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  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member

    Nice updates on the F-22 and FB-22 now that is what the Raptor is suppose to look like.
    Nice job on the X-44 Manta and the F-24 Razorcat they stay true to the F-22 family. As For the F-24 Razorcat it would have been a worthy replacement to the F-14 Tomcat instead the US Navy decided to buy a upgraded "Hornet" the F/A-18E/F/G SuperHornet/Growler that does not have Stealth Technology or Supercruise Turbofan engines.

    As for the F-23 Blackwidow that would also have been a worthy fighter for the US Air Force and Navy. Again the F-23,F/A-23,FB-23 and F/A-24 look awesome too.

    As for the latest Stealth Fighter, the F-35 Lightning II, Nice work on all three variants of the F-35 (A,B,C).

    Still, I would like to see a Canard/Delta Wing F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II. There was a design of a Canard/Delta Wing design based on the F-35 during the JAST Program (predecessor to the JSF program).

    Keep up the good work!!! :thumb:
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work on the X-35 Canard/Delta Wing concept. :thumb:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    The YF-23 would've been a fine aircraft indeed, but I hear word it is to be reactivated and used for bombing, I guess we'll see :D
    Personally, I don't like the the F-35, not because of your design, that one's dead on :p but I mean the fighter itself. It only has one jet where as the Raptor and Black Widow II have two Vector Engines. I think it would've been better to have more engines, but I like the under and top fan it has for still landings :D
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    bagera4000 wrote: »

    The First X-32 variant the least favorite out of all modern steath fighters.
    Personally in my opinion it is a Stealth A-7 Corsair.

    But nice job on rendring this Military aircraft! :thumb:
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
    true but give all designs a look CALF.jpg


    my next two
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    The YF-23 would've been a fine aircraft indeed, but I hear word it is to be reactivated and used for bombing, I guess we'll see :D
    Personally, I don't like the the F-35, not because of your design, that one's dead on :p but I mean the fighter itself. It only has one jet where as the Raptor and Black Widow II have two Vector Engines. I think it would've been better to have more engines, but I like the under and top fan it has for still landings :D

    Where is your information coming from with the reactivation of the F-23 Blackwidow II for possible Active Military duty. The last rumor I heard about the F-23 flying again was for Test Flights for either NASA or for the US Air Force at Edwards AFB, but that was at least 2 years ago when I heard of the F-23 flying again and I don't remember what source I heard about that from.
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Nice shots of the JAST/JSF Program aircraft. I've always wished the F-35 Lightning II was a Canard/Delta Wing Fighter. As far as know we have never had a Fighter like that in Military service.

    Don't get me wrong all the JAST/JSF aircraft designs looked great, I just could never get warmed up to the X-32.

    Since you are going to render JAST/JSF aircraft, you should take a look at the ATF aircraft designs from other Military aircraft manufactures that were involved in the early days of the ATF program. The one aircraft design that you should look into is the General Dynamics entry which was in 3rd place for aircraft design. There design looked like a futuristic F-16XL with a Stealth Fusalage. They would of won a contract if they were able to resolve the Twin tail configuration, the original design had a single tail similiar to a F-16. Actually this design developed into what is today the F-22 Raptor.
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
    i think before i do next jsf i will do mouther of all stealth the SR-71 an YF-12
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member



  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Interesting lineage.
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Blackbird17-I don't remember what source I received my information from, but it might have been one of my acquaintances who worked to build the F-18.
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
    cool im planing on doing b2 an b3 an THE NEW A-12
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    B4000, Here some pics of other Stealth Aircraft some are from ATF concept designs the other was a fictional aircraft from a Movie. Enjoy!!! :D

    The B-2's little brother "Broken Arrow" B-3 Stealth Bomber

    General Dynamics ATF T-330 Design Proposal

    General Dynamics ATF with Twin Tail Configuration. This should of been the F-22 Raptor, if not a Two Seat Strike Raptor concept

    F-22 to NATF F-22 Evolution

    NATF F-22N Concept

    FB-22 Raptor Bomber Concept

    FB-22 Raptor Bomber

    Lockheed Martin X-44
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Other Stealth Designs that you missed:

    General Dynamics ATF
    Northrop B-2 Spirit
    Broken Arrow B-3 Stealth Bomber
    MIG-37 Ferret
    Boeing RAH-66 Comanche
    McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Always Loved the MIG-31 Firefox Hypersonic Stealth Aircraft. Nice Job!

    I was just thinking about the Swept Tail Planes (Elevators) that you have on the F-24 Razorcat. They don't exactly blend into the Swing-Wing airframe. Take a look at the two pics above those two pics show what the Swept tail planes (elevators) look like on a F-22N. With the Swing-wing folded back you notice the Wing and elevator blend in together and look more like a Delta wing.

    The Wing Gloves (F-24) where the Swing-Wings pivot need to be a bit wider and the Ventral fins near the 2D exhaust nozzles don't look right and they detract the smooth lines on the F-24.

    Just a Thought!
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
    i might do variant with that mod
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Bagera, only the YF-12 had the bottom vertical stabilizer. The A-12 and SR-71 did not.
    The YF-12 needed it due to the reduction of the chines to fit the IR sensors, which caused the plane to become unstable. In the production version of the plane the IR sensors would have been integrated into the leading edge of the chines, which would have removed the need for the vertical stabilizer.
    If you want me to I can scan a few pictures to illustrate the look the final F-12 would have had.

    Otherwise, these are some great pictures!
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
    Mihoshi wrote: »
    Bagera, only the YF-12 had the bottom vertical stabilizer. The A-12 and SR-71 did not.
    The YF-12 needed it due to the reduction of the chines to fit the IR sensors, which caused the plane to become unstable. In the production version of the plane the IR sensors would have been integrated into the leading edge of the chines, which would have removed the need for the vertical stabilizer.
    If you want me to I can scan a few pictures to illustrate the look the final F-12 would have had.

    Otherwise, these are some great pictures!
    i need pics of the d-21 design i will fix it
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member

    Here are some pics of the Lockheed D-21 Drone. I hope this helps you out.




    Cool, Nice work on the SR-71B and the X-15 Hypersonic research aircraft.
  • bagera4000bagera4000269 Posts: 1,545Member
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    With that white it looks strange...

    Not strange bad, just strange; because we always only know it with black at all...
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Here's a few scans pertaining to the F-12:

    Proposed A-12 section. Note the gatling gun installation, which was never actually installed, and the raised but still flowing lines of the cockpit:

    A colored sideview of what a production F-12 would have looked like:

    Concept art and a full-scale mockup of the forward fuselage:

    The YF-12 as it flew. The vertical stabilizer would have been deleted in the production aircraft, and the cylinders under the engine pods housed cameras to film missile release.

    Different nosecones. The bottom one was the yf-12 without IR sensors, the one above that the YF-12 with IR, and the SR-71 nosecone overlaid, the one with canards was a NASA project, and th upper one was the shape the F-12 nosecone would have had.
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