool, if you get the pro version you can export your models into.obj to put into blender 3d..list goes on and on, Used it allot in college, But aye , agree on what you said , ill deffo play about with which one i prefer, may go with the separate objects , since im going to animating this, (landing gear coming down/ taking off/been hit evasive, etc all that good stuff)
    I'm digging that glossy black paintjob. It looks damn sexy!

    Haha so am i , looks like the scout ship for the flashiest and wealthiest of all....pretty terrible in an astroid field, or dust storm cause i would flip tables if i got a single scratch on it ;__;, id just put it in my hanger and only fly it on very very very clear calm days :D

    But yer, enjoying doing this , doing another on the side which is just a variation from the other where I've played around with the geometry

    (This is going to be the attack version of the scout)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    not sure if the attack version looks so good, the fins on the "wing tips" look a bit oversized and seem to widen away form the wing root. the length of the tip appears more than the length of the base which is something you never see on aircraft and also deeply unpleasant to the eye, if you want something long hanging from the rear of those fins try making the tips shorter but then adding some sort of aerial jutting out from the rear(it would look better). as a quick note if it's for private individuals i don't think you'd call it a scout ship, "shuttle" or "personal craft" might be a better name for the type of ship.
    p.s. you're going to be looking for some tables after your first re-entry. fortunately in space it's almost always "clear and calm" in the conventional sense but that doesn't mean you'll come back with the gloss coat intact.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    The added wings, or whatever they are don't work for me either. On the other hand, I too am loving the black version with the red wimdow. That's cool.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Perhaps a set of tailwings instead of those flat-out wings would work better. Also, you could try to experiment with swept-forth wings. The shape lends itself for that percectly, but it would come dangerously close to the ship from... gradius? Forgot which gaming series, I'll check it out for you.
  • IGTurtleIGTurtle0 Posts: 0Member
    Update time, The scout ship is still on hold, it has air vents, but still unsure on the look of them, as for the previous model ive showed, i took it apart and reworked it, and i may or may of not been watching Battlestar Galatica , and may of somehow turned it into something cylon like ha

    untitled.52.jpg untitled.48.jpg untitled.47.jpg untitled.51.jpg
    (Keyshot4 renders)

    front.JPG Capture.2JPG.JPG side.JPG bnack.JPG Capture.JPG
    (In 3DsMAX renders)

    I am forevering changing the design of bloody things ha , not something i should get to much into as other models suffer, like the actual one meant for this thread ha (which is beeing worked on) ((Also slowly getting used to doing this sort of thing, hard surfacing really isint my thing D:))

    But yer these are all going to be used together in the end run so there relevant.

    As always love your thoughts,
    p.s enjoying being part of the community , some amazing stuff on here !
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