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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Dammit Fractile, i go away for acouple of days and you have rebuilt Coreasaunt from the ground up. lol

    Great work, simply amazeing.
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,982Member
    My jaw is on the floor...
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Header time :)
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Woah! Thanks for the header there Nate. I've been so busy I totally missed this one. When I clicked on the header and was taken to the first page of this thread, my first thought was "why the hell am I looking at a thread started in 2006?". hehe.

    Ansel - This is looking totally badass mate. The detail is difficult to take in, there's just so damn much of it. hehe. She also happens to have one hell of a nice ass. :D I've gone back through every page and checked out every render. The level of detail is just stunning as usual.

    BTW - Apologies if you've already answered this earlier in the thread, but are those planetary ion cannons (like the one seen in ESB) up the side trench? :D

    I figure this beast doesn't really need much in the way of turbolasers. If it ever came up against a sizeable enemy fleet, she could just ram the lot of them. ;)

    BTW mate, that reminds me...I never got a reply back from you re those weird mesh errors I was experiencing with the Imperator...Any chance I might be able to get a fresh copy of the mesh to see if I can narrow down what the heck is going on?
  • the Animaniacthe Animaniac181 Posts: 138Member
    Its always a pleasure to see such Detailed Work:thumb:, a well earned Header, congrats!
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    Slick mate ;) And sick, but we'll go with slick for now :D
  • stonkystonky350 Posts: 489Member
    Congrats on the header - great work!
  • guddiguddi0 Posts: 0Member
    Grats for the header! Its well deserved :)
  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    can't wait to see more, to see it completed and finally in action. btw: how big is this ship? do you plan to make some orthos?
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member
    kuckuk333 wrote: »
    can't wait to see more, to see it completed and finally in action. btw: how big is this ship? do you plan to make some orthos?

    6.2 km... If I`m not wrong.
  • deg3Ddeg3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah baby, that's how the nurnie-dance is done! :)

    Congrats on header, well deserved! :)

  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    OMG now he has the header. ever herd of over achieveing. look into it.

    lol GREAT WORK
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    i dont understand why you're modeling so much detail; why cant u just texture it or something? :devil:

    ^runs :runs:

    btw, what class ship is this? i would think its supposed to be some sort of Super Star Destroyer, but it seems a bit small for that at 6.2 km?
  • docpricedocprice0 Posts: 0Member
    Star Dreadnaught = Super SD

    what about Assault Dreadnaught
  • Mach CritMach Crit0 Posts: 0Member
    call it a Localized Gravity Warp. That thing's big enough to have its own postal code
  • Looks absolutely amazing! I only wish I can come up with something 1/100000 as good someday...

    Keep up the beautiful work!

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Hey, thanks for the header guys!

    Comco, I think I pm'ed you about that - will go over the mesh again; I think there's only one piece that needs work.

    This thing is actually 7.2km long.

    Rendering out some larger shots. Might have them ready by tomorrow.
  • very impressive ammount of details =D can't w8 for finished model
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    wow when i first saw this thread i was a bit apprehensive about the large raised section along the hull but it looks amazing now, especially the full body shots!
  • JeffrySGJeffrySG321 Posts: 477Member



    kick ass man!
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    impresive ship meant to become a classic
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Modeling complete. Has been for a week, but been doing iterations of renders and lighting etc.

    Orthos now, close-ups and alternate angles later.

    *these are LARGE files, you are warned.





  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    Great work!! So now what are you gonna do with it??
  • AnnihilatorAnnihilator0 Posts: 0Member
    woot, already finished?
    cant wait to see some action shots.

    to bad Star Wars weapon-gfx is a bit boring... :(
  • ChrisGFXChrisGFX362 GermanyPosts: 607Member
    great work ... can't wait to see some more render :)

  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Looks absolutely amazing......

    But i can only get the front and back views to open up..... the rest all tell me...
    The image “[url]”[/url] cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    *Vader voice*


    */Vader voice*

    Would it be too much to ask to get a reference shot alongside your equally awesome Imperator class?
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    Slightly off topic I guess but just thought I'd ask. Fractalsponge - I know LA used your star destroyer model in one of the early Force Unleashed teasers without permission/credit. Any word on whether they used it again in the final game? I know it uses a lot of pre-rendered FMV for the cutscenes.
  • OzylotOzylot332 Posts: 0Member
    Its hard to believe that you got this done within 3 months. You must work at some crazy speeds. Well done and congrats all around! :thumb:
  • guddiguddi0 Posts: 0Member
    wow, incredible work! Bellator-Class sounds good. How you came to that name?
    cant wait to see some scenes :)
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