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3DSubmarine Interior



  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    Lol, no plans for a web series of any kind, im awesome at ideas but writing entire scripts was never my strong point, probably why i never lasted long writing star trek fan fiction. Actually i have been developing an original universe on and off for quiet a few years called After Earth, part of its long history has a ocean war phase that i never really explored. Who knows if i ever get time and enough people behind it i might do something but for the moment its just what i think a near future commercial/scientific sub command deck would look like.

    Thanks for the comments all, ill try and get some more done on the weekend, got a busy week with some webdesign stuff to complete.

  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    Hi All,

    here are a few little updates i havent been able to do much but i have started working on the rear area

  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Getting extremely cool.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    nice concept & execution. Keep it up... we don't see nearly enough scifi submarines:)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    this just gets more awesome with each update.

    will the front of the control room have windows or will it be enclosed?
  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks guys im still not happy with how that rear door and strengthening beams are working aesthetically might sketch them out a little and see what i can come up with.

    Umm Dr Lee the only windows on the command deck are the 2 at the very front aside from that its similar to the way a standard sub works.

    Hopefully ill get some more time this Sunday to mess with the beams and see what best will work. Im also thinking of building airlock kinda corridor on the back of the command deck in case of a crack in the hull.
  • BerkutBerkut1 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    this just gets more awesome with each update.

    what he said :) really cool stuff
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Looking better and better after each update !
  • ChrisTOPherChrisTOPher0 Posts: 0Member
    Solid Design dude! :P
  • wminsingwminsing171 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent looking design, can't wait to see it finished.

  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    So, this is a relatively small boat, or is this just the top deck?
  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    Nah this isn't even a full deck it's just the bridge :)
    Thanks for all the comments guys I'll get back to it soon it's easier to do it when your not stuck at work lol
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Starship wrote: »
    Looking better and better after each update !


    I love the 2nd of the three shots, it really shows off the curves of the structure and the detail. Its coming on great!
  • MauimanMauiman0 Posts: 4Member
    This thing is going to be the submarine of pure WIN. Keep up the good work and hope to see her when she is finished
  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks guys for the comments, ive only got a small update this weekend, basically ive been spending most of my time getting what i guess i would call the backbone of the roof of the bridge done, im still not completely happy with it but its getting there.


  • EBOLIIEBOLII205 Posts: 362Member
    I would love to see a concept of what the external hull looks like? Standard or innovative sci-fi design?
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    Yeah! Is it a multiple deck submarine? Or one long 1 deck sub? How many people do you think would be working on that bridge btw?
  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow putting me on the spot, i haven't actually thought about those kinda details yet i have just been throwing ideas out of my head a complete just random build so far of ideas. Probably why things never end up completely to scale lol

    If i was to say what the specs of it were i would narrow it down to:

    Number of decks 3
    Deck 1: Bridge and living quarters
    Deck 2: Scientific Labs
    Deck 3: Engineering

    Its a long Submarine style i might actually build the external skin at some point. I want it to be like the middle point in development from our current subs to something else

    Bridge will be able to hold 6 - 12 Stations is what im thinking at this moment in time but i haven't got that far along

    Engine wise I am still thinking what engine it is using kinda want to use supercaviation but im not sure if its worth doing on a science sub.
  • As soon as i saw it, i saw the seaQuest design influence. THe curved arch beams. Its brilliant design orginality thats for sure.
  • Forget MikeForget Mike0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks all, I am currently sketching out the design of the exterior of the ship at the moment, which may cause me to redesign some of the elements of the interior shape might change
  • DGWilliamsDGWilliams0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking forward to it!
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