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tearing in Maya

PalurienPalurien0 Posts: 0Member
I just started a model in Maya 2010 and all Ive done so far is move some verticies around and boolean a couple holes. I made the tube part you see by booleaning a cylinder out of another cylinder. After I rendered it I noticed how it looked. Can someone tell me why it looks like it does and how to fix it? I am still newish to Maya.
Post edited by Palurien on


  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I can't tell from the screenshots, but try checking for leftover vertices from the boolean - sometimes they are obvious, sometimes the hide behind already existing vertices.
    What you can try is this: Select all vertices in that area, and run a Weld with a small threshold and see if anything changes.
  • PalurienPalurien0 Posts: 0Member
    ok thanks, ill try that :)
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