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2DDark Mirror Universe WIP



  • YarFanYarFan0 Posts: 0Member
    I love the I.S.S. Imperial One!!! I do have a question though. If it is also named I.S.S. Defiant, does that mean that there isn't a Defiant-class I.S.S. Defiant in the dark mirror universe?

    P.S. I like the launch tubes...reminiscent of Battlestar Galactica...
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    YarFan wrote: »
    I love the I.S.S. Imperial One!!! I do have a question though. If it is also named I.S.S. Defiant, does that mean that there isn't a Defiant-class I.S.S. Defiant in the dark mirror universe?

    P.S. I like the launch tubes...reminiscent of Battlestar Galactica...

    There is a Defiant class, but with a different registry. I know
    not logical but what is in the Mirror Universe.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Mayb in the Mirror Universe Defiant got its original name of Valiant seeming Defiant was such an important name to them
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Well as of tomorrow 05.20.08 I won't be able to draw for a while due to the fact that I have to have surgery on my drawing
    hand to fix something that happened back in November when I was in a bad car accident.

    So here is a batch of sketches that I created this last weekend of a TOS Dark Mirror ERA Fleet.


  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Nice work as usual! Good luck Dark Saber.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Good luck to you Darksaber on your Surgery Tomorrow. See you in a couple months.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Ditto. Hope everything will go fine.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    After along lapse I have an update in the I.S.S. Enterprise 1701
    I have finished the bottom and front views.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Somehow I think the golden (or yellow if you like) painting is too think, means, too broad..
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I modeled that after the thickness on the I.S.S. NX-01 sitting on my desk. It may be a little thick, but I didn't like it when I tried it thinner.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I think it looks great as is.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I just heard today that the Titan Experience has been pulled from the Tour.
    I guess it didn't get put into the run in San Diego. But there is a picture
    of it in the Exhibit in the History part.

    I will post more info when I get more.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    I just picked up the new DS9 book Fearful Symmetry, and I was flipping through the prologue and they had a whole bunch of alternate Sisko's talking and geuss what one of them is a Fleet Captain Sisko from a Terran Empire that never fell.

    So I am going to have draw him up since they gave a description of him. I will start on him very soon.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Oww I like to see that!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Definitely seconded!
  • Capt.HunterCapt.Hunter331 Posts: 71Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Definitely seconded!

    The motion on the floor has been seconded and thus passed. So now you have to Sean :)

    Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is a early WIP shot of Fleet Captain Sisko.

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Terrifyingly sweet.

    Ever thought of the idea to make a full view of all uniforms?
    (Duty Uniforms male/female, Dress Uniforms male/female, Admiralty Uniforms male/female)
    That would be a wonderful thing, especially these late DS9/Nemesis uniforms (whitch are IMHO the second best right after the uniforms seen in the majority of TMP..)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good so far.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Here is the Dark Mirror Emissary to Prophets, Fleet Captain Sisko. As described in
    the Fearful Symmetry prologue.

  • EliminatedEliminated0 Posts: 0Member
    Dark Saber wrote: »
    Here is the Dark Mirror Emissary to Prophets, Fleet Captain Sisko. As described in
    the Fearful Symmetry prologue.


    My favorite Trek captain. The only one with testicular fortitude to bust Q in the face.:cool:
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice, I see he lost his eye.
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    That is how he was discribed in Fearful Symetry
  • YarFanYarFan0 Posts: 0Member
    Where is "fearful symmetry" from? Nice work as always!
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    It is the current DS9 book out from pocket books. It deals with the main Mirror Universe, but mentions the existence of another Universe Where the Empire did not fall.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    wow. Impressive.

    Well, he once had a visit from Q and was the only one so witty that Q lost interest.
  • AhkileezAhkileez341 Posts: 30Member
    Sisko is full of awesome.

    He has depth far beyond any of the other Captains, so it's easy to conceive of Siskos that went down another path without seeing them as comical fakes the way the 'bad' versions of other Trek characters tend to appear.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Comical fakes?

    Well, I doubt that evil Picard would be one either......
  • Dark SaberDark Saber1 Posts: 0Member
    Well I have finally finished my 5 page pencil sample set that
    I will be sending on to IDW. Wish me luck. hopefully they will like these.

    So if anyone know anybody at IDW please feel free to forwards these to them.


    Star Trek - Copyright CBS Consumer Products
    Star trek Mirror Saga original story - copyright D.C. Comics

    Pencils - Sean Tourangeau
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