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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    gpdesigner wrote: »
    ** Off Topic **

    I was playing Tomb Raider today and I suddenly realized I had Lara running around risking her life for some Goa'uld crap . . . . :lol:

    I have a question, . . . did you guys think of coming up with your own standard scale? it may cut down on some of the issues . .

    if we did that, we would have to probably use the 302 as the standard scale, considering we see that the most, and as you can see, even that has isses jk..

    i honestly think its a good 19m wide or 17m, and using that, you can more than likely get any ship sized accurately....imo
  • al3d wrote: »
    huh!...guys..can't you read?

    he deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys

    Well..if you know the Daedy's dimensions, do you know any other ones? Like the Ha'taks and whatnot?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Well, I agree that using a standard scale could make it easier in some aspects. However, what that scale should be is the problem. I personally have based all of my stuff on a 450m Daedalus consistantly. I guess I might have to redo all the scales for everything I have. *bangs head on desk again*

    The real question is, what size does this make the Prommy if the Deddy is 740m long? UGH! I was so happy and content in my little world when the Deddy was around 450m long. *looking around for something to plug all the holes Al3d has poked in it* :help:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    we could use 740m as standard, but as stated even that seems abit long, but not horribly long, as a carrier is 333m long, and a pod looks about the size of a carrier in reality, just not as tall as one...

    i could say anything over 600m could be a good guesstimate, without stating this is fact, without having the actual scifi model in front of us kinda thing...

    freekzilla it shouldnt be to bad, your modeling program should have a bounding box around your ship, and with that just do simple conversion scaling to go from 450m to 600m+ (740m), with just typing in numbers and not actually touching your model ever...

    what size did you make your promie?
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Sooo... how bout them nicks:P

    change of subject:flippy:hehehe

    I have and will continue to use the deady at 450m-500m in length. it makes sence to me... dont ask me why it just does. I alos use the 302 at 17m wide. and if thats not right then my carrier will be screwed throughly cause I will have to do more than just scale up the ship to make it work.

    now can we get off of this argument? its making me have a headache. we have gone throu this manya time before and has ended in the same conclusion... the deady is around 450-500 meters. cant we just stick with that cause most all of us are using that anyway.

    Regards Jesh
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    Sooo... how bout them nicks:P

    change of subject:flippy:hehehe

    I have and will continue to use the deady at 450m-500m in length. it makes sence to me... dont ask me why it just does. I alos use the 302 at 17m wide. and if thats not right then my carrier will be screwed throughly cause I will have to do more than just scale up the ship to make it work.

    now can we get off of this argument? its making me have a headache. we have gone throu this manya time before and has ended in the same conclusion... the deady is around 450-500 meters. cant we just stick with that cause most all of us are using that anyway.

    Regards Jesh

    i know with the deady at 700m+ my carrier ends up being in the 5km range...

    with it at 500m its just 4km long....about half the length of a hive ship i would believe...

    heck with the nicks, my bills lost the game and a player today :(
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well i can say that my sizes were pure fan-based speculation. I am not perfect by any means. If Al3d has info i do not, i bow to his superior knowledge, and humbly apologise for any confusion which stemmed from me. I don't mind being wrong. It's always great to get the correct info.
    That means my Daedalus is incorrectly sized...
    Should i start again, i wonder?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    i know with the deady at 700m+ my carrier ends up being in the 5km range...

    with it at 500m its just 4km long....about half the length of a hive ship i would believe...

    heck with the nicks, my bills lost the game and a player today :(

    Being formerly from upstate NY myself, and therefore a Bills fan, sort of, why am I not suprised that the Bills lost? It's not like they lost 4 superbowls in a row or anything. Oh wait, they did. That alone convinced me to NEVER like that team again. But then again, I am pretty fed up with professional sports altogether. It seems that every pro athelete is nothing more than a greedy money grubbing cry baby rather than a sportsman. Far as I am concerned, pro atheletes are only 1 step about lawyers and politicians.

    Enough said on that subject.

    As far as scaling goes. I don't even have to go back and resize things in the modeling program, since it doesn't use standard feet or meters or anything else. It just uses numerical units. So really, all I have to do is re-figure what each one's dimensions and write them down. It's just tedious more than anything.
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Being formerly from upstate NY myself, and therefore a Bills fan, sort of, why am I not suprised that the Bills lost? It's not like they lost 4 superbowls in a row or anything. Oh wait, they did. That alone convinced me to NEVER like that team again. But then again, I am pretty fed up with professional sports altogether. It seems that every pro athelete is nothing more than a greedy money grubbing cry baby rather than a sportsman. Far as I am concerned, pro atheletes are only 1 step about lawyers and politicians.

    Enough said on that subject.

    As far as scaling goes. I don't even have to go back and resize things in the modeling program, since it doesn't use standard feet or meters or anything else. It just uses numerical units. So really, all I have to do is re-figure what each one's dimensions and write them down. It's just tedious more than anything.[/QUOTE

    yea i know what you mean, and then after what and how they treated doug floutie, who in all honesty was probably the best quarterback they had in awhile for that team, i kinda lost interest, plus out where i live i never catch their games, its all west coast dallas crap, live in NM here...

    but i was with them on their four consecutive losses and well ill be with them till i go senile
  • al3d wrote: »
    huh!...guys..can't you read?

    he deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys

    Thanks Al. :thumb:

    Now we know, can we stop going on about it? please? :(

    and Bar: come on mate. stop worrying about scale and finish those models already!!! :lol: ;) :p

    and on the subject of sport: Couple of English Sport teams won their games

    ... ... ... .....

    wo :p :rolleyes:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    you mean the english have sports? i thought they were gentlemens games not jk sadly i rather watch those than half of our pro sports as freek said, they are all over paid...there is only a few good ones in terms of people good, that i care for...

    yes bar lets see those models, and you too choo, wheres that sgc model you had??? i remember those bombdoors hehe
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well, if those figures that Al3d quoted are correct, then i'll have to start again...
    I am being paid to make a Daedalus in 1/2500, and the one i have now will scale out at 1/3500 using Al3d's new numbers.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Well, if those figures that Al3d quoted are correct, then i'll have to start again...
    I am being paid to make a Daedalus in 1/2500, and the one i have now will scale out at 1/3500 using Al3d's new numbers.

    ouch... that sux.

    I feel bad for ya Bar hope it dodnt take long to rebuild
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    I just think that with the kind of money being thrown around those movies/shows, and passion neccessary that they would at the very least, have the fortitude to avoid such inconsistancies. I'm a strong believer in if you are gonna do something and get paid to do something you thoroughly enjoy, you had better step up and and not just deliver but exceed expectations. And not just in certain things, but in every aspect from script to F/X to the final output. Perhaps, that inability or unwillingness to go that extra mile to deliver that piece of excellence is one reason why the SciFi genre is not taken seriously and poked fun of.

    Having written some of my own scripts, fan fic if you want to call it, I could never EVER leave so many details and aspects so vague and sloppy. But then again, maybe that's just my Type A personality speaking. :D I like to bring order to chaos. And no, I am not a Borg, despite having some steel and plastic replacement parts. And yes I do have trouble with airport metal detectors.

    Would it really be that much of an imposition to include some specs and such in the dialogue? *pulls out remaining hair and slams head onto desk*

    Dude, your post is spoken like someone who's never worked a day in his life in either movies or Sci Fi shows. UNfortunaly taking 6 months to write a fanflick script does'nt mean you know how it's done. try to remenber that the turnaround time for a show like stargate is INSANLY short, so like in anyjob, you do your best with time and money allowed.

    the fact that sci-fi is not taken seriously as you say as nothing to do with this. only geeks will start to analyse that kinda of stuff realy, this is were sci-fi gets most of it's critics. People or FANS that keep pocking to find issues are the one killing Sci-Fi and then wonder...HUM..what happen to my shows!?..well, you killed it.

    SO, if you like a show, just accept it as it is, instead of trying to cut it appart like some experiment to find every little issue with it
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    I guess I might have to redo all the scales for everything I have. *bangs head on desk again*

    That is a simple fix as far as the models concerned as all you will need to do is resize, provided the scaling isn't too far off.

    I guess you all are on the right track just keep doing what your doing. . .
    if you have been here before then this is just a reminder . .
    StarShip Dimensions
    and if you haven't I hope it helps . .
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    will all of you please stop your bickering!!... you are sounding like a couple of old women with the way you are arguing! the way I see it is that this thread was made to show off and spread your own work on any vehicle related to stargate, not to start arguing over what size your ship is. if you want to continue this little debate I would like to request that youi take it here so that this thread can go back to what it was made for, sharing stargate stuff that fans have designed and built.

    thank you.

    Regards Jesh
  • Dude, your post is spoken like someone who's never worked a day in his life in either movies or Sci Fi shows. UNfortunaly taking 6 months to write a fanflick script does'nt mean you know how it's done.
    People or FANS that keep pocking to find issues are the one killing Sci-Fi and then wonder...HUM..what happen to my shows!?..well, you killed it.
    Forgive me if I'm offensive, but how come other shows could avoid mistakes that stargates did or is doing right now?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    will all of you please stop your bickering!!... you are sounding like a couple of old women with the way you are arguing! the way I see it is that this thread was made to show off and spread your own work on any vehicle related to stargate, not to start arguing over what size your ship is. if you want to continue this little debate I would like to request that youi take it here so that this thread can go back to what it was made for, sharing stargate stuff that fans have designed and built.

    thank you.

    Regards Jesh

    Well said Jesh, couldn't agree more. There are far more important things in life than an argument about ship sizes and about discrepancies in ship sizes shown in stargate or any other programs.

    Personally I will continue to build my ships on the assumption that the Daedalus is closer to 450m than 700m, no matter what anybody says. I will build ships and I hope people like them, but if they say they like the design but the scaling is off or whatever then let's say I won't lose any sleep over it
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Forgive me if I'm offensive, but how come other shows could avoid mistakes that stargates did or is doing right now?

    huh!....Stargate in my experience if one of the shows that has the LEAST ****ed-up issues.
  • Is it!? You and I clearly have quite different views about this whole thing. Missing character development, missing character relationships, weird approach to cannoned technology and more. Sure, all of that can be argued and you can always says that another shows did worse. But even experienced gaters, at least in Europe, suppose that quality of SG is going down.
    And in addition, here it's OT.
  • Hey. I still think its good :D

    BTW: out of curiosity, Al3d, and, well anyone else who's been in the industry, how much time do the proffesionals usually get to design, build, texture and light a model for TV? :confused:
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    al3d wrote: »
    Dude, your post is spoken like someone who's never worked a day in his life in either movies or Sci Fi shows. UNfortunaly taking 6 months to write a fanflick script does'nt mean you know how it's done. try to remenber that the turnaround time for a show like stargate is INSANLY short, so like in anyjob, you do your best with time and money allowed.

    the fact that sci-fi is not taken seriously as you say as nothing to do with this. only geeks will start to analyse that kinda of stuff realy, this is were sci-fi gets most of it's critics. People or FANS that keep pocking to find issues are the one killing Sci-Fi and then wonder...HUM..what happen to my shows!?..well, you killed it.

    SO, if you like a show, just accept it as it is, instead of trying to cut it appart like some experiment to find every little issue with it

    Well, I have in fact worked with some TV production before, maybe not scifi or movies, but still television. So I do understand that turnaround time and money is very short. And no, taking 6 months is not the case. I only allowed myself the approximate time a real script writer would have to do an outline, first draft, revisions, rough final and final versions, just 30 days and in industry format (which was the most tedious part). Outline and first draft were done in just 3 days, the rest of the time was for fleshing it out, getting the timing and rhythm right, and making sure that there was enough for 44 minutes of material and cuts as needed.

    And calling fandom and critics who think about things being presented to them geeks is just plainly inflamitory. Blaming them for being intelligent and not just bowing and kissing the arse of the almighty is an arrogant attitude to take and is not well received by people one would hope to have as an audience. So pardon me for being a fan and loving the show and for wanting the show to excell to higher standards with each passing episode. It's human nature to hold things you love to a higher standard than the run of the mill things around it. Blaming the fans for a show's death is akin to blaming a restaurant patron for a chef's bad food. If that many people don't like the food they are being served, then maybe the problem is with the cooking not the patrons. Capiche? It's one thing for a fan who invests their time and effort in a show to be critical, and something completely different for someone who is uninvolved to put a blanket of disdain on it.

    I personally love the show, and will continue to champion it to the skeptical and unaware. I will also hope for it's continued success and growth and evolution. But I will not be a mindless drone just to appease TPTB so that there is something there. Nevertheless, I applaud the work that SG does, but that doesn't mean it is all perfection. Just as anything, it has it's ups and downs. I just hope they are as passionate and motivated about what they do as I am about what they put out. There's nothing wrong with wanting them to raise the bar a little each time. Doesn't need to be massive, just moving in the right direction.
  • less arguing more uber cool picz plz?! :D
  • Okay, I'm just going to show my latest work just so you people will stop chatterboxing.

    In photo 1, I did some work on the nose.

    In photo 2, I did some work on the bottom.

    In photos 3 and 4, I added side pods.

    I still don't know what I'm going to do with the tower.
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    Hey. I still think its good :D

    BTW: out of curiosity, Al3d, and, well anyone else who's been in the industry, how much time do the proffesionals usually get to design, build, texture and light a model for TV? :confused:

    once a season is started?..usually under a week.
  • under a week to do an uber detailed model? must drink lots of coffee?
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    For exemple, those were made all under a week. modeled and painted and riged if needed.

  • Sam Fisher: looks very neat.

    For the tower, how about a mix of Promey "Shoulder Pads" and the Aft Deck of the Deadulus? Might work in an interesting, and original, combination :D just my 2 cents. ;)

    Al: Damn! now i gotta pull my finger out of my @$$ and my head from the clouds. :lol:

    Thanks for the info, its a great help. :thumb:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    but remember, not one person does it have multiple people doing multiple things, ie one person is doing the rigging, while another person is grabbing orthos etc for texturing (mulitple people for this), another is modeling, if its a multistage model ie interior exterior, there is multiple people for that, then you have another person doing just lighting, another doing spfx, another doing sound, another doing animation...each putting in 10hr days, and usually if time is super crunch, they dont model the whole thing just parts that will be in the shot, and then finish the model later for another episode/shot...

    its not a one man operation by far, there is so many people working on just one ship, ie the daedalus, that people like you and me that have another job and kids etc, and do this as a hobbie will never get to that level. But then again its their job to be that good and our hobby to immitate that level of work...

    the city of atlantis was stated that it took some 3months to build light etc, and even then the entire city wasnt done, it was done over and over, in fact midway threw season two i believe, the city went from 2million polys to just over 1million pollys, because the crew is constantly modeling adjusting and retexturing everything...

    sometimes its faster to model a certain object instead of texture, then sometimes its the opposite, and some line down the road, there is a middle ground that sets the stage for the next few seasons...
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    but remember, not one person does it have multiple people doing multiple things, ie one person is doing the rigging, while another person is grabbing orthos etc for texturing (mulitple people for this), another is modeling, if its a multistage model ie interior exterior, there is multiple people for that, then you have another person doing just lighting, another doing spfx, another doing sound, another doing animation...each putting in 10hr days, and usually if time is super crunch, they dont model the whole thing just parts that will be in the shot, and then finish the model later for another episode/shot...

    its not a one man operation by far, there is so many people working on just one ship, ie the daedalus, that people like you and me that have another job and kids etc, and do this as a hobbie will never get to that level. But then again its their job to be that good and our hobby to immitate that level of work...

    the city of atlantis was stated that it took some 3months to build light etc, and even then the entire city wasnt done, it was done over and over, in fact midway threw season two i believe, the city went from 2million polys to just over 1million pollys, because the crew is constantly modeling adjusting and retexturing everything...

    sometimes its faster to model a certain object instead of texture, then sometimes its the opposite, and some line down the road, there is a middle ground that sets the stage for the next few seasons... way man. one man operation all the way. when i do a model, it's mine from A to Z. what you're talking about is when a show starts for the pilote for exemple.
This discussion has been closed.