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3DDiscovery 2010

CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
edited June 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hi all, thought you might like to see some work on a recent ongoing commission.

This is based on the 2010 version of the famous "Discovery" deep space exploration ship from 2001.

The model is being built specifically to be produced in resin by the awesomely skilled bods at and will be available as a kit later this year. The completed real model will be approximately 22 inches in length making it one of the largest kits i've worked on.

Here are some work in progress pics as the model enters its last phases of construction, thanks for looking, cheers. :cool:
Post edited by Coolhand on


  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Very cool to see work from 2001 and 2010, wherever one puts the Discovery in! Great artwork, hope to see more! :)
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    Excellent work mate. I'm curious to know if the resin model going to have the work pod bay interior?
  • harry33harry33343 Posts: 0Member
    Looks fantastic,I agree!And now I have some reference pictures for my model!!!!:)
    And yes,dont forget to put a long tube in the physical model like in the last photo!!!!!
  • dwldwl0 Posts: 0Member
    Very clean! I'm interested in hearing about the modeling requirements specific to 3D printing.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    hmm.. doesn't look like enough room for the gravity block, looking at the doors and podbay image..... i know its like the Tardis... :) Looks excellent sir!
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Other resin model-makers have discovered that a large Discovery needs a metal spine to keep her from bending in Earth's gravity.
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    Never fear guys, the kit will come with a steel rod core, as depicted in one of the renders with a white tube. all the core peices will slide onto that like a greebly shishkebab.

    Everything shown will be a part of the kit, though the kit may not come in as many parts as shown - after printing some parts will probably be assembled then cast as complete assemblies. it will come with the pod bay interior and at least 1 pod -since there's only 1 left in 2010. I suspect it will come with more than 1 pod and i've built multiple arm poses from 'stowed' to 'kill frank poole' positions

    Once this is completed, i'll be replicating Syd Meads classic design, the Alexei Leonov in the same scale. So the famous 'piggyback' scene from 2010 can be replicated in your own study/garage/workplace etc... :)
  • AlnairAlnair181 Posts: 255Member
    Very impressive!
  • RAF-MXRAF-MX12 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, impressive ...Excellent work !
    I always loved everything about the production design of this film...Syd Mead is simply a design genius.
    Gran trabajo amigo!!
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Great job on the Discovery Coolhand! I've modeled the Discovery twice, once in C4D and once in Animation:Master. I have the C4D Discovery here available in the downloads section. The one that I did in Animation:Master, had the Pod Bay and Cockpit interiors. I've also modeled the Pod (also available for download here).

    Funny thing about the Pod in 2010. It shouldn't have been there. There were 3 Pods. Poole's Pod was lost in deep space when HAL took control of it to kill Poole. Then there was the Pod used by Bowman in his rescue attempt of Poole. It's back hatch was ruined when the explosive bolts went off. And, the Pod should have blown away from the Discovery from the explosive bolts going off. That leaves the last Pod that Bowman used to go through the star gate. That leaves.... zero!

    After having modeled the Discovery, Pod and Pod Bay, and paying very careful attention to the reference photos and screen captures from the 2001, there are a lot of discrepancies between 2001 and 2010 in the models and sets. Oh well. If you aren't looking for those types of things, you wouldn't notice them.

    If anyone is interested in looking at the models, you can find them at the following links:

    EVA Pod

    I was just thinking, if the company you are doing your model for are ever interested in doing a Moonbus or Aries Lunar Lander from 2001, I have built those models as well, and are available for download through this site:

    Aries Lunar Lander

  • BasajaunBasajaun183 Posts: 0Member
    It's looking great Coolhand! :)
  • DavidChipmanDavidChipman171 Posts: 0Member

    As a 2010 fan, I'm really looking forward to seeing your Leonov model. I've tried twice to make the Leonov, but I alwasys get stuck on things. The Discovery looks great. Keep it up!
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    Thanks fellas,

    David, Leonov even beat my mighty fellow Sensei, Brickhead, who modelled the arguably definative CG 2001 discovery and in preparation has given me all his Leonov references plus his semi-complete model, (thankyou john!:cool:) though i'll largely be working from studio photos and screencaps from the film.

    It's a challenge i'm looking forward to, and building for this sort of specification really ups the complexity in many ways over making a pure cg model, even if you can't down to the exact level of fine detail that you find on the studio models - though i try and get as close as possible. Anyway, its certainly a favourite ship of mine and many others. and one that gets even more screen time than Discovery in the movie. I will hopefully begin that one fairly soon. I'll probably keep posting 2010 work in this thread and edit the title, so stay tuned.

    Update time, antenna completed + more on the reactor and engine stems.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Now that is just simple cool!!
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    Yep, that's looking great!
  • Kmpr´rakKmpr´rak171 Posts: 12Member
    Excellent and good artwork! I am impressed! :cool:
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    I did a post on one of my Blog's recently highlighting some of the differences between the interior of the 2001 Discovery and the sets used in 2010 !!

    Very cool model by the way !!!!!! :thumb:
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    The interior is actually pretty close to the original, especially from a purely modelling POV, the most significant difference in the pod bay is the test bench, which as you surmise is at least partly modified to accomodate a chunky display. Shame they didn't duplicate the flat panels which are one of the things that keeps 2001 looking so fresh, but other than that from a purely modelling POV, and at this scale, there's little difference.

    There are far more differences in the exterior, and its been important to identify and duplicate those changes.

    perhaps 2010 is a parallel universe, which explains the phantom pod, crts, and everything else, yes thats it....;)
  • GlazyGlazy333 Posts: 0Member
    Coolhand wrote: »
    The interior is actually pretty close to the original, especially from a purely modelling POV, the most significant difference in the pod bay is the test bench, which as you surmise is at least partly modified to accomodate a chunky display. Shame they didn't duplicate the flat panels which are one of the things that keeps 2001 looking so fresh, but other than that from a purely modelling POV, and at this scale, there's little difference.

    There are far more differences in the exterior, and its been important to identify and duplicate those changes.

    perhaps 2010 is a parallel universe, which explains the phantom pod, crts, and everything else, yes thats it....;)

    All the times I've watched 2010 and I didn't even think about the fact that the pod shouldn't even be there !!! I'll have to rework my blog post ! To me the 2010 sets also look different because Hyams lit them with diffuse lighting, they're a lot more soft focus than the shots in Kubrick's film !!
  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    there's another thing in the pod bay thats different, though i went with the 2001 version because it looks more interesting... i'll fess up, the pod pads, which are missing all their detail in 2010.:D
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Fantastic work Coolhand:thumb:
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    It looks like they didn't even bother trying to build the same sets for 2010. To be honest the only one I ever noticed were the door numbers and the flat screens, which I total agree that they should of kept.
  • aszazerothaszazeroth176 Posts: 209Member
    Coolhand, you never fail to inspire me whenever I decide to check out the forums every other year or so =) Excellent work.

  • CoolhandCoolhand289 Mountain LairPosts: 1,298Member
    well thats about as often as i post a new wip these days...;)

    Very nearly complete with this model now... i expect the next time you guys see it, it'll be totally complete and painted up for the box artwork, as you can probably see theres a couple of places that need some greebling, like the end of the reactor, but its about there. :cool:
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    W ... ow :D That's one angry greeble mob ! It looks absolutely fantastic. The lighting is perfect and details simply rock. Great job Coolhand, as always :thumb:
  • Ice-DragonIce-Dragon0 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent work Coolhand, you really have modeled a beautiful looking ship:D
  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Good Lord Steve! Thats brilliant!
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    That is one sweet looking ship.
  • RAF-MXRAF-MX12 Posts: 0Member
    This is awesome ... all that detail ! wow !
    Great work Coolhand
  • BrickheadBrickhead176 Posts: 0Member
    Coolhand wrote: »
    Thanks fellas,

    David, Leonov even beat my mighty fellow Sensei, Brickhead, who modelled the arguably definative CG 2001 discovery and in preparation has given me all his Leonov references plus his semi-complete model, (thankyou john!:cool:) though i'll largely be working from studio photos and screencaps from the film.

    It's a challenge i'm looking forward to, and building for this sort of specification really ups the complexity in many ways over making a pure cg model, even if you can't down to the exact level of fine detail that you find on the studio models - though i try and get as close as possible. Anyway, its certainly a favourite ship of mine and many others. and one that gets even more screen time than Discovery in the movie. I will hopefully begin that one fairly soon. I'll probably keep posting 2010 work in this thread and edit the title, so stay tuned.

    Update time, antenna completed + more on the reactor and engine stems.

    Yes, is true the Leonov beat
    I just couldn't get my head around the lack of info for the multi engine layout. I hope you have solved this problem.
    What you done to date looks fantastic, to say the least.
    I'm curious to know were your at with your poly count on this.
    Good luck on the Leonov, if anyone can do it, it's you.
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