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  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's dense cuz up till last night i didn't know of a better way (:rolleyes: @ myself)

    Hopefully the way i've been doing the panels on my latest ship is better.

    Simply i've been using splines to create the basic shape of each panel then extruding the Editable Poly'd surface. (The total poly count there includes the main body of the ship).

    Is that good way of keeping the polys down or is there a better way than that?:confused:
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    If those splines are with only a vertex at each corner, yes thats an efficient way. Now that you're doing it this way the base surface of your model doesnt need to have insane amounts of subdivisions.
    here's an example, but I think you know what I mean :)

  • JustinDixonJustinDixon0 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    It's dense cuz up till last night i didn't know of a better way (:rolleyes: @ myself)

    Hopefully the way i've been doing the panels on my latest ship is better.

    Simply i've been using splines to create the basic shape of each panel then extruding the Editable Poly'd surface. (The total poly count there includes the main body of the ship).

    Is that good way of keeping the polys down or is there a better way than that?:confused:

    heh, I used to do it that way too! I will tell you now though that it's not a very good way unless they are panels which stick out of the hull.
    What I would recommend doing is getting your basic model you want, converting to editable polygon, using the cut tool cut out the shapes you want (or quick slice, depending) then select the new edges created, bevel them (or chamfer) select the new polygons and extrude inwards using "Local". That'll give you a far more streamlined paneling method; it looks like the panels actually make up the hull. Far more efficient and realistic.

    Then you add the bigger panels quick are ontop of those. See the daedalus for a good example of this method.

    on a side note: you can also select the polygons AROUND the newly created groves and extrude THOSE all at once to get the same effect, however you need to be careful on that and you need to be sure you cover the WHOLE hull in grid lines before you do that or else it's not too much better than your spline method. Hope it helps! :D
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    ^Or what he said :D
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    interesting methods... all I do is make a butload of boxes and tac them on so to speak. all of my panels are all seperate from the body. I do it that way cause I realy suck with using editable poly and editable mesh... am getting better thou.

    Regards Jesh
  • scootes wrote: »
    interesting methods... all I do is make a butload of boxes and tac them on so to speak. all of my panels are all seperate from the body. I do it that way cause I realy suck with using editable poly and editable mesh... am getting better thou.

    hehe. thats what i do! But that was before i no good with the cut tool (check out Madkoifish's Panel Tutorial. Very helpful :thumb: )

    oh, and a little sneek peek at the "Cook Mark 2"


    I'll update the main thread soon ;)

    EDIT: Melak. Sleepy Hollow i take it? (avatar) :confused:
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Te he he, I guess Melak got tired of us being scared by his avatar. Though, this new one almost scares me as much. :eek: Te he he.

    Ok, got a comparisson for ya. First one is the Europa with Normal anti-aliasing. Second one is with Premium anti-aliasing in Bryce. You lose a little bit of the difference on here because they are compressed jpg's. The difference is more dramatic in uncompressed Tiff format. Also, I set the Premium AA to only about 25% of it max quality. Rays per pixel, 64 out of a max of 256; Ray depth of 6 (default is 4, unknown max); no depth of field effect; Gamma Correction and 48 bit dithering.

    Clearly, the texture gains the most in rendering at the higher AA. What do you guys think? Should I go back and re-render everything in the Premium AA, or just be happy with what I have with normal AA? Keep in mind, it quadruples the rendering time, atleast. The funny thing is, yet again, my AMD machine rendered it faster than my Intel machine. (1.8Ghz single core AMD w/512MB ram vs. 2.8Ghz single core Intel w/2GB ram.) Go AMD. It's a scrappy little machine, and holds it's own against the bigger dogs. :cool: By the way, what do you guys render in? I mean, what mode? Ray tracing, Color shaded, etc?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Here is an early texture test for my Daedalus.

    I still have a lot of tweaking to do on it and then running lights to add.

  • scootes wrote: »
    nice bridge work, looks good. might I suggest that with the next render that you change the background color to white and possibly put a spot light above pointing down... would make it easyer to see in my opinion. and do you use user or perspective to render? anywho... very nice work. by chance would you have any specs on your ship as in class, armament, if it will have fighters/ jumpers or not and how many? possibly a breif background storie on it? and what is its name and designation?
    Regards Jesh
    Wow, I'm glad you like it, especialy since I was messing around with it in animation class:). I just need to put a window for the bridge some where and I'm gonna make a smaller section for the second and third hangers. I render in the perspective view and I'll add a spot light as well. For the specs and back story, I'll make those up when the ship is in a almost whole state and on a new thread as well and I have no idea of what its designation should be.
  • RJB wrote: »
    Here is an early texture test for my Daedalus.

    I still have a lot of tweaking to do on it and then running lights to add.

    models great but the image host isnt if you want to know why go here the why link
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Here is an early texture test for my Daedalus.

    I still have a lot of tweaking to do on it and then running lights to add.


    The texture looks pretty good. Albeit a little "clean". Could use a slight bit more color variation between the regular sheet metal and the panels. Just a tiny bit more, maybe only 3-5% more difference. You've got the specularity down pat though. Truly stunning work.
  • RJB wrote: »
    Here is an early texture test for my Daedalus.

    I still have a lot of tweaking to do on it and then running lights to add.



    Real nice :)
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    It's very nice indeed. The Daedalus' registry is 02, though.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Bar wrote: »
    It's very nice indeed. The Daedalus' registry is 02, though.
    Time has been a bit limited for me for awhile so thatA’s what I get for rushing near the end. lol.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Time has been a bit limited for me for awhile so thatA’s what I get for rushing near the end. lol.

    I didn't mean to be picky.
    You don't face the problems i would if i had done the same! You just need to change it and re-render. I would have to sand mine down and re-decal it!
    Good work, though.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    choo I am realy liking that new versoin of de Cook. its looking much better than your first version, I like the new boxyness of it. Good work cant wait to see more of her:D

    RJB all I can say is wow... thats just amazing at the detail you put into that deadalus. and the refection underneith is just... WoW... very nice job cant wait to see more of your beutifal ships.

    Regards Jesh
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Time has been a bit limited for me for awhile so that’s what I get for rushing near the end. lol.

    Confucius says, "When you rush the rear, you only end up with your butt in trouble." :D:lol:

    Do you have to re-render the whole image to fix that? I was wondering because Bryce has a "plop" renderer that allows you to only render a selectable portion of your scene. That way if you make one little mistake, you don't have to re-render the entire image, just that small area you want to. It would be a really nice feature to have on those higher end programs, if they don't have one now. I made that same mistake with the Europa just recently. It had the British version of the SG-SFCom logo and the USS designation. Whoops! It should be something more like HMS or if it's under the IOA's pervue it would be something more like IOS. Hey, we all make mistakes. Every dog has his day.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Spending the day hiding from... i mean keeping out of the way of your little sister and her crazy sleepopver pals really helps in getting a lot of work done:lol:

    Spent the majority of that panelling the Frigate-

    The orange block will eventually be the nameplate for the ship.... once i get around to sorting out a name for this class of ships.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Bar wrote: »
    I didn't mean to be picky.
    You don't face the problems i would if i had done the same! You just need to change it and re-render. I would have to sand mine down and re-decal it!
    Good work, though.
    No offense taken and I get what you mean about the extra work on your part.

    On a side note I look forward to when you have your Daedalus model available, it's very tempting to buy one.

    Keep up your great work. :thumb:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    No offense taken and I get what you mean about the extra work on your part.

    On a side note I look forward to when you have your Daedalus model available, it's very tempting to buy one.

    Keep up your great work. :thumb:

    I will certainly post here when the model is released.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Choo: I like the yellow one, but the new one doesn't look bad either! ...yes, sleepy hollow
    (on a side note, why is everyone obsessed with my avatars :S)

    Freekzilla: I don't quite know how the antialiasing processes of Max and Bryce compare, but if they are anything alike then 64 Samples is an insane amount :eek:
    The most I've ever used was 16 samples, for a very small image...

    RJB: VERY nice, I can't wait till Bar's 304 get's available :D

    Dr. Lee: Nice, how's the polycount now? :p
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's looking good on the frigate... i've not gotten around to starting the re-panelling on the other yet so i don't have a number for them.

    Damn Melak...... How'd you get that picture of me first thing in the morning?

  • Cheers Scootes. and when you gonna update the Hammond a bit more???
    Melak wrote: »
    Choo: I like the yellow one, but the new one doesn't look bad either!

    um...the yellow one is the new one! I just got the credits mixed up :help: :lol:

    Bar: put me down for a Deadulus too! :thumb: Maybe two :cool:

    Dr Lee: BIGGER!! make the frigate BIGGER!! shes a spaceship after all! :devil:
    Right now she seems to be 1/4 the size of a present day firgate!
    Melak wrote: »
    ...yes, sleepy hollow
    (on a side note, why is everyone obsessed with my avatars :S)

    cause we have noting else to do in our sad piontless lives! :D
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee: BIGGER!! make the frigate BIGGER!! shes a spaceship after all!
    Right now she seems to be 1/4 the size of a present day frigate!

    As i'm too far into this to enlargen this i'm going tofinish this, then go off and try and find 'Dr Lee compatable' descriptions of a Frigate, Corvette, etc.:rolleyes:

    I admit i've always been a bit unsure about calling that a frigate.....

    Melak- The poly count on the... new ship:lol: is currently at 50,302. Though i have added more panelling to the nose since that last render.
  • Dr Lee wrote: »
    As i'm too far into this to enlargen this i'm going tofinish this, then go off and try and find 'Dr Lee compatable' descriptions of a Frigate, Corvette, etc.:rolleyes:

    I admit i've always been a bit unsure about calling that a frigate.....

    sorry Dr Lee, ididn't mean to be harsh :(

    maybe it could be a partol boat. Nice, powerful engine and some "light" armaments? just my 2 cents....
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It didn't seem harsh to me, in fact as i read that i could hear Peter DeLuise yelling 'Bigger!' from the 100th episode :lol:

    I guess it could be a long range patrol boat..... with the Archer being a short range patrol ship.

    *Strokes beard in thoughtful manner* (Man i need a .Gif for that :lol:)

    EDIT- Just checked up the WIKI blurb for 'Corvette'..... This could fall into that class.....
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Lol, I'm glad the yellow one is the new one, I like it a lot more...I was just afraid to tell you that I liked (what I thought was) the old one better than (what I thought was) the new one.

    Dr. Lee: Your ship could still fit the role of a frigate, if the criterion is firepower. I'm sure it's got more of that than the usual frigate on earth :p
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    Bar: put me down for a Deadulus too! :thumb: Maybe two :cool:

    It's not my department to take orders or do sales, but i will be making sure all of the folks here know when it becomes available.
    Another possible piece of good news. My "Hermes" class may be getting kitted. It was my original master for the Daedalus class, but it was too slender, so i got the master back.
    I have since given it to my friend Marco Sheloske in Germany, and he might be doing a limited release, depending on demand.
    Our own backstory for the Hermes class is that it is built by Germany using Asgard tech shared under the IOC agreements. It is meant to be a more nimble destroyer/courier vessel filling in a support role in the fleet.
    Here is what it looks like:

    And a few shots of it's size relative to the Daedalus i am building(Shown in the images is the second prototype hull i made before superdetailing the first one, shown above):




  • During writing synopsis of new Odyssey episodes, we made up an idea of story based on Crimson Tide, set on nuclear submarine. Finally, it emerged, that there is no equivalent of real-world submarine tactics in Stargate universe. I mean, cloaked Al-kesh equipted by some gadget do destabilize hyperdrive should be very like German submarine attacking convoy, but what about nuclear submarines near enemy shores.

    So I made Valkyrie. It's supposed to be purely NID ship, based on Al-kesh design. It's created to surveillance missions and black-ops mission (could fit better to supporting SG teams, which was Odyssey's job on SG-1), but the main purpose of Valkyrie is long-therm mission near enemy main planets. Valkyrie could be armed by few Horizons, minimum PD, minimum crew and if something has happed to Earth and crew get order, it will fire Horizont against planet. Well, yeah, it's purposely touch of MAD doctrine and cold war.

    As for small crew, Valkyrie cocpit is also escape pod - Earth made jumper. So if ship is destroyed, crew could escape and wait for rescue or try to escape via stargate.

  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    It's a fine design in it's own right, but it doesn't scream "Stargate" to me. It looks more like something out of Star Trek, if i am being totally honest.
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