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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    wow very nice job everyone. especaily you Bar, I cant wait to get my hands on one of your prommie, deady, and 302's.

    and this one is for Freek...
    I also prefer the steped nose. it just seemed to add more charactor... in a good way thou:D

    Eagle, you did an extreamly good job on that deady model. is it fineshed or do you still have more to do?

    Choo, I like that new cook... what will she be serving for dinner? hahaha...ohh, that was a lame joke.:p

    and to that person that is making the 302 variant who's name escapes me at this current time... very nice job I cant wait to see more of it.

    and to all others who might care, I will be doin some work on Hammond here on saturday will hope to post the update that night

    Regards Jesh
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Wooo!!! I SOO want one of those when you finish them Bar!
  • Wow! Even more amazing! And the Prometheus is that small compared to the Daedalus? Now I really need a good Prometheus model. Keep up the great work:thumb:
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    been doing a little bit of stuff on the 306 tonight...


    The white box was deleted moments after i did the render, it was meant to be a large touchscreen computer (ALA the desk in The Island) but it doesn't work at the moment, but i might go back and redo it at a later date.

    One thing i've noticed is that when i rendered the second imaged the glass from the bridge windows came out clear, but when i rendered the first the front ones always came out as black:confused:
  • Impresive, but too blocky for my liking. Nice work.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Melak wrote: »
    Wooo!!! I SOO want one of those when you finish them Bar!

    Melak, your avatar picture really REALLY frightens me! *hides beneath the covers* :eek: *whispers* I'd like one of Bar's models too.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    yeah I have to agree with you there freek...

    and nice job on the 306 I like where its going
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr. Lee, i love that ship more and more with every image.
    Keep the pics coming!
    Wow! Even more amazing! And the Prometheus is that small compared to the Daedalus?

    When the Prometheus was first "unveiled", there was a lot of fan speculation as to the exact sizing but, eventually, it was narrowed down to under 300 metres, based on observation of the ship near to other objects. It is believeable that the ship is just ever so slightly smaller in length than a contemporary aircraft carrier.
    There are a few differing ideas as to exactly what size the Prometheus is meant to be, but i scaled mine to about 275 metres. It was a guess. Nothing more. I could totally be wrong, but i like the idea of the Prometheus being so little.
    I also found this image(I cannot recall where...):

  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone know what font they use for the wording on the 304 drivepods?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Anyone know what font they use for the wording on the 304 drivepods?

    I have no idea, but you might want to ask JC Minnick. He is building what i consider the definitive Daedalus over on Lwg3d.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I would if i was registered, I've been lurking on that site for a while now, but i don't see the point of registering on a lightwave forum as a 3D Max user.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I would if i was registered, I've been lurking on that site for a while now, but i don't see the point of registering on a lightwave forum as a 3D Max user.

    Dude, it doesn't cost you anything but a few minutes of your time.
    I have not got any 3d programs!!!
    I am still registered with many CG forums, strictly for reference purposes.
    Go on. Register, and ask him...
  • Bar wrote: »
    When the Prometheus was first "unveiled", there was a lot of fan speculation as to the exact sizing but, eventually, it was narrowed down to under 300 metres, based on observation of the ship near to other objects. It is believeable that the ship is just ever so slightly smaller in length than a contemporary aircraft carrier.
    There are a few differing ideas as to exactly what size the Prometheus is meant to be, but i scaled mine to about 275 metres. It was a guess. Nothing more. I could totally be wrong, but i like the idea of the Prometheus being so little.
    I also found this image(I cannot recall where...):

    With the front sticking that far down, how does it land? I thought the front section was flat at the bottom.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    With the front sticking that far down, how does it land? I thought the front section was flat at the bottom.
    Although that graphic is not quite correct in the shape of the front, the front end DOES stick down a bit lower than you might think...

  • Oh, I forgot about that backround.
  • Legolas25Legolas250 Posts: 0Member
    I originally did the picture above with the aircraft carrier for comparison... and have since done a couple of updated pics that I think are a lot more 'correct'.

    About the landing though, there's a simple answer: the rear landing legs are simply longer than the forward ones.
  • I just understand why they would make the front lower. Unless the front section could have been used to transport a large number of marines?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Got a little update to the Europa for you guys. Didn't get everything on my list of to do's done, but got some of them. Also have a small treat for you as well. (If you can consider it a treat. It's not a chocolate bon-bon after all.) :D I decided to render a "nebula" scene with the Europa while I was asleep last night.

    Here it is:

    The big news is I figured out a trick to get custom looking curves for things like piping. I was just playing around and tried something new, and viola, I was shocked. It actually looks good! I couldn't believe it. I've already got the technique down to make those soft, curved edges. The only problem is it's a royal pain in the butt to do it. So I reserve that for the small things as much as possible. But I am using it more and more often and in broader situations. It seems that with each model I make, I am putting in more and more detail. This little Europa model is already up to 15.6MB. I might just render some shots of those little details just to show you guys how much I've put into this little bugger. The rail guns alone have something like 75 parts to them, and they are just tini tiny elements on the ship. No interiors though. I hate doing interiors. Very tedious and you almost never see them. I'll put them in if I have to, but I'd much rather just pull the curtains. :lol: Anyways, what do you guys think so far? C&C?
  • looks great. but the antennas are killing me they are pointy as hell
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    wild-wing wrote: »
    looks great. but the antennas are killing me they are pointy as hell

    Obviously you've never seen a bra from the 1940's. :lol: I could put tassels on it if you like. :D:lol::D:lol::D:lol: I'm just playing with ya. I'm sorry, I'm just feeling really goofy right now for some reason. I feel like I could start one of those laughter attacks at any second.

    I can fix it so it doesn't look as pointy. They are antenna though, they should have/be a little pointy. I can easily fix that though. It's just about the width to length ratio.
  • yea ive seen some music vids that had pointy bras XD
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Will be posting some further updates later today. Me sleep now. ZzZzZzZzZz!
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    i wish i knew what sleep was lol, since thursday ive slept a total of 7hrs if that...but hey at any rate nice ship you got going there, reminds me of a gunboat type of role, looks like this size of ship will be the defacto in defending small outposts etc, like the work horse of the fleet
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    nice job on that ship freek. i cant wit to see more of it.

    here is a small update on the hammond for ya all. all C&C welcome as always

    Regards Jesh
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Was asked if I knew of any Jumper seat ref and ended up making this.
    Well not done but this is what I've got so far.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Those things sure look comfy...

    Good work Scootes. Are those Drone tubes?
  • mikala: Bit different (it needs nacelles!!! :D :p) but good modeling
    Bar wrote: »
    304 production.

    don't know about building the buggers in space ala: Star Trek.

    Thought Earth would of built the new ships underground, like the Prometheus. Especially since the Tokra have tunneling crystals ( they would of speed up the building of the Channel Tunnel i bet!!! hehe :lol: ) and you can keep it secret easier.

    Freek: great ship. :cool: although why have you got two huge doors next to each other? ;)

    Scootes: going strong mate :thumb:
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I think it'd be cool if they were to stock up on 304s...such beautiful ships :D

    Oh Bar, what do you think how much the 304 kit will cost once you make it?

    Mikala; nice work on the chair! I always thought they looked a bit unusual with their scattered cushions, but your modeling looks very nice!

    ...erm, what is it with you people getting scared of my avatar :confused:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Melak wrote: »
    Yeah I think it'd be cool if they were to stock up on 304s...such beautiful ships :D

    Oh Bar, what do you think how much the 304 kit will cost once you make it?

    Cost is not my department. The cost of a model is arrived upon by making molds(Which deteriorate with each individual casting taken from them), assessing the cost of the mold(Say it you get 30 castings per mold), so dividing the cost of the mold by 30, then the cost per casting of the amount of resin required, then add the cost of decals, packaging materials, boxes, box art, etc, and add a tiny amount to make it worth your while. Based on kit size(Using kits which would use a similar amount of resin), i will stick my neck out and say it will probably be a $50-60 kit, or thereabouts. It might be cheaper. Might be more expensive.
    It is totally dependent on the ease of casting, though.
    Sorry i cannot be more specific.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Good work Scootes. Are those Drone tubes?

    my idea was that they would be missle tubes with each one haveing 4-6 missles a peice, but today I was thinking that the back 4 of each side would be jumper bays. I do like the idea of haveing those as drone tubes thou... never thought of doing that. i think i will make those drone tubes, drones are lighter, smaller and do more damege than most missles, and the timeline i have would work for it aswell. good idea Bar thanx:thumb:

    and Melak... the reason I find that your av is just a tad scary is the fack of the look on his face to me looks like he is a scycho killer type of person:lol::D

    Regards Jesh
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