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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Looks good... Which end does the gate stand?
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    At the far end under the trapezoidial looking thing
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ok, been offline for a few days. Had a very serious hacking attack on me all last week and this week. Whoever it was is better than I am because they broke through my router's firewall, my software firewall, and my anti-virus program and anti-spyware program (ad-aware was worthless). All I know is that it came from either China or Korea. I'm not the only one either. It's been happening all over the place here. Even my father in NY got hit hard too, and his work too. Looks like they're going after anyone/thing with any serious amount of bandwidth or network. Haven't gotten everything re-installed, but I'm mostly up and running again. Takes a while when you have about 20 Gigs worth of programs to re-install. :mad: So, guys becareful, they're using tactics like imbedding program installers in videos on YouTube now, among other nasty new tricks. Thankfully, my other router was left completely alone, and most of my other computers are on that one. (I have all internet traffic ported to only my main comp, so maybe that's why.)

    Anyways, I'll be back to modelling as soon as I get back from Christmas. Take care everyone. DRIVE SAFELY!

    PS: I now have a Stargate themed skin for Winamp! It's actually pretty cool, working iris, DHD/GDO and even an event horizon with an active stargate. It's a little confusing where all the buttons are, but once you get used to it it should be fine.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    *Dives off to double check firewalls and virus stuff*

    Thanks for the heads up and Merry Christmas
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    For any one interested & just to make it clear ***MAJOR SPOILER WARNING***

    YouTube - SGA S4 "Be All My Sins Remember'd" MGM Promo

    It gives a little insight on the progress of the intergration of Asgard tech after Unending (well the weapons anyway)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    That is awesome always wanted to see 2 Daedalus class's put up a decent fight :D very, very bad news my house got flooded and we lost the floors to 3 rooms, renofations could take awhile so i dont no how long i will be gone from modeling
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Now I think the network would be divided up into continents and countries...I'm not sure whether to divide it up even more or whether each country would just have it's own gate, maybe larger countries would have more than 1. Maybe a single gate would cover a certain area, and if there's a larger area than that that needs to be covered then an additional gate would be put there. I'm not sure about all this bit yet though

    That makes perfect sense to me. If Earth scientists can reverse engineer the Gates, they could easily put in another dialling co-ordinate for the "Earth-Gate Sytem". Let me explain:
    You dial Earth from Atlantis. The Gate connects, and you appear in the "Arrivals lounge" of the International Gate Station. BUT. If you dialled another co-ordinate before the rest of the Earth address, you could routed to by-pass the international lounge, and sent instead to the gate in the Russian lounge, or the English lounge, or the US lounge. It would all be handled by the Gate software, and would be dependant on a verified security code.

    The lounges would still be high-security areas, but it would also mean that you could leave for another planet from France, or Australia without having to cross the planet to get to Cheyenne mountain(Or wherever they'd keep the gate when the Stargates went public).
    Does that seem reasonable to everyone?
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    So does that mean we could use more than one gate at the same time? Say the US gate dials Atlantis while at the same time Australia's gate dial say.... the Gamma site????
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    So does that mean we could use more than one gate at the same time? Say the US gate dials Atlantis while at the same time Australia's gate dial say.... the Gamma site????
    I seem to recall that that type of thing cannot happen, but in that case(A military priority trip to/from Atlantis), the Australian trip to the Gamma site would have to wait a minute or two(All gate trips planned well in advance like airport flights, would mean that each gate would have specific "departure slots").
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    Right. I just thought we could find away around that problem. Thou having multiple gates functioning at the same time would allow resources to move round alot quicker & keep the IOA countries of the USA's back for a while. Whether the IOA still exists in the specific time frame of course.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well, even though I've been having a Stargate marathon because of being ill for the past week, I can't actually think whether Carter ever said it was impossible to have multiple gates active on a planet. It was stated that the gate the Russian's had would override the SGC one simply because it had the DHD attached to it, they never mentioned what would have happened if both gates had had DHDs connected to them. The problem generally would be other gates not knowing which gate to connect to, but that problem would be solved using the "Earth-Gate-System" that Bar mentioned.

    I figure the military would have their own gate (probably in a facility specifically built for the Stargate and it's teams). In my timeline Earth has a proper joint military force, so one complex for everything. I like the departure lounge idea, Bar. I think there's quite a few specifics about all this we'd need to work out though, I hadn't even thought about the idea of having multiple actual Stargates on a single planet
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    Right. I just thought we could find away around that problem. Thou having multiple gates functioning at the same time would allow resources to move round alot quicker & keep the IOA countries of the USA's back for a while. Whether the IOA still exists in the specific time frame of course.

    Well i just thought of a way. It would all be networked through one large computer system(Which would keep tabs on if a gate was active at all times). You would dial the Chulak from the German gate as normal, and there may be a delay of a few minutes before the gate opens the wormhole. This would be because the Chinese gate was open to PF4 R56, and once it has closed down, then your gate gets the go-ahead to dial. The delay would always be less than a couple of minutes(And there would be a "Departure in xx Minutes" countdown on a large screen, so people would know the network was busy, and when to expect the gate to open).
    How about that?
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, that could work.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Well, even though I've been having a Stargate marathon because of being ill for the past week, I can't actually think whether Carter ever said it was impossible to have multiple gates active on a planet. It was stated that the gate the Russian's had would override the SGC one simply because it had the DHD attached to it, they never mentioned what would have happened if both gates had had DHDs connected to them. The problem generally would be other gates not knowing which gate to connect to, but that problem would be solved using the "Earth-Gate-System" that Bar mentioned.

    I figure the military would have their own gate (probably in a facility specifically built for the Stargate and it's teams). In my timeline Earth has a proper joint military force, so one complex for everything. I like the departure lounge idea, Bar. I think there's quite a few specifics about all this we'd need to work out though, I hadn't even thought about the idea of having multiple actual Stargates on a single planet

    Yes. Carter said only one gate could be THE gate for a planet(But in Earths case, the SGC with a computer versus the russian one with a DHD wad the overriding criteria).
    But if the SGC designed the new gate system using Asgard/Ancient know-how, i think they could come up with a planetary network which could still work.
    And the dedicated military system would be good too.
    And they would all have access to a planetary transporter system anyway(Like the Aaschen system on every streetcorner like a phone booth).
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    I just thought of something (everyone stand clear in case my head explodes). Would multiple wormholes from one point damage sub-space some how? Or could two or more of the matter streams intersect each other causing a problem? It could explain why there is only one gate on a planet.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    I just thought of something (everyone stand clear in case my head explodes). Would multiple wormholes from one point damage sub-space some how? Or could two or more of the matter streams intersect each other causing a problem? It could explain why there is only one gate on a planet.

    Dude. There's none of it REAL...
    It only damages subspace if WE say it does(Like if that was an important episode plot-point).
    It won't damage subspace. That's what the twin cyclic sub-ether magnaton generators on the gate are for...
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    :o Not real! :rolleyes:And here I was think it was. Aren't I red faced :lol: Any way I was thinking in the parameters of the Stargate Universe, were the impossible is possible.
  • CoolitCoolit0 Posts: 0Member
    anyone have ori ships? or the new ancient ship?
    -I have a previews of my stargate game in the 2d section-
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Wilson359 wrote: »
    :o Not real! :rolleyes:And here I was think it was. Aren't I red faced :lol: Any way I was thinking in the parameters of the Stargate Universe, were the impossible is possible.

    I know dude. I was just playin' wit'cha...
    You'd have to think the Ancients would have thought of that.
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah well the Ancient weren't as smart as we were led to believe. And yeah I know your were playin' with me I can just be a bit of a smart ass at times :D.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Hey, I just thought of something. Why base our "gates" on the stargate itself? Why not base it on the ring system? We've seen that they can be compatible. IE: In Beachhead, Vala jumped into the ring transporter but the blackhole sucked the matter stream in and plopped her into the Ori Galaxy, presumably to the nearest ring platform. And, we know that the Carter-McKay gate bridge uses a Macro to forward the people/info from one gate to another. So why not use a similar Macro to connect the Earth gates to the central Ancient gate that would serve as the hub for all off world travel? Would actually make things easier and more secure. Each earth gate around the globe would connect to a central earthgate, which would then be connected to the Ancient gate. When people need to go offworld, they dial the offworld address, and then their earth gate sends them to the central earth gate which then dials the offworld address and forwards the "matter stream" into the Ancient gate, then the people are reassembled by the offworld gate. Viola. Plus, doing it this way accomplishes a few important things:

    1.) Apparently the rings are less complex than the stargates themselves, so they should be easier to build and maintain.
    2.) We know the rings require less power than a stargate and our Naquadah generators can power the rings easily
    3.) security can be protected because only one stargate (ancient) could go on or off world and can be kept in a very secure location.
    4.) The military could be housed at the same site, so they could access the stargate as needed.
    5.) having all local earth gates connected to a central one would allow multiple nations to send people/cargo through continuously, allowing the ancient gate to be activated only once. Enabling resources to be pooled from different sources, without having the worries of wormhole conflict or scheduling.
    6.) It would also help create a transport system here on earth that cuts down on delays and difficulties in moving things around here on earth.
    7.) Having to power only one stargate is a LOt easier than multiple ones.
    8.) No stargate conflicts would exist.

    To get back on earth and to your desired location, all you would do is dial earth and a site specific Macro, telling earth's Ancient gate to forward you (the matter stream) to the central earthgate, which then sends you along your way to your desired location.

    Also, I would like to dub the earth gate system not as "stargates", but as Terragates. Thus avoiding confusion between the two systems and whether you mean the earth stargate or the earth made gates. So, hense forth, let them be known as Terragates. :D IE: the Paris, France Terragate, the Washington DC Terragate or the SGC Terragate, etc.

    I'm sure it could be worked out fairly easily, especially between the Ancient systems knowledge we have and the Asgard knowledge.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds great!
  • Coolit wrote: »
    anyone have ori ships? or the new ancient ship?

    Yeah i've got a couple of ideas...

    Freek: i dunno, i'm happier taking a plane or bus or car. Especially since Gates have the nasty suprise of f***ing up when the writers want them too!!! :lol:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I had an idea. During my SG marathon I've reached season 9 of SG1 and this morning I watched the episode "Prototype," which Khalek in. At the beginning of the episode Carter and her team travel to the planet they wanted to go to only to end up on a completely different one because of a piece of technology in that planet's DHD that stored the matter on the gate's buffer until a code could verify that they were supposed to go there. I was thinking we could adapt this technology to serve the purpose of our multiple gate network on Earth. It would work on the same principle, but I guess slightly in reverse. There would be a central gate on the planet, possibly the military one or an Atlantis style multinational one. Each other gate on the planet would have it's own code. So it would go something like this: an off world traveller (say someone who's been on holiday) who wants to go home to the England from...say P7J-989 (the Gamekeeper planet). He'd dial the normal Earth address, and then send the code for the England (I suppose using a GDO type device). He'd step through the gate and once his matterstream reached the central Earth gate, it would verify the code he sent and transmit him to the England gate. If no code is sent he ends up at the central gate, or maybe a separate "lobby" gate. In fact, as I'm typing this I think there should be a separate military gate which you'd need a different type of GDO to get in to, as it would be a restricted military area.

    I'm not sure about what happens if somebody else dials in at the same time, whether they'd be redirected to another Earth Gate (or Terragate, sounds a bit evil though lol) or they'd just not be able to dial in full stop. Personally I think if the gate in a particular area, say the England one, was in use then the central gate would automatically send the traveller or travellers to the lobby gate where they could use one of the gates i originally pitched (the ones like the Aschen transporters) to get to their intended destination. Anyway, that's my idea.
  • <ORI><ORI>0 Posts: 0Member
    well if more than one person dials and steps through they could simply be stored in the buffers, have like a queue system and they emerge when the ones ahead of them have materialised from the event horizon? buffers can store people as shown in episodes.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Yup I had thought about that. My theory is that once the off-world gate has sent the matter to the central earth gate, that connection is then terminated. The matter stays in the buffer of the central gate until the code is verified and the matter then sent on to the intended Earth Gate. Now, the problem is that once the off-world connection is terminated, another off-world gate could dial in and that, in normal circumstances, would reset the buffers ready to receive whatever is being sent through (as in when Teal'c got stuck in the buffer). I'm thinking that the central Earth gate could have a secondary buffer to receive anything in case an off-world connection is established before the previous matter stream is sent through to the required earth gate. I might have to do some sort of diagram for this cos it's getting complicated now lol
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    All this being a good idea, wouldnt it still be easier to use ring transporters or Asgard beaming tech?

    I can see at some point in the SG future them building an Earth starbase and be able to beam personnel around the planet, far too often have they used the excuse of their being no ships available to beam anyone to where they need to be.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I too can see a 'starbase' ... Hell i'm building one atm. But i can't see one spacestation being able to beam around the world. with the old Line of sight stuff (See ID4) we'd have to build three or so stations around the globe...

    Or have the base capable of movement in orbit.
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    The way I was thinking (and should have actually said) would be the Asgard beaming tech would be done by building a satalite or satalite network which would handle the beaming
  • MauimanMauiman0 Posts: 4Member
    Raises hand. Where do I sign up? Col O'Neal is too busy talking with Daniel Jackson and I don't want to bother him.
This discussion has been closed.