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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Oooooo, very nice freak:thumb:, any chance I can order a few thousand of each for my ships?:D

    Sure, you just need to fill out about 100 pages worth of forms, all in triplicate, no carbon copies please. :lol:

    I just figured, why not have something that would address some of the "issues" the current missiles have. I mean, they really do need something like that EGM-3 missile to use against the Wraith. Hmmm, a missile that has a rocket engine that would normally be considered too powerful for it, a specially hardened tip to punch through the Wraith's armor, and an extra little slap in the face with that DU slug that would be bouncing around the inside of a ship shredding things up. IE, Death from within. :D Heck, I'd toss donuts at them if it would confuse or harm them. :lol::lol:
  • freekzilla wrote: »
    Sure, you just need to fill out about 100 pages worth of forms, all in triplicate, no carbon copies please. :lol:

    I just figured, why not have something that would address some of the "issues" the current missiles have. I mean, they really do need something like that EGM-3 missile to use against the Wraith. Hmmm, a missile that has a rocket engine that would normally be considered too powerful for it, a specially hardened tip to punch through the Wraith's armor, and an extra little slap in the face with that DU slug that would be bouncing around the inside of a ship shredding things up. IE, Death from within. :D Heck, I'd toss donuts at them if it would confuse or harm them. :lol::lol:
    300 pages of forms!!?:eek::o:o.........*sigh*..where do I sign......:lol:
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    scaling pic:
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Hey cool. Where did the canopy go on my Dart?
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    mikala wrote: »
    Hey cool. Where did the canopy go on my Dart?

    duhhhhhh... idk
  • boberth2o wrote: »
    scaling pic:

    Cool:thumb: Where did you get the dart from?
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    Cool:thumb: Where did you get the dart from?

    Lantean_Canuck - The model is published on the foundation3D website, there are other models from stargate on there too. Oh. . . it's Mikala's

    Mikala - I believe that a turned down the tranparency on the cockpit glass for some reason.
    Hey how can you combine multiple layers into one model? I have been modeling the typhon and in two different layers and now that Im close to finishing it I want to combine them if possible. Do you know how to do it or is it even possible?
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    I take it you are modeling in Lightwave? If so you shift select the layer boxes and then scale. If you are scaling in Layout parent all the layers to a null and then scale only the null. The rest of the layers will follow.
    OOps to combine the layers there is a button I think it's called merge layers or flatten layers. What ever you do make sure you are happy with what you have or you will need to go in and manually separate the layers again.
    If you only want to take one of the layers into another I look to see what number my target layer is and then go in and copy the layer I want to move, then paste it into the target layer.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Oooooo, very nice freak:thumb:, any chance I can order a few thousand of each for my ships?:D

    Would you like the "Snakebite " model? I've converted it to 3ds format already. It is available to anyone who wants it. It's not perfect. It needs to be smoothed once it's imported. Nothing hard I imagine.
  • Sure I'll go for that one:) but what I'm really after is the Vulcan 1. Arm my ship with a few thousand of those and I don't have to worry about much opposition from any invading race:D. I want to make a test shot with which ever one I get but my 3ds Max doesn't have an explosion.......thingy..and you can't animate a ship with out an explosion now can you?:lol: So does anyone know where I can find one? I also checked the Foundation 3D site and omg the meshes they have are really cool! Too bad their in lightwave:(, meaning that I can't have them or use them:(:(:(. Also I've made the communication section of the array near the main bridge, unfortunately I have no idea of what to actually add around the section that holds the dish up:lol:. What do you think? And what could I add to it?

    Oh and on the image that showcases freakzilla's missiles I just noticed the "Top Secret Eyes Only" over layed on the image:lol: very nice touch:thumb:.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Update on the Fghter Bomber design...


    First time i've actually 'built' a full landing gear setup. the rear sets of wheels simply retract up into the main hull and the front set was originally going to do the same, but after a few checks they took up 2 much room inside.

    I'm also tempted to model the interior of this, but i might wait till the exterior is complete before i do that

    I've also renamed just about every ship i've designed (And canned one) ^This^ is now the FB-316. The Churchill is now a C-306 with the smaller cargo ship a C-307.... i won't list everyone as i'd be here all day.:lol:
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
    mikala wrote: »
    I take it you are modeling in Lightwave? If so you shift select the layer boxes and then scale. If you are scaling in Layout parent all the layers to a null and then scale only the null. The rest of the layers will follow.
    OOps to combine the layers there is a button I think it's called merge layers or flatten layers. What ever you do make sure you are happy with what you have or you will need to go in and manually separate the layers again.
    If you only want to take one of the layers into another I look to see what number my target layer is and then go in and copy the layer I want to move, then paste it into the target layer.

    Yeah im modeling in lightwave, thanks for the info i'll try it.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Sure I'll go for that one:) but what I'm really after is the Vulcan 1. Arm my ship with a few thousand of those and I don't have to worry about much opposition from any invading race:D. I want to make a test shot with which ever one I get but my 3ds Max doesn't have an explosion.......thingy..and you can't animate a ship with out an explosion now can you?:lol: So does anyone know where I can find one? I also checked the Foundation 3D site and omg the meshes they have are really cool! Too bad their in lightwave:(, meaning that I can't have them or use them:(:(:(. Also I've made the communication section of the array near the main bridge, unfortunately I have no idea of what to actually add around the section that holds the dish up:lol:. What do you think? And what could I add to it?

    Oh and on the image that showcases freakzilla's missiles I just noticed the "Top Secret Eyes Only" over layed on the image:lol: very nice touch:thumb:.

    RE: Explosions - If you don't have something to use for explosions in Max, or are not very good at it, there's another route you can take. There's a program called Particle Illusion. It's only 2d, but would suffice in a pinch. You'd just have to composite it in with a video editing program or FX program, something like Adobe After Effects or even Adobe Premiere can do it in a pinch. If you do it right, it will look respectable. You can "find" Particle Illusion around, and they have a web site, with a trial download as well I think.

    RE: the Top Secret: Eyes only thing. Thanks. Te he he. I thought that would make it a little better looking. Tried to make it look a bit like things I've seen on the net for real weapons. Thanks again.

    RE: Vulcan 1, it's zipped below as an attachment. You will need to resize the fins, (they are grouped so it should be VERY easy), then just align the 3 pieces (you will be able to move the fins foreward or back as you desire), and then maybe a little smoothing (should also be easy), then whatever texture you want. Viola. Done. Should take no more than 5 minutes, tops. It's in 3ds format so just about anyone should be able to use it.

    All I ask is, if you use it, please credit me for it, that's all. It is my first model released after all. Otherwise, use as you wish. :thumb: Have fun. Notice the lack of paperwork too. :lol:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Update on the Fghter Bomber design...


    First time i've actually 'built' a full landing gear setup. the rear sets of wheels simply retract up into the main hull and the front set was originally going to do the same, but after a few checks they took up 2 much room inside.

    I'm also tempted to model the interior of this, but i might wait till the exterior is complete before i do that

    I've also renamed just about every ship i've designed (And canned one) ^This^ is now the FB-316. The Churchill is now a C-306 with the smaller cargo ship a C-307.... i won't list everyone as i'd be here all day.:lol:

    I've always hated doing landing gears (which is why I usually don't bother!) but yours works well with the design though.

    Now then, I didn't post these when I said I would but I'm going to now. The first item is a Tau'ri puddle jumper (can't decide on puddle jumper or gateship at the moment). I showed early versions to choo who pointed out it seemed too big to go through the gate. Or rather, it would go through the gate but there'd be hardly any proper space for people inside, you'd get the pilot and co-pilot but that's about it. So for the first time I tried to properly scale one of my models and it turns out there's no plenty of space in there lol. Using a figure of 6.7m for the outside diameter for a standard gate i scaled the puddle jumper down and inside i have a group of figures, all standing at 2m tall, and they have headroom. There's not a hell of a lot of room either side of the jumper when it goes through a gate, but I decided it would have a sort of autopilot that would kick in when the jumper's DHD dials a gate and it gets close to the gate itself, so space wouldn't be an issue. The interior is obviously very basic at the moment, 6 seats in the front of the craft and benches either side at the back with enough space for around 10 people. My original plan was to have 3 versions of the jumper, 1 standard recon general use version with space for a team of 4 plus 2 passengers, a troop transport which I think this one will be, and a cargo 1 which would be similar to this one but with less seating, almost entirely storage space (therefore solving my need to create a tau'ri tel'tak), possibly slightly extended in comparison to this one.

    The second model I want to show is my version of a Stargate. I haven't really given much thought to the backstory of why there'd be a different version, but I figure sometime in the future the Earth gate might be destroyed and using knowledge from ancient database/asgard database/ possibly with help from the nox they're able to build a new one from scratch. Essentially it's the same as the normal ones except it'll be less decorative than the Ancient ones, the patterns all over it etc wouldn't be there, it would look generally more militaristic. One idea I had was that they could decide to replace the gates on colonies in the Pegasus galaxy (remember my timeframe is a fair few years in the future so we could have quite a few off world colonies in both the Milky Way and Pegasus by then). Why would they want to replace them? Well, the gates in the pegasus, while newer than the Milky Way ones, do have 1 real flaw, they can't be manually dialed. If certain episodes have proven nothing else, it's that being able to manually dial a gate can really help in a lot of situations. Also, if I remember rightly, the Atlantis gate is the only one able to recognise where the incoming gates are coming from, so I figure after studying the Atlantis gate they'd be able to work out a way to add that ability to the gates they build.

    Right, having written all that I realise how much bo**ocks I talk lol, but C&C welcome as always.

    [Gate pictures to follow in next post]
  • Having an 8-year old daughter really cuts into the modeling time :)

    I finally got back to the model and made a few changes:

    1) Grooves are gone for now. I'll put them back on when everything else is done.

    2) Hanger shape has changed. It's now more of an upside-down trapezoid.

    3) Hyperdrive towers cleaned up, and I added some curvature.

    4) The depressions near the front are where the drone ports are.

    5) The depressions in the middle are where the missile tubes are

    6) Those glowing blue lines on the main body and the wings are the point defense emitters. Basically the Asgard version of Phaser strips. It's kind of hard to see the shape in the renders.

    7) Textures have been thrown in the trash heap until I can devote some real time to them :D

    For some reason the mesh around the name on the side of the ship is messed up. It's really visible in the render. :(

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Gate Pics here
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    i lol'd at the positions of the ppl in your Jumper. I also like the anguylar style of it.

    And that gate... very miminalistic (Is it possible to get a copy of that gate once it's finished?)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    i lol'd at the positions of the ppl in your Jumper. I also like the anguylar style of it.

    like I said to choo a few minutes ago, you're lucky I posted the clean version :devil:

    Yeah he said I had way too much fun posing those guys. I don't even know why I did it to that extent lol, originally it was just to see whether they seemed alright while sat down, maybe i took it a little far lol.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    And that gate... very miminalistic (Is it possible to get a copy of that gate once it's finished?)

    Yeah that'll be no problem. No idea what I'm going to do as far as texturing this thing yet, but there will be some more details added as I think about it, it just won't look overall as decorative as the normal ones, more functional (hopefully!)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Clean Version? lol

    I'm tempted to ask for the uncleran one via PM just to see what ya did with the 'bipeds'
  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    The gate looks interesting, but perhaps too bulky on the tops of each chevron. Would there be a fundamental reason for why they stick out so much?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    no there isn't and that's one thing that's been bugging me about it. I'm thinking about starting it again, make it more streamlined, less bulky.

    And don't worry guys, there aren't any actual dirty versions of the jumper interior scene!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    And don't worry guys, there aren't any actual dirty versions of the jumper interior scene!

  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Great work Scorp love that gate and the jumper style ship looks good....Good news and badish news,
    good news:
    next year ill finally be doing something i have wanted to do for a long time "Parkour" pretty much its a martial arts for jumping.
    Bad news:
    this now means my day for modeling is gone, my sundays no longer excist due to work and Parkour training :( (this does not start to next year ), hopefully i can try free up my fridays and then everything is back to good, but thats also a maybe
  • Guys,

    Do the windows that I've added to the wing look okay? I plan on removing the light from some of them to make it a little more realistic.

  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    The windows look ok but i'm not sure about the blue around the edges....

    Spent the last couple of days working on something new (Of course:rolleyes:)


    It's a planetary defense station. Currently the only thing Earth has to defend itself is the Ancient outpost, however many F-302s are earth-based and whatever DSC-304 is in orbit. Not enough IMHO.

    The 'PDS' is equipped with the latest Naquadah generator, one Asgard Beam Weapon and a Asgard Shield. Able to spin on it's axis the PDS is linked to a network of PDS' that cover the face of the earth. The control hub for the entire network is based aboard the Station shown in the group shot below.

    (The station is looking to end up as the international Stargate command run by a coallition of countrues that belong to a Stargate agreement i've come up with in a fanfic i'm currently writing. The SGIC would be rund as a committee o9f the heads of each countries Stargate programs)

    (Well thats what i've come up with anyway:lol:)

    Here's a current inventory of all the ships i'm building ATM(It's a big image by the way)-


    I might need to reset that pic to show off soem of the smaller ships
  • Dr Lee wrote: »
    The windows look ok but i'm not sure about the blue around the edges....

    I'm not sure about the emitter strips either :D

    And I love the PDS. How many will it take to provide coverage for the entire planet?

  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    Why would it need goauld/asgard hybrid shields when the asgard technology was far superiour?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    you wouldn't....

    I've no idea why i put that in there:confused:

    Not sure how many it'll take to cover the Earth.....
  • harriswharrisw0 Posts: 0Member
    The design looks great. Just curious what the circular area is in the underside of the ship? It looks like a stargate. Is it a portable space gate that can be transported by ship to a remote location to make assault craft and personnel transport easier?
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