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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • well ive gone thru the first part on YT so far and lolz @ mckay and the wraith bloke, they make a good couple :)

    and omg @ the fleet all meeting and moving out, then all the fighting its orgasmic :lol:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    on a much happier note: Cool pics of the Hammond scootes, but why not do some work on it? :shiner: :p (kidding)

    I did some work on her last night not much and mostly stuff on the main hull working on fixing and modding it, when I get that done i will be starting work on panels will b e using some pics from the deady to help with that.
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    Dr Lee: Cute little ship :devil: What about sticking a helicopter like cockpit on the front? just my 2 cents ;)

    ya know I think that would work, it might look good on it aswell.

    Regards Jesh
  • I finally got the images saved:lol:, this new carrier is 3 times smaller but it can still pack as much of a punch in large groups. It's design is similar but it is only capable of repairing up to 3 Daedalus sized ships at once while the main deck serves as a landing area for much larger ships like scootes Hammond class:D when they are severely damaged or need help going some where far away really quickly. I'm going to work on this concurrently with my main ship, this ship should be the Earth built version of the one I'm building but with certain capabilities *couphsuperbeamcouph* missing. Unfortunately I can't get rid of the flat base like my other ship so I'll leave it be for now adn ray traced shadows take much longer then normal but they look much better then the normal shadow map. I'll give more details as I work through it. What do you think about the design?


  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Don't get me started on the Colonels sequence....

    Scootes- Thanks, I've fiddled about with the nose since posting them, Been a bit unhappy with the full cockpit canopy so i've done this...

    I'll be champfering the lower edge in a min or two, ONce i get over the wacked out craziness of 'Shoot em up'

    Actually, dude, i LIKED the "wrapunder" cockpit design(If you have ever flown in a helicopter with a lot of glass in the front, you appreciate the all round visibility it affords you!).
    But i'd also like to see where you go with this one.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good Lantean_Canuck, look forward to seeing more.

    Dr Lee, being completely honest I think I preferred the original cockpit design. But that of course is just my opinion.

    Ok then, I have an update, but not a 3d one. Before christmas I mentioned an idea that RJB and myself had been talking about, having our own online gallery that we could post work on, somewhere to have our very own collection of works. Well, I had the opportunity yesterday to get a free .com domain name and as I didn't have anything else to use it for I decided to purchase I have since installed both an online gallery and a forum as well. I've not begun properly modifying it (eg the themes and the categories/forums) but I have bridged it, meaning you register for the forum and you'll be able to use that same username and password to log into the gallery as well. I'd love for you all to join up there, it won't take long. I'm off out now but when I get back this evening I'll update them with various categories and forum names that I think we could use.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I have registered, Jay!
    Right in. On the ground floor, you might say!(Do i get shares?)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I'm guessing it's the CASF site under the name I'm not wanting to join up to the wrong site so i'll wait for the answer before i join.

    I've modified the cockpit once again....

    I've also, with help from my bro, started fiddling with Bump mapping and all it entails..
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I'm guessing it's the CASF site under the name I'm not wanting to join up to the wrong site so i'll wait for the answer before i join.

    This is actually completely independent of my other sites, hosted on a different server. So just go here and sign up. There's no actual site yet so you'll be automatically redirected to the forum. Like I said before, once you've signed up on the forum you're signed up on both the forum and the gallery (if you try and register via the gallery you'll simply be redirected to the forum's registration page).

    And as you can see I'm back now, so I'm gonna get to work adding the various bits and pieces I think we'll need.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I've modified the cockpit once again....

    I've also, with help from my bro, started fiddling with Bump mapping and all it entails..

    I think this version is probably my favourite, somewhere in between the full on one and the smaller one. Yup, definitely my favourite.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Lantean_Canuck - Boat. . . . . well anyways is there going to be more? I hope so like a sweet bridge or command center ontop.

    Dr. Lee - I like it. . . but are quite confused. Are there going to be blades or something sweet-looking in their place?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    In place of what?
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    In place of what?

    the rotor spot on the top of the helo
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Hadn't really thought of putting anything there to replace the rotor spot....

    Any ideas?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    not seeing it till later in the week *grumble grumble* Spoil it and i'll go all Ori on your a$$!!! :mad: :lol:

    on a much happier note: Cool pics of the Hammond scootes, but why not do some work on it? :shiner: :p (kidding)

    Dr Lee: Cute little ship :devil: What about sticking a helicopter like cockpit on the front? just my 2 cents ;)
    Te he he he! I think you'll love it. The best part was when Rodney gets slimed by the Wraith, that was funny. Ha ha, just kidding, that didn't happen. I just wanted to tease you a bit. LOL! :lol: :shiner::shiner:
    It was a great episode! and what the hell is Weir up to O.o!! I'll tack on an image soon as well.
    That's the question that seems to be looming ominously. It certainly was an exciting episode, one of those, "IT'S OVER ALREADY!" I think it could have gone on another half hour atleast and I would still have said "it's over already?"
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    I watched Be all my sins remembered on youtube (other wise I want see it till later this year or beginning of next year) & I thought it was great, easily the best episode to date. But it had a couple of what I call "to bad moments"
    Definitely the most exciting and "Holy Crap!" episode this year. Makes you wonder how are they going to top this one.
    scorpius wrote: »
    Looking good Lantean_Canuck, look forward to seeing more.

    Dr Lee, being completely honest I think I preferred the original cockpit design. But that of course is just my opinion.

    Ok then, I have an update, but not a 3d one. Before christmas I mentioned an idea that RJB and myself had been talking about, having our own online gallery that we could post work on, somewhere to have our very own collection of works. Well, I had the opportunity yesterday to get a free .com domain name and as I didn't have anything else to use it for I decided to purchase I have since installed both an online gallery and a forum as well. I've not begun properly modifying it (eg the themes and the categories/forums) but I have bridged it, meaning you register for the forum and you'll be able to use that same username and password to log into the gallery as well. I'd love for you all to join up there, it won't take long. I'm off out now but when I get back this evening I'll update them with various categories and forum names that I think we could use.
    Oh no! I've created a monster!!! LOL! This has got to be a first, a forum thread inspiring the creation of an entirely new site. Alright, maybe not. But still....Anyways, got it bookmarked and am going to register ASAP.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Hadn't really thought of putting anything there to replace the rotor spot....

    Any ideas?
    You could put a small gun turret there, like a dual .50 cal. Would be a good spot for defensive and off center fire.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Hadn't really thought of putting anything there to replace the rotor spot....

    Any ideas?

    Yeah, guns or like a radar/ sensor thingy
  • Here's some work I did during class, looks like it'll be slow going for me while I make this T_T, oh well. I added the section thats going to house the engines, still needs to be worked on but I think it's a good add-on and the only structure on the deck is also the hanger for any ships Daedalus size and smaller, I'm not going to change the base design but I'll add on the vital areas after the main layout is done. Also I like this design better then my main one:) and the top section is the best part of it:D and about the similarity to a boat.....well thats only from any angled top view also ironically enough this ships isn't designed for swift movement through water or similar substances XD . Also I'll sign up when people start signing up at scorpius's site, since I want to be sure and that means double posting any updates that are made -.-


  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Cool beans, dude.
    Is there a reason it holds 304s?(Or is a repair and refit station too?)

    Guys, i have more news on the Daedalus model kit.
    It is expected to sell for about $50(Price hasn't been nailed down yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks).
    I got permission from a cg modeller to use a Daedalus render from his mesh on the box art.
    Here is what it will look like:

  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, I will deffinatly be keeping some money to one side at the end of the month for one of these kits :D
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Cool beans, dude.
    Is there a reason it holds 304s?(Or is a repair and refit station too?)

    Guys, i have more news on the Daedalus model kit.
    It is expected to sell for about $50(Price hasn't been nailed down yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks).
    I got permission from a cg modeller to use a Daedalus render from his mesh on the box art.
    Out of interest, how many kits are getting made?
  • Bar wrote: »
    Cool beans, dude.
    Is there a reason it holds 304s?(Or is a repair and refit station too?)

    Guys, i have more news on the Daedalus model kit.
    It is expected to sell for about $50(Price hasn't been nailed down yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks).
    I got permission from a cg modeller to use a Daedalus render from his mesh on the box art.
    Here is what it will look like:

    Looks really nice:thumb:. The new ship that I'm making can basically do what the larger version can but at a really limited scale, like the super carriers ability to repair any (well hopefully) ship that lands in the main bay for this one it can only repair ships similar to the 304's and the F-302's and their offshoots or upgrades but at a very limited capacity. It can repair only 2 304's completely if they're severely damaged to the point of falling apart otherwise a decent amount in normal circumstances. So to achieve a decent repair rate on the move it will have to dock with the special (and movable) dry dock (designed for the super carrier) to pick up supplies. How much more should I explain about both ships abilities? And maybe just maybe I may get one of the model kits, what type of glue do I need? And couldn't a version thats already put together be sold as well?
  • peragrinperagrin0 Posts: 0Member
    $50 bucks? If i send you $100 will you do the paint work for me? It has been to long since I had to use an airbrush and would hate to screw it up. So if your making a list count me in. even if i have to screw up the paint myself. Assembly is easy Painting not so much.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Cool beans, dude.
    Is there a reason it holds 304s?(Or is a repair and refit station too?)

    Guys, i have more news on the Daedalus model kit.
    It is expected to sell for about $50(Price hasn't been nailed down yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks).
    I got permission from a cg modeller to use a Daedalus render from his mesh on the box art.
    Here is what it will look like:


    :o :eek!: Very nice cant wait need to start saving for a few of these :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    And maybe just maybe I may get one of the model kits, what type of glue do I need? And couldn't a version thats already put together be sold as well?

    It would add to the cost by as much as 400%, perhaps more. A good quality pantjob is not a cheap undertaking.
    peragrin wrote: »
    $50 bucks? If i send you $100 will you do the paint work for me? It has been to long since I had to use an airbrush and would hate to screw it up. So if your making a list count me in. even if i have to screw up the paint myself. Assembly is easy Painting not so much.

    As i said above, dude, the cost of someone building and painting a model for you is expensive.
    You'd be looking at a minimum of $200 extra, and more if extra details are required.

    tadz wrote: »
    :o :eek!: Very nice cant wait need to start saving for a few of these :D

    Thanks Tadz!

    As soon as i hear these are on sale, i will post here immediately, guys!
    Thanks for the support!
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Great news Ive been watching for these since forever, hopefully Tadz wont be able to buy them all as soon as they are out and give the rest of us a chance:D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I am not sure how many there are going to be in this first run of kits, but i expect it will be somewhere in the region of between 20 and 40, going on info i have gleaned about other kits.
    If i post it is available, anybody wanting one had better get their backside in gear sharpish!
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Who are we going to be dealing with, your manufacturer of the kit?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well, as shown in the boxart, it is being manufactured by Saltyre Technologies(A wholly-owned subsidiary of Haddon industries), but the kit will be sold through the Starshipmodeler store.
  • Bar wrote: »
    Cool beans, dude.
    Is there a reason it holds 304s?(Or is a repair and refit station too?)

    Guys, i have more news on the Daedalus model kit.
    It is expected to sell for about $50(Price hasn't been nailed down yet, but will be in the next couple of weeks).
    I got permission from a cg modeller to use a Daedalus render from his mesh on the box art.
    Here is what it will look like:


    Hate to be a nitpicker but the canon name is DSC-304, DSC standing for Deep Space Carrier.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    That's ok dude. Your just not remembering it right...
    Well the Daedalus was originally the X-304, in the same way the F-302 was the X-302 to begin with and the Prometheus was the X-303.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    That's ok dude. Your just not remembering it right...
    Well the Daedalus was originally the X-304, in the same way the F-302 was the X-302 to begin with and the Prometheus was the X-303.

    Yeah I guess it just depends on when the model is set, whether it was before or after they went into full production.

    But I also hate to be a nitpicker (actually I don't, hence why I'm proof reading choo's fan-fic lol) but helpful only has the 1 l on the end :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, i picked up on that too, Jay...
    I didn't make the cover up myself, but i did tell the guy who did about it.
    Thanks for that though.
This discussion has been closed.