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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well the web space is Scorpius's so any final decision is his but a website for free with none of the work is a hard deal to turn down.

    yup very true.

    also maneged to get a ride back to my house ( walking takes 2 hours for a rouind trip :( ) and now I have some pics with me so enjoy everyone and remember all C&C is allways welcome:) also includded a short animation of a 360 degree veiw of Hillary, Hammond, and a Daedalus. the animation is in a .mov format

    Regards Jesh
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scootes wrote: »
    yup very true.

    also maneged to get a ride back to my house ( walking takes 2 hours for a rouind trip :( ) and now I have some pics with me so enjoy everyone and remember all C&C is allways welcome:) also includded a short animation of a 360 degree veiw of Hillary, Hammond, and a Daedalus. the animation is in a .mov format

    Regards Jesh
    The video really shows them off well.
    Keep up the great work.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I must admit you might have to spell this one out for me Bar lol

    A Supergate? In the Pegasus Galaxy? That leads RIGHT TO OUR GALAXY?
    What about the Wraith?
    That's all i meant...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member

    very nice job on the serverus dont worrie I am not mad at you for it :lol: its kinda funny last night I opend up the serverus and started paneling the bays and the upeer section of it aswell will post pics if I can remember to bring my flash drive to the place I accsecce the net from lol

    Regards Jesh

    lol Damn that means i need to get all my new greebles and put them in the newish Severus mesh lol
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    A Supergate? In the Pegasus Galaxy? That leads RIGHT TO OUR GALAXY?
    What about the Wraith?
    That's all i meant...

    well baring in mind this is set around 50 years after Unending, take into account how long it normally takes for us to take care of a foe lol. Also there's plenty of technobabble to explain why the wraith wouldn't be able to use the supergate network. the signature of the ships travelling through the gate would need to correspond to patterns predetermined within the supergate network otherwise they wouldn't rematerialise on the other just goes on lol
  • Great work on your ship scootes:thumb:.
    scorpius wrote: »
    well baring in mind this is set around 50 years after Unending, take into account how long it normally takes for us to take care of a foe lol. Also there's plenty of technobabble to explain why the wraith wouldn't be able to use the supergate network. the signature of the ships travelling through the gate would need to correspond to patterns predetermined within the supergate network otherwise they wouldn't rematerialise on the other just goes on lol
    But what if a new Earth ships signature was never programed in? or something happened to the program it self, like it was hacked or corrupted or even just ripped out of the segment that held the control crystal? As you think of something even more problems will appear.........although the back-ups should have even more back-ups in case some simple problems appear. This will take a lot of brain storming to make it impervious to well anything. Oh and I should really get back to working on ship before the holidays are up so hopefully I'll have an update on it, though on what part of it I don't know.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    This will take a lot of brain storming to make it impervious to well anything.

    Or I just explain it all away with one simple phrase "[generic technobabble here]" :D

    There'd be defense satellites placed near the gates. In fact there could well be full blown starbases for that matter. And saying that has given me an idea. I don't know if anybody remembers the Voyager episode "The Voyager Conspiracy." It involved the crew finding an alien named Tash who had built a space catapult which could send the ship 1000s of lightyears closer to home. The design of the catapult itself is what's given me the idea, it looked basically like a gate and the station is a part of one side of the gate. I'm thinking I could do something similar for the Supergates. This way, there'd be a manned station looking after the gates, and ships could themselves have IDCs which they'd have to send through. Course, this means there'd need to be an Iris or shield protecting the gate...could be tricky lol
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    New day... new ship.

    (I'm going to add to my NY Resolutions that i must finished at least two of my current projects before i start anymore:lol:)

    Firstly the F-302 in the image isn't mine. A col_dilon made thiws and has included it in the Mesh DL area.


    Not got much on this. Not even sure what type of ship designation it could fit with.

    handful of missile tubes along the top behind the bridge, will have two railguns on both the top and bottom sides of the Engine pods, two on the nose. Crew of five or six. No Asgard beam weapons, but it will have the Asgard shields and hyperdrive. Will operate in a 'pack' of four, one will be commanded by a higher rank than the other three and will be classed as the 'leader'

    This started out as the bridge section of a seperate ship i started to fiddle about with last Sunday. Though now it's morphed beyond all similarities to it's origin
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    yup very true.

    also maneged to get a ride back to my house ( walking takes 2 hours for a rouind trip :( ) and now I have some pics with me so enjoy everyone and remember all C&C is allways welcome:) also includded a short animation of a 360 degree veiw of Hillary, Hammond, and a Daedalus. the animation is in a .mov format

    Regards Jesh

    Those cannons are gigantic! lol

    Seriously those are cannons right? I suspose that they would be able to take a ship out in 3-5 shots like the ori main weapon.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Since it feels like everyone is doing one here is my try at an original gate design. (It would be for some yet unknown galaxy.)
    She is still a wip.

    Attachment not found.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Since it feels like everyone is doing one here is my try at an original gate design. (It would be for some yet unknown galaxy.)
    She is still a wip.

    Attachment not found.

    Im telling ya, it screams Ori to me
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    boberth2o wrote: »
    Im telling ya, it screams Ori to me
    I see the Priors got to you. :lol:

    Well I'll have to see were texturing takes it before I give it off to any one race.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Ditto... i like the way you've put the spinning part nearer to the outer edge than the inner
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Ditto... i like the way you've put the spinning part nearer to the outer edge than the inner
    Well thats the idea that got me started on it. I wondered what a gate that had it's spinning ring exposed would look like and it seemed to work out well.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well thats the idea that got me started on it. I wondered what a gate that had it's spinning ring exposed would look like and it seemed to work out well.

    Wait. . . the whole outside part spins except for the chevrons?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    boberth2o wrote: »
    Wait. . . the whole outside part spins except for the chevrons?
    Yep. The only parts that stay still are the inside ring area and the chevrons / lock devices attached to that ring. The rest spins.
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Yep. The only parts that stay still are the inside ring area and the chevrons / lock devices attached to that ring. The rest spins.


    Finally done modeling it
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    boberth2o wrote: »

    Finally done modeling it
    Like I said at gateworld "looking good". :thumb:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    *Puts down order for three of Bobeths ships*:thumb:

    Bit more on the new ship...
    Added rail guns (Forward RGs will be moved back a bit.) Bridge windows, Drivepods and windows along the sides at the front. I didn't want to overload this ship with windows so i've only given it one either side, and also only one per level at the front.

    The boxes on the rear are for (Top) Loading of Missiles outside of beaming them in and (Bottom) Hyperdrive emergancy release hatch...(I'll fix those errors on the rear 2moro). Also the area just to the right of the bridge, on the front image, is how it should be... the lighting kinda throws it out a bit... Unlike the vertice fault on the nose:mad:
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    I'm liking the stargate RJB, It be good to see the chevrons appear as holograms.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    I'm liking the stargate RJB, It be good to see the chevrons appear as holograms.
    lol I don't think I'm going to be that fancy with it. I want to stay with the rugged feel of the original gate while also giving it it's own personal feel.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    In need of a bit of advice with the gate i'm building, from Scorp's original idea.

    I can either have this....

    Or this....

    But i cannot seem to get Max to allow me to only light up the numbers inside the Chevrons and the red part of the actual chevrons themselves.

    What am i doing wrong?

    the glow will be reduced once i've included the actual glyphs.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Are you assigning the glow via Material ID? If so, better make a separate material for the chevrons.
    I suppose you would like to be able to light up each symbol and chevron separately...the easiest way to do so would be to have a gradient ramp of conical & solid type in the color and self illumination slot. That way you can have a "marker" for each chevron to change it's color as you wish, the same for the symbols, just in the second material.
    If that doesn't make any sense, I can post an image later when I'm home :)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    What i'm trying to do is give the numbers 1,5,8,13,17,21,25,29,33 and the lit bit of the cheveron the glow and the rest of the numbers with the same colour but unlit. I've given the Lit material the ID and the unlit no ID.

    I'm just rendering an image with both materials having seperate Material IDs... and it's still only allowing one material for everything.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm. What I meant to write was: Have 2 "lit" materials, with 2 different IDs. That enables you to apply a glow to a) the symbols and b) the chevrons.

    I will try to illustrate the stuff about the gradient with paint (I'm at my grandmother's :S)...the solid setting makes the colors solid, instead of blending into each other, and the conical setting give it this shape.

    ok here goes...hope this makes it clearer, I could post more detailed screengrabs from max later when I'm home if you want.
    That gradient will also allow you to light any symbols you want, flexibly. You could do just the same for your chevrons, too.
    wheeee...uploading takes a while
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    If it's not too much trouble...

    My Max knowledge is rather limited to be honest and it doesn't include much on effects :lol:
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    A short video of my gate spinning.

    YouTube - Orignal Gate Flyby WIP
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    RJB: that looks cool! Now do a kawoosh :D

    Dr. Lee: Here's the link to a big, quick & ugly pic of my settings:
    If something's not clear, PM me :)
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    The video really shows them off well.
    Keep up the great work.

    thanks :D
    tadz wrote: »
    lol Damn that means i need to get all my new greebles and put them in the newish Severus mesh lol

    lol if you send me the version you have I will update it for you with the stuff I have added if I can get around to it :lol:
    boberth2o wrote: »
    Those cannons are gigantic! lol

    Seriously those are cannons right? I suspose that they would be able to take a ship out in 3-5 shots like the ori main weapon.

    yes those are cannons :D :D they shoot a round that is 7 meters wide and 10 meters long, has a capacity of 50 rounds per cannon. the shells are powerd by an experamental magnetic system that is capable of fireing them at highspeed with a short reload time that also has little to no recoil. the shells are also equepped with a hyperspace feild gen onboard with a limited power supply that will only last 20 seconds so if ya arent close enough it will take afew rounds to get throu the sheild of a vessel. if you were in a close enough range to an Ori mothership to be able to use the HDFG (hyperspace feild generator) then it would take 2-6 shots to destroy it depending on how good your aim is :lol: other wise it would take around 10-15 to get throu the sheilds then destroy it.

    sorry for my little rant :lol: and thank you all for the compliments :)

    Regards Jesh
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    A small update on the gate.

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