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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • freekzilla wrote: »
    Ok, Been working on my Valkyrie for a little while now. It's much closer to being finished now. I still haven't done the back yet, or the main engines, but those are coming soon as I am running out of things to do with the rest. There are far too many things to list all the updates and changes, but the main ones are:

    1.) increased modeled panels to cover most surfaces so that there aren't any unusually bare areas.
    2.) added pipe greebles to the main missile launch section
    3.) added windows to the front of deck 2 "Senior staff common area"
    4.) added many more details and greebles to the bottom (can't see it in this render though)
    5.) changed the font used for the USAF and Valkyrie "labels". And made them all caps.
    6.) added details to the front antenna spire, as someone had asked about that earlier. :)
    7.) and for the first time I have used someone else's greebles. I did this for two reasons, one because they are so small they can't really be seen. I could have put a pile of smurfs there and you'd never know the difference at this distance. :lol: The second reason is because I really needed to start minimizing the poly count. The file for this ship is already up to 52.6MB and takes about 45 seconds just to open, almost 2 minutes when I save any changes. I did make changes to them of course, and used my own textures. But I'll give credit where credit is due, So, the few greebles I have used came from here at SFM and were made by Thor Danielsen aka originalmoron. Although, I used them very sparingly.

    So, anyhoo, here she is in her current state. C&C?

    Secondly, I got playing around one night when I wasn't in the mood for TV or working on the Valkyrie and I started making a Goa'uld like type of ship. I themed it after my old Goa'uld Mayan ship of old, but I think this is much better. It's still basically in concept phase, or just the basic geometry, but I think it's a good start. It's not a flagship in size or capabilities, but I'd put it between the normal Ha'Tak and the flagships of either Apophis or Anubis, but more towards the normal Ha'Tak. This will be a part of my "Extended Universe" concept of fanfic/ideas I had for the franchise, not actually part of the area covered by the SG-1 and SGA shows. Basically, my idea centered around an unseen SG team on earth that explores an unknown area of the Milky Way, and outside of the known former Goa'uld space. It's home to a "lost" or exiled sect of Goa'uld. These Goa'uld were "allies" of Anubis back when he did the supposedly unspeakable thing that got him banished by the System Lords and Ra. So these Mayan/Aztec based group of Goa'uld developed things a little differently than the more familiar Goa'uld. Most notably in their ship design. And this is where my fanfic/idea arose to be centered around. I originally considered this idea as a possible mini-series formated form, but since I have azero to a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting this to the franchise, I basically abandoned the idea and developement of the story, models and such. I still like playing with the idea occasionally, so that's why I dabbled in this new ship. Anyways, hope you like it even though it's still in it's infancy.

    The Valkyrie look awesome! That has to be my favorite of the ships you've made so far. If you had made this in max or lw it would have been just as cool, but the fact that it was made in bryce is amazing.
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Are you familiar with Bryce at all? And does the fact that it was done in Bryce change how you view it? I mean, I know Max and LW and programs like that are so much better. And a much better result could be achieved with them. But is what it is good, or just good because it was done in Bryce? I'm just trying to achieve a result that is greater than what is expected with Bryce, and beginning to approach what better and higher end programs can do.

    To be honest I dont have a clue about bryce, I never tried it. I just went right for the demos of lw/max then chose max lol. So, I will take your word for it about the file size etc. Id say it looks good so far...I mean...I have literally no clue on what bryce's capabilities are compared to other programs so I cant judge it based on anything like that.
  • guys a new space game came out called Sins of a solar Empire - import ur models intothe game, make a stargate mod ! so i can have some fun :P Game would work so well for stargate - u got fighters (f 302s, darts etc), capitals, cruisers, frigs etc.... ur creativeness can fill in the gaps :)
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    OK I have an update for ya'll. But I Need to have some other opinions. I dont really like the way I have the armrests and I'm considering re-modeling them. What do you think?
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    Without looking at any screens from the show, the chair seems to be too static. It doesn't seem to be able to move (it rotates and reclines when used in the show). I'm on my laptop right now in my friends apartment but tomorrow afternoon I will check out the screens for the chair and post some more specific crits. Placing a mock up character in the chair can help with crits. The arm rests look a little too wide.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Been a bit quite recently from me, rather bad sinus infection was to blame.

    Anyway tyo get my mind of the agony the infection was causing me i've started on a small scene. A hanger that contains a handfull of the Wasp and Hornet Helo designs i've come up with, Plus a few of the small runabout/repair/construction thing i've been fiddling with.

    Still in the early stages and really not happy with the lighting, but here's a rcent render...
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    Where is the light coming from? :o Hangars are generally really bright/well lit. Try modeling light fixtures and use those as a template to light the scene. For ground I would make it tiled or add some sort of custom painted map. Black seems like an odd choice for a hangar floor. Generally you want to see whats going on and black is not the best color for that. The texture also seems split on the walls. If you go about halfway up you will see that it changes.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Bear in mind this is a WIP so the light fittings aren't in existance yet.

    The floor is a basic flat mirror effect atm, that'll change once i work out which texture i have is the better one to use.

    I am completely stumped why the texture changes like that.
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    Did you map it correctly? As in, did you unwrap it or anything?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    nope, just did the normal UVW Map selection on it.... I might change the texture on the wals before it's finished though.
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    Ah, that is likely the reason it does that then.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    haha thats one thing i need to learn is to texture properly thats why icna never finish projects lol
  • Been awhile since I last posted here so I'll put a couple of images of every update to my ships here but the main info behind them will be here Calling All Stargate Fans; View topic - Intergalactic Starship Carriers , there are 2 other images there as well since I'm starting to reach my attachment limit here -_- . Oh and freekzilla how large is the vulcan 1 missle again? Since I finaly checked the file you posted and it looks decent (decent because it seems like I could have made it:lol:). So just post any comments (or help) here or on Calling All Stargate Fans:D. Also nice work on your ship freekzilla:thumb:, your Leviathan looks great Tolbert:thumb:, nice work on the control chair boberth2o:thumb: the arm rests could use some sliming down as well and the hanger looks ok so far Dr Lee:thumb: what ship is it in though? Thats enough from me, for now:cool:

    *Note - I've reached 300 posts! w00t!
    *Another Note - I herd that w00t was named the Miriam-Webster Word of the Year for 2007! Although it was not included in the formal dictionary =|
    *A Third Note - This thread should be stickied on the main page since it has over 4000 posts!
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    3D Animation

    Click Me!
  • I have a missile cruiser that's still in the pencil+paper stages. Unfortunately I can't really say that it deosn't borrow a lot from the Daedalus. Anyway, good ship and GO STARGATE!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Browsing this site has given me many many ideas.

    And now i've had anopther based off a shot of Boberth's typhon firing all four beam weapons and the underside of MedJai's ST ship.

    It's a small ship, with maybe a crew of four, that has four/six beam weapons attached to the hull.

    No rail guns, no X-699s, Shields and Hyperdrive from the Asgard database are included though, along with beaming tech.

    With the advances Earth gets from the Asgard database i can see Earth being able to create more powerful engine/hyperspace/ shield generators that are smaller than the current versions.

    The beam weapons are located either side of the forward section, though i've not built then yet.


    Using RJB's greebling as a guide ONLY I'm also going to attempt a very different greeble/panel set up on this one to my normal stuff.

    P.S. the two human meshes are not my own.
  • Seems like its been awhile since anyone posted here, I guess everyone is really busy. Nice idea for a ship Dr Lee, it looks good:thumb:. I'll just post a couple of images of what I posted on CASF, here so I hope you like them. Also I finally scaled the super carrier scene down to what it should be! So the super carrier it self is about 61.5 km long while the standard carrier is about 5.6 km long, I'll find the heights later:D. Any comments or suggestions are welcome as always. I hope things are going well for everyone? It's so quit here *shudders*

    *Note - The link didn't appear in the title so here it is - Calling All Stargate Fans; View topic - Intergalactic Starship Carriers
  • RoninRonin0 Posts: 0Member
    incredible work here,

    Dr Lee, looks nice, keep it up, maybe including some doors ^^

    anyone ever considered a ground vehicle ?
    (that brings the question why using ground stuff if i can have a starship ^^)

    Maybe a Gallery or an "Index" which Models / WIPS are there, or are finished would be great. Takes a long time to go through this thread :)

    i have a few critics,too. A few models here look like someone wanted to create "something" and painted a stargate-logo on it, but it does not fit anyhow (just my opinion) to the universe. Or like that 'i-have-to-create-the-biggest-earthcruiser-ever', not that there shouldn't be any bigger ships...but some times it looks like a contest ^^
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    Puhh...., beside the post above, i am not in a contest, as i started this months ago... and now i finished it.

    So, the Leviathan class mothership/command battlecarrier is finished, not in the detail as i intended, but this is what my Computer is able to handle.

    Some stats.

    Overall lenght is 7782,65 meters

    36 x Ancient Beam Turrets (medium version of the Mjolnir)

    156 x 500mm Railguns

    690 x 200mm Dual-AA Railgunturrets
    (Yes, this happens if you put turrets on a ship without counting somtime during the process, in other words. If you thought it might be hard enganging a Battlestar in a figtercraft.... try this baby :flippy:)


    Hangar Sektion

    Bridge and Botanical Sektion


    I want to thank you all for the inspiration i ganed from this forum, especially Scorpius, RJB, Dr Lee, Tadz, freekzilla, boberth... you' re really doing a great job :thumb:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I like it!
    It has a real "Ancient Warship" look about it too.
  • the rear and front views kind of have a similar profile to the wraith hiveships heh. good looking ship though and pretty epic
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Love the overal look of the Leviathan:thumb: Nice touch with the botanical section.

    small update on the beam ship i'm toying with. been looking at the DSC-304 for inspiration and this is what i've done from it.

    Also added a Door on the side and static landing struts on the underside, Sadly out of view atm.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Tolbert - I'm really loving the look of the Leviathan, I could see myself basing something off it in the future. :thumb:

    Dr Lee - Your work keeps getting better and better. :)
  • The Leviathan looks really great, nice work:thumb:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice Tolbert, cant wait to see more :thumb:
  • TolbertTolbert331 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you for all your comments :)

    RJB, it would be an honor if you bash something of my Leviathan ;)

    As i got some ships now i startet thinking of some background for them. At the moment i come up with the idea that when earth recieved Asgard tech, they where able to activate the time field around an entire planetary system. So they take earth and 20 other worlds rich in naquada out of time for some seconds while inside the time bubble pass some 150 years. Much enough time to make stargate program public colonizing planets an build up a strong high tech military to compete with the Ori. So the new Earth got about 20 offworld colonies an is now ready for fullscale war at the Ori.

    Ill work out some more detail on the story in future an model some new ships.

    As for now we have:

    Fenris class corvette (ground aussault and escorting duties)

    Loki Destroyer (heavy ground strike/orbital bombardement destroyer an escort for larger ships)

    Mjolnir Battlecruiser

    Behemoth carrier variant (frontline replacement for the Simurgh)

    Leviathan class command battlecarrier (Developed for being the mothership type earth vessel to enter the Ori galaxy after they have been driven out of milkyway. It is also designed as a galaxy exploration craft for the galaxies around our own)

    Simurgh class carrier/heavy frighter (old design which is not in use for frontline action)

    Things to come:

    Battleship (somewhat between the Leviathan and the Mjolnir)

    Cruiser/destroyer type vessel (mybee replacement for the Loki)

    Fightercraft..... (somtime in a distant future i think ill finishing one :rolleyes:)

    Defense station or satelite or both ..

    New earth capital city located somewhere on the southern coast of the Victoria lake in afrikan Protectorate (thougt that i have to build something else as i build way to much starships for somebody who studies architecture)

    Already startet with the battleship, whis is in very early stages as you see but the shape is nearly done. I hope it wont take as much time as the Leviathan ...


    Oh and the rest of the fleet...

  • Well, it seems that not everyone really likes the idea behind the ships that I'm making so I'm just going to post these two slightly updated images here, then I'm going stop posting anything else I do on them afterwards. At that I'll probably post less often as well since I came here to get help =|. Although I will post if I really need help on something. Also nice idea on your fleet Tolbert:thumb: I hope you complete it.
  • PokemonFleetPokemonFleet0 Posts: 0Member
    Tolbert, I became a Stargate fan since 2007. Have ever thought about borrowing a page from Star Trek for Earth and other 20 Planets to form an interstellar alliance? If so, what will you name the alliance? And because of the time field, do they have cryogenic sleep pods for some military officers and civilians?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well, it seems that not everyone really likes the idea behind the ships that I'm making so I'm just going to post these two slightly updated images here, then I'm going stop posting anything else I do on them afterwards. At that I'll probably post less often as well since I came here to get help

    Speaking entirely for myself, i like the aesthetics of your models, but i don't "see Stargate" in those ones you posted.
    I appreciate the forward timeline and that any designs will always progress over time, but if you had a few little homages to other ships, it might evoke more of a response from others.
    This is only my own opinion.
    Don't stop posting though!
  • Bar wrote: »
    Speaking entirely for myself, i like the aesthetics of your models, but i don't "see Stargate" in those ones you posted.
    I appreciate the forward timeline and that any designs will always progress over time, but if you had a few little homages to other ships, it might evoke more of a response from others.
    This is only my own opinion.
    Don't stop posting though!

    But what really is a "Stargate" design? So far we've seen blocky Earth space craft and blocky Ancient ships as well. I was actually trying to base my models off of current day aircraft carriers , thats why they taper at the base and the why the top is so open. So what do you mean by "homages to other ships"? Do you mean I should add small parts that used to be on the Daedalus or Prometheus? And there will still be a little problem for posting though since.......well the second ship is pretty much complete for my school project:lol:. I wanted it to be low poly so I could have more on screen at the same time, so after I add a few details to it at a later time it will be done until summer (at which point I will try to detail and texture it) and the same thing goes to the super carrier since all I need to do to it is place the weapon turrets. Although I have started an attempt to make an Atlantian space "city" that is heavily based off of Atlantis's main design (although the buildings are different). So far I have the base of the city made and I need to make the stardrive section now. The details that make it fit into my animation project is, that it is a science "city"/station that even though it has inhabitants, they are mostly scientists. It actually is capable of staying in subspace without moving through it, basically that is the station defense system although there are the same amount of drones in it as there are in Atlantis. The station is two sided but three of the lower piers have the engines on them while the others have almost upside down towers on them, it can land in a very deep ocean in emergencies but otherwise it is limited to space only. What do you think of that idea? It took just under two terms to decide on the design:lol: and making the base was frustrating when your reference image was blurry at high zoom levels >_>. Encouraging post though:)
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