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3DStation project (for other members)



  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    Better! Looks more like a large starship, now.

    As for the station itself: I was intending for it not to have artificial gravity. Hence the reason for it's shape. It rotates about the central axis, providing gravity via centrifugal force. The power and docking sections would be stationary.
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    Is there some think We can work on already?

    I have just given some suggestions, but I would like to work on something.

    C ya :thumb:
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Well... LockeFP asked me to make an alien, so what kind of alien would you like? Skinned, Scaled, Feathered, energy.... walks on 2 legs, 4, 6? :) lemme know :)
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    mabe somthing like the aliens in War of the worlds
    here is a picture
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    an other suggestion for wapon systems and gun planforms

    There are some pulsar gun, flake, missle, ion and gun platforms you could look at under the title HOMEWORLD 2
    there are some ships and stations too but those are much higher then the tech that we want. but the platforms are oke.

    C ya :thumb:
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    here to show you what I mean.

    just 15 min. work.


    add a lot of Bone structures to get a skinnie and alien look.

    (I don't feel good in moving objects (animating) Im just a modeller (That you know it, in case you guys want a animation) I know how to animate but it is not somethink I feel good with, mabe moving mouths and insert sounds will work...) -just in case-

    C ya :)

  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting idea...

    We'd like to join, but we do not use programs as advanced as 3D studio max.
    We still only use Google sketchup, which is good for static drawings, but not so good when it comes to advanced texture functions...
    Google sketchup can export the 3D model to formats such as Collada, 3DS & OBJ, but we are uncertain how well it exports the details...
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    I don't use max

    I just use Blender 'That is a free program' :)

    C ya all
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    I have an idea...

    I will show it soon....

    see you;)
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    :argh:Hi guys:argh:

    I just had a plan. I can to the idea by looking at a dock (pier) on water. I began to realise that the pier was made in parts. Pies by pies, you had a main part that was connected to the sore and then you had flouting pieces of dock (that where portable) against it. The I looked at the ISS and I began to realize that this is made in the same proses as the pier. Pies by pies.
    Then I begain to look at ower plan and I began to think (oh good :thumb:, he is starting to think), if earth or united planets began to build a station this size is must be build in pieces. To make it look even more tech, we make big size A‘piecesA’. To make it look big , we make many pieces.

    But then this is important that we build every type of A‘piesA’ dividend.

    If you agree A‘please report to the bridgeA’ no serious, tell me. I think this will look great for the type of station
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    This crewstation (not made be me) is an example for the type of station pieses I mean.
    porteble pieses that have lage engines but had no ship look.
    It has to look more like a platform (just like this)

    SEE YA
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    ok if your gunna do that we are going to have to decide on a generic docking hatch of sum sort that can connect with the main station platform.
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    You could make a Central shaft, to wich those piece can "dock". As for the docking ring... why not think bigger. A docking bar, with multiple door ways and hose to connect to water/air/waste/etc... Waste can be burned in a different section in order to generate heat and power. The central shaft would have to be huge, with multiple levels. I'll see if I can make a quick example of what I mean over the weekend :)
  • HaturodHaturod0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok here's the quick draft of the idea I had earlier, shapes can be different ofcourse:

    The center "shaft" is kinda modular like this


    Connect them like this:


    Make a module like this:


    Connect it :)


    After many contributions:


    Just my two cents :)
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    Yep thats what I mean

  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    One does not need to decide upon a single specific docking hatch... it is easier to decide upon specific docking opening dimensions...
    One person could create all the docking hatches, while the rest simply create components ending in the right size block...

    Say, 5x17 meter rectangle protruding at least 5 meters out from the component with a wall thickness of 1 meter...
    we made a quick sketch of such component just now to give an example and attached it to this post...
    For practical purposes we added a small chamber on the side of the docking component... we also added dimensions to the edges...

    After all, why should all have to copy and fit in a component made by a single person, when such can be installed during assembly? The only real requirement is that the pieces have the right size and shape on the attachment point...

    anyways, since its to be alien, perhaps use a non-rectangular attachment point? say, triangular or hexagonal?

    EDIT:We also added a hexagonal version of such docking thingy...
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    there is a problem

    if the stations docks are close togeter there can be a problem, for one, if the station is attackt and one of the platform explodes the other (because there so close) will be effected but the explotion and can create a chane reaction), as second, where do the wapon platforms go? (mabe at the extended parts) it is just on my mind?!:D
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    well, there is one possible solution for that...

    have a second layer outside the station docks that serves as shield. It can be single solid piece or it could be multiple "plates" that are semi-mobile and can close up, rather like that citadel in mass effect...

    For that matter, if you want futuristic, it could be based on a strong framework with transparent energy shields in between...
    having such shield structure would also reveal the inner docks... Perhaps the shields could have large surfaces so that docks can be detached and moved around, provided the shield for that dock is deactivated?
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    for lage docks I made this

    also the doors are 3 meters in hight in case of lage aliens.
    a console is on the left of each door.
    hatch.huge doors.jpg

    there two doors in one dock
    hatch.huge doors back.jpg
    as you can see I made emergence lights as well

    not docked:
    and docked:
    hatch.docking. done.jpg
    now we had the outer view of the dock
    now the inside when docked ( you have see it already, when not dockt)
    look at next post...
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting design...

    still has some feel of "earthly" design... Most humans do, after all have a tendency to like right angles... but still a nice piece of work...
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    The red corridor looks to fit in a Dario Argento film
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    I could use some ideas (myself, Im not so happy about it ether).
    need some tips.
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    Perhaps make a version where no angle is less than 120 degrees? (but it can, of course vary beyond that)

    It might be easier to start this station project if one decides upon the main characteristics of its purpose, users and tech level...

    We rather think that it'd be interesting with aliens that aren't even remotely humanoid... Humanoid aliens have nearly been done to death by countless sci-fi series, movies and such... Should the aliens be reptilian in nature? Mammalian? feathered? Exoskeletal? Large? Small? Capable of flight? Bipedal? Quadrupedal? Hexapedal? More limbs? Less? What would they eat?

    As for purpose... Is it a home? A research facility? A travel hub? A lifeboat? A military bastion? Something else?

    It was previously decided that it'd be at a Lagrangian point and that it would not have artificial gravity. What else is known about technology?
    How advanced?

    Once those things have been figured out, it will be easier to figure out what designs to aim for... A snail-like alien species would not build stairs. A species capable of flight would have no elevators and might have corridors ending far up on a wall... Reptiles would generally have it exposed to the sun or artificial heating, since they require heat to thrive... Etc.

    Oh, and don't forget that if the station stays rotational, the direction defined as "up" will not be along its rotational spine. Up is towards the rotational spine, so doors aligned towards the spine are roof/floor doorways... rather impractical if there are no elevators/ladders and the species is incapable of flight.
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member

    well lets start FIRST with the main frame of the station then the parts and THEN start on detain.
    so.... LockeFP can you mabe work on the centere
    and you guys Haturod and Egeria and on the docking stuff

    If you would like to do something els tell me

    If you want something to do tell me also
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    about the perpose of the station (ASK THE OTHERS THEY HAVE GOOD IDEAS) I don't know yet.
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    If it is oke with you I will start making BASIC frames for the platform

    C YA
  • morranspacemorranspace0 Posts: 0Member
    publiusr wrote: »
    The red corridor looks to fit in a Dario Argento film

    I don't understand?

    did I miss somthing
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    Is not main design contingent on the purpose?

    a research station would (we think) be quite different from a military bastion...

    but indeed, main design is very important... one thing that would be rather fun is if there were multiple axes like the one shown here recently, perhaps set up in a tetrahedral shape... Since its space, gravity has to be artificially generated through rotation... But that doesnt mean that the whole station has to rotate... nor that all parts have to rotate along the same axis... several options on that principle, we added as attachment two of them, with a third being intersecting tubes...

    took longer to draw that tetrahedron than it took to draw the rest... Reason being that we had to look up height of tetrahedron versus edge length ratio... turns out it is ((sqrt 6) / 3)*(edge length)
    The tetrahedral core here is 100m edges with 100m tubes out of each face... the station will obviously be much larger...
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    I'm still working on my design. It's going in a slightly different direction than what you have here already, but I can incorporate a large part of what you have worked out into my own design.

    Morran, I would suggest that you keep this in mind with regards to those docks: the station must rotate to produce gravity. In such a situation, and as you have designed the docking interfaces, people would move through the docks vertically, not horizontally. Which means that you would want an elevator structure, instead of doors. Something that could move both large payloads as well as personnel, similar to personal elevators as well as freight elevators. I'll cook something up this evening and present it here to show what I mean.
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