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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Elowan wrote: »
    There's displacement mapping
    Well I'd also like to add that doing it as a model does give me the ability to adjust things on the fly which really does come in hand when your trying to get an certain look..
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Raynor- Something came throught my mind, so here is alpha schematics for space station build on few (six) 'midways'. I've called it Malta station, from Malta is an island, like Midway. The idea is that this is primary long therm exploration station build at unknown parts of space. First of them should be near Orilla, or what left of it, to retrieve as many technology from ex-planet as possible. Station is almost unarmed, but has shield generator and few jumpers or 302s.

    Curses and naughty words..... I have been beaten.

    I've had an idea in my head for a while now about connecting a number of the Midway modules in that kinda layout and i've done a quick frame for a module but i decided to leave it till i finish the 308 :(

    My idea had one module on it's end with four forming a square around it's base and a sixth, and larger one, acting as a hanger bay under the whole thing...kinda like this quick mockup i've just done
  • It could be cool to join stargate and jumper/hangar bay together into one module. Shield and Iris on stargate would be like airlock and as stargate usually would be inactive, jumpers could fly through out. However 302s are too large for Midway.
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    im trying to do a render, and i was wondering how long the orion ancient warship is...approximation is obviously ok
  • About 1800 m?
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    About 1800 m?

    hmmm the lead designer bruce was unofficially stated that a deadalus was just over 700m in length...

    i was thinking the orion would be at like 6000m, seeing as how it was unmentioned also by lead designers said that the raith hive ships were some 11000m in length
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    hmmm the lead designer bruce was unofficially stated that a deadalus was just over 700m in length...
    That cannot be believed.
    Those guys are specifically told to not give out info and, if they do, it's mis-information...
    I have sized the Daedalus based on the width of the F-302, which i know to be 26 metres across, and the Daedalus scales out at about 500 metres.
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    That cannot be believed.
    Those guys are specifically told to not give out info and, if they do, it's mis-information...
    I have sized the Daedalus based on the width of the F-302, which i know to be 26 metres across, and the Daedalus scales out at about 500 metres.

    not denying your specifications, was just re-irritating what bruce the lead designer said, cause all fan estimates are anywhere from 350m to 700+m for it...

    just asking where did you get the exact 26m across for the 302? cause a full unswept tomcat f-14 is only 19m which is the largest inservice fighter, is also a two seater, and from the images from stargate shows etc, a unswept f-14 appears to be larger than a x-302, which imo more closely resembles a f-15 in wing span

    just saying that at 26m wide, it would be over 27ft WIDER than a unswept f-14 tomcat, which has engines just as wide as the cockpit area, where the f-302's engins appear to be skinner than the cockpit, as well as the f-14's cockpit being a larger 2-man cockpit thand the f-302...
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    That cannot be believed.
    Those guys are specifically told to not give out info and, if they do, it's mis-information...

    And where did that information come from?
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    mikala wrote: »
    That cannot be believed.
    Those guys are specifically told to not give out info and, if they do, it's mis-information...

    And where did that information come from?

    fan based email from bruce the lead designer...

    he stated he was not able to give any exact dimensions, but a estimate of over 700m should suffice...ill link it here in a sec just had a power outage and now have to do a google again cause my history was wiped
  • ...i was wondering how long the orion ancient warship is...

    uh oh. :eek: i didn't start this OKAY!! *runs out door* :runs:
    (check elite wolverines leviathan thread )

    and remeber people: the ships are only as big as the writers need them to be! :D :lol:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    uh oh. :eek: i didn't start this OKAY!! *runs out door* :runs:
    (check elite wolverines leviathan thread )

    and remeber people: the ships are only as big as the writers need them to be! :D :lol:

    lol i know i know, i started it lol, just needed a ruff estimate but then it slowly goes down to references, inches feet etc etc...

    i was going to size the deadalus to my carrier, and use a estimated meter size of the daedalus to get my carrier size...and then size the auroa next to it lol...

    just converted the auroa mesh to a single blender mesh, and was going to render a simple pic etc

    but if a 302 is 29m wide (thats 27ft wider than a f-14), then the daedalus has to be in the order of 300m wide, from a scene i saw there were two 302's in the hanger strip with room to spare, making the hangar opening just under a football field wide, add two of those then, then the center sections, and 700m daedalus is not all that hard to believe, considering a football field is ~100m, without endzones...
  • a football field is ~100m, without endzones...

    AH! but what football are we talking of? American? Canadian? English (THE football) or even Australian!! :eek:

    see. can't be too careful. ;) :devil:

    Best idea would be too stick it at about 1km to 1.5km long and the Deady's at about 500m. Just 'cause there nice and round numbers that are easy to work with.

    my 2 cents :p
  • freekzilla wrote: »
    Ok, here is an update to the Europa. Does the front look better? What was it that you didn't like about it before?

    1.) redid the front, changed slope angle, added bottom piece
    2.) remodelled the back side pieces to better reflect the front section
    3.) added roof pieces to "common" rooms
    4.) added side struts to center hull section
    5.) added accent pieces to bottom of "common" room sections
    6.) added center divider to nose grill
    7.) added support structure underneath "common" rooms (unseen in image)

    Will be doing the following:
    A.) Windows to side of center hull - sparsely and random
    B.) More greebles to top center hull
    C.) greebles and a few windows to sides of center hull in depressed area
    D.) add "clamping" locations to the entrance doors so ramps can be secured

    I can't decide what to do to the slanted sections in the back sides. Any suggestions? Overall though, does it look better? And can you see the Prometheus influence at all? I've tried to have that influence while keeping it original at the same time. C&C?!?

    I didn't really like how it has the step things on the front. Not sure how else to explain that. But it looks better in the new one. Would still like to see a more Prometheus-like front.
  • mikala wrote: »
    That cannot be believed.
    Those guys are specifically told to not give out info and, if they do, it's mis-information...

    And where did that information come from?

    Me. xD I'm the dude y'all are talking about that was sent the email.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    I was referring to information being given as disinformation.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    not denying your specifications, was just re-irritating what bruce the lead designer said, cause all fan estimates are anywhere from 350m to 700+m for it...

    just asking where did you get the exact 26m across for the 302? cause a full unswept tomcat f-14 is only 19m which is the largest inservice fighter, is also a two seater, and from the images from stargate shows etc, a unswept f-14 appears to be larger than a x-302, which imo more closely resembles a f-15 in wing span

    just saying that at 26m wide, it would be over 27ft WIDER than a unswept f-14 tomcat, which has engines just as wide as the cockpit area, where the f-302's engins appear to be skinner than the cockpit, as well as the f-14's cockpit being a larger 2-man cockpit thand the f-302...

    Bruce Woloshyn's 700 meter length for the Daedalus has been proven to be incorrect beyond all reasonable doubt. If it was 700 meters or thereabouts, it would be nearly a half mile long, which would also make it nearly 1/3 of a mile wide. Sorry, but that's not true, can't be, not even close. Every single, with "Camalot" the exception, puts the Daedalus at between 400-500 meters, with most estimates being around 450 meters. My own estimate came to 457 meters not including that attenna thingy in the front. And just so that you know, Bruce has also said that Atlantis is only 1.5km in diameter. So if what he has said is to be believed, then the Daedalus is almost half the size of Atlantis. And I think you'll agree that it is impossible for that to be true. So, you can't use anything Bruce says as a basis for anything.

    I know what e-mail you are talking about from Bruce Woloshyn. I quoted it from ZakeD.

    Frankly, I think Bruce W. is just using an extra large shovel, if ya know what I mean. I mean, just look at all the discussions it has caused here and on other sites. And if people are talking about it, they're likely to watch just to get some sort of info as to the validity of the claim.

    Now, for the F-302 size discussion. I think Bar mispoke himself. Earlier in the thread he states a 17 meter wide size.

    The other thing is, the F-302 is wider than it is long. It's dimensions are actually very comparable to real life aircraft. Typically aircraft are longer than they are wider. The F-302 is just the opposite. A swept F-14 is 19.1m long and 11.58 wide. The F-302 is most likely 17 meters wide and 10 meters long, or very close to that size. I think it would be reasonable to give or take a meter from that size, but only 1. :)

    Also, I think it's a good idea, for the sake of the thread and all of our sanities, that we all work in a common scale. Everything I've done is based on a ~450 meter Daedalus, a ~17 meter wide F-302. In some ways, using a common accepted scale makes it easier to build things. We just can't rely on info from TPTB on this matter as they have been too inconsistant and unreasonable.

    Now, as for how big the Aurora/Orion class ships ares, well, no one really knows for sure. But I think it's safe to say between 1000m and 1800m. It is afterall, atleast twice the size of the Daedalus. That we know. Other than that, it's really anyones guess I think.
  • freekzilla wrote: »
    Bruce Woloshyn's 700 meter length for the Daedalus has been proven to be incorrect beyond all reasonable doubt. If it was 700 meters or thereabouts, it would be nearly a half mile long, which would also make it nearly 1/3 of a mile wide. Sorry, but that's not true, can't be, not even close. Every single, with "Camalot" the exception, puts the Daedalus at between 400-500 meters, with most estimates being around 450 meters. My own estimate came to 457 meters not including that attenna thingy in the front. And just so that you know, Bruce has also said that Atlantis is only 1.5km in diameter. So if what he has said is to be believed, then the Daedalus is almost half the size of Atlantis. And I think you'll agree that it is impossible for that to be true. So, you can't use anything Bruce says as a basis for anything.

    I know what e-mail you are talking about from Bruce Woloshyn. I quoted it from ZakeD.

    Frankly, I think Bruce W. is just using an extra large shovel, if ya know what I mean. I mean, just look at all the discussions it has caused here and on other sites. And if people are talking about it, they're likely to watch just to get some sort of info as to the validity of the claim.

    Now, for the F-302 size discussion. I think Bar mispoke himself. Earlier in the thread he states a 17 meter wide size.

    The other thing is, the F-302 is wider than it is long. It's dimensions are actually very comparable to real life aircraft. Typically aircraft are longer than they are wider. The F-302 is just the opposite. A swept F-14 is 19.1m long and 11.58 wide. The F-302 is most likely 17 meters wide and 10 meters long, or very close to that size. I think it would be reasonable to give or take a meter from that size, but only 1. :)

    Also, I think it's a good idea, for the sake of the thread and all of our sanities, that we all work in a common scale. Everything I've done is based on a ~450 meter Daedalus, a ~17 meter wide F-302. In some ways, using a common accepted scale makes it easier to build things. We just can't rely on info from TPTB on this matter as they have been too inconsistant and unreasonable.

    Now, as for how big the Aurora/Orion class ships ares, well, no one really knows for sure. But I think it's safe to say between 1000m and 1800m. It is afterall, atleast twice the size of the Daedalus. That we know. Other than that, it's really anyones guess I think.

    I'm sticking with the 700m figure as it is the closest thing we have to a cannon number and I trust it more than random people scalings, which I have seen range from 400 meters to over a kilometer. As for Aurora, according to the maker of the model, it is 1km.
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member, 317 ok, so the deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Bruce Woloshyn's 700 meter length for the Daedalus has been proven to be incorrect beyond all reasonable doubt. If it was 700 meters or thereabouts, it would be nearly a half mile long, which would also make it nearly 1/3 of a mile wide. Sorry, but that's not true, can't be, not even close. Every single, with "Camalot" the exception, puts the Daedalus at between 400-500 meters, with most estimates being around 450 meters. My own estimate came to 457 meters not including that attenna thingy in the front. And just so that you know, Bruce has also said that Atlantis is only 1.5km in diameter. So if what he has said is to be believed, then the Daedalus is almost half the size of Atlantis. And I think you'll agree that it is impossible for that to be true. So, you can't use anything Bruce says as a basis for anything.

    I know what e-mail you are talking about from Bruce Woloshyn. I quoted it from ZakeD.

    Frankly, I think Bruce W. is just using an extra large shovel, if ya know what I mean. I mean, just look at all the discussions it has caused here and on other sites. And if people are talking about it, they're likely to watch just to get some sort of info as to the validity of the claim.

    Now, for the F-302 size discussion. I think Bar mispoke himself. Earlier in the thread he states a 17 meter wide size.

    The other thing is, the F-302 is wider than it is long. It's dimensions are actually very comparable to real life aircraft. Typically aircraft are longer than they are wider. The F-302 is just the opposite. A swept F-14 is 19.1m long and 11.58 wide. The F-302 is most likely 17 meters wide and 10 meters long, or very close to that size. I think it would be reasonable to give or take a meter from that size, but only 1. :)

    Also, I think it's a good idea, for the sake of the thread and all of our sanities, that we all work in a common scale. Everything I've done is based on a ~450 meter Daedalus, a ~17 meter wide F-302. In some ways, using a common accepted scale makes it easier to build things. We just can't rely on info from TPTB on this matter as they have been too inconsistant and unreasonable.

    Now, as for how big the Aurora/Orion class ships ares, well, no one really knows for sure. But I think it's safe to say between 1000m and 1800m. It is afterall, atleast twice the size of the Daedalus. That we know. Other than that, it's really anyones guess I think.

    i can swallow a 17m 302, but not 29m 302...thats a wopping 30+ft wider than a unswept f-14 which is 64ft wide, at 29m thats ~95ft...

    my dilema was this...

    using the model downloaded from here the daedalus

    it came out to be scaled on my ship at 43.65bU (blender units) long

    43.65bU = 500m, using simple algebra conversion, and this as a constant

    the hangar opening was 5.3bU, 62m nothing wrong yet

    using that constant 29m, was 2.53bU

    theres the conflict, because another sight from pictures etc, estimated the entire hangar floor (inside) was 140ft wide (easy to swallow) and the hangar bay door at ~95ft wide, again easy to swallow

    but if 29m is right, then that means only one 302 can fit in the hangar opening at one time, with little to NO room to spare. and the length of that hangar would have to be at the very least 150m long, on the inside
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    I didn't really like how it has the step things on the front. Not sure how else to explain that. But it looks better in the new one. Would still like to see a more Prometheus-like front.

    Ahh, that's what I thought you meant. The "step" trait is something different. I just wanted to try something new. I just really don't like doing clones of existing ships. I prefer to take bits and pieces from here and there and marry them into something completely different. That "step" front is actually inspired from the original cylon raider cockpit from the '70's series. I suppose I could try a non-stepped front, just to see what it looks like. Though, the Prommy's standard front isn't what I'd call very striking. Maybe I'll just try a new version of the fron and just "wing it". Wouldn't hurt to try at the least.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    wish they'd actually come out and give some official dimensions for the ship[s in the show.... It'll clear up all the confusion.

    Why don't they do that?
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    huh!...guys..can't you read?

    he deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    al3d wrote: »
    huh!...guys..can't you read?

    he deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys

    do you have a reference for this? as in you did the conversion etc?

    to me ~700 is abit easier to swallow than say 350-450, 500m seems to short, especially if the 302 is 29m wide (hangar doors would have about a meter to work with)
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    al3d wrote: »
    huh!...guys..can't you read?

    he deadlus is exactly 740m in lenght, that's with the front antennas, witout those, it's 690m. 370m in width and 104m in height without the antennas.

    I hope this clears a few things for you guys

  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    do you have a reference for this? as in you did the conversion etc?

    to me ~700 is abit easier to swallow than say 350-450, 500m seems to short, especially if the 302 is 29m wide (hangar doors would have about a meter to work with)

    just trust in me that is that right size.

    Greg..stop laughing at me dude..:)
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    al3d wrote: »
    just trust in me that is that right size.

    Greg..stop laughing at me dude..:)

    Ok, if you are who I think you are, then maybe you know what you are talking about and are right. But this then brings up other questions, like, if the Daedalus is 740m total, then according to what Bruce W. has said, that Atlantis is only 1.5Km across, how the heck could a Daedalus land on or in between the piers? And then, how would a Goa'uld Ha'tak compare in size? It's just VERY frustrating that they don't go into more details on the show, and from my perspective, they are not very consistant in the way things are presented on the show. What I'm saying is, some things just don't add up. Can you understand that frustration?
  • al3dal3d177 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Ok, if you are who I think you are, then maybe you know what you are talking about and are right. But this then brings up other questions, like, if the Daedalus is 740m total, then according to what Bruce W. has said, that Atlantis is only 1.5Km across, how the heck could a Daedalus land on or in between the piers? And then, how would a Goa'uld Ha'tak compare in size? It's just VERY frustrating that they don't go into more details on the show, and from my perspective, they are not very consistant in the way things are presented on the show. What I'm saying is, some things just don't add up. Can you understand that frustration?

    i truely can. but EVERY scifi films and movies and shows do the same thing basicaly.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    al3d wrote: »
    i truely can. but EVERY scifi films and movies and shows do the same thing basicaly.

    I just think that with the kind of money being thrown around those movies/shows, and passion neccessary that they would at the very least, have the fortitude to avoid such inconsistancies. I'm a strong believer in if you are gonna do something and get paid to do something you thoroughly enjoy, you had better step up and and not just deliver but exceed expectations. And not just in certain things, but in every aspect from script to F/X to the final output. Perhaps, that inability or unwillingness to go that extra mile to deliver that piece of excellence is one reason why the SciFi genre is not taken seriously and poked fun of.

    Having written some of my own scripts, fan fic if you want to call it, I could never EVER leave so many details and aspects so vague and sloppy. But then again, maybe that's just my Type A personality speaking. :D I like to bring order to chaos. And no, I am not a Borg, despite having some steel and plastic replacement parts. And yes I do have trouble with airport metal detectors.

    Would it really be that much of an imposition to include some specs and such in the dialogue? *pulls out remaining hair and slams head onto desk*
  • gpdesignergpdesigner203 MontrealPosts: 323Member
    ** Off Topic **

    I was playing Tomb Raider today and I suddenly realized I had Lara running around risking her life for some Goa'uld crap . . . . :lol:

    I have a question, . . . did you guys think of coming up with your own standard scale? it may cut down on some of the issues . .
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