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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    sweet Gate...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice gate RJB, I wont be On for the next day so i would like to wish everyone a Happy new year while i can, Hope you all have a good time :D. Now i got a chance for a quick update last night, Here it is:
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    RJB- Purple!

    Tadz-Looking cool, I had to look into the wip thread about it.
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    :thumb: RJB the gate looks great & I have to agree with boberth2o go with purple.
  • Nice work tadz, although you need to use a bolder, blockier text. ;)

    and RJB: nice furling gate. :thumb: *runs
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I agree with Choo tadz, i think a blockyer text would look abit better, also would recomend the the 311 and the -01 should be on the same box not underneith. but thats just my opinion. also have an updatge on hammond got the main hull section panelled unforunitly I dont have the pics with me yet again :( will post when I do get them with me and around a comp with net again... other news, my net should be active by tonight not sure but I am hoping.

    RJB, the gate looks good I like the idea of having the spinning part on the outside, its definatly a differnt idea but it does look good :thumb:

    DR. Lee your gate looks good too I justy wish I had the talent to do somethin like that :lol: ohh and also it apears that I had my reaper mesh on another HDD that I reformatted for my sisters comp :( so will have to rebuild it will send you a copie of it when it gets done then hopefully we could gety that dogfight scene done :)

    Regards Jesh
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Ok Um.. well, Someone has to say it... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!. Well for me anyway :D lol ( time differences )
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Happy New Year everyone.
  • ElitenovaElitenova0 Posts: 0Member
    Happy new year and a happy birthday to me. 29
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Happy birthday to Elitenova and Happy new year to all!!

    Regards Jesh
  • Capt.HunterCapt.Hunter331 Posts: 71Member
    Happy New Year everyone.
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    its an intersting design scootes. but i would say dont use the greeble plugin. unfortunately its painfully obvious whenever someone does it. custom panels look way better no matter what you do with the plugin. the plugin is usefull for small setting up details on smaller objects, as long as you add detail later on, but when you use the plugin like you did you get tons of boxes shooting out from all sorts of crevices where they normally wouldnt be. its also hard to tell since the camera is so far away, and because of the insane number of boxes from the plugin, but it looks like there may be overlapping parts of the mesh.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Elitenova wrote: »
    Happy new year and a happy birthday to me. 29
    Yes Happy birthday to you, you old fart. :D LOL! Just teasin.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    mJAstro wrote: »
    its an intersting design scootes. but i would say dont use the greeble plugin. unfortunately its painfully obvious whenever someone does it. custom panels look way better no matter what you do with the plugin. the plugin is usefull for small setting up details on smaller objects, as long as you add detail later on, but when you use the plugin like you did you get tons of boxes shooting out from all sorts of crevices where they normally wouldnt be. its also hard to tell since the camera is so far away, and because of the insane number of boxes from the plugin, but it looks like there may be overlapping parts of the mesh.

    I have tried to modle panels before but I cant no matter what I do it all looks like crap so it appears that this ship goes on the back burner yet again. and yes there is alot of faces I need to fix on that mesh I have fixed alot of them already and i know that there is more, I am working on that.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    well the way I do panels (not saying it's the best way or the most efficient but it is a way) is to simply cut into the hull using either the normal cut tool or the slice plane (i've also used tesselate to make a lot of cuts in a short space of time) then bevel and extrude sections to make alright looking panels.
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    one of the ways i do panels (in max), is i clone whatever faces i want the panels on as a new object and then just cut them out on that piece and delete whatever faces you dont want. this way you dont mess with the hull and still get good results. and later on you can attach the panels if you wish with little difficulty. so if you make a mistake it doesnt really matter.

    another way is to draw splines on the flat surfaces and extrude them, which is also a very easy way for flat surfaces.
  • GrzesiekGrzesiek0 Posts: 0Member
    Haven't posted here for a while. So just a nice fleet picture for the beginning of the new year :)

    Just ignore all textures for now ;)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice Grz. Sure wish I could model like that. I'm guessing that the smooth lumpy thing behind all the other ships is the Wraith Hive ship right? Just can't get over the shear size of that monster. I wonder if there are any other types of Wraith ships? All we've seen is the Hives, Darts and Cruisers. Oh, forgot about that one "cargo" ship, but we didn't see all of it and it wasn't exactly intact either. What program do you use?

    Oh, I've been working on the Valkyrie, yes still. Up to 191,087 polygons. Which is actually low for how far along it is. Been able to minimize the number of extraneous and wasted polys thankfully. Will have an update later today I hope. Still haven't begun work on the back and engines. Somehoe some of my textures reverted to their default state, so I spent the day fixing that mostly. Anyways, be back after I get some sleep. :runs:
  • GrzesiekGrzesiek0 Posts: 0Member
    The ship behind all the ships is a Onslaught, designed for Virtual Stargate TV Series. Its about 10km long i think. But a hive should be about the same length. It will be the next ship that I'll start modeling, hopefully soon.

    As for application, Original some were done in Cinema4d, but then I migrated to Blender. Ori, Aurora, Onslaught, Destiny (between hatak and Dedalus) are 100% blender, while others are exports, and being cleaned up and reworked. Other ships working on but not on the pic, F302, Death Glider (finished - available here in mesh section), and need to reexport Teltak (small box betwen Hatak and Destiny)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    great work Grzesiek, I always have a certain appreciation for anybody who can work in blender and the other free programs, I could never get my head around any of them.
    freekzilla wrote: »
    I wonder if there are any other types of Wraith ships? All we've seen is the Hives, Darts and Cruisers. Oh, forgot about that one "cargo" ship, but we didn't see all of it and it wasn't exactly intact either. What program do you use?

    There was also the scout ship as well. It transported the Wraith queen and scientist to atlantis in the season 2 finale when Michael wanted to use the Wraith retrovirus to attack other hives. I can't think whether it appeared other than that but I certainly remember it in that one
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    does this looks good or not? Its just paneling but if it looks good to everyone i wil add greeble work etc, Also the Pic i used for reference for the panels has been uploaded :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    That looks really good Tadz!
    Maybe another layer on top will really make it pop?
    When i did the Daedalus master, i scribed panelling like you have, and then i added more panels over the top of the original layer, kind of like a patchwork quilt effect.
    I presume that is something you can do on yours, because as you pointed out above, the Daedalus looks like that.
    I don't know if the effect can easily be seen in these images(It's subtle, just a layer of randomised panels of the original panel layout):


  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, ill give it a shot asap but modeling is off for the night ( 3:30 am lol ) BTW: when is the model coming out again? :lol:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    The first castings are back, and it should be on sale in the next month, hopefully.
    I will post here when it is available.
    Back on topic, i look forward to seeing what you come up with Tadz!
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Bar wrote: »
    The first castings are back, and it should be on sale in the next month, hopefully.
    I will post here when it is available.
    Back on topic, i look forward to seeing what you come up with Tadz!
    I look forward to next month then. :thumb:

    Tadz - Looks like the ship is coming along well.
    Keep up the good work. :)
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Oooo... very nice work Tadz you are doing a great job :thumb: I look foreward to seeing more of your work on it :D

    also if you send me the file I will update it with the work I have done on it aswell so you can have an even more stuff done on it :)

    Bar. I cant wait for that deady to come out and my mom cant wait either she keeps bugging me on when they will be realesed lol
    Regards Jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Happy New Year everyone... bit late i know. only just lost the hangover i had
    (Though before you think i drank a gallon or two, i only had three Guinness cans... Yeah i'm a lightweight:lol:)

    Anyway here is the latest Gate image... Not sure if i've posted this on here.


    Haven't gotten aroujnd to sorting out the lighting on the Chevrons yet... might do that last, get all the easy stuff out the way first.
    ohh and also it apears that I had my reaper mesh on another HDD that I reformatted for my sisters comp so will have to rebuild it will send you a copie of it when it gets done then hopefully we could gety that dogfight scene done
    No worries mate:thumb:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »

    No worries mate:thumb:

    ok. will start work on it as soon as I get some free time prolly gonna be tonight :)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    Oooo... very nice work Tadz you are doing a great job :thumb: I look foreward to seeing more of your work on it :D

    also if you send me the file I will update it with the work I have done on it aswell so you can have an even more stuff done on it :)

    Bar. I cant wait for that deady to come out and my mom cant wait either she keeps bugging me on when they will be realesed lol
    Regards Jesh
    Um next time your on MSN i will do, ive had trouble sending it threw e-mail...
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
This discussion has been closed.