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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    No worries lol. Also, the model on the front, JC Minnick's I'm guessing? I think he was called Cmd Foster on LWG3D or something like that.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I was lucky enough to get his permission to use the image.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Just a quick render of the 'Hornet' which is the two seater varient of the Wasp helo design.

    The cut out space between the engines is for one of the weapons that Felgar shorted out the SGC power with in Avenger 2.0. Of course it's had all the faults fixed by Dr Lee so it won't short out after one shot.


    Scratch the Felgar weapon... i'm using the X-699 from Bounty, A) cuz there are better screencaps for that one B) cuz the X-699 is a (Almost) working version of the Felgar weapon
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Little update on the Valkyrie. Got some bottom details done. Wasn't able to post them here because SFM was down for a while. So I also posted the updates on CASF website. Anyways....Here it is.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Good work, Freek!
    Will there be more of a point to the main antenna, or is that part finished?
  • freekzilla: Nice ship, cool turrets on it. I'd recommand you change the font of the name tag to a more millitary font type, and in capitals.

    I thought I'd post my take on the Midway station.

  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Are you going to have the Jumper on the bottom?
  • Lol I'm not sure yet, ima focus on the station for now, once thats done I may build a jumper, but dont hold your breath for it, I'm an extreem slow ass modeler. ;)
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Eagle: I think that once your done with the shows midway station you should make add-ons that would fit it. Like a part that can house troops, jumpers, and all other parts that would be in a base
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    nice work on the station so far eagle, its coming along pretty good.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice Midway:thumb:

    More details on the Wasp-

    Added a comms anntena and a radar dome onto the Helo. I've also added a small emblem onto the tail fin and re-arranged the tail fins as well
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Good work, Freek!
    Will there be more of a point to the main antenna, or is that part finished?
    Thanks. Well, I had it pointy and someone said I should make it not so pointy, so I did. I can make it pointy again. It's not finished. I had planned to add more details later on, more of a touch up than anything. I'm thinking of making it a little smaller too. I'll work with it some more as I scroll through the list of tasks I have yet to do.
    Eagle wrote: »
    freekzilla: Nice ship, cool turrets on it. I'd recommand you change the font of the name tag to a more millitary font type, and in capitals.

    I thought I'd post my take on the Midway station.


    Thanks. Wow. Never had anyone comment on my turrets before. Must have done something right I guess. pmpn Hmm, change the font. Can you suggest one? I have about 1200 of them and it takes forever to go through them all. (1213 to be exact, & 110MB!) But I do see what you mean about it being in all caps.

    I like the midway station. Can't wait to see it finished. Is it going to have spots on it where additional things can be bolted on, in a modular fashion? And, could you have variations of it, for use in different situations? Like, this one is suited to serve as the midway station, but could the basic design be modded to work as an Earth orbit station, Moon orbiting research station, in orbit over Atlantis, etc. Maybe they could be placed along the way to the Pegasus galaxy as a sort of "emergency pit stop"?
  • Interesting ideas on making it modular. Maybe I could make a listening post or a a base of operation for asteroid mining of it. It would need some bay for the mining crafts to dock and and a refinery. But lol let me finish this first ok? It may never even get finished. :p

    Im at work right now so I dont have acces to my Daedalus reference files at home. So I'll see if i can find a nice font when I get home, cant remember which one I used on my own ship, but it probably is simple Arial.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Would be cool to design some sort of section which could dock to a 304
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Isn't that what the airlock is for?

    I've been fiddling with a space station idea made op of Midway style modules for a while now, it seems like the logical way to go for the earth fleet.

    Good news... i think i'm finished with the Wasp Helo. Anyone got any ideas of what i could add?
  • well im not a good moddeler but this is something iv been working on, on and off its called Mammoth due to its size, its basicly a heavy duty transport ship wich can transport all sorts also has the asgard tracktor beam thing seen early on in sg1 so it can carry large crates or even other ships that may be early on in there construction.

    Its not heavy armed but does use the phase shift technology seen in was it season 10 on sg1? if not season 9 not going too much into detail intil i come up with a reasonable amount of specs for it.

    Though it is part of something called the UEF (United Earth Federation) which will come after atlantis like 10+ years ish.

    prolly looks silly but i dont often do this and i def dont usually share what im doing.
  • I don't think a 302 pilot can get to Midway station without a spacesuit. (or he'll have to freeze himself a bit).

    MasterWong, if you use 3ds Max, you can get better renders if you turn on Light Tracer at in rendering window, and put a standard Skylight in the scene. This should give you some nice shadows.
    Also keep in mind that if you build a huge ship, you need a ton of details to make it look realistic.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Which is part of the reason why all my ships are small... I'm not good at all the details...
  • well i know it will take detail started for that reason ofc its going to fail but its a learning curve and i will have a go at that, i did 2 years in max and they taught me sweet FA but it was fun haha and free
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    If you guys are having trouble with details, I would suggest buying (or mabey looking at screenshots online of) model kits. They can be great inspiration for greebling because all pieces to the models are in those "sheets" and they are not too expensive since you can go cheap if you are just using for greeble ideas. But it does really help to get the mind going. And of course, there are about 1000000000000 different kits.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    MasterWong wrote: »
    i did 2 years in max and they taught me sweet FA but it was fun haha and free

    Same thing happened to me, about 80% of what i learned in Max has come from messing about since the course.
  • hows this render?
  • Dr Lee wrote: »
    Same thing happened to me, about 80% of what i learned in Max has come from messing about since the course.

    im glad i did it i mean it can go on my cv and stuff and i learn a lot of the basics that are needed
  • Eagle wrote: »
    Also keep in mind that if you build a huge ship, you need a ton of details to make it look realistic.
    O_o really!? I never knew.............and Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been delayed to March now.....that sucks T_T
  • MasterWong: Yea looks alot better, wouldnt you agree? You may also want to put some reflection planes in your scene because some of the edges get washed out now. (just put your model in a box of 6 black planes) Now you should add details. Engines, windows, antennas, sensors, DNGN pipes :) , etc. And whats an FA?

    Lantean Canuck: Well dont you agree? I mean think about it. Big ships have alot more windows, panels/plating, sensors, etc. :)
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Here is the start of a new ship from me.

    Fenrir Class Patrol Ship.
    The Fenrir is just a little over 50m long and weapon layout is still a wip.


  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    :eek: :thumb: That looks pretty awesome RJB.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    So that was the idea you had from my Katana ship.....

    I like!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    looking awesome as always mate
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    So that was the idea you had from my Katana ship.....

    I like!

    The Katana's long and thin design got my mind going and this was the result. :thumb:
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