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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Hiya all!!!

    well in response to freeks post back on page 384 i have moved into my new house. reason why I have not posted in a loonngg time is cause I dont have the net yet and as far as work on my ship goes I have started on paneling will post pi8cs when i get some time to render and get back on the net again. well not sure when I will be getting back on here so will cya all around.

    Regards Jesh

    and freek... thank you for thinking of us all as familly it makes me feel good you feel that way about us :)
  • Long time no see Scootes. Hope everythings going a-okay for you :) :cool:
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    That's from the leaked copy isn't it?

    man am i p*ssed about this leak

    oh yeah, looks like some of us will have to use the "SPOILER" notices now!! *hint hint!!* :fishslap:

    Oh,*runs for door* I'll get back to those one day!!! :shiner:
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    What spoilers? I think we all knew that the Odyssey was going through the Supergate :rolleyes:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Choo means in general on the spoilers from the Illegal copy of the movie (That was incidently taken on a DV cam from the Cast and Crews private screening, Which means someone trusted in the movie's crew is the source).

    I'm considering leaving Gateworld forums, till i get the DVD, due to the number of Noobs that are blatantly talking about the movie in areas that have nothing to do with the movie....
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Now that Christmas is over I can get things going again.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    As I said on MSN, great work RJB.

    Something else RJB and I were talking about on MSN was an idea he had after someone mentioned trying to get our ships together in one scene. The problems (as stated at the time) are that we'd struggle to get all our ships in one scene and actually able to see them all properly and also that we use different applications. But RJB did have the idea that we could at least try and get images of everybody's ships in one place by putting them all on a site. The original idea was an actual website but I suggested an online gallery using software similar to the one that's used on here (only cheaper lol). The advantages to this are that I or someone else doesn't have to go to the trouble of designing and building a full site from scratch, the software can just be uploaded and installed and ready to go, and also it means you guys could all register and upload your own images whenever you feel like it.

    I've installed a demo gallery here so you can take a look at the sort of thing we could end up with. You're welcome to register if you want to but just to warn you this isn't where the final gallery will be, so anything you do now you'd have to do again if you wanted to keep it. I'd like anybody who's actually interested in this idea to put their hands up. Obviously it won't cost anything, I'm putting it on webspace that I already own and have plenty of spare. But there won't be much point me going ahead with it if nobody's interested in using it. So just let me know either way.

    Now, on a side note I mentioned a while ago that I was working on a Tau'ri supergate. Attached is what I have so far (to be honest most of my time was spent trying to get a decent looking EH effect for the supergate, quite frankly using the normal sized one just looked stupid). C&C as always
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Choo means in general on the spoilers from the Illegal copy of the movie (That was incidently taken on a DV cam from the Cast and Crews private screening, Which means someone trusted in the movie's crew is the source).

    Well it's pretty good quality, and dead on, so the only way it could be from a dv cam is if they let a camera sit in front of the screen with everyone else accepting that...(What i mean is that it's not exactly a camera hidden in a hat or a briefcase or something...).
  • ElitenovaElitenova0 Posts: 0Member
    Maybe it's me, but have anyone thought about building a system size stargate so that solar system can enter?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    i can't really think how many problems that would have. for a start the supergate itself is already powered by a black hole, god knows what it would take to power a planetary sized gate, plus the building of the gate, not to mention the whole why would they want to move an entire solar system?
  • Nice idea scorpius, I wouldn't mind signing up although I'll do that when you finalize everything. Also nice supergate but isn't there to much space between each segment? And shouldn't the Earth supergate be able to separate into each segment that makes it up as well, since it would help make it portable in a way even though it is powered by a blackhole.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Another thing me and scorpius talked about is making some standard backgrounds that can be used to create a uniformed look for the fleet.

    Also the best plus to this is we don't have to search pages of posts to find shots of a persons ship.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Well I had suggested a long way back getting a fleet render done up but you guys just keep pumping them out! I can't see any single render doing justice to what you guys have amassed so far.
    A series of pics like you are saying on standardized backdrops/templates would look very nice.
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    Great work on the Phoenix RJB, its coming alone well.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    love the idea Scorp and RJB also loving the phoenix, ok Some updates to the Severus :D finally i felt that i could work on the Severus without getting yelled at By Choo and Scootes for making big mistakes on it, well were about to find out... Hope you all like if not its easy fixed ;)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Nice idea scorpius, I wouldn't mind signing up although I'll do that when you finalize everything. Also nice supergate but isn't there to much space between each segment? And shouldn't the Earth supergate be able to separate into each segment that makes it up as well, since it would help make it portable in a way even though it is powered by a blackhole.

    Well I did think about that after posting it, but the theory is that supergates would be constructed at various key points throughout the galaxy to easily transport fleets from place to place. Obviously we wouldn't be able to put these gates in too many places, but just enough to severely cut down hyperspace travel time. Also I thought that maybe because the Ori sort of created their's in a bit of a rush, they may not have had time to come up with an easier to find power source for the gate. Also take into account that these gates would only be going within the galaxy, so these ones may not need quite the same sort of power. There might be a single gate powered by a black hole that would be designed to travel to Pegasus for example, then of course there'd be another one in Pegasus powered by a black hole that would be able to send them to the Milky Way.
    RJB wrote: »
    Another thing me and scorpius talked about is making some standard backgrounds that can be used to create a uniformed look for the fleet.

    Also the best plus to this is we don't have to search pages of posts to find shots of a persons ship.

    Ah yes forgot to mention that. I was thinking something quite simple, maybe with a CASF (Calling All Stargate Fans for those that still can't remember what that stands for lol) logo that we can all help to create.
    tadz wrote: »
    love the idea Scorp and RJB also loving the phoenix, ok Some updates to the Severus :D finally i felt that i could work on the Severus without getting yelled at By Choo and Scootes for making big mistakes on it, well were about to find out... Hope you all like if not its easy fixed ;)

    Looking good to me tadz. I'll take a look at the actual model when I get a chance to today.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    of course there'd be another one in Pegasus powered by a black hole that would be able to send them to the Milky Way.

    Am i the only one who sees the flaw in that plan?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Probably :D lol
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I must admit you might have to spell this one out for me Bar lol
  • peragrinperagrin0 Posts: 0Member
    The only problem tat I see is that Carter has specificly stated that the supergate is designed to only connect to extra-galacticly. For what your thinking you need a midsized spacegate alaStargate Horizon/ that Fan ficition series(near 70 episodes so far) have a series of spacegates, smaller than super gates but large enough for DSC-304 to fit, but not quite big enough for a Ha'tak.

    Other than I do like the look of the supergate. the wraith would love one of those.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well when she said that she was referring to the Ori supergate, and of course their one was designed to get their ships from their home galaxy to the Milky Way, simple as that. But as far as I can remember they never explained why it would only connect to another galaxy. It could be that the control crystal was designed to only allow extra-galactic connections.

    I do, however, like the idea of a smaller gate designed to allow 304 sized ships to travel through. Although I think I'd still make it larger than that. I mean, the Ori ships are massive compared to both 304s and Ha'taks, I think a gate allowing ships of a comparable size to either of those would still be quite a bit smaller than the Ori supergate.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Ah yes forgot to mention that. I was thinking something quite simple, maybe with a CASF (Calling All Stargate Fans for those that still can't remember what that stands for lol) logo that we can all help to create.
    Now we can have an in thread logo contest. lol. :)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    oooo now you've said it, it has to be done lol. Alright come on guys, let's see what you can come up with!
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    oooo now you've said it, it has to be done lol. Alright come on guys, let's see what you can come up with!
    You think it should have a deadline of some kind or just wait for now and see who want to take part and work from there?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    i think just wait for now, then if/when we get a few designs here we'll give everyone another week or something to enter
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Personally i think anything like that should wait a week for all the festivities to finish...

    I'm up for it though
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Personally i think anything like that should wait a week for all the festivities to finish...

    I'm up for it though
    And that would give us time to gauge the interest people have in this idea.

    It's nice to finally get something going that we can do as a group.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    agreed. also because of this being the christmas period some people won't probably be as active on here as they might otherwise be. so we can give them a while to see what they can come up with and let us know whether they like the idea or not.

    Also I had another thought. If you contribute to this thread in other ways (off the top of my head I'm thinking about Bar here) as in not with 3d modelling but physical modelling or anything else, we can have dedicated categories in the gallery for you as well, so hopefully nobody will feel left out.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Also I had another thought. If you contribute to this thread in other ways (off the top of my head I'm thinking about Bar here) as in not with 3d modelling but physical modelling or anything else, we can have dedicated categories in the gallery for you as well, so hopefully nobody will feel left out.
    I agree with that. No one should be left out and I know thereA’s great 2d drawings, physical models (Bar) and the 3d work the rest of us have been making.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    @ RJB, Scorpius

    I like those ideas ( the making of a logo and of the site or gallery) also would like to offer the services of one of my friends here he is currently goin g to school for computer programing and has asked me several times if I knew someone who needed a website he will do it for free I could ask him if you two wish. also about your problem with the differnt programm issue I do have a program that will open up .lwo files and convert them into .max format and it does so with no errors I have tested it with RJB's Excalibur mesh that he sent me. the program can also convert .max to .lwo I just dont have the plugin to make it able to open max files :( and one last problem I cant remember what the name of the program was called :(


    you are doing a good job with the pheonix it is a very beutifal ship :thumb:


    very nice job on the serverus dont worrie I am not mad at you for it :lol: its kinda funny last night I opend up the serverus and started paneling the bays and the upeer section of it aswell will post pics if I can remember to bring my flash drive to the place I accsecce the net from lol

    @ Everyone :lol:

    I also opend up one of my ships last night the "Hillary" BC-406-01, I did some paneling on it aswell yet again will post pics when I can, will most likely be tommarrow that I will be able to. tonight I will open up "Hammond" CVF-308-04 ( its 04 at the end cause it has been rebuilt 4 times) I havent changed anything major sence last time I posted pics of her on here but will as soon as I can :)

    Regards Jesh
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scootes wrote: »
    @ RJB, Scorpius

    I like those ideas ( the making of a logo and of the site or gallery) also would like to offer the services of one of my friends here he is currently goin g to school for computer programing and has asked me several times if I knew someone who needed a website he will do it for free I could ask him if you two wish. also about your problem with the differnt programm issue I do have a program that will open up .lwo files and convert them into .max format and it does so with no errors I have tested it with RJB's Excalibur mesh that he sent me. the program can also convert .max to .lwo I just dont have the plugin to make it able to open max files :( and one last problem I cant remember what the name of the program was called :(
    Well the web space is Scorpius's so any final decision is his but a website for free with none of the work is a hard deal to turn down.
This discussion has been closed.