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  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well I have already built a Starbase. As usual for me it's not finished lol. But this whole thing went quite a bit further than what I'd originally thought of. The Asgard beam isn't able to beam things from one place to another without first beaming it to the ship, that's why I came up with the planetary gate networks. It was going to be a completely independant system to the Stargates, not connected in any way, and worked on a similar principle to the Aschen transporters. I think for my purposes I'll stick with this system, the whole multiple stargates on planets, matterstream queues thing is getting a little too complicated for my liking lol. Advantages to this system over, say, a network of satellites in orbit is that any required maintenance would be a lot easier as the gates are on the ground, whereas the satellites obviously are in space and would possibly require E.V.A.s to do the same job. I dunno, maybe the surface gates are just a crap idea, it just gives me an excuse to design some completely different gates and possibly use my simplistic gate design.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    The Asgard beam isn't able to beam things from one place to another without first beaming it to the ship

    Thats a good point which I never thought of, when Deadelus beamed Ford up in Siege III they beamed him to the ship before beaming him to Atlantis
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    starburst wrote: »
    Thats a good point which I never thought of, when Deadelus beamed Ford up in Siege III they beamed him to the ship before beaming him to Atlantis

    Yup exactly. And I think in the episode "Covenant" where Alex Colson threatens to reveal to the world about the battle over antarctica and everything else he knows, somebody states to Colson that he was beamed to the SGC...well, that he was beamed up and then down to the SGC. So that's why I figured maybe a planet based transportation system would be more efficient. If you had the satellite based system you'd still need some sort of equipment on the ground to activate it, whereas if you have the planet based system then you just have the ground based equipment and nothing else.
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    Ring transporters would be better than transporter beam. If you have network or satelites to redirect the matter stream around the planet to a destination on the other side.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah but again it requires the use of satellites, which is basically what I was trying to avoid.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone checked out the Mesh Download area? a 'col_dilian' has uploaded a F-302, DSC-304 & Prommie meshes.....

    And they are awesome, not sure how to scale them to fit my stuff, but still Awesome.
  • <ORI><ORI>0 Posts: 0Member
    actually using transporters would be easier, take the transporter closets on atlantis for example, just on a grander scale, the world. a screen at the back, pick ur continent, country town and ur done, would be able to get to ur location with better accuracy, as the closets take up less room, u could put loads of them everywhere!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    [WARNING - Slight spoiler for Atlantis Season 3/4]

    Ah, now that I can't argue with. Using those transporters would be much easier and much more efficient. I'm not sure how they supposedly work, but it's obviously nothing to do with satellites because they would have found them, and since the city has moved planets it must be a feature of the city itself. I must admit I hadn't even remotely thought about that but I think it's a great idea. I might have a play about with that idea sometime today and see if I can come up with anything.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    How would you get around the old 'Line of sight' problem? The only way i can see is if you bounce the transporting data off a satellite and back down to the destination beyond the horizon
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    What about using something like mobile phone towers to relay the matter stream
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I was going to suggest that. They've never shown even remotely how the transporters throughout Atlantis work, they've never shown a matter stream like the Asgard beams or the rings, maybe it doesn't even require line of sight.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    It would be conceivable that the transporter does not require a direct line of sight to the target...after it dematerialises the cargo/person, it is surely possible to send that data by less advanced measn than an egery beam. It would probably be more efficient as well because you can use a transporter near the desired location to rematerialise you instead of the one the transfer originated from.

    Anyway, it's christmas and I think we have other stuff to worry about :P
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    the canon of SG1 never stated Asgard beams need line of sight.
    If they did, how would they beam you from inside a building up to orbit?
    I always got the impression Asgard beams were very much like the transporter from ST.
    There was a beaming RANGE, but not a limit to what they could beam THROUGH.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    That's a fair point. The only thing we can be sure of is that it can't beam anything or anyone from one place to another without first beaming it/them to the ship.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    That's a fair point. The only thing we can be sure of is that it can't beam anything or anyone from one place to another without first beaming it/them to the ship.
    BUT... The wierd thing is that the ship can beam you from wherever you are to ANY POINT OF THE SHIP...
    We have never seen a transporter pad, or equivalent. In the episode where Teal'c is beamed into the Beliskner from just outside the hull, he is beamed into the corridor. There was no evidence of O'Niell having to go to the "transporter room" to get Teal'c...
    Isn't THAT a conundrum...
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    An updated wip

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    looking great boberth.
    Bar wrote: »
    BUT... The wierd thing is that the ship can beam you from wherever you are to ANY POINT OF THE SHIP...
    We have never seen a transporter pad, or equivalent. In the episode where Teal'c is beamed into the Beliskner from just outside the hull, he is beamed into the corridor. There was no evidence of O'Niell having to go to the "transporter room" to get Teal'c...
    Isn't THAT a conundrum...

    Hmm...very true. It seems once it's beamed you up it can place you anywhere within the ship. I guess we don't know enough about the Asgard tech to know why/how they can do that, other than it's just more convenient for the writers lol
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Very cool Boberth
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    The asgard transporters, i believe, are just basically sensor arrays, more or less mounted on the outside of the ship. There is no question that line of site does not play a role really, considering all the transporting crap they pulled ine past. Line of site would have resulted in pretty much all of the sg members dead by now. the whole sensor thing is the way they get around line of site and having a "transporter platform"
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    mJAstro wrote: »
    The asgard transporters, i believe, are just basically sensor arrays, more or less mounted on the outside of the ship. There is no question that line of site does not play a role really, considering all the transporting crap they pulled ine past. Line of site would have resulted in pretty much all of the sg members dead by now. the whole sensor thing is the way they get around line of site and having a "transporter platform"

    All I remember is they definitely have a scope. If you remember the season 3 finale "Nemesis" when they beam Teal'c into the ship after his E.V.A. Carter needed to wait until he was within the scope of the beam sensors. But that was I guess because he was too close to the ship without actually being inside it. They may well have explained it in the episode but I've had a bit of an SG overload, can't remember whether it was or not.

    Anyway, as a Christmas present to everone (it's the thought that counts right??) I rendered out an image of my gates as they stand at the moment. Since I posted the last images I've worked on texturing and detailing of the gates and I thought now's as good a time as any to post the updates. Let me know what you all think.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Love the EH effect... How'd you do it?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I'd surely tell you if I knew exactly what you meant by EH effect lol
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Event Horizon.:)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Me=Idiot lol, can't believe I didn't think of that. It's just a vray light material with the puddle texture used as the diffuse and opacity. I downloaded the texture from here as part of the conversion pack (I have e-mailed the modeller to double check it's alright to use that particular part of the model).

    Any comments on the gates themselves? Just to note to anybody who isn't aware, the gates obviously aren't supposed to be the canon ones so no comments about the accuracy lol
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    The "glyphs" on the right look a little dull. Mabey add some self illumination or you could also add an intense but narrow glow effect depending on the program you are using. If you really wanted them to look super good some sort of falloff map for the illumination would be nice. The chevons lighting looks too, lets say, uniform mabey? How are you lighting them? It looks like they are self illuminated, mabey will a small glow. A good way to get a nice effect for those, depending on how you modeled them and the program, is to use individual lights for each chevron. Change the hotspot (name for this depends on program?) and the falloff of the light to give it a more realistic lighting. For instance, this would make it brighter in the center and dull the light on the edges to make it appear to actually "light up." I can post an example if you want, I have my new setup on foundation3d I believe if you visit there. You can get some good results though if you do it right, Im still fine tuning mine. The poly count on my gate makes it hard to work on using my old laptop though :(

    @ dr lee: I can tell ya how to get an effect pretty darn close to that in max using procedurals and a direct light if you use it.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I'm using max and vray for this. The chevrons are something that change practically each render I make of this gate so you can really ignore those, I know at the moment they sorta look like cheap see through plastic and they're done by using a vray light material which is self illuminating but having the added advantage of emitting light without the need of adding lights. I will be messing around with lights and stuff for it and changing the textures until I get something a bit nicer to look at.

    The glyphs on the Milky Way gate are something I've never been too happy with. It seems the blue on the Pegasus gate is easy to achieve and looks good (at least to me anyway) but the orangey-red of the Milky Way not so much. Again, they're made with the vray light material which is self illuminating, it just isn't easy to tell that with the colour I've got it set to and at that distance. Again, hopefully I can improve those.

    Any comments about the gate itself? I'd like some suggestions on details I could add. I want to keep it separate from the canon gates but still obviously from Stargate if you see what I mean.

    Also I'm working on a tau'ri supergate as well, although I'm worried about saying that here as it'll most probably get people thinking about how we'd ever power one lol.
  • <ORI><ORI>0 Posts: 0Member
    well with the problem of asguard beaming tech havin to beam them to the ship first, use the same method u were plannin to use wiv the gate network, just keep them stored in a buffer, in the ships computer then redirect them, a satallite could easily pick up a person then bounce them wherever they needed to go, but as humans have the ancient database it would probably be easier for them to develope the lantean transporters rather than asguard, then no problem at all. and as they dont have a transmitter array that we know of and perhaps just a range u could set them up all over the planet, perhaps they can bounce signals off each other to get all over the planet? lika a lan network, just add another line to it
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    I thought this snip it from Ark of Truth looked cool. Don't worry it doesn't give anything away.

    YouTube - Stargate The Ark Of Truth Preview 1
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    That is cool. Looks like we'll be able to get some great new screenshots for reference of the 304s and the supergate, no doubt the ori ships and various other things as well. Really looking forward to this
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    That's from the leaked copy isn't it?

    man am i p*ssed about this leak
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