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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • Aslan21Aslan210 Posts: 0Member
    hi there am interested in building this carrier for the froject i am in university at the moment i use Lightwave 3D i have a design in mind that i have been doodling with if ur up for it post me :thumb:
  • heh, the argos was a wicked ship.

    a stargate ship i really liked which i saw quite some time ago (not in this thread) was the achilles.
  • Oh crap, you are talking about transporters and all that hi-tech technology again. Beaming fighter into battlefield? This is only half of idea. If you have this kind of technology, you don't have to beam fighters - just beam missiles. If you can beam skyscraper, you can create skyscraper, that's how it works - you can create also smaller cruiser in blink of an eye. Even during battle. So how this take us? Two ships fighting each other will 'summon' fleets of vessels or missiles or whatever. No one would care about tinny human piloted fighter. And if you can create so much big thing like ship, you must have insanely efficient power generator - with power like that, you can blow up whole system.

    This is the same example like instant FTL from earlier dabate, or like beaming large ships throught small stargate or anything.

    Technology like transport beams capable of transporting buildings and instant FTL will not change way of battle. It will create completely new kind of battle, hardly imaginable to us. That's why I like BSG and ENT - it's sci-fi, it has some hi-tech technology, but they are not exaggerate it's use by beaming skyscraper.

    PS. sorry for slips in spelling
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I dont see whats different in having transporters in enterprise and the rest of trek and asgard beams in stargate. I remember this discussion from the last time we had it, Im pretty sure we agreed to disagree. As we have no idea how the actual technology works (mainly because the thing doesnt exist!) we cant say that it could ever be used to create copies of something. I remember saying I feel it is simply used for moving items from one place to another place, physically dematerialising the item and physically moving each individual atom of the item from one place to the other.

    On the other hand, the Asgard do have a technology similar to replicators in star trek, creating items from scratch (Sam creating her musical instrument in the SG1 finale, cant remember what it was off hand). I guess the bigger and more complicated the item is the more power it would need, who knows. Maybe that technology in conjunction with the beams could create fighters from scratch and beam them into the battle but even that would probably require too much power
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    More on Tolberts Fenris-

  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet. Is it cargo-ship sized?
  • -Raynor- wrote: »
    Oh crap, you are talking about transporters and all that hi-tech technology again. Beaming fighter into battlefield? This is only half of idea. If you have this kind of technology, you don't have to beam fighters - just beam missiles. If you can beam skyscraper, you can create skyscraper, that's how it works - you can create also smaller cruiser in blink of an eye. Even during battle. So how this take us? Two ships fighting each other will 'summon' fleets of vessels or missiles or whatever. No one would care about tinny human piloted fighter. And if you can create so much big thing like ship, you must have insanely efficient power generator - with power like that, you can blow up whole system.

    This is the same example like instant FTL from earlier dabate, or like beaming large ships throught small stargate or anything.

    Technology like transport beams capable of transporting buildings and instant FTL will not change way of battle. It will create completely new kind of battle, hardly imaginable to us. That's why I like BSG and ENT - it's sci-fi, it has some hi-tech technology, but they are not exaggerate it's use by beaming skyscraper.

    PS. sorry for slips in spelling

    I didn't mention beaming missiles because I thought it was obvious :)

    Not to mention the fact that, since beaming through shields is an iffy prospect at best, beaming stuff into space is mostly useful as a way to get things outside of the ship in a hurry. Sure you could launch them the regular way, but beaming is way cooler :)

    Don't blame me because the writers of the show fail to utilize their own fictional technology fully ;) And on that note, I propose a bigger version of the Mark 8 tactical missile that has a one-shot hyper-window generator. So much for shields stopping missiles. Just jump right past them in hyper :D
  • Dr Lee wrote: »
    Nice missile hatch.

    A very long way back in this thread a desgin came up in , i think, Gogle Sketchup of a ship called the Fenris. Now as normal i've forgotten who it was that created the ship, but at the time i said i'd have a go at 3D-ing it.

    It's taken a long time to actually start it but here is where i am atm-

    I've found the area behind the main body of the ship rather difficult to see o the few images i have. s i can't remeber who it was who made this i can't PM them for a underbelly ortho shot, So i'll do it here instead.:rolleyes:

    The dude was Tolbert..and what do you mean by 3D-ing it? o_o You do know sketchup is a 3d modeling program...right?

    edit: uhm, guess I should look at more recent posts first. >>
  • Actually, we do know how teleportation works, and don't tell me that transport beams are not teleportation. It create energy from solit matter, download all informations from matter's atoms, transport that energy and then recreate that solid matter from energy and information. Or something like that, maybe I'm just screwing around and I was mistaken by my lousy english. But correct me if I'm wrong, stargate in Stargate works on the same principles. If you have object in memory, you can always copy & paste. And if you have enough energy to teleport building... man, you are master, because E=mc2.

    The difference from Trek is, that in Trek they didn't beam buildings, at least from what I saw. In Enterprise, for example, they only could beam few people, because of limits of technology. Maybe it isn't as cool as one building blowing in space, but it was source of few thrilling moments during firefights. It's not only good for fanboys, make technologies more limited.

    I'm not blaming you, beaming sure is cooler. Or is it? Yeah, it's TV show, not religion, but as I'm trying to write something, I need rules, why they firing missiles, why they can only do that and not to do else. It's pity that Vancouver guys do not thinks the same when they establish one cool super-dee-dupper fact, like jumping behind shields, instant FTL, transporter mistakes, etc. and then they didn't follow it, explain it or anything. And then again and again with else facts. It's maybe ok on TV, but you are hit when you want to write fanfiction or make your own fact.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    that is a very nice ship you got goin there cant wait to see more of it:thumb:

    and I would have to agree with zake on that one freek... I too think that your ships are kick ass compared to what I have done sofar. espaecally seeing you are using a program that is that much of a pain to use.. lol
    Elowan wrote: »
    33 is old? Then I must be ancient. One is never too old to learn something new.:thumb:
    mikala wrote: »
    Ditto on what Elowan said.
    scorpius wrote: »
    I have to agree with what these guys have said, Freek. I can't see you're too old to learn max or lightwave or whatever you'd want to learn. And you've always designed some of the more unique ships not the typical daedalus clones most of us drones come up with. I'd certainly be interested to see what you could come up with if you had the tools that max has to offer at your disposal.

    Wow! Golly Gee wiz! *blushing* You guys sure know how to make a guy feel good, AND how to embarrass the sh*t out of him too.:lol:

    Ok, I feel better about my stuff now. I never realized it was really that good. Good for me yeah, but not so much compared to you guys. It's just that what I can model and what I can imagine are two different things. I have a very vivid imagination, and my mind is always running at Warp 9.99, coupled with a lack of patience makes it very hard to get anything done. Which is why I am still using Bryce and not something better. I am however, building a model repetroi using the Export function in Bryce. I found that exporting entire ships created a lot of errors, so I am only doing small pieces at a time. The good thing is that, I can export to 3ds, dxf, lws, cob and obj formats. So if I can get everything exported for a ship, and learn any of the higher end programs, I can import all those models and then assemble them into a ship. It's yet another good reason to have some common elements in my designs, reduced work load. :D So, if anyone wants any of my parts, just ask. I'll just say no and laugh at you. LOL! JUST KIDDING!!! I'd be glad to have you use them, with credit if they're used of course. Don't mind me, I've been sipping Goldschlagger all day, it is my only day off after all. Earlier this week I stayed at work 35.5 hours straight. Got home yesturday and was out cold by 7:15pm, until about 8 this morning. Totally zonked out BIG TIME!

    Anyways.....been working on something while on the metro train and during lunch/dinner breaks or whenever there was nothing to do and the boss wasn't there to think something up. I decided to make a somewhat smaller ship in the same vein as the Prometheus, but still different. I know I have the Copernicus class, but that was a science ship. I wanted something more like the Prommy, in that it would be a more general purpose ship and not so specialized. So here we go, I call it the Europa class. It's about 60% the size of the Prometheus. Same type of armaments, rail guns (~14) and missles (12 tubes). Standard shields and hyperdrive and sublight engines. But no hangar bays. Smaller crew, only about 70. I also envision this as a joint venture between the UK, Canada and Australia with support by the US SGC. It would have come online not long after the the Russians launched their own ships, the Tolstoy and Vostok classes I made earlier. As such, each participant would have their own production facility crewed by people from the joint adventure. But the first example would be built at Area 51 so that all the participating countries could get uniform training/experience and the construction would go extremely fast, (with that many people working on it). Of course, France, Germany and China were quite miffed at being left out of the project. :flippy:

    Enough writing for now. I'm sure you are tired of my long winded-ness. :D So here she is, the Europa. Only about 50% done. By the way, what do you guys think of the texture? C&C?!?!?!
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I do see your point, but on the other hand this is fiction. Not every single thing you write has to have basis in real life. I think Stargate already pushed the boundaries as far as basing elements of the show in real life with the whole mythology side of the show, incorporating historical elements into the show in a way no other show I know of ever has. Therefore I think you can get away with simply saying the beaming technology in Stargate doesnt work that way. You could write something into an episode of your fanfic where the question is raised about creating an armada of ships in this manner and somebody in the know (Carter most probably) can make it clear that it can't be utilised in that way.

    Either way I'm not all that bothered, I think the idea of beaming out support sized crafts into space is cool and I also choose to believe the beaming technology can't simply copy whatever has been in the memory, once it's rematerialised that's that and there's no way of copying it from the buffer. Just my opinion but it's what I'm content to believe
  • Was screwing around making pictures of some old model I made..thought it was worthy of being posted.


    It was based off of a puddle jumper concept posted somewhere in this thread I think..anyone know who posted it or what post it is?
  • freekzilla wrote: »
    Wow! Golly Gee wiz! *blushing* You guys sure know how to make a guy feel good, AND how to embarrass the sh*t out of him too.:lol:

    Ok, I feel better about my stuff now. I never realized it was really that good. Good for me yeah, but not so much compared to you guys. It's just that what I can model and what I can imagine are two different things. I have a very vivid imagination, and my mind is always running at Warp 9.99, coupled with a lack of patience makes it very hard to get anything done. Which is why I am still using Bryce and not something better. I am however, building a model repetroi using the Export function in Bryce. I found that exporting entire ships created a lot of errors, so I am only doing small pieces at a time. The good thing is that, I can export to 3ds, dxf, lws, cob and obj formats. So if I can get everything exported for a ship, and learn any of the higher end programs, I can import all those models and then assemble them into a ship. It's yet another good reason to have some common elements in my designs, reduced work load. :D So, if anyone wants any of my parts, just ask. I'll just say no and laugh at you. LOL! JUST KIDDING!!! I'd be glad to have you use them, with credit if they're used of course. Don't mind me, I've been sipping Goldschlagger all day, it is my only day off after all. Earlier this week I stayed at work 35.5 hours straight. Got home yesturday and was out cold by 7:15pm, until about 8 this morning. Totally zonked out BIG TIME!

    Anyways.....been working on something while on the metro train and during lunch/dinner breaks or whenever there was nothing to do and the boss wasn't there to think something up. I decided to make a somewhat smaller ship in the same vein as the Prometheus, but still different. I know I have the Copernicus class, but that was a science ship. I wanted something more like the Prommy, in that it would be a more general purpose ship and not so specialized. So here we go, I call it the Europa class. It's about 60% the size of the Prometheus. Same type of armaments, rail guns (~14) and missles (12 tubes). Standard shields and hyperdrive and sublight engines. But no hangar bays. Smaller crew, only about 70. I also envision this as a joint venture between the UK, Canada and Australia with support by the US SGC. It would have come online not long after the the Russians launched their own ships, the Tolstoy and Vostok classes I made earlier. As such, each participant would have their own production facility crewed by people from the joint adventure. But the first example would be built at Area 51 so that all the participating countries could get uniform training/experience and the construction would go extremely fast, (with that many people working on it). Of course, France, Germany and China were quite miffed at being left out of the project. :flippy:

    Enough writing for now. I'm sure you are tired of my long winded-ness. :D So here she is, the Europa. Only about 50% done. By the way, what do you guys think of the texture? C&C?!?!?!

    Look's cool, though I'm not really sure if I like the front. What are those two rooms on either side of the bridge? And how do you get stuff to line up so perfectly in Bryce?! o_0 I have literally noooo idea how you are able to model anything that looks slightly cool with it.
  • I'm pretty sure everything can be explain somehow, I also did the same in Odyssey, when I write that ships on orbit can't suppport ground armies because of... doesn't matter, it was only explanation why wrote ground battle and not just wiping army out from orbit. But point is, what feel natural. It's limit to fiction, if you keep on real world things. But ok, it's subjective, everyone feels different.
    I just hope one day I'll translate Odyssey so you can see my point of view :D
    Was screwing around making pictures of some old model I made..thought it was worthy of being posted.
    Looks nice.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I dont see whats different in having transporters in enterprise and the rest of trek and asgard beams in stargate. I remember this discussion from the last time we had it, Im pretty sure we agreed to disagree. As we have no idea how the actual technology works (mainly because the thing doesnt exist!) we cant say that it could ever be used to create copies of something. I remember saying I feel it is simply used for moving items from one place to another place, physically dematerialising the item and physically moving each individual atom of the item from one place to the other.

    On the other hand, the Asgard do have a technology similar to replicators in star trek, creating items from scratch (Sam creating her musical instrument in the SG1 finale, cant remember what it was off hand). I guess the bigger and more complicated the item is the more power it would need, who knows. Maybe that technology in conjunction with the beams could create fighters from scratch and beam them into the battle but even that would probably require too much power

    Sam's musical instrument was a cello. But she also made the Tretonin for Teal'c. And she didn't create it out of thin air either, not really. As she said, it was a "matter converter". That means she had to use some material to begin with, then the matter converter could change it to whatever they wanted. As such, even waste products could be converted to new products, so there wouldn't be any short supply of starting material. From the way it sounds, the matter conversion process works on the atomic level, at the very least. It's possible that it works on the subatomic level. Either way, energy isn't the only thing needed to make things. I think. I could be wrong.
  • Energy is matter, matter is energy, if you convert them, that is physical law. E=mc2 guys, again. I'm surely not physicist, but I belive I understand this.

    Recreate matter from energy cost you more energy, but physicaly it's possible. Beside of power you need information to what you want to convert it. Tremendous amount of information.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet. Is it cargo-ship sized?

    EDIT- Found the original post. Tolbert called it a corvette dunno if that is the same kinda size or not.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Energy is matter, matter is energy, if you convert them, that is physical law. E=mc2 guys, again. I'm surely not physicist, but I belive I understand this.

    Recreate matter from energy cost you more energy, but physicaly it's possible. Beside of power you need information to what you want to convert it. Tremendous amount of information.

    Dude, you need to chill...
    This is all about starships.
    Save your arguements.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Was screwing around making pictures of some old model I made..thought it was worthy of being posted.


    It was based off of a puddle jumper concept posted somewhere in this thread I think..anyone know who posted it or what post it is?

    I think it may have been me. I still have that pic saved too, in my /.../Images/Stargate folder. :D I save as many pictures as possible.
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Look's cool, though I'm not really sure if I like the front. What are those two rooms on either side of the bridge? And how do you get stuff to line up so perfectly in Bryce?! o_0 I have literally noooo idea how you are able to model anything that looks slightly cool with it.

    Regarding the front part, I've been having a bunch of trouble getting that just right. That's actually the 4th version of the front that I've had, so far. I just can't seem to get it just right. I like parts of the last version I had, but not the overall look to it. I'll probably make yet another version of the front in an attempt to get it just right. The two rooms on either side of the bridge are the "common" areas. You can't have the crew eating in their quarters after all. ;) Think of them as multi purpose common areas. It's easy to get things to line up in Bryce. They do have an alignment tool in the Edit interface. Well, I do try to model things that are more than slightly cool. LOL!;) You just have to think Boolean and plan it out in your head before you start. Then do it and see how it looks, then make changes as needed. Boolean, think Boolean.
  • freekzilla wrote: »
    I think it may have been me. I still have that pic saved too, in my /.../Images/Stargate folder. :D I save as many pictures as possible.

    Regarding the front part, I've been having a bunch of trouble getting that just right. That's actually the 4th version of the front that I've had, so far. I just can't seem to get it just right. I like parts of the last version I had, but not the overall look to it. I'll probably make yet another version of the front in an attempt to get it just right. The two rooms on either side of the bridge are the "common" areas. You can't have the crew eating in their quarters after all. ;) Think of them as multi purpose common areas. It's easy to get things to line up in Bryce. They do have an alignment tool in the Edit interface. Well, I do try to model things that are more than slightly cool. LOL!;) You just have to think Boolean and plan it out in your head before you start. Then do it and see how it looks, then make changes as needed. Boolean, think Boolean.

    Alignment tool? How do you use it? o_0 I'm just gonna stick to modeling in sketchup..easiest program evar.

    edit: any idea if the page that picture came from still exists?
  • Aslan21Aslan210 Posts: 0Member
    hi there well i started in my carrier.

    i desided to call it the USAF Titanus :cool:

    this is just a prelimenary design its from 5years+
    it can accomadate 400 fighters it (im thinking has 6 manin wepons batterys
    and multipal defence batterys (railguns) any segesgons on hull armore + weponswecomed )

    it is built basted on human / Asgard tec uilt in atlantis

    any ideas for it will be welcomed
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Aslan21 wrote: »
    hi there well i started in my carrier.

    i desided to call it the USAF Titanus :cool:

    this is just a prelimenary design its from 5years+
    it can accomadate 400 fighters it (im thinking has 6 manin wepons batterys
    and multipal defence batterys (railguns) any segesgons on hull armore + weponswecomed )

    it is built basted on human / Asgard tec uilt in atlantis

    any ideas for it will be welcomed

    gonna need to be much bigger, much much bigger...for 400+ fighters, you will need at least 200+ operational full repay bays inside, with about 100+ semi-repay bays and holding bays or holding floor all the extras that go into it...

    and is it just a fighter carrier or is it going to be a support ship from much larger craft ie prometheus deadalus and other cruisers to be built by the sgc, remember a carrier is the center or hub of any opperation and is always occomodated by other ships and is the political hub as well meaning lots of air traffic besides just the fighters....

    just food for thought, i like it, looks like a long runway from what i gather from the pic
  • Aslan21Aslan210 Posts: 0Member
    well this is just a perlimanary idea of the size of the vessal
    tell me what u think :thumb: i was thinking of having it as a carrier / battle curser :confused:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Aslan21 wrote: »
    well this is just a perlimanary idea of the size of the vessal
    tell me what u think :thumb: i was thinking of having it as a carrier / battle curser :confused:

    if thats the deadalus then yea it will be big, engines are gonna be massive i take it...

    battle cruiser is deadalus territory and doesnt offer fleet support....carrier is like the mother of the fleet, and offers support to all of the fleet, and of course houses defense in the form of fighters to protect that fleet...

    but at the same time you dont want unnessicarily to big, ie lots of wasted space that goes unused most of the time....i would put a fighter up to the ship, get the general layout of where your hangars, repair bays, support bays etc, are going to be, and kinda size it according to that, then of course size the areas for other fleet support, and make sure they are not in the way of fighter fly space, ie, you dont want 400+ fighters to be launching to protect the fleet and then be forced to weave around civilian craft and other craft trying to enter the carrier at the same time....

    lots of things to consider when building a pratical carrier, you sure do have your handsfull like i do lol, part of a insane breed we are
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Alignment tool? How do you use it? o_0 I'm just gonna stick to modeling in sketchup..easiest program evar.

    edit: any idea if the page that picture came from still exists?

    may i suggest blender as a great step up, very powerfull, free program, with a thriving communitie, and tutorials to get you threw...and once a blenderhead, there is also the blender game engine and animation tools etc etc...

    probably the best free program to produce proffesional results
  • Bar wrote: »
    Dude, you need to chill...
    This is all about starships.
    Save your arguements.

    I fully endorse this post :D
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Alignment tool? How do you use it? o_0 I'm just gonna stick to modeling in sketchup..easiest program evar.

    edit: any idea if the page that picture came from still exists?

    I just looked for it, and I think it's gone. I couldn't find it anywhere on SKiffy's site. They used to have all the original concept art for Atlantis there, but it's all gone now. Sorry.

    The alignment tool is simple. There are three "balls" on a rod, one at each end, the other in the middle. There are three of these rods with balls, representing the the axis of dimension. Then there is a bigger ball in the middle of all three rods, this is the "align all center" button. All you need to do is select two objects and then the alignment you want, left, right, top, bottom, front, back. Piece of cake. It also helps to zoom in all the way if you want to manually align things. I usually do that because I want to make sure the right item moves and not the wrong one accidentally. I know, not as simple or as easy, but far more accurate.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Work has been keeping me pretty busy for the last few weeks but I managed to squeeze some free time in today and got my bridge section of the Tempest done.

    Next update will be when I have some more free time. (with luck it will be sooner than later. )
  • eagle[200x]eagle[200x]171 Posts: 0Member
    Long time no post by my...
    just wanted to get some input on my gate "kawoosh"

    I know the gate is no gate, just a paceholder extruded and cut together in 2minutes and the event horizon lacks quality too...

    But...whatever - so please gimme some critics :D

    Oh, and btw. some nice ships you got in here:thumb:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Dude, you need to chill...
    This is all about starships.
    Save your arguements.

    yes please stop or Tadz will tell you to take it to his argument thread again:lol:
    Aslan21 wrote: »
    hi there well i started in my carrier.

    i desided to call it the USAF Titanus :cool:

    this is just a prelimenary design its from 5years+
    it can accomadate 400 fighters it (im thinking has 6 manin wepons batterys
    and multipal defence batterys (railguns) any segesgons on hull armore + weponswecomed )

    it is built basted on human / Asgard tec uilt in atlantis

    any ideas for it will be welcomed

    Ahhh a fellow carrier designer lol... well its good to see that I am not the only one with the idea... speeking of wich I have a minor update of the Hammond for those who dont know it to is a carrier. was experamenting with some missle tubes, and before anyone says it yes I know they look like a but load of stargates but I went for that look because everone else does squar ones.

    also some specs for mine for those that are new to the thread... it holds around 160 F-302's, is 530 meters long, 360 meters wide, and 370 meters at its tallest point... well anywho on to the update:D All C&C is welcome as always... enjoy

    Regards Jesh

    also not sure if I have posted the other 2 pics before either so if you have seen them before please ignor them

    and very nice work on that vid Eagle. its good to see you back on here again
This discussion has been closed.