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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • mJAstromJAstro171 Posts: 0Member
    looking nice RJB, its unique look is refreshing yet still very stargate. I like it!
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    mikala wrote: »
    Nice to see you felt a bit better. She's a sleek vessel. I'm really enjoying these non canon or modified canon ships.
    Well I can't say that I really feel much better but my head does feel a bit less congested which helps when you try to make something.

    Well I'm glad your liking the designs. :)
  • Looks great RJB! And does anyone have any suggestions for my model?
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    @Lantean_Canuck: your model looks like a good start, one thing that I would suggest would be to add a bit more structure to the ventral side.. right now it seems a bit bare...
  • @Lantean_Canuck: your model looks like a good start, one thing that I would suggest would be to add a bit more structure to the ventral side.. right now it seems a bit bare...
    Ok but whats the ventral side? and I don't really know what to put on the outside of the ship, since I have no idea of what to make and I have the greeble modifier but I have no idea how to use it properly:help::help::help:
  • RJB what program are you using for that. i really want to make cool 3d model shiz :( the nearest i got to making stuff was DoGa art. (which is basically just lots of blocks u put together to make it look good rather than giving u complete freedom)
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Carach wrote: »
    RJB what program are you using for that. i really want to make cool 3d model shiz :( the nearest i got to making stuff was DoGa art. (which is basically just lots of blocks u put together to make it look good rather than giving u complete freedom)
    All my models are done in lightwave.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Got a bit more work done on my Tempest model so here is an update.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Gotta say I do like your take on the Stargate ships.
    Looks like you are getting back into it!
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Anyone know the rough size of a F-302? I'm hoping to re-start work on my carrier mesh but as i dunno the size of the -302s i can't build the fighter bays properly....

    beat a dead horse? lol jk

    estimates range from 14m to upwards of 24+m wide....

    a rough estimate me myself finds more convincing is 19m (roughly the size of a f-14, and the cockpit to wing ratio of f-14 vs f-302 imo is the closest match)

    i say build the 302 to 19m, if those 14m estimates are right etc, then hey you can just fit more in there right...., and if the 25m are right, then even the deadalus model is off imo (tried working a 25m f302 into a deadalus and the daedy would be way oversized imo)

    i think my carrier is basing it off of a 19m f-302
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Carach wrote: »
    RJB what program are you using for that. i really want to make cool 3d model shiz :( the nearest i got to making stuff was DoGa art. (which is basically just lots of blocks u put together to make it look good rather than giving u complete freedom)

    if you have no money, blender3d is the most powerfull 3d modeling program you can get for free and use full blown for free...

    if you have abit of cash, 3ds and lightwave are your best bet, i prefer lightwave in that case...

    or if you really want to there is always umm errr a different way to get programs for free.....just dont do it lol....

    no money, recommend blender3d (
    money, lightwave (
  • Here are a few views of what I've done so far. The new set of aurora style engines are mostly for back-up and for any emergancy situation where the ship needs to move fast. The set of cannons on the bottom are also back weapons incase the 2 forward beam cannons are dammged, destroyed or locked in position. In the second image scootes Hammond class ship has landed on the main deck:) and I don't know who made the Prometheus I have but scootes should know since I got it from him. What do you think so far? And remember this has to be able to go as smoothly as possible through water although that isn't the main focus.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Here is a new fleet scale chart of the Tau'ri ships I've made.
    (from left to right. USAF Excalibur, USAF Ares, USAF Deadalus, USAF Tempest.)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    :cool: Sweet!

    What isn't so sweet is the frack up that i've yet again had with my compy. It turns out 3D Max 9 let a trojan into the house wireless 'net network.

    (Well thats looking to be the most likely source right now)

    It caused me to lose access to the web from 2am monday morning to about 8pm tonight.

    Also, more annoyingly, i can't get 3D Max open. it appears on the taskbar as being open, and the 'Windows Task Manager', but it doesn't appear. When i try and right click on the taskbar icon i get zip appearing.....

    Anyone know what i should do? (the work is backed up btw *Phew*)
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Thanks for the pic. I had forgotten about a couple of those. You really need to get a few more renders of them in action.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    mikala wrote: »
    Thanks for the pic. I had forgotten about a couple of those. You really need to get a few more renders of them in action.
    Once I get my Tempest done I may give a fleet battle scene a try.
  • ah yes, i liked the biggest one a lot when i first saw that sometime ago.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Good luck with your system difficulties. Been there, done that.

    Love that big guy. Were any orthos done of it?
  • acook59acook590 Posts: 0Member
    god i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the tempest!
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Carach wrote: »
    ah yes, i liked the biggest one a lot when i first saw that sometime ago.
    Thank you.
    Elowan wrote: »
    Love that big guy. Were any orthos done of it?

    acook59 wrote: »
    god i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the tempest!
    lol Thank you. :)
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    THnx for those. She's a beaut!
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    that she is :D you did a great job on all of those ships RJB keep it up :thumb:

    lantean: you are doin good aswell cant wait to see more of your massive ship:lol:

    and the Hammond has been put on hold for now for reason of Wii lol... i am caught up in Meetroid 3 coruption at the moment but will try to pry my eyes from the TV on saturday and get somthing done on Hammond... my next project on it will be to redesign the main hull section, and i will post updates when i get somthin done

    Regards Jesh
  • Here are some updates on my carrier so far. The first image is what I'm thinking could be put onto the rest of the moduale connecters on the ship, I'm just not sure if thats an ok design but I'm not sure of what else to use in its place. The second and last images show how the ship looks from the top and bottom respectively. And the third one is the lighting set up I'm think of putting in place on the partionaly enclosed landing areas, unfortuantely the spot lights over shoot so can anyone help me with that? Because I want to illuminate the whole landing area, it looks pretty nice from my testing of the idea so I want it to work. Any comments would be nice, very nice. Oh and I have no idea about what type of cannon design to make and I really need help on that:help::help::help::help:! Oh and that reminds me, I'm gonna put some meshes I tried to make last year in the same scene and see if I can get the scale alright and I want to know what you think about them as well since they were my first few models, but thats next post.
  • ThunderBrushThunderBrush0 Posts: 0Member
    Now that is a fraking big ship lol and it looks great but just sumthing that bothers me (probably just me but) is that even on earth 303's and 304's dont require a run way dew to the enersial (sorry cant spell) dampeners so the size of this ship really isn't necessary and if i recall in an episode they put a price tag of a few billion dollars on a 304 and judging between season it took about a year n a half for the Russian 304 Korolev to be built so this ship would cost an enormous amount and would take many many years to be built, like by the time it was done the technology would need updating lol, but otherwise it is a fantastic ship.

    sorry im not trying to be negative... just pointing out something i was thinking while looking at your design.
  • Now that is a fraking big ship lol and it looks great but just sumthing that bothers me (probably just me but) is that even on earth 303's and 304's dont require a run way dew to the enersial (sorry cant spell) dampeners so the size of this ship really isn't necessary and if i recall in an episode they put a price tag of a few billion dollars on a 304 and judging between season it took about a year n a half for the Russian 304 Korolev to be built so this ship would cost an enormous amount and would take many many years to be built, like by the time it was done the technology would need updating lol, but otherwise it is a fantastic ship.

    sorry im not trying to be negative... just pointing out something i was thinking while looking at your design.
    True but your forgeting one thing.......I haven't posted the back story yet, nobody except for scootes has any idea about it (since he did help me think about it), so untill I post something on it, well there's no way to explain its reason for constuction. I'll put a back story about it after I finish making it.
  • Dr Lee wrote: »
    :cool: Sweet!

    What isn't so sweet is the frack up that i've yet again had with my compy. It turns out 3D Max 9 let a trojan into the house wireless 'net network.

    (Well thats looking to be the most likely source right now)

    It caused me to lose access to the web from 2am monday morning to about 8pm tonight.

    Also, more annoyingly, i can't get 3D Max open. it appears on the taskbar as being open, and the 'Windows Task Manager', but it doesn't appear. When i try and right click on the taskbar icon i get zip appearing.....

    Anyone know what i should do? (the work is backed up btw *Phew*)

    delete the program and go buy it? iunno? :devil:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Well it's working now... Hoipefully have a update later tonight, Though as it's my brothers 21st today i might be a bit busy celebrating
  • Here are some images of how my ship looks so far. Unfortunately I have no idea of what to add now since I still have no idea of what type of turret design to use although I still have to add the weapon system into moduales. What do you think so far? Any turret design suggestions would be very helpfull.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Not sure realy what to use as the normal railguns probably aren't big enough to be seen as more than dots on the surfaces..... What about trying a few different ideas and posting them here? You could get opinions and choose the best one of the lot.

    Finally got around to uploading my new renders into Photobucket....

    Just fiddling about with the Flat Mirror stuff....

    I have to admit that i've been raiding a few different SG threads on here for ideas on what kinda greebles to use....dunno if i should post credits for where i got the greeble ideas from or not.
  • Actually I want to use a rail gun design that I can just make at various sizes and configurations but I have no idea what they look like and there gonna be energy based turrets like the 4 large ones placed around the sides:). Just thought of it today on my way to and from work:D
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