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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    Hello to all! I love the site, there is just so much info here and I wish I had the time to read it all.

    I have been working on a small project involving the Stargate universe. It is a story about an "off the record, unofficial" SG base called Epsilon site green lighted by General O'Niell. Basically, during the time just before the Asgard decided to end their existence (sometime before the Carter replicator arc), The Asgard Mimir - the chief science engineer, designed an Asgard interceptor / fighter and small battle cruiser to better fight the replicators, then after the replicators were defeated in their part of the galaxy, they turned their efforts to fighting the Ori. These ships have the latest Asgard tech and they were designed for the Tau'ri to pilot them. They are slightly larger than the Go'auld death gliders - not sure by how much as I don't have a modeled cockpit yet.

    Here are some pictures of my work so far. I am still new with UV mapping and such but hope to have the problem licked soon. My meshes are intended for a small web series using Daz 3d or Poser and maybe a small game using the torque engine - not sure yet. It depends on the Stargate movies and future Atlantis episodes. I am taking baby steps now and don't plan on being done for at least a year, but I'd love to get some feedback from some seasoned modelers. This is my first real model so be gentle, thanx!!!
    ZakeD wrote: »
    First time posting here in a long time and first time making a model in a long time.


    It's a remake of something I posted on here a looong time ago. Belongs to a group of rebel Asgard who went into self-imposed exile thousands of years ago.

    Long time no see old man! Welcome back! Good to see you again! And I definitely like your Asgard ship. Different from the norm, but still easily recognizable as Asgard origin. Hmmm, renegade Asgard, interesting idea. Could their butts be greenish instead of grey? Would explain a few things.

    Be gentle? Nah, I say we strap you down and whip you. LOL! Just kidding! Gotta pull your leg a little. But your models look VERY good. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. So stand proud. Would the fighters be small enough to fit in a Daedalus class ship, or would they be just a tad too big for that? And re the hyper drive equiped? Anyhoo, good work.

    And I have 300 pages as well, and more importantly, over 3000 posts!!! WOOT! Seems like we just hit 2000 yesterday. Great job guys.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Long time no see old man! Welcome back! Good to see you again! And I definitely like your Asgard ship. Different from the norm, but still easily recognizable as Asgard origin. Hmmm, renegade Asgard, interesting idea. Could their butts be greenish instead of grey? Would explain a few things.

    Yeah, lost internet for a long time, as well as most of my models. I posted that same ship a looong time ago on here, back on page 80 something. Well, a crappy error filled second model ever made version.

    They are androids. Got tired of using frail clone bodies.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    First time posting here in a long time and first time making a model in a long time.


    It's a remake of something I posted on here a looong time ago. Belongs to a group of rebel Asgard who went into self-imposed exile thousands of years ago.

    Welcome back Zake. That ship certainly looks somewhat familiar eh!
    mrcead wrote: »
    Hello to all! I love the site, there is just so much info here and I wish I had the time to read it all.

    I have been working on a small project involving the Stargate universe. It is a story about an "off the record, unofficial" SG base called Epsilon site green lighted by General O'Niell. Basically, during the time just before the Asgard decided to end their existence (sometime before the Carter replicator arc), The Asgard Mimir - the chief science engineer, designed an Asgard interceptor / fighter and small battle cruiser to better fight the replicators, then after the replicators were defeated in their part of the galaxy, they turned their efforts to fighting the Ori. These ships have the latest Asgard tech and they were designed for the Tau'ri to pilot them. They are slightly larger than the Go'auld death gliders - not sure by how much as I don't have a modeled cockpit yet.

    Here are some pictures of my work so far. I am still new with UV mapping and such but hope to have the problem licked soon. My meshes are intended for a small web series using Daz 3d or Poser and maybe a small game using the torque engine - not sure yet. It depends on the Stargate movies and future Atlantis episodes. I am taking baby steps now and don't plan on being done for at least a year, but I'd love to get some feedback from some seasoned modelers. This is my first real model so be gentle, thanx!!!

    Welcome aboard MrCead, always nice to see new faces here. I really like the design (I've always loved Asgard designs, which is why I built one for Zake quite a while ago! I'd love to try my hand at designing an O'Neill style ship though). I've often wondered whether Asgard would ever have had fighters or not, I thought maybe they'd have had unmanned drone type fighters or something like that.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Welcome back Zake. That ship certainly looks somewhat familiar eh!

    Yep. My first version was full of errors because it was only my second model so I figured I'd redo it because I needed some renders of it.
  • SKATOSKATO0 Posts: 0Member
    what are you guys using(PC Program) to make these pics?

    Or are you just drawing them?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    i Personally am using a program called 3D Max but there are many other programs out there.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Be gentle? Nah, I say we strap you down and whip you. LOL! Just kidding! Gotta pull your leg a little. But your models look VERY good. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. So stand proud. Would the fighters be small enough to fit in a Daedalus class ship, or would they be just a tad too big for that? And re the hyper drive equiped? Anyhoo, good work.

    Thanx for the warm reception guys and I'm glad you like my ship. It is supposed to have hyperspace capability (at least the inter-interstellar type due to its size) one main pulse cannon in the nose that can also be used to fire a sustained beam (like the O'Niell class ships). The hard points on the wings are really shield emitters that are supposed to glow when the ship is operational (you can see them on the O'Niell class ships but I don't recall ever seeing them shoot anything, so for now until I get corrected, they're just decorative shield emitters lol). The ship is as wide as a death glider but its nose is way longer. I like your idea of rougue Asgard downloading their consciousnesses into android bodies. The one in my story gets his consciousness downloads his into the ship's computer by the base's Tok'ra doctor because his body failed before completing the small battle cruiser (pics below). I also like your ship design because in the Stargate Wiki it theorizes that the Beliskner class ships were the in the tales of many Jaffa legends and therefore would date the design over a thousand years old or so. Your design shows attention to that fact, nice!

    The Carter class fighters (named after Carter for her ingenuity and guts) are intended to fit in any ship that could hold them. They have minimal shielding but not sure how strong just yet. I am waiting to see how the Ori fighters are in combat. You beam in and out of the cockpit and it has a large capacity transport buffer like a wraith dart since it only has room for 2 and a small cargo hold. I didn't want to make it too powerful or give it too much stuff but the last cool trick it has is the use of Merlin's phase shifting ability as a cloaking device because there are only supposed to be 4 or 5 of these ships with no intention of there being anymore built and their purpose is covert, seek and destroy type missions.

    In my project, the team that pilots these ships have an implant that helps them to control the ship (much like how the Ancient gene is required to fly Alteran tech and Wraith dna to fly Wraith tech - at least the wraith cruisers) because it requires a great deal of mind control to interface with all the systems correctly (I rarely see Asgards pushing buttons and that hand stone doesn't have a mouse wheel, lol). I am trying to keep the Norse hammer design as much as possible because they say the Asgard keep this symbol in high regard. I have a small battle cruiser design (somewhat smaller than the Daedalus class with only one launch bay and for some reason I was compelled to give it transport rings to intercept a ring transport beam or interface with Go'auld /Ancient /Ori tech) but its not completed as yet. Here are some pictures of the small battle cruiser and more of the Carter class fighters.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    just gave me a thought with your description on the last page - i wonder how the ori would have gotten on fighting the replicators...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    a very interesting point. Ori weapons were all energy based like asgard jaffa etc, obviously more powerful than those we'd seen previously but still energy weapons had always proven quite ineffective against the replicators. Course we don't really know how good the Ori followers were with science (if we went by the science vs religion debate we have now it might be that the Ori didn't want their followers experimenting like that)...they may never have come up with anything like the anti-replicator weapons the SGC developed.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    The Carter class fighters (named after Carter for her ingenuity and guts) are intended to fit in any ship that could hold them.

    I really like those fighters.

    Here's my "post Unending" design. I still need to add the hanger bays, missile tubes and all the rest of the detailing. I tried for a more rounded design than what I posted before.

    I'm obviously a complete newbie at the spaceship design thing :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    a very interesting point. Ori weapons were all energy based like asgard jaffa etc, obviously more powerful than those we'd seen previously but still energy weapons had always proven quite ineffective against the replicators. Course we don't really know how good the Ori followers were with science (if we went by the science vs religion debate we have now it might be that the Ori didn't want their followers experimenting like that)...they may never have come up with anything like the anti-replicator weapons the SGC developed.

    I always thought that Ori themselves gave blueprints or something to Priors.

    Replicator had what I called Borg paradox. They are both unusually vulnerable to kinetic damage, but they are both almost invulnerable to energy attack. Made me ask why is it and if shield technology is really more vulnerable to kinetic attack, why neither Goa'uld and Asgard doesn't had coilgun or railgun weapons...
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Finally gotten around to doing an attempt at the cannons on the 308. these won't be the final design though the basic shape of the cannon will stay the same, only the greebles will be changed (Namely the removal of a few of the pipes surronding the cannon mouth)

    Obviously i've also been Panelling the thing as well:lol:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    dr lee that ship reminds me of a pirate ship and i think this is your nicest ship yet good work keep it up:)
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    dr lee that ship reminds me of a pirate ship and i think this is your nicest ship yet good work keep it up

    :lol: Thanks....

    I've changed the guns since then... (The red is unfinished panelling b4 you wonder)

    I've also found a few good Weapon meshes out there for the Weapons locker.

    Annoyingly when i put the locker and guns into the 'GateJumper it won't render the image. It tells me that i don't have enough memory to render the raytrace that the shotguns have.:mad:
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I am not sure about the "cannons" facing outward. It means you have to aim the entire side of your vessel(The largest profile) at your enemy, giving them the biggest possible target in the process(Unless they are missile emplacements).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I idn't have much to do this evening and it was the first real opportunity to do some more modelling in a week or so and I decided to do some greebling on my 305




    I haven't finished layering the unpainted areas of the hull and I painited areas with finished greebling, or at least finished for now, I may decide I don't like it later. The paint helps give a feel for how the final piece will look in a uniform colour
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    mrcead wrote: »
    Thanx for the warm reception guys and I'm glad you like my ship. It is supposed to have hyperspace capability (at least the inter-interstellar type due to its size) one main pulse cannon in the nose that can also be used to fire a sustained beam (like the O'Niell class ships). The hard points on the wings are really shield emitters that are supposed to glow when the ship is operational (you can see them on the O'Niell class ships but I don't recall ever seeing them shoot anything, so for now until I get corrected, they're just decorative shield emitters lol). The ship is as wide as a death glider but its nose is way longer. I like your idea of rougue Asgard downloading their consciousnesses into android bodies. The one in my story gets his consciousness downloads his into the ship's computer by the base's Tok'ra doctor because his body failed before completing the small battle cruiser (pics below). I also like your ship design because in the Stargate Wiki it theorizes that the Beliskner class ships were the in the tales of many Jaffa legends and therefore would date the design over a thousand years old or so. Your design shows attention to that fact, nice!

    The Carter class fighters (named after Carter for her ingenuity and guts) are intended to fit in any ship that could hold them. They have minimal shielding but not sure how strong just yet. I am waiting to see how the Ori fighters are in combat. You beam in and out of the cockpit and it has a large capacity transport buffer like a wraith dart since it only has room for 2 and a small cargo hold. I didn't want to make it too powerful or give it too much stuff but the last cool trick it has is the use of Merlin's phase shifting ability as a cloaking device because there are only supposed to be 4 or 5 of these ships with no intention of there being anymore built and their purpose is covert, seek and destroy type missions.

    In my project, the team that pilots these ships have an implant that helps them to control the ship (much like how the Ancient gene is required to fly Alteran tech and Wraith dna to fly Wraith tech - at least the wraith cruisers) because it requires a great deal of mind control to interface with all the systems correctly (I rarely see Asgards pushing buttons and that hand stone doesn't have a mouse wheel, lol). I am trying to keep the Norse hammer design as much as possible because they say the Asgard keep this symbol in high regard. I have a small battle cruiser design (somewhat smaller than the Daedalus class with only one launch bay and for some reason I was compelled to give it transport rings to intercept a ring transport beam or interface with Go'auld /Ancient /Ori tech) but its not completed as yet. Here are some pictures of the small battle cruiser and more of the Carter class fighters.

    Thanks! The ship is about 10000 years old. :o

    What program did you say would were making your ships with? They're very cool, especially the fighter.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    Bar wrote: »
    I am not sure about the "cannons" facing outward. It means you have to aim the entire side of your vessel(The largest profile) at your enemy, giving them the biggest possible target in the process(Unless they are missile emplacements).
    well i think it would be cool, just like a pirate ship exept bigger and with shields lol
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Does anyone have any good 302 pictures or know where I can find some? I'm making a new fighter and I'm trying to make it similar to the 302.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Does anyone have any good 302 pictures or know where I can find some? I'm making a new fighter and I'm trying to make it similar to the 302.

    Coming right up.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Coming right up.

    Thanks. I've been using some blurry ol' screencaps from stargate caps, and this is what I have so far.

  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Hope these help. They're the best that I have. I couldn't really find anything that is better.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Hope these help. They're the best that I have. I couldn't really find anything that is better.

    Yeah, those will work. Thanks.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, unless I decide to model a cockpit or add some good missiles, I'd say this is about 95% done.


    I'm not exactly the smartest person when it comes to tech stuff though, so I have a question. What kind of engines should it have? I figure 3 ion engines is the best thing I could give it, but I'm not sure.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    looking good, I agree that it looks pretty much finished

    also, I think we need to celebrate when we reach page 304, just because it's so stargatey
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ZakeD wrote: »
    Well, unless I decide to model a cockpit or add some good missiles, I'd say this is about 95% done.

    I'm not exactly the smartest person when it comes to tech stuff though, so I have a question. What kind of engines should it have? I figure 3 ion engines is the best thing I could give it, but I'm not sure.

    I don't think the F-302's have ion engines. I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, that they use aerospike engines, jet engines and the rocket booster. I think it's a bit silly to have those 3 types of engines to be honest. I say, save the weight and just go with the aerospike engines. (On the F-302) Maybe even adding a third aerospike engine inplace of the rocket booster.

    For your model, I'd go with 4 aerospike engines. Two really small ones for "cruising" at modest speeds and two large ones for running like a bat outta hell. This would make it more fuel efficient if it didn't need to use big engines all the time. This way, all 4 engines would use a common fuel, and would save a little weight by not having the rocket motor and the jet engines which either don't last long or are useless in space. It's what I did for my Warthog fighter model. If they did that for the F-302, I'd bet it could free up some space internally for some extra missles. And that is something the F-302 sorely needs.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    The 302 needs a rocket booster to attain orbit.
    Without it, the 302 is simpy an inter-atmospheric fighter plane.
    Even though the 302 contains a lot of alien tech, it cannot break the laws of physics, so it needs a lot of thrust to escape the gravitational pull of a planet.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, did a bunch of research on aerospike engines. Basically, they are rocket motors that utilize the air on one side and the rocket nozzle on the other side to direct thrust instead of a bell shaped nozzle that encircles the entire thrust exit point. So, the F-302 actually has 2 sets of rocket engines. The aerospike engines are just the "efficient" rocket motors. Bah, that just ruins it for me. I don't like that big booster sitting in the middle of the F-302, looks out of place if you ask me. So, maybe it does need the rocket booster to get to orbit.

    I find some of this stuff fascinating. I've heard about the Ion engine used to propel that one probe, and after looking for it's name, found out that ion engines have been used for years. SERT was the first one in the 1970's. Anyways, since Ion engines have a high thrust velocity, but a low thrust volume, and a chemical rocket has a low/moderate thrust velocity but a high thrut volume, could they somehow be combined to make an extremely powerful motor? I found out that, even a candle can have a small amount of ionized gas. If I am correct, this is caused by electrons gaining energy via the exothermic reaction of the oxidation (burning) of the candle wax. It just doesn't have much. Basically, I am asking, I think, could you use a chemical rocket to heat a substance to the gaseous state and then have a microwave tuned to the frequency of the electrons of the gas where it will impart energy to said electrons thereby ionizing the gas and then use a magnetic field to further accelerate the now ionized gas? You'd end up with a large volume of thrust of a chemical rocket, and the high thrust velocity of an ion engine. Basically, an ion engine is to a chemical rocket as a drinking straw with 3000psi pressure is to a 6 inch pipe with 10 psi pressure. So, is it possible to get the two working together like that?

    Holy cow fritters, did I just say all that techno-babble?!!!

    Ok, back to where I started. If you go with the exact current technology levels, it very well made need that rocket booster, or otherwise it might end up being as Bar said, just an interatmospheric fighter. Maybe the Asgard database has info we can use to make a new engine or atleast a way to vastly improve ones that we already have. Either way, the choise is yours.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote:
    Ok, back to where I started. If you go with the exact current technology levels, it very well made need that rocket booster, or otherwise it might end up being as Bar said, just an interatmospheric fighter. Maybe the Asgard database has info we can use to make a new engine or atleast a way to vastly improve ones that we already have. Either way, the choise is yours.

    So you think it would look better like this after the Asgard tech is fully understood?:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, this fighter is supposed to be from about 30 years in the future. I just didn't know if ion engines would work.
This discussion has been closed.