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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Okay, here's the new Hurricane model. :D I didn't model the insides of the engines because I dunno what they should look like.


    Compared to the old one..

    Disregard the fact that it looks like it's made out of concrete. I didn't have any good textures.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    The type used on the F-302's are annular aerospike engines. A toroidal aerospike also exists. The proposed type to be used on NASA's Second Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle Program, also known as the Space Launch Initiative (SLI) is the linear aerospike engine.

    Image:Twin Linear Aerospike XRS-2200 Engine.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    To give you an idea how powerful these engines are, a liquid fueled annular aerospike engine was tested in 1967 with a motor the size of a jumbo jet's engine and produced about 250,000 of thrust. In other words, that engine is about the same size as the solid rocket booster on the F-302. And if the F-302 had an engine with 250,000 pounds of thrust it would move, very very fast, especially since the F-302 weighs quite a bit less. (probably far less than 100,000 lbs) I'm sure the aerospike engines they have now are even more powerful than that. So, I think that it would be more than sufficient to power an F-302 into orbit.

    Also, why use the round aerospike engines? You could put a linear aerospike engine right in the middle and covering the distance between the tail fins and you'd end up with even more space to hang missles. But then again, if we fully understood Asgard tech, we could have anti-grav engines or inertial wave generators and not need any external engines or nozzles at all.

    Part of the reason the aerospike engines on the F-302 may not be able to get the F-302 into orbit is because they are so small. Compared to the area a linear version could accomodate in the center back area, they are dinky. Had the X-33 program continued, it is likely to have solved some of it's technical problems with the fuel tanks (weight and leaking) and actually flown. It would have been about the size of the current space shuttle, slightly smaller, but the aerospike engines would have delivered 410,000 lbs of thrust and only weighed 75,000lbs. YE-OW-CH! That's nearly a 5 to 1 thrust to weight ratio.

    So, why not go with linear aerospike engines or at the least, not round ones, say oval or even pyromidal. But I would definitely get rid of that big rocket booster in the middle. I myself would go all out and go with a linear version right in the middle out back. Would make it look like the Millenium Falcon's engines when lit. :cool:
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Thought you guys might like this. It's a picture I accidentally found on the web. It's the "Last Supper" by DaVinci, but done with a Star Wars theme. Hope you like it.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, the three engines in the back are supposed to be ion engines. But anyway, I made this cool picture with all the views of the fighter, and added a gunpod.


    If anyone has sketchup, the model is on the warehouse.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    lots of missiles on that baby
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    couldnt put some energy weapons on there huh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Thanks! The ship is about 10000 years old. :o

    What program did you say would were making your ships with? They're very cool, especially the fighter.

    Thanx, 3ds Max 9. But I need a more powerful computer. It took 15 mins to render the ship with Vray on minimal settings.

    I like that next gen 302 design. I was never good at drawing 'earth' military vehicles.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    tjmitchem wrote: »
    I really like those fighters.

    Here's my "post Unending" design. I still need to add the hanger bays, missile tubes and all the rest of the detailing. I tried for a more rounded design than what I posted before.

    I'm obviously a complete newbie at the spaceship design thing :)

    Looks good to me! I am fascinated with anything Asgard.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Ladies and gentlemen... May i present 'On Patrol'


    I've not added any effects on this yet... Simply cuz i can't do stuff like Solar flares or anything :rolleyes: but i will go back one i know how
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    Looks good to me! I am fascinated with anything Asgard.

    Thanks. I have to agree about the Asgard. The pure understated elegance of their designs make them very appealing to me.

    I haven't had much time to work on the model lately, but I did manage to slap some hanger bays on. Hopefully, I can get some detail work done in the next week or so.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Well, the three engines in the back are supposed to be ion engines. But anyway, I made this cool picture with all the views of the fighter, and added a gunpod.


    If anyone has sketchup, the model is on the warehouse.

    Just in case you're interested there is a plugin to export sketchup to Lightwave now.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    wild-wing wrote: »
    couldnt put some energy weapons on there huh

    It has two powered hardpoints that can be equipped with energy weapons.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    tjmitchem wrote: »
    Thanks. I have to agree about the Asgard. The pure understated elegance of their designs make them very appealing to me.

    I haven't had much time to work on the model lately, but I did manage to slap some hanger bays on. Hopefully, I can get some detail work done in the next week or so.

    It's looking very good!
    Keep us updated with that one.

    On my own projects, yesterday i accidentally stood on my Daedalus i am building(Don't ask...), so i had to re-build a lot of the main hull.
    The Prometheus is also coming along nicely.
    I am hoping to get them bopth finished this week and then off for casting(Al the white parts on the Daedalus are pieces i had to rebuild. All the grey parts were transplanted from the previous build):




  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Okay, I have one last picture to post and then I'll quit bugging y'all with pictures of my mediocre sketchup model. :devil:


    I think it's ones of the best pictures I've ever done. :D
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    You're certainly not boring me.
    I like the design.
    And the extra ordnance addresses an issue i always thought was a problem for the 302s...
    Well done, that man.
    Keep the new designs coming!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Bar wrote: »
    On my own projects, yesterday i accidentally stood on my Daedalus i am building(Don't ask...),

    Spider? :devil: and hehe. you did something the Wraith, Ori or Monty Python couldn't do... :lol:

    Both looking awesome. Congrats Bar :thumb:

    Very, very cool pic ZakeD. And amazing mesh :D (for sketchup! :p). although the "fins" are bugging me...couldn't they be less.....square? Just my 2 cents ;)

    oh, and expect some updates on the Severus soon. :D:cool: I'm beating my lazyness er...i mean modelers block *cough cough* :shiner: :rolleyes:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Bar wrote: »
    You're certainly not boring me.
    I like the design.
    And the extra ordnance addresses an issue i always thought was a problem for the 302s...
    Well done, that man.
    Keep the new designs coming!

    Thanks. I'm gonna make another version of it later called the Super Hurricane, kinda like how they made the Super Hornet. It's gonna be bigger with 4 more hardpoints.
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    Spider? :devil: and hehe. you did something the Wraith, Ori or Monty Python couldn't do... :lol:

    Both looking awesome. Congrats Bar :thumb:

    Very, very cool pic ZakeD. And amazing mesh :D (for sketchup! :p). although the "fins" are bugging me...couldn't they be less.....square? Just my 2 cents ;)

    oh, and expect some updates on the Severus soon. :D:cool: I'm beating my lazyness er...i mean modelers block *cough cough* :shiner: :rolleyes:

    Thanks! I'm not sure what you mean by the fins being square though.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Okay, I have one last picture to post and then I'll quit bugging y'all with pictures of my mediocre sketchup model. :devil:

    I think it's ones of the best pictures I've ever done. :D

    i like that pic.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    hey all... been awhile sence I posted here (or anywhere for that matter) first of all just want to say welcome to the new members that have posted here. then to all who posted updates on there ships i want to say very nice job:thumb:

    also I too will be beating the crap outa my "modelers block" and will work on the Hammond abit when I get home from work will hopefully post an update by the end of this week.

    Regards Jesh
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Thanks. I'm gonna make another version of it later called the Super Hurricane, kinda like how they made the Super Hornet. It's gonna be bigger with 4 more hardpoints.

    Thanks! I'm not sure what you mean by the fins being square though.

    You won't necessarily need more hard points, just a different mounting method. You could go with a tri mount instead. And if it's bigger, why not have an internal bay for weapons? The F-302 already has one, it's just not big enough for much of anything. I'd also make the Super Hurricane a lot longer, and only a little wider.

    I think what he meant was, the leading edge of the vertical fins is too vertical. The lower portion should be farther forward than the top part, giving it a more streamlined appearance. I'd also move them back a little towards the tail. It's nice though. Better than what I can do. The gun pods should also be closer to the centerline of the ship as well. Kinda hard to aim them that far out. ;)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Here's an update to the asgard fighters and battle cruiser. I am not happy with the asgard battle cruiser, I keep changing it. Luckily for my story, it is not supposed to be finished towards the middle - end. Here are some pictures and a video link.

    ImageShack - Hosting :: epsiloncarter4fk8.flv

    It's a bit jumpy - the line i used as a path for the ship to follow wasn't smooth enough.

    I may try to design an Earth based ship soon. I think am getting the hang of this 3D program.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    you are doing very well MrCead I look forward to more of this ship and any others that you chose to bless us with, its always nice to have new members posting their works in this fine thread that Freekzilla has created

    Regards Jesh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    You won't necessarily need more hard points, just a different mounting method. You could go with a tri mount instead. And if it's bigger, why not have an internal bay for weapons? The F-302 already has one, it's just not big enough for much of anything. I'd also make the Super Hurricane a lot longer, and only a little wider.

    I think what he meant was, the leading edge of the vertical fins is too vertical. The lower portion should be farther forward than the top part, giving it a more streamlined appearance. I'd also move them back a little towards the tail. It's nice though. Better than what I can do. The gun pods should also be closer to the centerline of the ship as well. Kinda hard to aim them that far out. ;)

    I'm gonna try the tri-mount. Simple but good idea. Not gonna do any internal bays. Most of the internal area is taken up with generators, anti-grav, cloaking device, and tons of other stuff. And yeah, I'm doing like you said. A lot longer, but only a little wider.

    Ahh. I tried that but I didn't like the result. And better than what you can do? Pffft. You make some kickass models. I still have nooo idea how you are able to model anything in bryce. I tried modeling a house for a tut and couldn't even do that. Oh, and for the gunpod, I like it where it is. xD
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    Here's an update to the asgard fighters and battle cruiser. I am not happy with the asgard battle cruiser, I keep changing it. Luckily for my story, it is not supposed to be finished towards the middle - end. Here are some pictures and a video link.

    ImageShack - Hosting :: epsiloncarter4fk8.flv

    It's a bit jumpy - the line i used as a path for the ship to follow wasn't smooth enough.

    I may try to design an Earth based ship soon. I think am getting the hang of this 3D program.

    I like what you've done with the battlecruiser. Looking a lot better. :thumb: Fighter vid was awesome. Wish my attempts at making an Asgard-like fighter were anywhere near as good.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    Here's an update to the asgard fighters and battle cruiser. I am not happy with the asgard battle cruiser, I keep changing it. Luckily for my story, it is not supposed to be finished towards the middle - end. Here are some pictures and a video link.

    I love the fighter. I think I need 10 or 20 of those to put on my battlecruiser :D
    Please keep up the good work!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Anyone else find Panelling annoying?:lol:

    I'm currently panelling both the 308 and the 311 (The helo conversion) atm and it's boring... but as the results far out weight not doing them then it's worth it.

    Quick pic of the 311.

    A few pages ago i said i'd have a go at a SG'tug' for recovering ships that have had their hyperdrives fail, etc. I'll try and remember to get some pics 2moro. I've just hit the panelling stage on that as well:D

    Oh did anyone like the wallpaper i posted a page or two back?
  • CaveneauCaveneau0 Posts: 0Member
    Great work guys, keep 'em coming
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Oh did anyone like the wallpaper i posted a page or two back?
    The "On Patrol" one, right?
    Just because you asked....
    I take it the white vertical slabs at the top are the windows of the bridge, right?
    The problem i had with it was that because they were bright white, the ships looked like the vehicles from Cars...
    If you look at the image again, it's tough to see those windows as anything more than eyes!
    I don't mean this in a bad way. It's just an observation.
    I also don't think they would be so bright when viewed from the outside in any case.
    I hope this doesn't offend.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Not at all Bar, It's the first proper space 'scene' i've tried to make with any of my ships so it's bound to be full of errors.:lol:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Not at all Bar, It's the first proper space 'scene' i've tried to make with any of my ships so it's bound to be full of errors.:lol:

    I didn't mean it had errors.
    What i meant was that the ships in your image:

    Look a bit like this in my eyes:


    Maybe it's just me. Changing the colour of the windows would probably fix it, but as i say, it's probably only me who sees it.
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