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3DRecreating the NX-01



  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey all,

    New news! I'm teasing the first teaser! :) What do you all think?


    There's a 1080p version of the image available on the website in case anyone is in need of a new desktop background ;)
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    Good grief, that's pretty.
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    McC wrote: »
    Good grief, that's pretty.

    Why thank you, good sir! Perhaps a future image can be complemented with some nice warbirds :)
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Absolutely amazing!

    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »
    Absolutely amazing!


    Thank you!! The jaw dropping emote has me blushing! lol :)
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    the ship the enviroment looks gorgeous BUT... dont worry its a minor but... the logo doesn't looks right.. yeah i know its not an important part of the film but it represents the film and dont think it does justice to the rest of the work you've put in
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    the ship the enviroment looks gorgeous BUT... dont worry its a minor but... the logo doesn't looks right.. yeah i know its not an important part of the film but it represents the film and dont think it does justice to the rest of the work you've put in

    Thanks for the thoughts :) what don't you like about the logo?
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    i think the logo part looks too heavy somehow and the text blends in making it hard to read - i'm no expert in logos just my personal opinion - but seriously everything else you've done is outstanding - the production quality looks as close as i can imagine you could possibly get to the series without the budget they had - and the ship itself might be superior to the original - really looking forward to seeing your film finished

    i personally prefer this romulan emblem
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Love it, quality lighting and film grain really set it off a treat.


    On the logo front, personally I think it's okay, the only thing that I find really stands out about it in the above shot is how easily lost the 'Horizon' bit is in the logo, it does kind of blend in a little to the background iconography, but that's me, Stormcloud might have totally different issues with it.

    Ahh, he beat me to it.

  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    you know it occurred to me aswell that - the logo is similar to that used for nemesis - might not want that association with your project =)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I think Nemesis is a highly underrated film. (just my opinion)

    I agree with the comments about the logo. It never occurred to me, but the colors in the lettering are virtually the same and it does almost "disappear" in spots. Not the best thing for people who aren't familiar with the project to be trying to decipher.

    The ship looks great. Of course, the specular sections are overblown and it's all very contrasty. But, I know that's the look you were going for (that "NuTrek" look) and you succeeded marvelously.
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    i think the logo part looks too heavy somehow and the text blends in making it hard to read - i'm no expert in logos just my personal opinion - but seriously everything else you've done is outstanding - the production quality looks as close as i can imagine you could possibly get to the series without the budget they had - and the ship itself might be superior to the original - really looking forward to seeing your film finished

    i personally prefer this romulan emblem
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    you know it occurred to me aswell that - the logo is similar to that used for nemesis - might not want that association with your project =)

    Thanks! I actually agree with you. For what it's worth, when the logo is full-frame it's not hard to read at all, it just gets that way when shrunken down. I'll play with it though and try changing some things, maybe shift the color of the raptor or the text to help some with separation.

    In regards to Nemesis, I actually realized that after I made the logo. But I'm not too worried about that aspect, after all, they're both Romulan stories :D

    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Love it, quality lighting and film grain really set it off a treat.


    On the logo front, personally I think it's okay, the only thing that I find really stands out about it in the above shot is how easily lost the 'Horizon' bit is in the logo, it does kind of blend in a little to the background iconography, but that's me, Stormcloud might have totally different issues with it.

    Ahh, he beat me to it.


    Thanks for the thoughts! :) I agree with both you and Stormcloud, things do tend to get a bit lost with the logo, especially when it's small.
    I think Nemesis is a highly underrated film. (just my opinion)

    I agree with the comments about the logo. It never occurred to me, but the colors in the lettering are virtually the same and it does almost "disappear" in spots. Not the best thing for people who aren't familiar with the project to be trying to decipher.

    The ship looks great. Of course, the specular sections are overblown and it's all very contrasty. But, I know that's the look you were going for (that "NuTrek" look) and you succeeded marvelously.

    I agree, I loved Nemesis! I think it might actually be my Favorite Trek movie. But that changes depending on my mood :D

    I'm glad I seem to be hitting the mark I'm going for. That said, I'm not specifically trying to copy the JJ style, but rather the JJ quality. I like to think I have my own style, but I definitely tend to wear my inspirations on my sleeve :P
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    tommygdawg wrote: »
    I agree, I loved Nemesis! I think it might actually be my Favorite Trek movie. But that changes depending on my mood :D

    I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it's a good film. I was deployed to Afghanistan when it was in the theaters, so I didn't get to go see it, but I bought it on DVD when I got back. A few buddies and I watched it in my barracks room and we all enjoyed it.

    Star Trek IV has always been my favorite. I saw it before I saw any of the others and I still love it. There's just something about people from the future coming back in time and dealing with things we take for granted like "exact change" that just makes it fun. Plus, that's a totally realistic scenario that's actually overlooked in a lot of time travel movies: people having problems with simple things like that.

    My least favorite is Generations. Too many plot holes in that one. The fight between the Enterprise-D and the bird of prey and the subsequent destruction of the Enterprise and crash of its saucer is the best part of the film, in my opinion.
    tommygdawg wrote: »
    I'm glad I seem to be hitting the mark I'm going for. That said, I'm not specifically trying to copy the JJ style, but rather the JJ quality. I like to think I have my own style, but I definitely tend to wear my inspirations on my sleeve :P

    You probably don't want to know my thoughts on JJ quality, then. :lol:

    Actually, the CGI is probably about the only thing from those films I mostly liked, with some exceptions. Some of the designs and all the freaking lens flares weren't to my liking, but the rest was good. There were also some scaling issues, which is inexcusable in CGI, when you can build stuff at 1:1 scale.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    to be hoenst the abrams films i can forgive the excessive lens flares, the breaking of cannon story line and all the rest because frankly they were enjoyable films, the one bit i do find hard to forgive is the design of the enterprise........ its ugly, it could have been great 1701-A but modernised, alas no we get this weird looking thing with prodtruding bits where they shouldn't and a sloppy slopey rear end that just looks weak - ok moan over

    ok not quite new moan about nemesis, i dont know it was just weak story and killing data for the sake of killing data also timeline to consider - its after the event of voyager so why the hell didn't the enterprise have that regerative abative armour system that voyager used to such great success against the borg - i dont know... its the one star trek film i've only ever watched once - thats gotta mean something

    anyway good luck with your project - looking great
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann699 Posts: 1,344Member
    I'm going to throw out a thought: all the future mods that futureJaneway added to the Voyager were one-time-use only (what I would call "suicide mods"), they didn't need to last, they just needed to protect the crew long enough for them to get the Alpha Quadrant.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    It's been a while since I watched the Voyager finale. Wasn't the ablative armor generator destroyed by the Borg on the way back to Earth? I seem to remember something like that. I'm pretty sure, once Voyager made it to Earth, it no longer had the armor. Janeway came farther back in time than the time of Nemesis, so that technology likely didn't exist at that time without somebody reverse engineering it from Voyager. It's hard to reverse engineer technology after it's been destroyed.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    remember though even if the armour was destroyed - they made it from data that admiral janeway brought back - the generators they installed on voyagers hull were bigger than the shuttle she came back in - so the information on how to make it would still be there and voyagers armour if i'm not mistaken was still intact when it got to earth anyway (checked - aft armour was failing but the ship was still encased in armour cocoon when it emerged from borg ship but arriving at earth had dropped the armour) so think we can assume that it was still functional
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    True. However, you also have to figure it was a "one off" piece of technology. They only ever intended to use it on that show in that episode. Unfortunately, continuity can be sometimes ruined by this sort of thing in Star Trek. Somebody in Starfleet suddenly has a wonderful piece of advanced tech that would seem like it would be useful in so many situations, but it's never seen again because it was only written into one episode. Remember the psychotricorder? That was a really useful item. It could have been used in so many episodes, but it was on one off and was never seen again.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    yeah but its one of the pitfalls of writing for a continuing franchise and i wont just ignore it even if they want me too (eagles in lord of the rings anyone?????) that said think might be hijacking the thread so shall let this go

    more horizon teasers please!!
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    yeah but its one of the pitfalls of writing for a continuing franchise and i wont just ignore it even if they want me too (eagles in lord of the rings anyone?????) that said think might be hijacking the thread so shall let this go

    more horizon teasers please!!

    Hah, I had dropped out of the conversation and was just waiting for you two to finish ;) Every show has its issues, I just try to focus on the positive aspects most of the time; the show becomes more enjoyable, at least for me anyway.

    More teaser-ness will be coming soon! The big teaser release is this Sunday! I'm currently rendering a shot that's going at approximately 30 minutes per frame. It will appear in the teaser and should be done rendering just in the nick of time! lol
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    tommygdawg wrote: »
    Hah, I had dropped out of the conversation and was just waiting for you two to finish ;) Every show has its issues, I just try to focus on the positive aspects most of the time; the show becomes more enjoyable, at least for me anyway.

    I love the shows. I was merely pointing out that one-off tech is something that really needs to be ignored. They were focused on that episode when they wrote it and weren't worried about the past or future.

    Though, the discussion has nothing to do with your film, as Enterprise was likely the most consistent series of the six, tech wise. They used the same devices for much of the run and, when they got new tech, it was used in future episodes. (with the exception of a few alien gadgets, but you'd expect that) So, as long as you stick to Enterprise-era tech or "logical" upgrades, you're good to go. ;)
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    I love the shows. I was merely pointing out that one-off tech is something that really needs to be ignored. They were focused on that episode when they wrote it and weren't worried about the past or future.

    Though, the discussion has nothing to do with your film, as Enterprise was likely the most consistent series of the six, tech wise. They used the same devices for much of the run and, when they got new tech, it was used in future episodes. (with the exception of a few alien gadgets, but you'd expect that) So, as long as you stick to Enterprise-era tech or "logical" upgrades, you're good to go. ;)

    I think for the most part, Enterprise was the most consistent of all the shows. I remember the Voyager episode where the Hirogen converted half the ship into a holodeck. In the next episode the ship was completely fine lol.

    Generally though what I meant was I don't usually argue pros and cons of shows or movies since it's often so subjective. For instance, I like the JJ movies, you don't, and we both probably have good reasons for that. I'm happy to agree to disagree in cases such as this and leave it at that. I just don't have the energy to argue these things lol

    JJ, among many other filmmakers, has inspired me, so you may notice his influence in some of my work. Though he's certainly not the only one. I also love George Lucas and I love the Star Wars prequels. These aren't always popular opinions, but they are just opinions and I don't mind if people don't share them as long as they aren't vitriolic (especially when they do it just for the sake of being vitriolic).
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I agree, there's just no point in arguing over this stuff. As you said, we all have our reasons for liking or not liking something. Nobody is wrong, it's just our opinions based on our own points of view. I generally avoid the threads where people discuss films because I simply don't care enough to argue with someone who sees it differently than me. Now, I'll occasionally rant or rave about a film I just saw, but it's usually just a quick rant or rave and then you may never hear from me on the subject again except to say whether I like or don't like it (and usually only if it comes up in conversation.) I mean, I occasionally like films that bomb and hate stuff that is a mega hit, so that right there is a testament to how tastes vary. ;)

    JJ did his thing and lots of people like it, while lots don't. Instead of bitching and moaning about it, I simply don't watch it. However, more power to people who enjoy it. I think there's another film due out in a couple years or so for the people who like them.

    I agree on the Star Wars prequels. While they're not quite as good as the originals (but, not much is in my opinion) I quite enjoy all six films. I'm looking forward to seeing the new ones that are in various stages of production.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    to be hoenst the abrams films i can forgive the excessive lens flares, the breaking of cannon story line and all the rest because frankly they were enjoyable films, the one bit i do find hard to forgive is the design of the enterprise........ its ugly, it could have been great 1701-A but modernised, alas no we get this weird looking thing with prodtruding bits where they shouldn't and a sloppy slopey rear end that just looks weak - ok moan over.


    This and then some.
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    On the topic of the aesthetics of the nuTrek Enterprise, I think there are some definite, legitimate critiques to be levied there. I have no problem with the massive scale increase, but it has a lot of issues in form (gee, where else have I talked about this topic recently? :p) that make the overall design less appealing than its Prime universe counterparts.

    The individual elements, I think, are all spectacular. I love the new deflector, I quite enjoy the new direction they took the nacelles, I think the cavernous shuttlebay is pretty neat (even if it's very different), and so on. The problem is that while each of the elements is well-designed, the whole lacks an overriding coherence that its Prime universe counterparts possess. This is best embodied, I think, by the position of the neck join with the stardrive and the shape of the nacelle pylons. They don't create a nice echoing of form, nor a continuous line for the eye to follow, resulting in a fairly jarring silhouette.

    I think a bit of tweaking to the silhouette (which would carry with it some major structural revision) would actually make the nuTrek Enterprise look really nice. I don't think it's the complete train wreck a lot of people make it out to be, but I understand where this sentiment comes because of its overall form issues.
  • gerb200gerb200176 Posts: 114Member
    McC wrote: »
    On the topic of the aesthetics of the nuTrek Enterprise, I think there are some definite, legitimate critiques to be levied there. I have no problem with the massive scale increase, but it has a lot of issues in form (gee, where else have I talked about this topic recently? :p) that make the overall design less appealing than its Prime universe counterparts.

    The individual elements, I think, are all spectacular. I love the new deflector, I quite enjoy the new direction they took the nacelles, I think the cavernous shuttlebay is pretty neat (even if it's very different), and so on. The problem is that while each of the elements is well-designed, the whole lacks an overriding coherence that its Prime universe counterparts possess. This is best embodied, I think, by the position of the neck join with the stardrive and the shape of the nacelle pylons. They don't create a nice echoing of form, nor a continuous line for the eye to follow, resulting in a fairly jarring silhouette.

    I think a bit of tweaking to the silhouette (which would carry with it some major structural revision) would actually make the nuTrek Enterprise look really nice. I don't think it's the complete train wreck a lot of people make it out to be, but I understand where this sentiment comes because of its overall form issues.

    I've meant to say this for a long time but I have nothing but respect for the decision not to sweep back the nacelle pylons. Keeping the leading edge straight (like the original pylons) but sweeping them back and letting them blend into the shuttle bay is superb.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    there are certainly aspects of the ship that are good but overall it just doesn't work - think they should take it back for some tweaking for next film but sadly doubt it will happen until next reboot

    ps: sorry about secondary hijacking
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I was hoping, after the ship got messed up majorly in "Into Darkness," they would have a refit with major changes at the end of the film. However, that didn't happen and the few changes they made were negligible.
    gerb200 wrote: »
    I've meant to say this for a long time but I have nothing but respect for the decision not to sweep back the nacelle pylons. Keeping the leading edge straight (like the original pylons) but sweeping them back and letting them blend into the shuttle bay is superb.

    Yeah, really. The nacelle pylons are the only thing I like on the ship besides the saucer and navigational deflector. I don't like the secondary hull, "neck" or nacelles at all.

    So, Star Trek: Horizon anyone? ;)

    @Tommy: I have a question. Sorry if you have been asked and answered this before, but I don't remember. Do you have any plans to feature Drexler's "refit" design in your film? I think it would be cool. Not necessarily for your hero ship, but maybe for another NX.
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    I was hoping, after the ship got messed up majorly in "Into Darkness," they would have a refit with major changes at the end of the film. However, that didn't happen and the few changes they made were negligible.

    Yeah, really. The nacelle pylons are the only thing I like on the ship besides the saucer and navigational deflector. I don't like the secondary hull, "neck" or nacelles at all.

    So, Star Trek: Horizon anyone? ;)

    @Tommy: I have a question. Sorry if you have been asked and answered this before, but I don't remember. Do you have any plans to feature Drexler's "refit" design in your film? I think it would be cool. Not necessarily for your hero ship, but maybe for another NX.

    I think I've answered it before some place, but who knows where it was! lol. I don't plan on it, I'm not a huge fan of the design, plus (even as much as much as people hate the episode), it's not canon with These Are The Voyages, so it wouldn't fit the timeline.

    ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND...I present to you all, the first teaser for Horizon! Please let me know what you think. And, if you like it, be sure to share it and spread the word :)
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    I *squee'd* when I saw that... a big screen teaser for sure. :D

    Although, YouTube really ruins the quality this undoubtedly has. :(
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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